Y/n Vs Joey

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3rd Person Pov

After defeating the Rare Hunter and getting Joey's card back, Y/n and Juvia walk around Battle City as they looked for a duelist to challenge. Y/n looked around as he let out a sigh as Juvia looked at him.

Juvia: What's wrong, Y/n-kun?

Y/n: It's just so boring without having anyone to duel me. I was hoping to kick some ass in this tournament.

Juvia looked at Y/n with slight shock as she never heard him say he was bored. She looked at him before giggling softly holding her hand in front of her mouth as Y/n looked at her.

Y/n: What's up?

Juvia: It's just, I've never heard you say you were bored. It's a strange new feeling.

Y/n looked at her before remembering that he never told Yang or Juvia that he ever got bored. Ever since Y/n started dueling, he had became a worldwide duelist that had joined many tournaments and began to rise to the top. Everyday he would be asked by those who want to duel him and would always have something to do. Y/n looked around seeing other duelists dueling each other as he thought that they were trying to avoided losing too quickly against him. Y/n let out a small sigh as he looked at his deck in his duel disk.

Y/n: Are people really scared about how I use my deck and my strategies? If that's the case, maybe I should focus on finding those that this Marik guy has here in Battle City.

???: Y/n! Juvia!

The two look up before looking behind them as they would see Yang running towards them with a smile on her face. Yang wore a tan jacket that bares her midriff, with golden brown piping and short, puffy sleeves with black cuffs that feature two gold buttons. Underneath this, she wears a low cut yellow crop top with a flame emblem on the left breast in black. She also wears a brown belt covered by a pleated brown piece of material reaching from hip to hip around the back of her waist, with the same flame emblem emblazoned on the right-most pleat in gold. Underneath this is a long, white, asymmetrical piece of material reaching to her knee on the right side, as well as a pair of tight black spandex compression shorts that reach her upper thighs. She wears a pair of brown, knee-high boots and orange over-the-knee socks, with the right sock pushed down just below the knee. A gray bandanna is tied around her left knee. She ran over to the two before slowing down as she came up to them with her smile growing wider.

Yang: I heard about your duel with this Rare Hunter guy. I just knew you would win, Y/n.

Y/n: well, what can I say, I'm good at how I use my deck.

Yang: And another thing in the bedroom~.

Y/n blushes as Yang teased him before the three continued to walk through the streets of Battle City looking for any challengers for Y/n. The three would look for an hour with no luck coming their way as Y/n let out a small sigh.

Y/n: Well, guess everyone heard that I was gonna be in this tournament. Hence why no one has come to challenge me.

Yang: I'm sure we'll fine someone. You need four more Locator cards to get into the finals.

???: Yo, Y/n!

The three turn as they see Joey coming over to them with Teá and Solomon Muto. Y/n looks at them as he smiles and looked at Solomon.

Y/n: Mr. Muto, it's good to see you again.

Solomon: It's good to see you as well, Y/n. I heard about your success around the world, I'm sure your parents would be proud.

Y/n: *smiles* Thank you, sir. *looks at Joey* What's up, Joey?

Joey: How bout you and me have a duel?

Y/n looked at Joey in confusion about his request as he turned his body to face his friend.

Y/n: Are you sure, Joey? I mean, this is a really odd request coming from you.

Joey: I'm more sure than I've ever been in my life, Y/n. Come on, pal.

Y/n looked at Joey with uncertainty, he knew that Joey was in the Duelist Kingdom Tournament and made it all the way to the Semi-finals, but didn't think Joey could do it on his own. However, now seeing his friends determination and need to prove himself, Y/n could only let out a sigh as he smiled and looked at Joey.

Y/n: All right, let's see what you can do.

Joey smiles as his offer was accepted before the two move at a good distance away from each other for their duel to commence. Juvia and Yang stood with Teá and Solomon as they looked at the two before a small crowd came and watched the duel. Joey and Y/n hold up their duel disks as they power on with their decks being shuffled and they draw their first five cards.

Both: Let's duel!

Duel Start

Y/n: I'll let you have the first move, Joey.

Joey: All right, thanks. Let's go! *draws card*.

Joey places the card he drew with his first five cards and looks at his hand before making a move as he takes one card.

Joey: First thing I'll do is summon Alligator's Sword to the field in Attack mode!

A bright glow comes off the field in front of Joey as a green alligator with a yellow jaw appears wearing black and red battle armor while holding a large sword in its right hand.

Alligator's Sword
Lvl. 4
Atk - 1500

Joey: And with that, I'll end with two cards facedown. You're move, Y/n.

Y/n: Not bad, but let's see what I can do. I draw. *draws card* Hate to say it, Joey, but I'm not gonna hold back against you just because your my buddy. Since I have no monsters on my field, I can special summon Cyber Dragon to the field in attack mode!

A bright glow covers Y/n's field as Cyber Dragon appears in the field once again and let's out a mechanized roar.

Cyber Dragon
Lvl. 5
Atk - 2100

Y/n: But who said I'll stick with just one when I can use Cyber Revsystem to special summon another one to the field!

Another Cyber Dragon appears next to the first as it growls softly as the two dragons look at Joey.

Y/n: I'll place three cards face down and then have my first Cyber Dragon attack your Alligator's Sword! Attack with Strident Blast!

The mechanical beast charges a blue orb in its mouth before releasing a energy stream towards Joey's monster. Before the attack landed, Joey pressed a button on his duel disk and threw his hand forward.

Joey: Not so fast! I activate my trap card, Kunai with Chain! Not only does this switch your monster to defense mode, but it attaches to my monster and gives it a 500 point boost to its attack points.

A large Kunai with a metal chain appears and lands in Alligator's Sword hand as the monster throws it towards Cyber Dragon. The chain wraps around the neck of the machine dragons three times before tightening as the mechanized monsters groans in pain as its head lowers down slightly.

Alligator's Sword

Cyber Dragon

Y/n looked in surprise at Joey's move as he smiled softly seeing how his friend had grown in the game.

Y/n: Not bad, Joey, you've improved your skills.

Joey: Thanks, Y/n.

Y/n: I'll end my turn for now, make your move.

Joey: Sure thing, here goes! *draws card* I now summon Panther Warrior in attack mode.

Another hologram appears on the field taking form of a black panther in armor and a cape with a curved sword and shield. The panther growls and holds its blade in front of it's body while standing next to Alligator's sword.

Panther Warrior
Lvl. 4

Y/n looked at the two monsters seeing how they each were a hundred points and couldn't beat the Cyber Dragon he had in attack position. Joey looked at the field before looking at the cards he had in his hand.

Joey: Alright, Y/ has two of his monsta's on the field and I managed to switch one to defense mode. My Panther and Alligator's Sword have enough attack points to destroy it, but not enough to destroy the other one. Y/n still has three facedown's as well, so I have to watch out for those, or...

Joey looked at one card in his hand as he smiles while Yang and the others watched the two duel.

Yang: I have to say, Joey made a good move.

Juvia: Yeah, I'm surprised by it as well. I remember when I watched them duel before now that Joey didn't really use magic or trap cards.

Teá: Well, he has changed since he played in the Duelist Kingdom Tournament. Yugi was the one that told him that magic and trap cards can help his monsters in a duel and now he is able to use them.

Yang and Juvia looked at Teá before looking back at the duel as Joey looked at Y/n.

Joey: All right, Y/n, I play Giant Trunade to send your facedowns back to your hand as well as mine.

Y/n looked at Joey before looking at his facedowns as they disappear from his field and appear back in his hand. The same effect happened to Joey's remaining face down.

Joey: And now, Alligator's Sword! Attack his first Cyber Dragon!

Alligator's Sword charges forward and growls out raising its Kunai to swing down onto the monster. The blade slashes down across the machine dragon as it releases a metallic screech before being destroyed as Y/n covered his face from the explosion of his monster. Y/n lowers his hand as he looked at Joey.

Joey: And I'll end my turn. Make your move, Y/n.

Y/n: With pleasure. *draws card*

Y/n looked at his hand seeing a combo he could use as he closed his eyes as he smiled. He takes the card from his hand and slowly holds it up.

Y/n: It's about time I brought out my ultimate beast.

Joey looked at Y/n in shock as Y/n flips the card in his fingers revealing a magic card.

Y/n: I play Monster Reborn to bring back the Cyber Dragon you destroyed.

A bright glow comes up from the field as the beast arises and roars out as the two machine dragon hovered side by side once more. Joey looked at the two beasts as Y/n took another card from his hand.

Y/n: I now play the magic card, Polymerization to fuse the two Cyber Dragon's on my field and the one in my hand in order to summon the Cyber End Dragon!

The third Cyber Dragon appears on the field as the three machines begin to fuse together in a large portal before the large mechanical beast arrives on the field.

Cyber End Dragon
Lvl. 10
Atk - 4000

Joey looked at the monster in shock as it hovered behind Y/n with all three heads looking at him. The crowd looked in awe seeing the large monster as it let out a machine like growl towards Joey.

Y/n: I told you I wasn't gonna hold back, Joey.

Joey: And I'm glad you not, Y/n. Now bring it.

Y/n: With pleasure. Cyber End Dragon, attack his Panther Warrior with Super Strident Blaze!

The three heads of the large mechanical beast open their mouths in unison and charge a light blue energy orb on their mouths. The three heads are thrown forward and fire three separate streams of energy towards the monster as the streams collide with the Panther as it yells out and turns into shattered yellow fragments. Joey covers his face from the explosion of his destroyed monster as he groaned.

Joey - 2000

Y/n: And I'll end my turn with a facedown.

Joey looked at his field before looking at Y/n's as he tried to think of a plan to beat Cyber End Dragon.

Joey: All right, I draw. *draws card* I need to find some way to beat Y/n's dragon.

Yang: I think Y/n has this duel, even if Joey tries to put up a defense, Cyber End Dragon can deal damage to him if it attacks.

Solomon: Yes, but Joey can still find a way to beat Y/n's dragon.

The group look at Joey who was looking at the cards in his hand and working on a strategy to beat Cyber End Dragon.

Joey: All right, first i'll switch Alligator's Sword to defense mode to protect my life points.

Alligator's Sword
Def - 1200

Y/n: If you ask me, that was foolish. My Cyber End Dragon can deal damage to you even if your monster is in defense mode.

Joey groaned in shock at the realization and news about Y/n's monster as he looked at him.

Joey: Aw, man....I'm doomed.

Y/n: Now it's my turn. *draws card* I'm impressed by how much you've grown, Joey. However, I need to end this duel now. Cyber End Dragon, finish this duel!

The three dragon heads begin to power up a light blue orb in each of its mouth before firing multiple stream of energy. The three streams merge together to form one large beam before hitting Joey's monster as the gator roars out in pin before being destroyed. Joey covers his face as the rest of his life points are depleted.

Duel Finish
Winner - Y/n L/n.

The holograms disappear as Y/n lowers his arm and looked at Joey who looked down. He had failed to help Yugi before Y/n walks over to him and smiled patting Joey's shoulder as he looked at him.

Y/n: You dueled great, Joey, even though I kicked your butt.

Joey: Yeah, but now I'm out of the tournament.

Y/n: Not exactly.

Joey looked at Y/n in confusion before seeing Y/n held up a second locator card. During his searching for duelists to challenge, he had found one, but when the challenged duelist found out who Y/n was, he instantly surrendered without a fight.

Joey: How did you...

Y/n: I don't need your locator card since I got this one from another duelist. You and I made a promise to Yugi that we would help him beat Marik and save the world. I am keeping my promise by not getting you out of the tournament and find others to challenge in order to get to the finals. So you need to keep growing in your next few duels and meet me there.

Joey looked at Y/n in shock before smiling and nodding as he looked at his friend.

Joey: You can count in it.

Y/n smiles and nods as the two clasp hands as Yang and the others smile at the two. Y/n, Yang and Juvia walk away as Y/n waved his hand as Joey, Teá and Solomon watched them leave. On the rooftops of New Domino City, two hooded figures watched Y/n walk as they laugh evilly together before jumping through the rooftops after the three.

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