Chapter 51

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Happy reading📖😘❤!

Kavin's POV!

The look now which kannamma is giving me is enough to bury me alive. And this side Nivi, she didn't think about leaving me from her hug.

God! What should I do now?😷 The biggest enemy in the world to me is my mouth only!!! Can't I shut or control it from saying the proposal list to kannamma??

I poured sand on my head by myself😷😞!

I came to reality when nivi started shaking me.

Where have you gone da? To our olden days ah??? She asked excitedly with a teasing smile.

We both turned with the throat clearing sound of Kannamma. Nivi smiled at Kannamma brightly in which she returned an awkward smile.

Nivi asked us to wait for a second pressing the intercom. Within minutes, someone came. She asked him to take juices for three of us and also said that she's going to take break for half an hour so she asked not to disturb her. He nodded and left. And within minutes, he came with juices.

What's this da? You didn't even introduce your wife to me! She asked with a pout while sipping the juice.

Oops I forgot.. Sh.. I was cut off by Kannamma.

Yes sometimes Even he forgot that he's married.. Such a halfwit he is. She said through a gritted teeth.

Haha..😂 Sure he is! I agree.. Saying this, nivi laughed. But kannamma just smiled.

Nivi.. This is Kannamma.. My wife! And kannamma, this is Nivetha.. My school friend. I introduced them to each other.

Nice to meet you Nivetha! Kannamma said with a smile.

What's with this formality? Come on! You're my Kavin's wife so you're like my sister.. Come give me a hug.. Nivi said exitedly in which kannamma awkwardly smiled while coughing as drink choked in her throat and hugged her after giving me a deadly glare.

I know the meaning of the glare.. 'My Kavin'.. I'm going to die soon by my love's hand..😥

They parted and Nivi sat in her chair.

So tell me something about your life Kavin! When you married and what are you doing? Nivi asked excitedly.

Everything is going good nivi! (ofcourse everything is going fine with my love until I see you). I'm a civil engineer and now running a small constructions business. And marriage, I and kannamma got married a month ago. I said with a smile seeing kannamma.

That's great! So tell me.. Is it love marriage or arranged? I'm sure it's arranged marriage ryt? She asked me. I shook my head.

It's love plus arranged plus sudden plus confused and complicated marriage. I said with a chuckle. Nivi looked at me confused.

I didn't get you.. She asked me perplexed.

It's a long story nivi. I'll tell you some other day! Now tell me, how have you been? Any love? I asked curiously.

I'm more than fine! See I became a doctor like I promised you but you got married without even telling me. You broke your promise! She said with a pout. I widened my eyes understanding the meaning behind her words. Kannamma gave us a confused look.

What promise? Kannamma asked. Nivi gave me a teasing smile. I pleaded her not to tell. She smirked.

That? Your husband promised me that he'll marry me if I become a doctor. I worked hard to become a doctor only for him. But see, he already married you! Hmm.. By any chance, are you a doctor kannamma? Nivi asked sending me a naughty smirk. Kannamma snapped at me with widened eyes.

Is it so kavin? Kannamma asked me as sweet as she could but I know her better what's behind that smile. I shook my head in all direction not knowing what to answer her now.

I mean it's true that I promised like that to nivi when she proposed me but that was only because to save her from distraction and to make her concentrate on studies.

Nivi chuckled seeing my helpless condition.

Just kidding kanns! He just said that to divert me from him to studies. That's it. May be I didn't understand this that time but now, I can. By the way, thanks kavin! For making me a doctor! Because of you only I joined medical course. I just want to be a doctor then, so I applied whatever course giving me the prefix DR. That's how I joined siddha. Nivi said with genuine smile. Kannamma relaxed little.

So how about uncle and aunty? I asked trying to divert the topic.

Appa passed away in accident when I was studying my third year. Amma became more reserved after that. But with my uncle's family help and support, I completed my studies. Now she is okay but obviously not like before. She said and her eyes welled up.

Hey.. It's okay.. I'm sorry nivi. Please don't cry. I said. She wiped her tears immediately.

It's okay. Now your appa surely will be proud of you and blessing you from heaven. He'll be always with you. Kannamma said giving her kerchief. She smiled little.

So Nivi! When are you going to invite us for your marriage? And why didn't get married till now? I asked trying to change the topic and her dull mood.

How can I marry when I'm waiting for you? I was waiting for you to come and marry me one day like you promised me! But no! See you come to my hospital along with your wife! Then how can I? Nivi asked with a playful smirk.

This girl!!! She's going to be the reason for my death! Don't worry nivi! I'll write 16 pages letter mentioning your name in each page as you're the reason for my death before dying by my wife's hands😈!

I asked that to cheer her up but she's enjoying by trapping me! What a great friend!!!!

Wh.. What are you talking nivi? I asked with widened eyes disbelieving. She laughed hardly seeing my reaction. Kannamma just looked at us both alternatively like we both are gone mad.

I'm just kidding da! But see your face!! It's worth watching😂🤣. And don't worry you too kanns! It's just my act.

And about the real reason why I didn't marry is I don't have time to love and marry someone. After appa's death, I and amma struggled a lot but fortunately with uncle's help, I became a doctor now. My uncle gave us financial support whereas his son Vishal gave me moral support. He is the one whom I shared my sorrows.

But the fee they paid and the expenses they spent on us feels like a debt for me. Though he didn't say anything and looked me as his daughter, I worked hard to pay him back and coming to this position. That's why I didn't have time to marry and love. But now my amma and uncle is nagging me to marry. But I'm in no mind for it till now. She said.

She faced so many things at such a young age. Poor girl!

Soon you'll find your prince charming! Kannamma said with a smile.

Is it so? Let's see!😉 she said with a wink.

How's your uncle? Send my regards to him and amma! I said. She smiled.

He's fine and living just next to us. He had two sons. One is married and settled and abroad and other one is the one who working with your friend. Vishal. I said na.. He's my best friend who helped and cheered me up whenever I felt low. She said.

Hey! Don't you know.. That friend is none other than Kathir!! I said. She looked at me excitedly.

Wow! Is it? That's great! Is he changed or still that flirty flirty Kathir? She asked with a laugh. I and kannamma chuckled.

He didn't change even a bit! I said. She nodded knowingly with a chuckle.

If he see you now, he'll surely flirt with you! He never leaves a single chance to flirt with a beautiful girl! I said.

So this means, am I beautiful? She asked with a blushy smile.

What's this nivi? Is that even a question? You're so beauti... I closed my stupid mouth before blabber further. I slowly looked at kannamma. She's fisting her shawl tightly but maintaining a smile on her face.

When I looked at her, she snapped at me with a glare and turned immediately with a smile.

Kavin! You and your stupid mouth😖! There'll be no more food for me in my home! Ha.. Why I'm worrying about food when I'll be no more to enjoy it!

Uhmm.. Nivi.. Did you see the reports? I asked the question which is the only way to divert them both.

Hmm.. Let me see it! And did you brought your previous reports? She said giving us a serious expression indicating the discussion of actual problem. I nodded and gave her the reports.

Kannamma became nervous and started biting her nails. I placed my hand over her hand squeezing it which is placed on her lap. She looked at me with worried eyes. I blinked my eyes once gesturing everything will be ok. She relaxed little but not totally.

Nivi looked over every reports keenly and concentrating without any expression.

So what the previous doctor said? Can you tell me? She asked finally closing all the reports.

That.. The doctor said that I had PCOS so I don't have much chance to get pregnant in future. And also it can't be cured but treated. And if untreated, it'll cause serious problems other than infertility. Kannamma said with much difficulty. Nivi sighed.

This is why sometimes I hate doctors! Doctors are meant to give positive energy and hope for others to live, not destroying the hope which they already had for live! Seriously! Why can't they think before talking like this bullshit!!!  Nivi said frustratingly.

Kannamma! Kavin! You both listen carefully okay? First of all, she didn't have PCOS but PCOD.. And it's very very common now! Even PCOS is also common now a days. It's not a fatal disease. Yes, it may cause infertility but still there are so many possibilities to get pregnant.

About kannamma case, it's just PCOD. No need to worry about anything! She can get pregnant easily. But only after curing this. As I said, it's not a fatal disease, but not being get treated in ryt time will be danger even for cold also. Did you understand? She paused. We nodded.

The words she said gave me so much happiness. Kannamma smiled brightly after listening this. But on one side, I'm terribly annoyed. Because, for this simple problem.. She created a big mess. No not she, this is all because of that doctor whom Kannamma consulted before.

I fisted my palm into a ball thinking about how will I make them pay for it!!

So tell me.. Are You both planning for a baby now? She asked casually in which we both coughed immediately. She chuckled and handed the water to us.

I.. Hmm.. That.. We didn't.. We didn't planned yet. I stammered.

Then okay! I'll prescribe some medicines and some yoga. Just follow that and come after 1 month. She said with a smile.

What if we planned for baby suddenly? I mean now, should we not think... Before I could finish kannamma called me..

Kavin.. She said in a embarrassed and warning tone. She lowered her head with a blush and embarrassment. Nivi chuckled.

I mean, what's wrong in asking this. Shouldn't we be frank to doctors and lawyers? Nivi said if we didn't planned for babies then ok She'll prescribe. Then what about if we planned for babies?

No need to worry! You can plan! I just asked you to give some more medicines. If you planned means, just let me know so that I'll try to cure soon with more medicines. That's it. Nivi said with a professional smile.

Thank you so much nivi! You don't know what you and your words are meant for us today! Actually, she totally became broken and believed that she'll never get pregnant. For that, she even rejected my proposal you know. But god unite us together in a different situation. I said. She smiled heartily.

What? She rejected your proposal? Oh my god! If it were me, I would have asked Kavin to marry me then and there! You're so waste kanns.. Nivi said while giggling playfully.

Yes she wasted my one month to be with her because of that stupid doctor. I said thinking the days when I reached the stage to become complete zombie before our marriage. She glared me.

So now you can ask any doubts if you have any. Nivi said.

So can we get pregnant? Is it true? Are you sure? I trust you but I'm asking you again and again just because I don't want to get and give kavin any false hopes. Kannamma asked lowering her head. Nivi smiled.

Sure! You can get pregnant! But no one can give guarantee for anyone except god. Because I saw the cases in which the both didn't have any small problem yet they can't be pregnant but in some cases, even I too lost hope in them but they'll get pregnant soon. So just don't stress your mind and pray to god. Everything happens for a reason and the reason is for our good only!

Remember what we have is god's gift and what we don't have is god's blessing. So keep calm and be happy! She said. Kannamma looked at her with a smile and nodded.

Then she prescribed some medicine and chit chatted for sometime. We exchanged our numbers and she even took Kathir's number.

Then after sometime, She asked me to buy medicine till that she'll talk with kannamma. At first, I hesitated because I don't know what they'll talk if I leave them both alone. Already I'm in danger now. But I left without any choice.

It took exactly 15 minutes to buy the medicines. I went to her room soon. They both talked but stopped seeing me. They both shared a smile.

Nivi! Come to our home when you're free! Okay? Just msg me.. I'll come and pick you up! I said she smiled with a nod.

Shall we go kanns?  I asked. She nodded with a blank face.

Kavin! I want to tell you something. May I? Nivi asked.

Yes nivi. What's that? I asked confused.

If kannamma rejected you again, just come to me.. I'll marry you!😉 she said with a wink. I opened my mouth widening my eyes. She started laughing seeing my face. I glared her. She tried to suppress but all in vain.

Adipaavi, pora pokula en kudumbathula kummi adichitiye! Ne mattum divorce lawyer ah agiruntha.. Kandipa vara evanum divorce vangama poga mataan..

(This girl!! You did a great job before we go! If you became a divorce lawyer, then everyone who came will get divorce without any doubt!)

I looked at kannamma with a awkward smile. Without any second, I literally dragged her outside. She glared me deadly but didn't talk anything and so do I as I don't want to get killed by my wife in middle of the hospital or road.

So I slowly take the bike and hoped on. She too hoped on my bike while glaring me. I started the bike expecting she'll make a distance with me.

But instead of that, she sat so close than before and snaked her arms around my waist tightly. She didn't move a bit. I was disturbed by the proximity that I can't even focus on road.

It's not like I'm easily get distracted and weak. But it's my first time being so close with a girl in bike and that girl is my wife. I mean, she came with me in bike many time but not this much close and now she's literally hugging me.

Butterflies started flying and dancing inside my stomach making my heart beating fast.

Tell me! Which man will not get disturbed if a beautiful girl that too his wife is hugging him in bike for the first time?

Kannamma.. Can.. Can you please sit straight? I asked her parking my bike in a corner not able to tolerate. She frowned.

Why? Do you wish that so called nivi to sit here instead of me? She asked with a frown.

No.. No.. Not like that.. I can't concentrate on road. I said lowering my head scratching the crook of my neck. She blushed and didn't say anything.

Again we started and went to home. She kept a little distance. I missed the warmth immediately when she sit straight.

We both went to our room after having lunch with amma and appa. Amma and she became engrossed in their talks. So I decided to go to our room and it's the safest way now.

I checked some of my works and blue prints. I yawned stretching my arms. I closed my eyes for sometime. When I opened, it was already past 5.


I wait for her. I wonder that she even checked me once or not. I heard the door clicking sound and looked at the door only to see my wife with coffee cup.

The aroma instantly made my tired and sleepiness went away. I impatiently wait for her to give that cup to me. My jaw dropped when she casually sat and enjoyed the coffee. I pouted.

I thought that coffee was for me!🙁

She smirked seeing me from the corner of her eyes. I faked cough to get her attention. She snapped at me with the same deadly eyes and then looked at the cup like she's going to pour the hot coffee on me.

Kann.. Kannamma.. That.. Nivi is.. Nivi is not what you think.. The thing is she's not.. I stammered how to narrate the whole thing about my nivetha mam and this nivi.

Oh I thought she's your crush but as you saying, she's not like what I think means, she's more than crush for you isn't it? She said sarcastically. This is the first time, I'm seeing her like this extremely sassy and sarcastic after that bike incident!

No.. No kanns.. You misunderstood me. I said.

What I misunderstood? Is it what I misunderstood is that she is your frnd thing which you said? She asked glaring me.

No.. I mean she's not my crush. I said.

So she's not your crush but more than that ryt? She asked me. She placed the coffee cup in table and came towards me.

What she said? 'Your nivetha and my kavin'. Is she yours and you're hers means, then who am I here? And what that she's calling you with 'da' for each and every line! I accept this is common in frnds but what's the necessary to stress it for each and everything she saying? Is it show me that she's more close to you than me???? Tell meee!! I'm asking you only!!!!

She yelled coming forwards to me while I walk backwards till reach the wall.

That.. Kanns.. Nothing like you think.. She's just my friend and not even my crush.. Please believe me. I said.

But why you said that she's your crush that day? And why you hid that she proposed you? And why the hell you promised to marry her if she become a doctor haan? Tell me, is it really coincidence or you intentionally go to that hospital to see her? She's literally flirting with you and you're enjoying that too in front of your wife!! Wowww.. What a man! She exclaimed sarcastically. I became quiet.

Dei idiot! I'm asking you only! Answer me da dubukku! She yelled.

Da?? Dubukku? I asked widening my eyes.

Why? Is that she only have the right to call you with 'da'? Am I not allowed? You didn't get offended when she called you 'da'? Then why me? She asked glaring intensely.

Kannamma.. No.. You can call me whatever you want! And  Please listen to me d. Just for once. She's just my frnd. I promised like that only to make her concentrate in studies. Nothing more. You're the only love in my life!!! You're the first and last!! No one can enter into my heart other than you! You also know that! I said. She instantly relaxed. Again she snapped at me and glared me intensely. She caged me in her arms on wall.

If you dare to hug her or any other girl hereafter, then I'll not talk like this. I'll surely kill you. She said deadly.

What will you do without me? I asked with a pout.

Do you think that I'll leave you easily? I'll kill myself to disturb you in hell or heaven! You can't escape from me easily! She said seriously.

No kanns.. I'm sure it'll be heaven only. I said she looked at me with confusion.

If you're with me means, that'll sure be heaven😉 I said with a wink. She blushed immediately but again raised her head glaring me. I raised my brow.

So you're planning to hug her? That's why you're dreaming about killed by me and going to heaven.. Isn't it? She asked me.

Oh my god! How can she connect everything to nivi? Is it she is a crime police in previous birth?

Nooo!! When I have a beautiful wife with me, then why I have hug a random girl? I asked trying to pacify her.

Wait.. I remembered now that you praised about her beauty too isn't it? She asked narrowing her eyes.

God! This girl and her brain!!

Kanns.. It's just a normal common compliment! I didn't say intentionally! For me, you're the most beautiful girl in the world! I swear! Even miss world or miss universe can't be compared to you! Trust me! I said. She blushed.

Kannamma.. I lied about my crush. I just said about my nivetha mam who's the professor in my college. But this nivetha is my frnd and frnd alone nothing more! I didn't have a crush on her. Think if I have crush on her, then I would have accept her proposal ryt? But I didn't. She just teased me. I said calmly.

I know that she's just your frnd. And what a gentleman you are. But I'm so much disturbed about the crush thing. That's why I'm mad at you! She said lowering her eyes with a pout.

No! You're not mad but jealous and became my feisty wild cat!. I said with a chuckle.

That.. No.. I mean.. Yes.. No.. Athth.. Aththa is calling me.. She stammered trying to run. But I caught her and exchanged the position of ours. Now she's caged in my arms.

Just accept that you're jealous my dear wildcat. I asked with a teasing smirk. She raised her chin and looked into my eyes.

Yes! I'm possessive! I'm damn possessive about you! You are mine! ONLY MINE! And I don't want to share!!! I don't want to hide my possessiveness too. Because, I only have the right to be possessive about you!! You're my husba.. Before she could complete, i smashed my lips on hers. At that time, my mind just ordered me to do it.

When she said that she's possessive, I want to show her that I'm also possessive about her! She is mine and ONLY MINE!

She first freezed but slowly responded for my kiss closing her eyes. I encircled my arm around her waist and she encircled her arms around my neck. It was truly a heaven. We both parted in need of oxygen.

She blushed and so I. We both looked everywhere but each other. At that time, amma called her, and she ran immediately. I stood at the spot touching my lips still feeling the touch of lips.

Suddenly she came and pecked my cheeks and before I could register what happened, she already gone. I smiled foolishly.








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