Binge Watch This! (AU)

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Inspired By: Captain_Nyx_Lemonade

"Timebomb! Hurry up! It's gonna start soon!" Cywren yelled from the couch, looking at the TV screen like her life depended on it.

Timebomb, one the other hand, was in the kitchen, making popcorn, wondering to himself why he was doing this.

Oh yeah, Cywren's here.

Timebomb sat himself on the couch, next to Cywren, with the popcorn.

"Okay, so tell me again why we're watching this," Timebomb asked while Cywren rolled her eyes.

"Because, it's only the greatest movie franchise of all time! And Star Wars : The Empire Strikes Back is only my favorite movie," Cywren blurted out, only stopping because she must've sounded like a complete nerd.

"Alright. Let's watch Star Wars," Timebomb groaned while Cywren giggled.

(Hours and hours later)

Timebomb sat, watching the last part of the last movie, with Cywren asleep in his lap.

He didn't know how, but she was right.

This really was the best movie franchise.

At least that he'd seen.

The credits began rolling as Cywren stirred awake.

"Timebomb, what time is it?" She asked, reaching for her glasses that Timebomb sat on the end table.

"Uh, 3 in the morning," He answered with a yawn.

"Great," Cywren yawned, rubbing her eyes before putting her glasses on.

"So, did you enjoy the movies, Timebomb?" Cywren asked with a smile.

"Uh... Yeah, I did," Timebomb admitted in defeat.

"I knew you would! You owe me a Nuka-Cola!" Cywren squealed in excitement while Timebomb chuckled.

After she calmed down, she reached back behind the pillow she was laying on, pulling out a metal pipe-type-thing.

"What's that?" Timebomb asked.

"For you," Cywren said with a light blush, handing Timebomb the piece of metal.

He took it, observing every inch until he found a button.

Obviously, he pushed it.

Out came a beam of green light. Timebomb looked astonished.

"H-how did you get your hands on this?" He asked, carefully looking at the beam.

"I made it. Do you like it?" She asked, blush splashed all over her cheeks.

"I love it," He said while she pulled out another one. A teal one.

"Wanna dual?" She asked with a smile.

"Jedi vs. Jedi doesn't seem right. We need a Sith Lord," He said while she nodded.

"Yes, but where do we get a Sith Lord?" Cywren asked, pulling out a dual red lightsaber.

The two smiled, running across the street from Cywren's house.

Sarah's house.

They knocked on the door, loudly and repetitively.

After a few minutes of knocking, the door finally opened.

"What?" Sarah asked, clearly upset that she was now up at about 3 in the morning.

"We're playing Star Wars and we need a Sith Lord, you interested?" Timebomb asked while Sarah stood there for a moment.

"The stupid things I do for you people," Sarah huffed out while taking the lightsaber.

"Thanks, Lyons," Cywren said with a smile.

So, they all went in the middle of the street and had a lightsaber battle. Like what little kids do, only with real weapons that could probably destroy planet Earth if they wanted to.

Sounds fun, right?


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