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Princess POV

Standing before my father I took in the news he was going to have me married off to that ruthless asshole that had no business ruling our kingdom. The only thing I could do is nod if I spoke up against this horrible feat I would be in serious trouble.

My heart was adventurous and needed to be set free. A hard pull told me my life was meant to be more than just a greedy pigs queen that wanted nothing more than to make our kingdom as miserable as his own. If I left then there would be no treaty and I would leave a letter for my father to read.

Once my father finished talking to me he nodded his head in dismissal freeing me from further torcher. Heading to my room I began packing a few things that meant more to me than anything. Along with a blanket and a couple of extra clothes. Placing the pack under my bed I acted asleep as my mother and father bid me good night before retiring themselves.

Quickly standing up I grabbed my pack and headed towards the kitchen. Grabbing a package of dried meats and a loaf of bread. Sneaking out of the castle I head for the stables to my surprise my horse was already saddled and ready to go. The stable boy was no where to be seen and yet I knew he had done this for me.

Tying my pack to my horses saddle I quickly mount my gorgeous white horse. Suddenly loud crack of lightning scattered across the sky. My horse pawed at the ground nervously with her ears pinned against her skull. Giving her a light nudge we head out of the kingdoms gates and into the wild forests of our kingdom.

We traveled for many miles the storm never letting up. The booming thunder making my horse worse by the minute. When a lightning struck a tree close by the horse bolted leaving me sitting on the muddy ground on the road.

Cursing and half blinded by the mud and pounding rain. I meandered from the road and into the depths of the dense forest.

Little did I know that I was being hunted until I heard a growl behind me. Taking off running through the trees. The branches cutting my face and shoulders.

Hearing a roar of rushing water I ran towards the water. Suddenly I hear the whimpers of the wolves. Stopping I look back to see that they had stopped and was pacing back and forth. Like there was some unknown barrier keeping them from coming any closer.

Turning I continue my path following the water. Until I came to a huge dark cave entrance. I honestly was afraid to walk in not knowing what might dwell within. But my need to get out of the storm over came the fear of what dwelled within.

Walking in just far enough to get out of the rain. I settle for laying down against the wall. Trying to get comfortable with soaking wet clothes.

Hell Hound POV

The wolves were restless, the prey unsettled due to the storm. They prowled the territory; their fur raised along their shoulders and snapped their teeth at one another with anxiety. They had picked up on the trail of a girl, her scent strong due to the recency that she had passed through. It sent them on the move, their lithe bodies moving through the trees. Little did they know that they had been being stalked; hunters turned into the hunted. Only when the harsh musk hit their sensitive noses, throwing them off the hunt, that they stopped with several whines of fear and frustration.

They had ventured too close, they needed to leave, she wasn't worth the risk.

But as they turned back, they were faced with the shadow that had been following their every move. Glowing eyes moved, only the flash of lightening followed by the crack of thunder illuminated it's shape. The beast was massive in size, towering above even their biggest member as if they were no more than a mouse.

Screams filled the air, one unlucky member not quick enough to get away. No one came to his aid, using the distraction of their fallen member to escape. Blood spilled, mixing with the rain and coating the ground with crimson. Only after it's kill had been ripped apart, fur and flesh mangled beyond recognition that the creature became disinterested. Rather, it stepped away, following the scent now that the wolves had been tracking.

As he came to his home, he paused just outside the cave entrance. The scent was so strong, clearly she had taken shelter within which caused a growl to emit from his chest. Prowling deeper inside, he spotted her right away resting against the wall. Another growl escaped him, this one louder and reflecting that of a nightmare.

When the lightening flashed again, lighting up the inside of the cave, his muzzle was just before her face. Fur and flesh had long since fallen away, leaving only fangs and ivory bone for his head and one mangled ear. Where his eyes had been was just a glowing red essence and the fur that still clung to his body was torn and rotting away exposing jutted ribs, a hip bone and parts of bone along his legs. Blood from the wolf he killed dripped with the rain water from his jaws, the red liquid coating his face and chest and gleaming with its freshness. Parting his jaws, he let out another threatening growl.

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