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I got dropped from 36Brickhouse yesterday. Thanks Waka for everything. Time for the next chapter.
-Joey Fatts

• Lift Me Up •


San Fernando Valley, CA.

I got on my tip toes trying to reach for something on the top shelf, but I couldn't reach it. When I heard Dyamond laugh I looked over my shoulder to see her looking at me shaking her head. "You could help me. You are taller than me," I say with attitude. We're at Wal-Mart grocery shopping.

"I'm pregnant. I don't need to be doing any heavy lifting," she says looking down at her phone as she leans against the shopping cart.

"Heavy lifting? It's a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and I'm pregnant too."

"But I'm more pregnant than you," she says so seriously. I roll my eyes then she finally comes over to grab it. I stood at a mere 5 feet and Dyamond is like 5'7". She extends it to me and I snatch the box from her. "Don't snatch from me. I'll whoop your ass bitch," she says with a stank face going back over to the cart. That has been me and Dyamond everyday since I moved back into Joey's house...Arguing. I guess it's because we're both pregnant and hormonal. That and we both just have bad attitudes.

When she starts to push the cart walking away from me I say, "Wait!" I catch up throwing the box into the already full cart.

"Are you done? I think we have enough stuff," she says as we go to the next aisle.

"No," I say still looking for stuff.

"Seriously, Deja? We have a budget. Just because Joey gave us his card doesn't mean shit. I know you're probably used to that football player getting anything you want-"

I glared at her then cut her off saying, "Dyme, shut up. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about! I have a growing baby in my belly."

"A growing baby who we're not even sure if it's Joey's," she mumbles.

I look back at her as she smiles at me. I turn back around calming myself down. I didn't want to say anything petty. I could easily say At least the father of my baby is alive, but that's a low blow. When something hit the back of my ankles I stumbled over my feet. "What the fuck?!" I said with attitude realizing she hit me with the cart. "What was that for?"

"I know what you were thinking. I can read minds, hoe. Nothing gets passed me. I'm done shopping, so I'm going to check out," she says pushing the cart around me. I sigh as she walks off. I really hope she doesn't plan on staying with Joey her entire pregnancy.


After checking out we loaded the grocery's into the trunk then got into the car. I sat in the drivers seat while Dyamond was in the passenger seat. I responded to some texts then said, "I've been thinking...What's been going on with Joey? Y'all have been acting different...weird."

I look up from my phone to see her shrug. "Weird? How? What do you mean?"

"Like y'all barely talk or anything. Did something happen while I was gone?"

"Naw, you know how living with someone is. Causes problems and little arguments. It's nothing. We just gotta get used to it."

"You sure?" I ask looking over at her.

"I'm sure. Take a selfie with me," she says to probably change the subject.

"Oh, now you wanna be nice to me and take a picture? Just a minute ago in the store you were being an asshole."

"You know I ain't mean it. I was just grumpy and tired. Come on," she says raising her phone up with the selfie camera already brought up. I roll my eyes playfully then lean in closer to her, so she can take the picture.

Once she takes it she lowers it then I put the car in drive and pull off.

As I drive back to Joey's house, I think. Joey didn't just let me move back in with him that easily. We had a long talk, but even then he still doubted the baby was his. He only let me move back in with him because in reality Justin kicked me out. I didn't just move out. I was too scared to tell my mother and move back in with her. Yeah, I'm 24 years old, but my mom's very traditional. She doesn't believe in having children before marriage or even shacking up, but that's what I'm doing.

Joey says as soon as I can, I'm getting a DNA test. The one you can get while still pregnant. I don't blame him for doubting, but the baby is his. I know that for a fact.

Los Angeles, CA.

"So, let me get this straight...You have two pregnant women living with you?" I nodded my head as both Thump and Fade looked at me like I was stupid. "Somebody's gonna die before this 9 months is up. Especially, since it's Deja and Dyme," Fade said shaking his head.

"They like each other now," I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Now!" Thump emphasises. "If they don't kill each other, it'll be you. You've never been around a pregnant lady, let alone two. A lot of emotions and needs. Are you and Deja gonna get back together?"

"Naw, that's not happening. We're done for good. At this point it's just about the child, if the baby is mine."

"You're better than me. If I didn't know if the baby is mine, I wouldn't let no broad stay with me. Eating up all of my food, using my electricity, getting on my nerves and shit," Thump said.

"Where else could she go?" I ask.

"Her momma's house!" He said in an obvious tone.

"Naw-" before I could finish my sentence my phone started ringing. I looked at the phone of my screen to see it was my management. I told Fade and Thump to hold on then answered my phone. "Hello?"

"Hello, Joey. This is Mark from 36Brickhouse."

"Hey, wassup?" I ask.

I found hear him sigh then he said, "We're sorry to inform you, but we're going to have to end our management relationship. It's been a good few months, but we're sorry. We wish you the best of luck." At that he hung up as I looked at my phone stuck.

"Something wrong?" Fade asked snapping me out of it.

I lowered my phone from ear saying, "I just got dropped from my management team."

"Why?!" Thump and Fade asked in unison.

"I have no idea..." I say trailing off.


After Deja's doctor appointment we left to go home. It's crazy because I'm now 20 weeks pregnant and Deja is 16 weeks. She even found out the sex of the baby. She's having a boy. "Are you happy about having a boy?" I ask as I pull off once the red light turns green.

"I guess," she says nonchalantly.

"You don't sound too excited," I say looking over at her.

"This just isn't how I pictured having my first child. I thought I would be married to someone I love. Not broken up with my ex with no plans of getting back together or him doubting the baby is his. I thought I would be settled in a career by now. Not this..."

I kinda felt bad for her. "I understand. I feel the same way. I never thought I would be pregnant and alone. It's one thing for a man to leave you, but the father is dead. How will I explain that to my baby? I never wanted to be a single parent, but I guess I will be. Sometimes you just have to come to terms with how your life plays out. It won't always be perfect, but the baby growing inside of you is. Your baby, my baby, they're both blessings. You'll realize that eventually."

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks," Deja said looking over at me smiling. I smiled back then turned back to the road as we entered Joey's neighborhood.

After I parked, we went inside. "Joey!" I yelled out. "Can you you help us bring the bags in?"

He came from out back saying, "We need to talk." He had a serious tone, so I began to worry. Both Deja and I looked at each other as he went and sat on the couch. Me and Deja walked into the living room sitting on the couch.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Uh, I got dropped from 36Brickhouse."

"Wait, what? What does that mean?" I asked confused.

"It means I don't have management anymore. It means those big paying shows with big crowds they would book me, are no more. No more producing for big artists through their connections. Basically, I'm on my own. I talked to Waka and I decided to leave 1017 Records too. I've been slacking lately and I know that, but u rather be independent. I want to focus on myself and my label and my artists. With that being said, I'ma be truthful and say money will be tighter. I treasure care of my mother and siblings. They're always gonna come first, but I do have a responsibility when it comes to you. If I said I was going to help you two out, I'ma keep my word. But you guys help too around here."

"That's no problem. I can start working again," I say immediately.

"And I already work. I'm going to have to quit my internship soon before they fire me, but they weren't paying me anyway. That means more hours at my other job," Deja said.

"See, we figured it out. No problem. You helped us, so we help you. We got your back, Joey."

"Thanks," he said rubbing his hand down his face.

"No problem. It's just a slight bump in the road that you'll get over," I said standing up from the couch. I leaned leaned down hugging him and he hugged me back.

"Well, damn. How long are y'all gonna hug? I want a hug too," Deja said making me back away from Joey. Me and him exchanged a look as Deja pulled us into a group hug.

Slight filler chapter. Joey going independent? Comment / Vote💙⚔️

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