Birthday Boy!!

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Cywren looked at Timebomb with a cold stare and an eyebrow up.

"Timebomb, he's turning nine and the least we could do is make him happy..." She groaned as he let out a sigh of defeat.

"You're right... It's just, back at Little Lamplight -"

"But Timebomb... This isn't Little Lamplight! Let's let him have the childhood that we both wish we had!" She cheered while he nodded.

"You're right... Let's do it..." He said while she smiled.

"Thanks, Timebomb..." She said with a grin, which Timebomb found absolutely adorable.

She ran into the dining room, looking at Sarah and the five nine-year-olds sitting around the table.

"Hey, Bryan! Guess who's staying for your party?!" She yelled while his face lit up as he sprinted up and hugged Timebomb.

  She looked at him with a victorious look while he couldn't help but smiling.

"Are you really, Timebomb?!" Bryan asked with excitement while Timebomb smiled.

"Yeah, Bud, I'm staying..." Timebomb said as Bryan ran back to his seat.

Cywren gave Timebomb a smirk while he rolled his eyes.

"Who's Timebomb?" One of the kids asked.

"He's Ms. Cywren's boyfriend..." Another one said while Sarah bursted out in laughter.

Cywren and Timebomb, on the other hand, were blushing like no tomorrow.

"Uh... N-No... I'm not..." Timebomb stuttered while Cywren glared down at the floor.

"Why not? You both obviously like each other," A different one asked while Sarah kept laughing.

Timebomb shot Sarah a look while she tried to calm herself.

"Oh my gosh... I'm sorry..." She spoke, still laughing.

"Well... That's not quite..."

"Maybe Mr. Timebomb is too scared to ask out Ms. Cywren..." Sarah said while both Cywren and Timebomb shot her a glare.

"Is that true?" One of the kids asked while Cywren looked up at Timebomb.

"No. It's not," He answered sternly.

"Oh really?" Sarah asked while Cywren rolled her eyes and walked out.

"Really..." Timebomb spoke with narrowed eyes.

"Then do it!" Bryan yelled while Sarah nodded in agreement.

"Fine! Only if you'll leave us alone after!" He yelled while Sarah smirked.

"Leave you alone... Like how?" She asked while Timebomb rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, Sarah..." He sighed while walking out.

Cywren laid on her back, looking up at the night sky and the thousands of stars splattered amongst it.

The roof was her only alone place where she could just clear her mind.

She closed her eyes, thinking about her dad. Then her mind drifted to what the kids were saying.

'They both obviously like each other'

  I-Is that true? Does Timebomb like her back.

"Cy?!" She heard Timebomb yell, causing her to sit up and look over the edge of the roof.

"Up here!" She answered while he nodded and met her up on the roof.

"What are you doing up here?" He asked while she shrugged.

"I dunno... Just thinking..." She answered, looking around awkwardly.

"About what?" He asked while she shrugged.

  She has a trump card on this one. He'll drop it in a split second.

"Just my dad..." She whispered, knowing he'd drop it.

"Oh........." Was all he responded with.

"What about you? Why did you come up here?" She asked while he shrugged.

"Just chasing something I can't live without..." He whispered while I looked around in confusion.

"But I'm the only one up here..." She spoke hesitantly with an eyebrow up.

"Exactly..." He whispered while laying on his back.

  She froze.

"W-what?" She was barely able to whisper.

"You heard me..." He said, sitting up and looking at her.

  The darkness hid some of her blush, but he could still see majority of it.

  She instantly turned her face away from his, trying to hide the fact that she was absolutely embarrassed.

"Why you hiding your pretty face from me?" He asked, placing his finger under her chin and pulling her glare towards his.

"I-I don't know..." She whispered as they both heard giggling.

  They both peeked their heads over the edge.

"Man, Sarah, we should pretend it's my birthday more often!" Bryan yelled while Cywren and Timebomb both looked at each other.

"Oh she's going down..." Cywren groaned, realizing what the two had been planning.

"Go get her," Timebomb said with a smile while planting a kiss on Cywren's cheek and jumping off the roof.

"Oh you're gonna pay for this, Lyons!" He yelled while Cywren sat perfectly still, remaining a flustered mess.


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