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If you a female & fucked more than 9 niggas your pussy is dead. A cat only has 9 lives. Y'all hoes pussy in a pet cemetery.
-Joey Fatts [💀]

• Ride For My Niggaz •


Compton, CA.

I pulled up to my grandmas house in Compton finding a spot to park on the packed street. I got out walking to the backyard going in where I heard loud music playing. The backyard was filled with people eating, drinking, dancing and playing games like dice or dominoes. A typical hood barbecue. See the thing is this party is for my cousin, Marcel's birthday and to celebrate the fact he signed to Def Jam. I knew I wasn't welcome, but I got invited and I came anyway.

As soon as I stepped in I got greeted by some family members when Matika came over to me. I rolled my eyes thinking they're still together. She really took him back after all that. I don't even know why she's coming up to me right now though. "Joey, what are you doing here? You can't be here."

"And who are you to tell me I can't be at my own grandmothers house? Nobody. You ain't family, so you don't have the right. You're just a girlfriend, so unless my granny tells me to leave I'm not going anywhere," I said smacking my lips as my aunt came over to me handing me a beer. Call me jealous, but I haven't liked this chick since her and Marcel started dating. She changed him. That was obvious by the way he's been acting towards me and his once best friend, Char.

When she realized I wasn't leaving she stormed off as I began to talk to my Uncle Rodney. In the middle of our conversation Marcel walked up to me saying, "Did you not know who this get together was for? Otherwise you wouldn't be here."

I turned towards him saying, "I know it's for you."

"Did you come here to apologize? If not you gotta go, bruh."

"No," I said nonchalantly. Yeah, I did feel bad for setting him up. That was taking it a little too far, but I was mad. I've had too many people turn on me recently so I got a little paranoid. "I don't have to leave anywhere. This is my granny's house too. Unless she asks me to leave I'm not going anywhere."

"Granny!" He yelled looking around for her as I smacked my lips.

"Just like when we were kids. Always running to snitch," I said following behind Marcel.

He walked up to our grandma as I did too saying, "Granny, tell Joey he has to leave. I don't want him here."

"Granny, tell him I can stay." I argued back. Just like when we were kids. The first to go tell like a bitch. We both looked like some little ass kids whining to our grandmother, but your grandma has that effect on you. She can make a grown ass man revert back into a whiny, little kid tattletaling.

"One at a time...Why don't you want JoJo here? It's a family occasion, baby." She asked touching Marcel's shoulder then mine.

"Because I don't. Granny, you just gonna let him ruin my birthday with his presence?" Marcel pouted like a bitch.

"Just enjoy yourself, Selly. Whatever differences you have going on let it be today." He smacked his lips as I stuck my tongue out at him doing a satisfied laugh. I watched as he walked away towards Matika while I walked over to my Mom to talk to her.

When Marcel told everybody bye my Mom asked, "Why is he leaving?" I just shrugged my shoulders saying nothing. "He can't leave. This is for him. I'm gonna make him come back," she said walking away from me. I went inside of the house to look for Kaine where I found him in the living room playing video games with some of our other cousins his age.

Ever since I sent him to live with my Granny he's had resentment towards me. He just doesn't get I did this for him. I just want him to have a better life than me and do better than me. I'm not the one he should be mad at. He should be mad at his parents. Mostly our mother.

I said hey to him, but he just gave me a dry wassup back with his eyes glued to the tv screen. I went over to the window peaking out seeing my mother walk across the lawn as Marcel put things into the trunk of his car. I do miss my cousin, but as long as that broad is around, I'm good. How does a chick still get back with you knowing your cousin killed her brother and you knew? There's just something not right about that. I guess she realized Marcel was about to hit it big and get signed to a major label, so she came back around. She screams opportunist.

I watched as my mom stood across the street yelling things at him, but he was set on leaving. I stepped out of the house onto the front porch just watching. I turned my head to the right furrowing my brows when I saw a car coming down the narrow street slowly. Something wasn't right about this.

I jogged down the porch steps pulling my gun out of my waistband taking the safety off yelling, "Ma!" When the car slowed down my suspicions were confirmed as shots began to fire. I pushed my Mom back aiming then shooting until the car sped off with a screech. From what I could see I at least hit one of them. As my mother was screaming I ran across the street yelling, "Call 911!"

I opened the drivers side door that had a broken window pulling Marcel's body out seeing all of the blood. He was going in and out of consciousness as he looked up at me in a daze. "No, no, keep your eyes open," I said slapping his face as I held onto him. "I'm sorry, cuz." I said as tears formed in my eyes. I could hear people screaming as I just tried to make sure he kept his eyes open.

"Get off of him!" I could hear Matika yell. "This is your fault!" She yelled running around the car.

"What? I'm tryna help my cousin!" I yelled back looking up at her like she was crazy. How is this my fault? I was trying to help him.

"Move! Move!" She yelled as she pushed me out of the way. I stood up from the ground as she took my spot. "Baby, you gotta stay with me." Matika said as she held onto him. I just stood there frozen looking at my cousin laying there helpless as the blood puddle on his shirt got bigger and bigger. As I heard the sirens getting closer I watched as his eyes closed sending everyone into a panic.

When the ambulance came I moved back watching as they worked on him. "Fuck!" I yelled kicking some bodies mailbox. This whole time we haven't been speaking and beefing and for what? I could lose my cousin and we didn't even get back on good terms...

Later that Night...

After spending hours at the hospital I left going to Deja's house because it was closer than mine. When I got there I went to the side of the house knocking on her window. It's sad that we're grown and still have to sneak around like teenagers. She opened the window, so I climbed in. "Oh my God!" She said throwing a hand over her mouth seeing my blood stained clothes. "What happened?"

"Marcel got shot. Some niggas did a drive by," I said sighing as I sat on the bed burying my face into my hands.

"Is he okay?"

"I don't know. He's still in surgery. I'm so fucking stupid," I said shaking my head.

"It'll be okay. Just pray for him," Deja said sitting next to me on the bed rubbing my shoulder.

As I began to cry again she looked at me probably surprised. I rarely cry, let alone show emotions. Growing up in this environment death and people getting shot is nothing to us. It's an everyday thing until it's someone close to you. "First Lotty gets killed, then Dyme leaves me then Lido turned his back on me. I can't lose Marcel too. I fucked up, Dej. I'm a fucked up person, Dej."

"Why do you say that?" She asked sounding confused.

"That time Marcel got shot a minute ago I set him up. I was mad. I felt betrayed by him. One of his enemies came looking for him and I set it up for Marcel to meet up with him for 5 racks. For money, G. That wasn't worth it. That's my blood. My cousin. He's like my brother. That's why I've been drinking and going on like I have been. If he dies I don't know how the fuck I would live with myself. I don't have Jody or Joel anymore. I just had him and he's always had my back. He's always wanted nothing but the best for me and I set him up like that. I ain't shit."

Deja was trying to console me, but what can you say when someone reveals something like that. "You just need to apologize to him and ask for forgiveness. While you still have the chance...Make it right, Joey. I know you can." She rubbed my shoulder as I nodded my head then said, "You need to get out of these bloody clothes. C'mon."

. . .

After taking a shower and changing clothes I came out of the bathroom. Deja was laying in the bed watching tv. "Hey," I looked in the direction of the voice to see Indya sitting in the corner.

I just gave her a head nod turning to Deja saying, "I'm gonna go. I need to go back to the hospital and see if there's any progress. I'll call you later." I went over to her leaning down to kiss her. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Indya staring at us.

"Okay. Oh, I hope I'm not asking too much...Since you're going that way can you drop my sister off? I really need to sleep, I have an early shift at work in the morning." I looked at Deja then at Indya as she smiled. "Please?" Deja said making me look back at her.

"Fine. Come on," I said doing a hand motion as Indya got up.

"Thank you. You can go out of the front door. My mom's not here. I'll talk to you later. Everything will be okay," she said kissing me again before I left with her sister.

Once we got in my car I put the key in the ignition asking, "Where do you need me to drop you off at?"

"I'll tell you where to go," she said putting her seatbelt on. As I pulled off I turned some music on just so it wouldn't be awkwardly quiet. "It's kinda sad you can't even use the front door at our house."

"I guess, I'm used to it now. That's your Momma for you," I said nonchalantly paying attention to the road.

"It's right there. The brown house," she said pointing as I pulled over to the curb. "Thanks for the ride."

"No problem," I said waiting for her to get out.

"Joey?" I looked over at her to see her staring at me twirling one of her braids. I couldn't tell what kind of look it was.

"Hm?" I said looking away from her.

I could hear her lightly laugh then she said, "I know you got that picture I sent you."

"Yeah, and you need to cut that shit out. Your sister checks my phone. Also, because I'm your sisters boyfriend."

"You think I care about that..."

"You need to care. We fucked once and that's all that it was."

"You serious? I have feelings for you," she said making me look over at her.

"Feelings for me? Yo ass is crazy. We fucked once on the same night I met you. You didn't even know my real name until recently. You don't know me to have feelings for me. You're just saying that because I'm your sisters man. I don't know what kind of games you're playing, but I don't want to play."

"Don't be like that," she said touching my face but I moved away.

"Look, this is no disrespect...but ya pussy is tired. I know about 10 niggas who have fucked you. You're not the type for wifin'. If you think I'm gonna choose you over your sister or leave her for you, you're mistaken. If you think I'm going to jeopardize what I have with your sister, you're wrong again. Cut it out. Don't do your sister grimy like that." I reached over her pulling the passenger door handle saying, "Now can you please get out of my car?"

She looked at me rolling her eyes and when I didn't say anything else she stormed out of my car slamming the door behind her. I sighed putting my car in drive pulling off. I should get a pat on the back for that. If it was the old Joey I would've fucked her in my backseat with no questions asked.

Once I got to the hospital I waited in the lobby with the rest of my family members. After maybe an hour I watched as a doctor approached us. I lifted my head that was leaning on my mothers shoulder sitting up. "Is this the family of Marcellus Young?" The doctor asked as Marcel's mother said yes. "Okay, well he's out of surgery. We were able to get all of bullets out. We'll let a few people see him now." I sighed in relief then watched as his mother and Matika walked away.

I watched as people one by one went to see Marcel then come back. Next thing you know my Aunt Edna and mother were coming to the waiting room like a bat out of hell. "Getcho ass up!" My mom said loudly grabbing me by my ear beginning to drag me down the hell. "Why did I hear about you setting your own damn cousin up. Hm? You supposed to be a Crip, but you're pulling unloyal ass shit like that? You need yo ass beat, whipped and stomped!"

"Ah! Ma, can you chill?!" I said as she kept dragging my by my ear into Marcel's hospital room.

"I want you to apologize to your cousin. I didn't raise any bitches and all your actions scream bitch!" My mother spat pushing me forward. I stumbled on my feet, but caught myself.

"Look, I don't want some forced ass apology. Can you leave us alone to talk?" Marcel asked my mom and his mom.

I stood there when my Aunt Edna rolled up on me standing over me with no space between us. My Aunt Edna wasn't a small lady. She was about 5'9" and I was about 5'7". "I want a fair one in the parking lot," she said getting in my face.

"Hell yeah! Then tag me in," my mom said as her and my aunt exchanged a hand slap. They left the hospital room leaving me and Marcel alone.

I stood there awkwardly as Marcel looked at me. Finally I said, "Not even just because my mama said to do it, I wanna apologize. I did something stupid out of anger and now it went too far. Seeing you all shot up hurt me because you're the closest thing I have to a brother left. You always had my back, so I don't know why I thought you wouldn't when it came to a female. My dumb ass should've realized she was there instead of thinking you told her."

There was a long silence then he said, "I remember how my mama used to never let me go outside. She used to give me books and tell me to read all day. Even made my ass go to a Catholic school. I remember me and you not even being close because you lived on the east side and you were always running around with your older brother's. One day I told you I wanted to join 2N Crips and you got excited. Dragged me to the spot to get initiated in and everything," he said shaking his head chuckling.

I laughed a little too saying, "When I got jumped in they fucked me up. When you got jumped in you knocked the homies out. I knew you had heart ever since."

"Yeah, but you remember what you told me?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I told you I would always have your back. That your my brother. Whatever your beef is, it's my beef too."

"So what the fuck changed? When a nigga approaches you about me you're supposed to sock him in his mouth like you are me. You don't ever let an enemy get close. He could've killed me!"

"I know! I fucked up! I'm sorry. It's just- There ain't even an excuse. I'm just a fucked up person. I'm just so used to people trying to do me dirty that I'm paranoid like a muh fucker. All I can tell you is I'll find the people who did this to you and I'll handle it."

"Don't bother."

"What?" I asked looking at him confused.

"I said don't bother. What the fuck is finding them and shooting them going to do? All it's going to do is make people come after you then me again when they see I'm not dead. It's just creating a never ending cycle of revenge. Leave it alone."

"Alright, if you say so. I think I hit one of em yesterday at least. Again I'm sorry," I said extending my hand. I took it as he dapped me up then I left his hospital room. As long as he knows I'm sorry that's all that matters.

I walked down the hall back to the waiting room. "Y'all good?" My Aunt Edna asked as she approached me.

"Yeah, I apologized," I said scratching the back of my head.

"Good," she said and before I knew it she was punching me in the stomach.

I grunted in pain holding my stomach when my  mom patted my shoulder saying, "There, there, son. You're okay." I stood up straight only to be punched in the face by my mom. "Next time you want to set a mutha fucka up think twice about it, especially if it's your cousin. I held my nose as blood began to seep into my hand. I definitely deserved that.

Oakland, CA.

I grabbed cans from the packed cart putting them on the shelves. I was so ready to get off of work. I just wanted to sleep until it's time to wake up and go to work in the morning again. Sleep, go to work and the cycle repeats. "Dyamond, please come to the front of the store!" I heard over the store intercom. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering what that's about. I left the cart walking down the long aisle consisting of canned goods. I walked past the checkout lanes going towards the front.

"Outside," Star said pointing. I made a confused face but went out of the automatic doors shocked at what I saw. It was Shameik sitting on top of his truck. His truck had balloons tied to it and it had Take me back painted on it. I stood there awkwardly as people who were coming in out of the store were staring at me.

He hopped down from the truck doing a spin then coming over to me extending a bouquet of roses. "What are you doing? This is my job. You're going to get me fired!"

"Your manager knows. Now what do you say...Will you pleaseeee take me back?" He said putting his hands together fluttering his eyelashes with a cheesy smile on his face.

"No!" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"What about a date at least? One date and if you see I haven't changed I'll leave you alone. I promise, you'll never hear from me again."

I looked at him as he pleaded with his eyes. I've never seen someone try so hard to get back in my good graces. "Fine," I said hesitantly. "One date this Friday."

He lit up in a smile hugging me tightly as I just stood there. He gave me big kiss on my cheek then pulled away saying, "I promise you won't regret this. I'm going to make everything right."

He handed me the flowers and I grabbed them saying, "I need to get back to work."

"Okay, I'll text you. See you Friday," he said backing away from me. I watched as he jumped into the air doing a heel kick making me laugh. I shook my head going back into the store so I could get back to work. Hopefully I don't regret this.

Long Beach, CA.

"Deja!" I heard a voice yell as my door was burst through. I groaned rolling over opening my eyes to see my mother standing there angrily. I looked from her to the clock on my nightstand that read after 2a.m. I try to go to sleep early and I'm rudely awakened. "Deja, I know you hear me calling you!" She yelled nudging my shoulder.

"Yes, Ma?!" I said aggravated as I sat up a little.

"Whose clothes are these?" She said throwing the wet garments at me.

I huffed remembering I left Joey's clothes in the washer. "Joey's."

"Why are his bloody clothes in my washer? Why are you washing clothes that have blood on them?"

"It's not what you think. His cousin got shot today and he was holding him, so he got blood on his clothes."

"And you expect me to believe that?! About him? A gang banging hoodlum!"

"How many times do I have to say he doesn't gang bang anymore, Ma. Jeez, just leave it alone. I told you the truth. Either you believe it or not."

"Excuse me?" She asked raising her eyebrows. "Don't get slapped trying to defend that boy. Now I done warned you about him a million times, but I guess you won't be satisfied until you're tied up in his mess." I slightly rolled my eyes. Yes, I've been put in comprising situations because of him. Like the situation that caused our last breakup, but that's because he was in the streets. He's not anymore.

"What is your problem with him? You've never liked him and you have yet to give me a valid reason. You don't know him."

"Do you know what family he comes from?" She asked.

"Yeah. So?"

She sighed pacing in place then said, "His brother, Joel killed your uncle. And you just think it's okay to date one of them...He's just like his brothers. Killing and going on."

I leaned my head against my headboard closing my eyes. My Uncle Ricardo, my mom's brother was killed when I was a kid. I didn't remember much about him. Just the stories. I knew he was apart of the gang, Mac Mafia Crips and that was about it.

"And how was I supposed to know that if you never said anything? You can't take that out on Joey like he did it. You just have to except that Uncle Ricky was in some shit he shouldn't have been involved in. Joey's brother is in jail for another murder for life, so get over it," I said in the nicest way possible.

"If I find out he's in this house again, I'll kick you out. Don't play with me, Deja." She exited my room slamming the door. I sighed sinking into the bed rolling over so I could go back to sleep. My mom is extra for no reason sometimes.

Chapter 15 of Ramona Park Legend from Joey's pov. Indya coming on to Joey? Dyme giving Shameik another chance? Comment / Vote💙🔪

Even tho I made Joey turn on Vince (Marcel), I love how protective he is over him in real life. He doesn't play about his cousin😂

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