Chapter 16 - Revenge.

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Double Update!


Bella's POV:

Morning rays welcomed me and I woke up while hoping the day today to be good.

It's a Sunday morning and I'm all to myself. I quickly got up and cleaned my bed. After that, I went to the shower and later, make my way to my closet to change into some simple casual house clothes.

I'm not having any kind of meetings or going out today so it's a day that I could cook for myself. Every Sunday will be my free day as I could cook and eat myself without bothering anyone's opinion. Even Saturday, was kind of good too, except the events or functions like yesterday.

I was in my kitchen, cutting some vegetable to make a very special dish of mine and while cutting, I heard my handphone ringing.

I quickly went and fetched it as I saw the name flashing, Liam.

I hesitated a bit before answering the call.

"Morning, beautiful. How's the day? " he chimed in his cheery voice.

"Good. It's treating me pretty good. " I replied and he hummed. Then, he literally trailed something.

"So...." I was too caught up in that 'so' as I roughly anticipate the reason of it.

"....we are catching up today? " he questioned as he was confirming me the day and I shook my head to this childlike guy.

"Do we have to? " I asked back jokingly.

"We had to. " he finished in a serious tone and I gasped at the sudden serious tone.

"But, I'm already making my lunch so can we make it for dinner? " I said as I placed a pan on the stove.

" can I join? " he asked in excitement and my eyes nearly came out of it's hole.

Is he's really joking? I...I can't make him come over. We aren't even that close to have come over for lunch or dinner.

So, I quickly denied and accepted to meet him somewhere outside.

"No. I mean...can we meet somewhere outside? " I said quickly.

"Alright, at where? And, when? " he insisted and I was thinking of a place. But the thing is, I have never been went out like this so I'm kind of unfamiliar around the places to visit.

What if we start from the restaurant that Noah brought me to have our

"The Graham Restaurant. " I said, knowing that I could at least act like I knew everything in there.

"Ya, alright. But since I'm new here, I need the address. Will you please WhatsApp me the address?...or wait, give me yours first, I will just pick you up then we will go the restaurant together. " he chimed.

", it's okay. I-I will just send you the restaurant's address and I will be there...around 2? " I stuttered out of nervous as I denied to give him my address.

I'm not just ready to have him come over.

I don't know why but I feel like he is sincere about whatever he's trying to do now and I'm scared about it.

"Playing hard, aren't we? Alright, beautiful. Send me the address and we will have lunch together. " he eagerly said as he cheered excitedly.

How come a troublemaker like him became this sweet and nice?

Let's see how today goes. I sighed and switched off the stove.

Well, I don't get to cook for myself today either.

I was ready in my simple bohemian kind of dress as I left my hair in it's flow. I don't feel like dressing up much as it was my minimal look to go on today.

Yet, it cosy and comfortable with the hot weather now days.

I grabbed my handbag and keys to leave my apartment. I walked to the elevator and I was at the ground floor in seconds.

I made my way to my car and drove off to the restaurant.

I was at the the place in mere minutes and I walked in the restaurant, only to be saluted by Liam. Smiling like a kid at me. His eyes wandered top to bottom of myself and I uncomfortably shifted. I sat infront of him as I legs touched his a bit while settling in.

He chose this small and one on one table yet it's too tiny for me to be comfortable.

"You look fantastic. So, what would you like to order? " Liam complimented and questioned as I shrugged unknowingly. Well, I never came here for lunch that day and the menu list were so difference for lunch.

"Bella, aren't you familiar with the place here? " Liam asked as he noticed my sudden shut out.

" I had came here before...urmm...what if you order something from here? " I insisted purposely so that I could join him along because I'm seriously outgoing with the changes in the menu for lunch.

I was expecting the same dishes from that day and I chose here because I kind of felt comfortable eating here.

"Alright. " Liam said quickly as he glance over the menu and started to call for a waiter to order the food.

The waiter soon came up to us and I recognised that the waiter was the same guy who got collared that day.

His eyes were gawking at me and suddenly, his eyes averted around searching someone. When his eyes laid on Liam, he gave me a confuse look and it took me some good 2 minutes to remember what happened that day.

Oh my God. I just literally made a scene here and I'm again here with another guy. No wonder, the waiter gawking at me like that.

But, his taunted eyes were so sharp and focused while I wondered, how come Liam doesn't notice the waiter's ignorant towards him. I'm pretty uncomfortable under his burning gaze.

Liam doesn't wait any longer and started to order the food which I joined quickly, hinting him about this man. The waiter who I registered his name as Fred was eyeing me sensually. This was kind of the same look he gave me that day and at the time, he was already collared by Noah.

But, sitting here with Liam while having this waiter obviously ogling me was so inappropriate. The guy who called me out wasn't paying attention and catching hints either.

Later, Fred, the waiter left us with a smirk and I quickly gapped. Why in hell did he smirked like that?

The food arrived in minutes and we started to eat. I was again selfconscious as I started to fumble with my spoon whether to pretend to eat less or be normal.

I was debating but I found Liam not taking care about what am I facing now. It's like he doesn't care and it's enough if he's full.

I don't know why but I felt bad at him. He was so nice and sweet to me but maybe...I...I don't know what to say.

Involuntarily, my mind went to Noah on that day. I recalled about how he cared for me and even if he had handled it violently, he made me felt safe. It's not like I'm desperate for care but at least, he made me feel free around him.

I smiled unconsciously and I sighed, encouraging about why I should care about others. As if Noah, he made me feel free but Liam isn't Noah and I shouldn't expect Liam to be him too.

I'm not sure why my mind were on Noah now but I kind of feel my heart warms while picturing him.

After our last meet, he totally never contacted me. No greetings and messages. Even though, it's just a day but still it feels so distance.

"Bella, I was talking. " Liam said as he startled me from my unnecessary thoughts.

"Oh, sorry. I was kinda off. " I uttered awkwardly while putting my hair behind my ear.

"It's okay. I was just asking about your work and all. " he finished and I nodded.

All the way, eating I could felt a pair of eyes on me. I couldn't notice who's that but I mentally slapped myself for assuming someone else when I attempted to believe that the stare must be from the creepy waiter. I didn't stare around to catch the eye but I remained bowed to the food as I neglected the burning stare.

Soon, we were done with the food and of course, I ate it hesitatingly. Yet, luckily Liam doesn't tease about it and this guy clearly doesn't care about his surrounding.

We were about to leave but suddenly the same waiter guy run up to me as I was standing up from the chair.

The glass of drinks that smelled like an alcohol spilled all over my dress. He apologized but it wasn't sincere at all. I just ignored and walked away from him.

I went to the counter and asked for the direction to the washroom. The woman who's already smiling at me, directed me the way and I thanked her.

The hall way to the washroom was so quiet and lonely. I think no one passes by here but I don't cared about that. All I wanted now was to clean my dress, my luck was when I chose to wear this thin fabric that could dry off easily.

While I was cleaning, I heard sound of the main door opening and I was expecting a woman to show up but all my expectation broke when I saw that Fred, smirking up at me.

How dare he? I was trembling in fear as I clutched that dress in my fist.

Is he's revenging me for that day?

He took a step closer while evilly smirking at me.

"How dare he humiliated me that day? All for you, is it? Did he know that you are bitch who loves changing men? " he evilly spatted as he questioned me one by one while taking every steps closer.

My voice stuck under my throat as i shivered in fear. I couldn't scream or wail as I was trapped between him and the door.

In matter of seconds, the main door swung again and the next was this Fred being assaulted by Noah.


Noah's POV is right ahead➡️

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