Y/n Vs Rare Hunter

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3rd Person Pov

Y/n and the Rare Hunter stand across from each other in a good duel field distance as a crowd would start to surround them and watch. Juvia and Yugi stand with Joey as they look at the two as they drew their cards and held up their Duel Disks.

Duel Start
Y/n - 4000
Rare Hunter - 4000

Y/n: Since your my first opponent in this tournament, if I beat you, you give Joey his Red Eyes back.

Rare Hunter: And if I defeat you, you will hand over your three Cyber Dragons to me.

Joey: Y/n! Hold up! You gotta know that this guy-

Rare Hunter: Silence, Wheeler! You speak another word and I'll tear your Red-Eyes Black Dragon to shreds!

High in orbit of the Earth, a Kaiba Corp satellite hovers over Battle City and begins to power up.

Computer: "Detecting activation of Duel Disk Battle System. Competitors: Y/n L/n vs Rare Hunter. Beaming duel status to Kaiba Corp mainframe."

In Kaiba Corp, Seto and Mokuba stand in a large room with techs sitting at multiple monitors and boards with a large screen showing the duel between Y/n and the Rare Hunter.

Kaiba: *smirks* Well, well, seems that Y/n is competing in the very first duel of my tournament.

Mokuba would nod before seeing more duel data coming in from duels around Battle City.

Mokuba: Hey, look. The other duels are coming in now, too! Our system is recording all the cards being played. If anyone uses one of the two remaining Egyptian God Cards, we'll know exactly where it is!

Back in the Duel

Y/n and the Rare Hunter look at each as they draw their cards as Y/n looks at his opponent.

Y/n: I'll go first. *draws card* Get ready.

The Rare Hunter smirks evilly as he looked at Y/n before looking at his hand seeing two pieces of Exodia in his hand.

Rare Hunter: Excellent! I already have two pieces of Exodia. When I assemble all five pieces, I'll summon the all powerful Exodia the Forbidden One and obliterate Y/n!

Joey, Juvia and Yugi stand at the side lines as they watch the two as Joey clenches his fist and looks at his friend.

Joey: Y/n, watch out for-

Rare Hunter: Silence, Wheeler, or say good bye to your Red Eyes!

Y/n: How about you stop threatening my friend and focus on our duel! I'll play three cards face down, and then I play my Cyber Phoenix in attack mode!

A hard light hologram of a large silver mechanical phoenix with red plating on its wings appears on the field with glowing yellow eyes as it lets out a small machine like screech.

Cyber Phoenix
Lvl. 4
Atk - 1200

Two holograms of two cards face down appear behinf the mechanical bird as Y/n looked at the Rare Hunter.

Y/n: Now, make your move.

The Rare Hunter smirks as he puts he puts his fingers on his deck.

Rare Hunter: With pleasure. My first card will be *draws and looks at card* Heh! Just what I suspected. The Magic card, Graceful Charity. It allows me to draw three cards and then discard two.

The Rare Hunter draws three cards from his deck and then takes two from his hand and puts them in the graveyard slot of his duel disk. He then looks at his hand and smirks drawing another piece to his all powerful beast.

Rare Hunter: Perfect! The third piece of Exodia. Only two more pieces left! *looks at Y/n* If only you'd knew what was waiting for you in my hand, you'd forfeit now and give me your three Cyber Dragons.

Y/n: Like hell I will. I play my first face down, Light of Intervention, so now any monsters you try to put in face down defense position will automatically be put face up. Good luck trying to pull a surprise attack on me.

Rare Hunter: Hmm, doesn't matter. I play Stone Statue of the Aztecs in defense mode!

A large green and gray stone with glowing orange eyes appears on the field with its hands facing Y/n as a guarding form.

Stone Statue of the Astecs
Lvl. 4
Def - 2000

Y/n looks at the monsters before looking at the Rare Hunter.

Y/n: Something feels off, all he's been doing for now is drawing and discarding cards and going on the defensive. He could easily beat my Phoenix if he had something strong in his hand. Unless...what he said earlier, if he does have something waiting, I should figure it out quick.

Juvia and the others look on the sidelines as they watch the duel.

Juvia: Go, Y/n-kun! You can beat him!

Yugi: Joey, what were you trying to tell Y/n?

Joey: *looks at Rare Hunter* This bozo has something up his sleeve and Y/n could be walking into a trap. All I can say for now is that Y/n needs to work fast to beat this guy.

Y/n: It's my turn, I draw! *draws card* I now tribute my Cyber Phoenix, to bring out the mighty Cyber Dragon!

A bright glow covers Cyber Phoenix before changing form into a mechanical dragon with glowing yellow eyes as the mechanical monster hovers above the ground.

Cyber Dragon
Lvl. 5
Atk - 2100

Y/n: Now, once my Cyber Dragon turns your statue to ash, on my next turn, I can attack you directly according to Battle City rules.

Joey: Forget about what's on the field. Worry about what's in his hand!

Rare Hunter: Very Impressive. But you'll need more than that to scare off the Hunter!

Joey: Listen, Y/n. This guy has a plan to wipe you out. Check out the grin on that ugly kisser of his. This is exactly what the old creep did to me. He's got something in his hand that's gonna-

Rare Hunter: Silence, Wheeler! One more word out of you and say good-bye to your Red-Eyes forever!

Y/n: Focus on me, dumbass! Cyber Dragon! Attack with Evolution Burst!

Cyber Dragon opens its mouth with a light blue sphere radiating in its mouth before firing towards the statue hitting it directly and turning it to rubble as the Rare Hunter covers his face from the attack. The dust begins to clear as Y/n looks at the Hunter.

Y/n: I'll end with one more face down.

Rare Hunter: Very well, I predict another Graceful Charity. *draws card* Hmm. Imagine that, I was correct! I draw three more cards and discard two.

The Rare Hunter draws three cards and discards two as he looks at his hand. Y/n squints his eyes as he looked at the Hunter.

Y/n: There's no way this guy knows what he's going to draw next. He doesn't seem like the guy that can memorize his deck and doesn't have ESP.

The Hunter smirks as he looks at his hand drawing the head of Exodia.

Rare Hunter: Excellent! I now have four pieces of Exodia! I only need one more to summon the beast that will obliterate Y/n in one attack! He's about to lose his Cyber Dragon's forever!

Back at Kaiba Corp

Seto: This duelist is battling well against Y/n. But who is he? What info do we have on him?

Operator: Very little.

Seto: *looks at Operator* Hmm?

Operator: He wasn't listed in your tournament database until about a week ago.

Seto: *shocked* What? How's that possible?

Operator: He must have hacked the system and added himself.

Mokuba: That's illegal!

Operator: He calls himself a Rare Hunter.

The operator pulls up the Rare Hunter's status on the main screen as Kaiba looks at it seeing all the previous cards he's played.

Mokuba: We'll disqualify him! *looks at Seto* Right, Seto?

Mokuba turns and runs towards the door to leave the room and stop the duel before Seto stops him.

Seto: Wait!

Mokuba: *stops and looks at Seto* Huh?

Seto smirks as he looks back at the main screen.

Seto: Hmm. Rare Hunters. They took my bait. Hmm, Mokuba, it's just as I planned.

Back in the duel

Rare Hunter: Y/n, your Cyber Dragon's are as good as mine! Once I gather all five pieces of the all-powerful Exodia, this hunt will be over, and with the help of some invisible ink and my X-Ray contact lens, I'll know exactly what card I'll be drawing next.

The Rare Hunter looks at his deck as he saw through the ink on his cards seeing the left arm to Exodia as he next card to draw.

Rare Hunter: Just what I need! It's the final piece of the puzzle- The left arm of Exodia the Forbidden One! When I draw it on my next turn, I'll summon my most powerful creature and obliterate Y/n! Hahaha! I'll strengthen my defense once more! To protect me, Gear Golem, the Moving Fortress in defense mode!

A machine like monster with yellow armor and grey shield with spikes appears on the field with the spike shield guarding its face plate.

Gear Golem, The Moving Fortress
Lvl. 4
Def - 2200

Rare Hunter: Not even tote Cyber Dragon can beat this card! What are you going to do now, Y/n? You can't beat me if you can't get through my golem.

Y/n's hair covers his eyes before he smirks confusing the Rare Hunter. Y/n keeps his smirk before chuckling as he looked up at the Rare Hunter.

Y/n: Clearly you don't know who your messing with, it's not that I can't get through your defenses, it's more on the lines on how I want to blast you into oblivion.

Rare Hunter: What?!

Y/n: I know your strategy now. Your trying to summon one of the most powerful monster in the game, that's why you keep discarding and drawing your cards. Your trying to get all five pieces of Exodia the Forbidden one!

The crowd around them gasps in shock and murmurs as the Rare Hunter was baffled at how Y/n was able to figure out his strategy.

Yugi: So that's why he kept using Graceful Charity!

Joey; It's like how he did it to me!

Juvia: If he gets all the pieces, Y/n will lose the duel and his Cyber Dragon cards!

The Rare Hunter keeps his shocked expression before slowly regaining his smirk as he looked at Y/n.

Rare Hunter: Just because you figured out my strategy doesn't mean you can stop me from succeeding! Everyone knows that Exodia's the most powerful creature in Duel Monsters! How will you stop the unstoppable Exodia?

Y/n: It may be true that there isn't anyone on this Earth that has ever beaten Exodia, but in order to get Joey's Red Eyes Black Dragon back, I'm going to be the first.

Rare Hunter: Just give up, Y/n! My hunt is over!

Y/n: We'll see! It's my move! *draws card*

Y/n looks at his hand before looking back at his field.

Y/n: So far I only have one of my Cyber Dragon's on the field, and my two face downs are Cybernetic Revolution and Power Pond. I just drew my second Cyber Dragon, but I need my third one to pull off my finishing move on this Rare Hunter. There's just one problem, I don't know how many pieces of Exodia he has and if he's going to draw them now and win. But...

Y/n looks at his hand as he smirks seeing one card that will give him an advantage as he looks back at the Rare Hunter.

Y/n: All right, Rare Hunter! I play the Magic card, Card Destruction! This card forces us to get rid of every card in our hand and start fresh with a new hand!

Rare Hunter: No!

Y/n smirks as the Rare Hunter would growl as they discard their cards and draw a new hand. Y/n looks at his hand and smiles seeing as he looks up.

Y/n: I now have all the cards I need to beat you, Rare Hunter. I play the Magic card known as Cyber Revsystem.

Yugi: Cyber Revsystem?

Juvia: It's one of Y/n's best cards.

Joey and Yugi look at Juvia as she smiled watching the duel.

Juvia: It's a card that allows Y/n-kun to special summon a Cyber Dragon that's in his graveyard, but it negates its effect.

Another Cuber Dragon appears and hovers on the right side of the first one as the two mechanical beasts growl at the Rare Hunter. The Hunter looks at the beasts before smirking.

Rare Hunter: So what? They still aren't strong enough to beat my Gear Golem!

Y/n: Who said I was done?

Rare Hunter: Huh?!

Y/n: I activate my trap! Cybernetic Revolution! By tributing one of my Cyber Dragons on my field, I can special summon a fusion monster that lists Cyber Dragon as a fusion material. So I tribute my first Cyber Dragon.

A bright glow would surround the first Cyber Dragon as its shadow becomes large in the beam of light as large wings and two more heads appear from the mechanical monster.

Y/n: Say hello to the Cyber End Dragon!

Cyber End Dragon
Lvl. 10
Atk - 4000

The Rare Hunter looks in shock as he backs up slightly looking at the large three headed machine dragon as all three heads were looking at him. Y/n smirks as he looked at the Rare Hunter before throwing his hand forward.

Y/n: Go my mighty beast! Attack with Super Strident Blaze!

All three heads of Cuber End Dragon power up with a blue sphere in their mouth before firing all together. The three beams merge to become one as they fire towards Gear Golem blowing it to rubble and melted metal. The Rare Hunter covers his face from the explosion while yelling out as the attack soon finished with a small smoke cloud being where Gear Golem stood.

Rare Hunter - 2200

Y/n: And now that you have no defenses left, I can attack you directly! And I'll play my final Magic card now! Go, Limiter Removal! This doubles all my machine monsters attack points until the end of the turn and once this turns over, all of them will be destroyed. But I just need one last attack to finish you off!

The Rare Hunter looks in horror and shock as the second Cyber Dragon on the field began to double in size as it was almost at the same height as Cyber End Dragon.

Cyber Dragon
Atk - 4200

Rare Hunter: No!

Y/n: Yes! Now, Cyber Dragon, attack with Evolution Burst and end this duel right now!

Cyber Dragon would emit a glowing blue sphere before firing a blue stream of energy towards the Hunter who yells out as he was blasted into the sky with the cards in his hands flying in the air.

Duel End
Y/n - 4000
Rare Hunter - 0000

The crowd looks in awe and cheers as they looked at the field as the holograms of the two monsters begin to disappear. Y/n looks at the Hunter powering off his duel disk as Juvia runs over to him with a smile on her face and hugs him tightly.

Juvia: You did it, Y/n-kun!

Y/n looks at her and smiles as he nods and hugs her back. Y/n would then pull away from the hug as he walks over to the Rare Hunter with Yugi and Joey as he grabs the Hunter's deck and looks through it.

Y/n: It should be right...here.

Y/n moves the cards in the deck to find Joey's Red Eyes as he takes it out and looks at the Rare Hunter.

Y/n: I'll be taking Joey's Red Eyes back as well as your locator card. You won't be needing them any longer.

Y/n grabs the locator card from the Rare Hunter before feeling something rub on his fingers as he looks at his hand and rubs his fingers together.

Yugi: What is it, Y/n?

Y/n: There's ink rubbing on my fingers. *narrows eyes* These cards were marked, that's how he knew what cards he'd draw.

Joey: He was a cheat!

Y/n: Not anymore.

Y/n rips the deck into shreds tossing the pieces into the air as they would slowly fall around the Rare Hunter who laid on the ground. His hand would twitch as he looked at the sky.

Rare Hunter: I lost...I failed...

Joey looks at the Hunter in confusion as Yugi, Y/n and Juvia do the same seeing him get up.

Rare Hunter: Forgive me, master...I tried my best! No! Please don't be angry!

The Rare Hunter stands up fully before holding his head and yelling out in pain as The Pharaoh had taken over Yugi's body as Y/n guarded Juvia.

Rare Hunter: No, master, don't! Please! Spare me!

Joey: Guys, that wacko's lost his mind!

Pharaoh Yugi: I've seen this before!

Pharaoh Yugi would look at the Hunter before seeing the millennium symbol glow on his head and looks in shock.

Yugi: That's the Millenium symbol!

Rare Hunter: *distorted* We meet again, Pharaoh.

Y/n: The hell is wrong with this guy?

Rare Hunter: *distorted* *looks at Pharaoh Yugi* Remember me, Pharaoh? Actually, perhaps you don't. You were trapped in the puzzle when I dueled little Yugi. *looks at Y/n* Y/n L/n, congratulations on defeating my Rare Hunter, your reputation proceeds you. Though he was the weakest duelist in my crew, my other minions will prove much more formidable.

Y/n: How many of these guys are there?

Joey: *looks at Yugi* Yuge, what is with this freak show?

Rare Hunter: *distorted* Pharaoh, I've waited for you for years. Finally, after all this time, I will destroy you. I will not allow my other Rare Hunter's to fail me like this one did. I have little time for his kind of foolishness, so I have taken over his body and trapped his mind in the Shadow Realm. I am in control!

A rainbow aura surrounds the Rare Hunter's body as the body begins to jolt around and spin in different directions. Juvia looks in shock as she holds Y/n's arm as he looked at the Hunter.

Pharaoh Yugi: How do you control him?

Rare Hunter: *distorted* Each of the Millennium Items contains its own unique power. So mind control is a simple task with my Millennium Rod.

Y/n: Yeah, see what good can come from that once it turns on you.

The Rare Hunter looks at Y/n before looking back at Pharaoh Yugi.

Rare Hunter: Allow me to introduce myself. Remember my name. Marik.

Pharaoh Yugi: Marik! What is it you want from me, Marik?!

Rare Hunter: *distorted* I want what belongs to me, and I'll take it by using the strength of the Egyptian God Cards!

Pharaoh Yugi: Egyptian what?

Rare Hunter: *distorted* Millennia ago, a trio of powerful behemoths rampaged through Ancient Egypt. These Egyptian God monsters spread destruction throughout the world until the Pharaoh sealed them away from eternity. But when Pegasus created Duel Monsters, he resurrected these might beasts as cards. With these Egyptian Gods, I can destroy you and claim the power I deserve.

Pharaoh Yugi: You'll never claim the Millennium Puzzle!

Y/n: And I'll make sure of that.

Y/n steps forward as he looks at the Rare Hunter as he stands in front of his friend.

Y/n: I may not know what all the Ancient Egyptian crap is all about, but no one threatens my friends. Send however many of your Rare Hunters after me, cause I'll take them all down before they get to Yugi.

The Rare Hunter would stop speaking before the millennium symbol would disappear from his head and he falls to the ground. Y/n looks at the body on the floor before looking at the Red Eyes card in his hand and hands it to Joey who takes it.

Y/n: Your gonna need this, Joey. Cause we are gonna have to fight like hell to help Yugi.

Joey looks at Y/n in determination as he nods before Y/n looks at Yugi.

Y/n: We will get through this together, Yugi. I've always had your back, and now that I'm back in town, these guys better watch out.

Pharaoh Yugi looks at Y/n and nods as Y/n returns the gesture before he and Juvia leave Joey and Yugi to find more duelists to challenge. Y/n looked forward in determination as he clenched his fist.

Y/n: Get ready for some pain, Marik!

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