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Princess POV

Truly terrified now when she heard the wolf cry out in pain. She clutched her knees tightly in hopes of remaining unscene by the creature that made the strange terrifying growl. She knew of course that if the wolves were scared to approach it's dwelling that it had to be horrible.

Lighting lit up the cave and her eyes happened upon a creature that smelled of rotting flesh and bone. She muffled a scream though she knew her chances of making it through the night were slim.

It's red glowing eyes seemed to pierce her soul. Her trembling form probably noticable to the creature as silent tears of fear dripped down her face. The smell of blood hit her senses as he neared.

Another flash of lightning lit up the cave revealing him a meer breath away. She dare not scream as to provoke it. She only looked into it eyes before turning away accepting that she was going to die. The terrible growl that rumbled within it chest sent her already racing heart hammering impossibly harder.

Barely able to speak she finally managed to mumble, "Please just make it quick?" Her words full of fear. The smell of the wolves blood making her sick to her stomach. Along with the smell of rotting flesh that barely clung to his thin frame. Though he seemed visually unable to fight she knew he wasn't from this world. The ora he put off wreaked of power and strength.

Hounds POV

The smell of her fear was delicious, filling him with satisfaction. It seemed to fill every crevice of the cave, drowning out any other scent including the dead wolf outside. As she turned her head away, the creature parted it's jaws, death only seconds away when she spoke. The voice, the sound, it was strange to his senses. The creature had not heard anyone speak for quite some time. Another nasty growl erupted from him as he inched impossible closer to look her over. Deciding he wouldn't rip the life from her just yet, willing to enjoy the smell of her fear a while longer, he took a few steps away before laying down. Resting his head upon the stone, the glowing red that was his eyes flickered out as if he were to sleep now that the night was fading away for day.

Princess POV

She curled up in a fetal position her body racked with fear to the point of full body trembling. Had she not left her kingdom she wouldn't be in this mess. She knew not why he didn't kill her perhaps it was because daylight was dawning and he was a creature of the night. Yet she didn't want to run if this was her fate it couldn't be worse than living with the mess of a man her father had picked for her to marry. In her mind without her there would be no peace treaty and her people would be safe.

Looking at the monster that laid close to her she took in his frame as he slept. He looked like a corpse laying there. Knowing better than to believe that as it had been awake only moments ago. She was terrified to try to move afraid he might jump back up and end her. She laid her head down on her arm trying to go to sleep.

Hounds POV

The beast did not move; the red never reappeared in the holes that made his eye sockets. As the sun came and went, the figure that looked like nothing more than a rotting corpse never moved. Only as the sun sat, darkness washing over them again, did the red appear. It was dim at first, but the more the moon rose the stronger it got. Raising its head finally, he could still breath in her fear scent and saw her laying where she had been when he had fallen asleep. Raising himself up, he stalked over to the female and prowled around her, his nails clicking on the stone as his half furred tail lashed. With a low growl he snapped his jaws at her, the snap loud and cracking before he lunged away and disappeared outside the cave through the waterfall.

Princess POV

She watched as the beast rose from his slumber. Seeing the red reappear in his sunken eye sockets. Fear overcame her once again as he stocked closer to her. Only closing her eyes when he snapped at her. She opened her eyes when no pain came the sound of his snapping still echoing in her head. Looking around the cave for her company she didn't see him. Standing up she stretched out her muscles that had grown stiff from sitting on the ground for so long. She dared to walk over to the falling water. Gathering water in her hands she took in a drink and washed up a bit. Her skin was covered in caked dry mud. Her stomach rumbles with hunger she was terrified to leave the cave to look for food though.

Hounds POV

Once outside the cave, the beast didn't even bother to shake away the water. He stalked over, his claws scoring the soft forest floor and only pausing where the wolf blood and fur stained the ground. Lowering his head, he rubbed his muzzle along the ground to replace the blood that had dried away on his face during the night. Lifting himself up then, he pushed off into a run as his bones flashed beneath the moonlight. Around the border he went, but the wolves had long since left. Good, they did not belong. Most of the night was spent when he prowled back towards the cave. Pausing just outside, he listened for her inside before he lunged through the water. Landing inside, water rolled down his form and he spotted her instantly. A low growl escaped him as he again approached her. Lashing out a front paw, he slammed it against her chest to pin her on the ground upon her back. The weight of the paw would make it hard to breath, his claws digging at her flesh as he leaned closer and brushed his muzzle along her face.

Princess POV

He took her by surprise when he blasted through the water. Trying to scramble backwards only to be pinned against the hard surface of the cave. Her breath stolen from her from the weight of his massive paw. Tears rolled from her eyes as pain from his claws ripping into her soft chest. His breath was horrible as he rubbed his bloody muzzle across her face. "Please just kill me it would be faster than starvation." She pleads her eyes closed her head turned to the side. She didn't figure it would ever let her leave to find food for herself and probably wouldn't burden itself to get it for her.

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