Growing Use to Him

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The smell of her fear was still just as delicious as it was the first time and despite her pleas, he only leaned closer and rubbed his muzzle against her again. Only.... something made him jerk away, his head whipping around to starve towards the waterfall. Removing his paw from her, he waited a moment before turning back to the woman. Without warning he snatched her leg into his jaws, lifting her up from the ground which caused his teeth to tear into her flesh. Carrying her outside, he dropped her on the soft forest floor and without another trace disappeared into the shadows just as a human's voice echoed among the trees, calling her name.


She cringed again as he rubbed her face with his corpse like muzzle. Yelping with surprise as he bit into her leg and drug her outside. Surprising her when he dropped her outside the cave. Only to vanish into the shadows. Her head rose up from her thoughts when she heard someone call her name. Her eyes wide with realization knowing her father was looking for her. No she didn't want to go back she'd rather stay with corpse wolf than go back. Stumbling back she didn't call out to him. Standing up she scrabbled back towards the cave. Dipping back under the waterfall and into the furthest reaches of the cave. She didn't care that she was once again within the beast lair she didn't want to be married to that horrible abusive husband her father had picked out for her.


She did not go along with his plans; she was supposed to cry. To call out to the safety of another human voice. Instead he watched with annoyance as she crawled back to his home. Nevertheless, he didnt need her as bait. Getting up, he followed the voice instead of the man coming to them. When he finally found him, he wasn't alone. As the dawn light was breaking over the horizon, the forest was filled with screams of terror and death. Just before the sun had fully risen, he carried back the man who had been calling his name. He was missing one leg and half an arm, his body mauled but somehow still alive. The beast dropped the man next to the woman before he went over and laid down by the water just as his eyes flickered out.


Looking down at the dying man a smile appears on her face. "You tyrant got what was coming to you." She chuckled darkly. The man was the one who she was to be married too. She looked over to the corpse wolf and smiled. "You may not have intended for this to happen but thank you." She still didn't want to go back home. She wanted adventure. Standing up she grabbed the mans good wrist and drug his now lifeless body out of the cave. She didn't want it to litter his cave. While she was outside she gathered some fruit and nuts to eat. Filling her empty stomach with them. She saw many fish in the stream and now that it began to grow dark outside she returned to the cave.


When darkness settled and life again returned to the beast, what lay in wait for him he had not expected. Raising his head, he could smell fresh scents on her rather than fear and the bleeding man was no longer in the cave. Raising up onto his paws, he prowled over where the woman was, the smell of food on her where she had ventured out to eat but had returned? It confused him greatly, a growl of annoyance escaping him. She had not run, he had not needed to hunt her, nor had she seemed fearful anymore. Why? Nothing of this female was typical.


This time when he awoke she didn't cower from him. She had been in fact working on a fishing pole for catching the fish that lived in the creek. When he walked up to smell of her she only submitted to him. Allowing him to take in the information he needed. "Thank you for killing that man. He was the one I was to marry. He was a tyrant always killing and ruling with brutality." She spoke finishing up on the pole. She sat it down beside her and looked up at him. She didn't know why but she was beginning to get use to his smell and he wasn't scary to her anymore. She figured if he wanted to kill her he would've done it already.


As the woman spoke he just watched her, his head only tilting to follow the pole as she sat it down before looking at her face again. The beast prowled around her, tail lashing as it did before he reached over and used his muzzle to give her a hard shove towards the entrance of the cave. He snapped his jaws, giving a threatening growl as he clearly wanted her outside. The beast was impatient, giving her a few more hard shoves along the way.


She followed his shoving wondering if he wanted her to leave. She stumbled a bit with each shove until she stood outside passed the waterfalls. Looking back him waiting for him to just show her what he wanted. He kinda left small bruises on her each time he shoved her yet she didn't cry out. "What do you want me to do wolf?" She asked curiously.


Once she was outside, the beast stalked past her and splashed into the river. He did it without much care, but after standing only a few seconds he shoved his head under the water and came back out with a fish. Stalking out of the water drenched, he dropped the flopping fish at her feet. With a snarl he stalked passed her, laying down on the gravelly water's edge a few feet away as his gaze swept around them to make sure nothing else was lurking. The stench of rotting human would be attracting other predators soon.

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