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I like my girls crazy. Swing on me every once in a while, baby. Let a nigga know you care. I love that shit.
-Joey Fatts [😂👊🏾]

What Mean the World 2 U? •


Long Beach, CA.

After leaving the studio I decided to stop by Deja's house. I parked my car in front of her house dialing her number, but it just rang and rang until it finally went to voicemail. I had just talked to her not too long ago and she said she would be at home. I decided to just get out of my car and walk across her yard to the side of the house knocking on her window. As I patiently waited I smacked my lips about to turn and leave when the window opened, but it wasn't Deja. It was Indya instead.

"Is Deja home?" I asked.

"Hello, Fatts." She said ignoring my question smiling.

"Wassup. Is she?" I asked getting annoyed.

"Naw, she had to to take our Mom to the airport at the last minute. You can come in and wait in her room if you want."

"Nahh, I don't think so. I'll wait in my car."

"It's hot as hell. Just come inside and use the door for once," she said. I stood there for a second then sighed walking around to the front going to the porch where Indya was waiting with the door open.

I walked into the house looking over Indya who walked towards the kitchen. I was trying not to stare, but she had these little ass booty shorts and a white crop top with no bra on, so you could see her nipples.

I cleared my throat asking, "How long ago did Deja leave?"

She turned her attention towards me saying, "She just left. She had to take our mom to LAX, so it should be awhile 'til she gets back. I guess make yourself comfortable. You want anything...Food, a drink?"

"I'm good," I said going down the hall stepping into Deja's room. I sat on the bed unlocking my phone to check my different social medias like Twitter and Instagram.

About a minute later there was a light knock on the door. I looked up to see Indya peaking in smiling. "I just need to grab something. Sorry," she said coming into the room. I went back to looking at my phone. I could hear her mumbling things to herself, which caused me to look up to see her bent over. I diverted my eyes looking back down at my phone until she asked, "Have you seen a lighter?"

I looked around then pointed at the nightstand that had a pink Bic lighter sitting on it. "Oh, thanks. Can't smoke if you can't light it," she said giving a small smile as she held up a blunt. I raised my brows not giving a verbal response going back to my phone. I could hear her spark the lighter and when I looked over at her she was blowing out smoke. "You smoke?"

"Yeah," I said dryly. When she sat on the bed I looked over at her sitting up straight from being leaned over.

"What's your favorite strain?" She asked pulling her legs so she could sit criss cross apple sauce.

"Depends on how I'm feeling that day. Mostly Sour Diesel and OG," I said looking at her then the time on my phone. I had texted Deja to let her know that I'm here, but I didn't get a response. I should've figured because she's the type who doesn't text and drive. She scolds me every chance she gets about it.

"What about Blue Dream?" She asked blowing out smoke. "Here," she said extending me the blunt. I looked at it for second then at her as she stared at me. I said whatever then grabbed it taking a pull. I looked at the blunt blowing smoke out when she asked, "You plan on staying with my sister forever?"

"That's the plan. I wouldn't be with her if it wasn't. No point in me wasting both her and I's time."

"Marriage? Kids?" She asked as I passed the blunt back to her.

"Some day," I said keeping it simple.

"You think she'll feel the same way once she finds out we hooked up?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"And that's why she's never going to find out. Right?" I asked looking over at her as she just shrugged.

"You tell me. It's either you tell her or she finds out in some other fucked up way. She'll stop fuckin' with you before me. I'm her sister. You're just a boyfriend who can get broken up with and replaced. So, don't you think you should tell her?"

"For what? Me and her weren't together when it happened and it's not like I knew you were her sister. Even if she finds out, she can't be mad."

"That's what you think," Indya said blowing out smoke laughing a little. "You know I'm her sister now..."

"Okay, but we're not fucking now." I said looking at her confused. She looked over at me smirking then got up from the bed. I watched as she shut the door then locked it. "What are you doing?" I asked as she put the blunt in an ashtray.

"What does it look like? Quit being a scared, little boy. Deja ain't gon' do shit, but cry then take your ass back eventually. She's loves you too much. So just act on what you've been feeling because I know I'm not alone on my thoughts. You wanna fuck me and I wanna fuck you...again." She said taking her shirt off leaving her bare. She really didn't have nothing going on up top, but her ass made up for it.

I looked at her stuck not believing this shit. This is her sister. Like you see this kind of stuff in movies all of the time, but people really go around fucking their siblings boyfriend or girlfriend.

Right when I was about to get up she was pushing me onto the bed straddling my lap. "Wait. For real, you gon' do that to your sister? In her own bed?" I asked as Indya looked at me annoyed. She ignored my question leaning in kissing me. At first I didn't kiss back then I eventually gave in moving my hands down her back to her ass cupping it. What did I just get myself into?

Oakland, CA.

After a spending a long day out with Shameik we ended up at the lake. I wanted so bad for this date to go entirely terrible and for him to show his true colors, but it never came. Even when a guy tried to approach me and talk to me he didn't react in an angry way. Maybe he had changed...But as soon as you believe that they prove you wrong and show their ass.

Lately there's nothing more that I wanted to then to just go back to Long Beach. I just didn't want to chance finding myself caught back in Pops web of abuse and lies. Nowadays nothing felt like home anymore. Not when I'm out in this world alone just drifting. I have nothing to call my own. There's not a day that goes by that I don't miss my Mom, my brother or even my Dad who I never even liked while growing up. They're all gone leaving me alone. Alone to look for love in all the wrong places and I know it. In everyone I meet I look for a piece of them in them.

Star reminds me of my mother. Always looking on the bright side. The one who soothes my soul when nothing is okay and everything is wrong. Joey, Lotty and Marcel were my brother all rolled into one. They made me laugh, they made me tough and they made me feel protected. Too bad I lost all three of them. One to death and the others due to negligence on my part. I threw away our friendship to save myself. Joey was right about everything, but I just didn't want to listen.

And any man whoever put their hands on me, belittled me or controlled me was my father. The most loving man who showed my mother love in the most odd way. It was literally the death of her. Of us all...Of our family.

"You've been quiet all day," he said making me come out of my thoughts.

I looked up from picking at the grass saying, "Huh?" I looked at Shameik to see him staring at me.

"You've been really quiet the entire day. That's not like you. Something on your mind?" He asked as I shook my head.

"Nothing," I said tearing apart a leaf. When I'm nervous I tend to find anything that will keep me occupied.

"I know you didn't wanna be here in the first place, so I can take you home if you want.." I could hear him sigh and when I looked up at him he looked away.

"That's not it. I just wanna know why?"

"Why, what?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Why are you so angry? Or why do you get so angry over nothing, so quickly?"

He shrugged then said, "I guess I've always been like that. Nobody ever really made it seem like it was a problem until you. It made me look at myself. My Dad just always told me not to be a bitch. Don't be scared to handle mine. That's cool and all, but everything doesn't require a physical reaction. Especially not the person you're in a relationship with. I realized I need to stop being so hard for my own good. I'm sorry, Dyme."

"Yeah.." I said trailing off as I laid back onto the grass looking up at the blue sky laced with puffy clouds.

"I wanna know why too..." he said laying next to me.

I looked over at him asking, "Why what?" He pointed at my arm with all of the scars. I sighed looking back up at the sky. "At the time...It felt good. My father killed my mother. He beat her ass every damn day. One day he took it a step further and shot her dead. My brother walked in after he did it and attacked my Dad. My brother got the gun and killed my Dad. Because of that my brother's in prison serving 30 years. I was put in foster care. It was only for 3 years until I turned 18, but I hated that damn place. I just wanted my family back regardless of how fucked up it was. This was my way of coping with it. Then it was my way of coping with my last boyfriend. Pain is a lot easier to take when you're inflicting it on yourself instead of it coming from others."

I closed my eyes as the wind blowing sent a slight breeze over me. "I'm sorry for your losses," Shameik said in his soft voice.

"Don't be," I mumbled opening my eyes again.

Later that Night...

Long  Beach, CA.

I sat on the ledge of the bathtub as Deja sat on top of the bathroom sink counter rolling a dutch. Deja's Mom is gone for the weekend and that's the only reason I'm still here. Otherwise I would've left, especially after what happened earlier today. I looked over at Deja who was wearing only a black lace bra and the matching panties with her leg propped up displaying her thick thighs. I really cheated on her...with her damn sister at that.

I watched as she held the joint between her lips then lit it. After taking a puff she extended it to me and I shook my head saying, "I'm good." She looked at me slightly surprised, but thought nothing of it. I just sat there watching her thinking what an idiot I am. It wasn't even worth it, to be honest. "I love you," I said making her look at me.

She smiled then said, "I love you too."

"We gonna get married?" I asked making her smile and nod her head. Mhm she said with low eyes probably from the high settling in. "Aiight. We're gonna get married and have kids. Move to the hills or some shit like that. When we have a baby I'm gonna get you and our baby tatted on my back like a portrait," I said making her laugh.

"For real?"

"Yeah, you're gonna be Mrs. Fatts. Wifey," I said chuckling as she did too.

"Mrs. Fatts," she repeated at a lower tone. She bit her lip doing an inward laugh. "You remember when we first met?" She asked laughing.

"How could I forget?" I said slightly rolling my eyes. "It was at Ramona Park. We were 14, freshman in high school. You were sitting in the bleachers with yo little friends. I think this was when you were best friends with Marcel's crazy ass ex-girlfriend." She nodded her head indicating that was right. "I came up to you trying to spit game and you said loudly, and I quote 'No, I don't want to give you my number you fat mother fucker!'

She bust out laughing while I just sat there unamused. "I did you so dirty. You were a little fat back then."

"You think? Tryna show out for your little friends only to turn around and message me that night on Myspace. You were my girlfriend like a month later. I should've played your ass for that and that was football weight."

"But you didn't. Been rockin' since. Since 15, G. 8 years, that's a long ass time," she said shaking her head. "We've been through some shit."

"But we always get through it," I said still thinking about what happened with Indya. I knew if I came clean and told her she would kill my ass.

"That we do." The small bathroom was now smokey. I got up from sitting down going over by Deja grabbing the joint taking a pull. Deja was a papers girl while I usually rolled with Backwoods. "You and that baby face," she said giggling as she touched my cheeks.

"I know you're not talkin' over there lookin' like your 13 years old."

She pouted then said, "My ass and the way I throw it back ain't 13 and you know that much." I looked at her laughing as she did too.

"You right," I said leaning in kissing her. As the kiss got deeper her hands went over my head pushing my hoodie that I had over my head back. I had it on for a reason, but the moment getting heated I let her take it off leaving me in my t-shirt.

For a moment she pulled away and that's when she pointed at my neck asking, "What is this?"

"What is what?" I asked confused.

"This!" she said pointing at my neck as if that would make it more clear.

"What?" I said moving from in between her legs looking in the mirror at the passion mark Indya's dumb ass left behind. "A hickey," I said casually trying to play it off.

She hopped down from the sink counter saying, "And who the fuck gave it to you?"

"You. What the fuck you mean?" I argued back. At that moment I knew I had fucked up.

"Me? Nigga I didn't give you no such thing. Quit lying! I'm gonna ask one more time...Where the fuck did this come from?"

"And I'm gonna say one more time...You did, babe. You're trippin' right now."

"I'm trippin'?" She asked pointing at herself. "I've never given your black ass a hickey in my life! Quit lying!" She was right. Since we started dating so young, out of fear of our parents we made it a point to never leave them. Then it just became a habit as we got older. At least not somewhere like the neck. I smacked my lips and I'm guessing that pissed her off because her small fist popped me in the face. I ate it as she pushed me yelling, "Get the fuck out!" When I didn't move she pushed me again yelling, "Now!"

I sighed walking out of the bathroom going into her bedroom grabbing my stuff then left. As long as she doesn't know it was Indya she'll forgive me in about a week.

Do you think Deja will find out it was Indya? Comment / Vote💙🔪

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