Chapter 17 - Completeness.

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Is this asap enough, everyone?

Thank me lol😂

Between, thanks to all the sweet gems that motivates me to write and update more!

Enjoy Reading with lots of ❤️

Noah's POV:

Entering the Graham Restaurant, I found for the finest place to sit and I spotted the same location where I had my first date with Bella. Or, fake date with Bella?

There's where we kissed for first and her intoxicating lips were still remaining in my head. I shoved the moments away and walk up to the table.

While walking pass the tables I spotted the woman herself. Her hair was all flowy and recognisable, even though her back was at me. And, she was with him.

I feel like want to say a hello or hi but after I saw him there, I ignored about the stupid greetings and stomped passed them quickly. She didn't even notice as she was so engross with him. Who knows what things he is using against her.

If he ever tried anything like his brother, then blame her only.

God, damn it. Why do I have to come here at the first place?

Well, Mrs Andres needed rest somehow so I will gradually give her a day off, even though when she doesn't agree at first. My parents wasn't into this idea either as they want her to watch me 24/7.

Like, what I'm? A baby?

So, I gave her rest on weekends. She deserves more though and only I knew about how close she's to me. Even, my own mother couldn't win her.

As well as I'm very bad in the kitchen, I still tried something that only leads to another fire emergency and so, I quit. After the day onwards, I would have lunch outside on the weekend as I will skip the dinner and will make a simple breakfast. Most familiarly, I would hovered around this restaurant only because it's kind of near and provides tasteful dishes.

But, still I have this hate in here. All the hatred included, when that jerk of a waiter and the bloody guy who insulted Bella ruined our first date.

Mentioning about Bella, I was just in opposite of her and I evident all of features perfectly. She was smiling while fumbling with the spoon as her eyes were on the dish and my knuckles already in fist.

Who was he? How come they already going out after they first meet up? How come he make her smile instantly as I only made her cry at first.

Yet, she had to bring him here, at the same place where we had our dinner date. How dare she?

"Sir, can I hav-- " the waitress was asking but I quickly shoved her off.

"I'm not in the mood to eat anything now. Please just go. " I snapped at the waitress and she just nodded shakily while practically running away.

See, this is why. This is why I had to cave in a whole day from Bella. Because if I ever remember her, he would be in it too. As if now, she's right infront me and he is right infront her. While they were having their lovey dovey moment, I just scared away a woman.

Bella just simply changed me into a monster in a matter of seconds and that's what I hate it about her.

She kept me in circle.

To add on my agony, that same jerk of waiter was staring her as if he wanted to swallow her right there. My already angry self was in the level of consideration now about how to poke out those staring eyes. Then, the not real accident happens and I already knew that this guy was up to something.

Her stupid date, doesn't look like he notice that not so real accidental act but he just simply reacted by calling out her name as she was already walking to the washroom.

The smirky waiter apologized to that guy and walked away back.

I stood up instantly while following up his pace towards the hall way beside the counter. I knew that this jerk was expecting something worse for Bella and he didn't knew that the worse is about to happen for him.

I'm not going to let him alive.

The jerk disappeared into the female washroom and I swung open the door while I launched on him vigorously.

All my work out and sweats in gym are paying off right now as all my heavy punches made his face bloody in seconds. I could feel his jaw breaking and I'm satisfying myself with the wailing he did.

"N-Noah. " I heard a soft murmur from my right and I frowned.

Shit. She was right there, sobbing in fear and I was...I was about to break his jaw.

I released a heavy breath before letting him go because I don't want to scare her more. She's already trembling and I don't want her to worsen her more.

I stood up above him and roughly forced him to stand up while collaring his shirt. I dragged him out of the female washroom and dumped him onto the counter. He laid in the counter, motionlessly and I could hear sounds of gasp around me but I ignored.

"I don't want to see this bloody jerk here anymore. If you guys don't want me to mess up with your reputations, then fire him. " I yelled at the gawking woman at the counter and she disappeared to the room behind. She came out with a guy and it's seem like he is the manager here.

"Sir, we are sorry...but we won't repeat this. " the manager, apologized as he instructed two of the other waiter to drag away the jerk.

"Better...otherwise, don't think that I would left the restaurant like this. " I roared and he quickly nodded as he cued the other waiters to proceed their work.

I slammed my fist on the counter and leaned into it. Feeling my knuckles tearing up in a never ending pain while I ignore it. My teeth still gritting as I recalled the possibilities that might occur if I didn't show up. Of course, her stupid date won't know anything about this unless if she yelled up for help.

But, she didn't. She never did wail up for help and what if I'm not here?

Who would have saved her?

I turn myself to my left as I saw her figure standing there, while crying endlessly.

"Next time...shout. Shout for help or something. What if I never came here, Bella? " I asked sternly and she continuously sobbed.

It's so true when I say that I hate her tears. It's unnecessary right there but I understand her. She's just this sweetest and guileless girl that I ever met.

"Bella...please stop crying. " I comforted as I took a step closer to her. Her tears still flowing through that red cheeks.

I couldn't control myself so I acted upon my will. I slowly took my hands towards her cheeks and wiped those unleashed tears away. My big palms cupping her cheeks and bring up to my eye level.

Her red puffy eyes staring me while blinking consistently due to the tears and I sighed, taking in all of her details.

I was wordless to speak as I held her this close and we continue gazing each other.

"Bella, don't cry. I'm here. " The words came out unexpectedly and her eyes flashed in hopes while staring me without blinking.

Later instantly, she engulfed me in a tight hug as she buried her head under my neck. Her now silent sobs slowing as she breaths out while tightening her grip around me.

At the moment, I felt this oddest completeness while I took her in my arms. Mine holding her in place firmly as hers, gripping me in a never ending hug.

I wasn't complaining as I let us stay like this. Forgetting everything around us for some time.

My heart swelled and jumped in excitement and my screaming in pain knuckles weren't screaming anymore.

All I need now, was to take this moment more longer but it shattered as soon as I heard his voice.

"Bella...are you okay? " he questioned out of nowhere and Bella doesn't seem to bother him.

I continue to ignore him but he insisted to shake her as he stepped closer to her. My hand planted on the middle of his chest as I snarled dangerously.

It shook Bella out of control and she quickly pulled away from me, making myself shattering from the warmth that left me. Her cheeks tainted in pink as she looked me shyly.

My hand was still on his chest and he shoved my hand away.

"I'm sorry because I couldn't be there, Bella. " he announced as he spun her around while placing a peck on her forehead.

My body failed to calm down and I couldn't stand there any longer so I walked away. I don't want to see her to be in his arms, he is her date for today after all.

Who knows that what would they do next? I kicked my car's tyre as it alarmed loudly. I shut if off and got in the car.

The question is, why? Why do I feel like this only around her? I don't care about the place, surrounding, emotions or anything when it comes to her.

Bella's doing things to me and she's already spellbinding me with her images. Especially now, with that stupid Liam along.

Quick review; who expected a kiss at the middle? 👀

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