Wanted (SF)

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Song: Wanted
By: Hunter Hayes
Album: Encore

You know I'd fall apart without you,
I don't know how you do what you do,

Timebomb sighed as he sat up, pain shooting through every single limb he owned.

"What the-" He started before noticing the breathtaking female standing before him.

She had flaming red hair, ocean blue eyes, a pair of black-framed glasses, and a Vault-Tech jumpsuit.

'Cause everything that don't make sense about me,
Makes sense when I'm with you,

"Easy there. Don't want to hurt anything else..." She whispered. Her words sounded glazed in honey.

"Sorry..." He said, leaning back against the operation table.

"I'm Cywren. Cywren Caster..." She said with a small smile while handing him some pain pills.

"I'm Timebomb," He answered, trying his hardest to avoid the pain.

Like everything that's green girl I need you,
But it's more than one and one makes two,

"Okay, Cywren, where's Red?" He asked, receiving a confused look in return.

"Who?" She asked, purely confused with every word coming out of his mouth.

"The doctor, Red. You know, the one that preformed surgery?" He said while she looked down.

"Look, Timebomb, I performed surgery on you..." She muttered while slightly looking up at him. 

Put aside the math and the logic of it,
You gotta know you're wanted too,

"W-What? N-No, you must be confused!" He yelled, tears threatening to fall.

  He knew what that meant.

  It meant they had taken her and others.

'Cause I wanna wrap you up
Wanna kiss your lips,
I wanna make you feel wanted,

"I'm sorry, Timebomb. I have to go get them, though. Do you know where they went?" She asked while his eyes widened.

"Are you insane?! We're talking about Super Mutants! Super Mutants! Those things will tear you to shreds within seconds!" He yelled while her eyes widened in fear.

And I wanna call you mine
Wanna hold your hand forever,
Never let you forget it,
Yeah I wanna make you feel wanted,

"I'm still going. I've been sent to go get them by the guards," She said while he shook his head.

"No! Those things will kill you!" He yelled, worried for the new girls safety.

"If I don't go then who will? What will happen to those innocent people if I don't?" She asked while he let out a sigh of defeat.

Anyone can tell you you're pretty,
And you get that all the time, I know you do,

"Fine... But only if I can come, too..." He said while she looked at him with question.

"Timebomb, you just got out of surgery. You need to stay here," She said while he shook his head.

But your beauty's deeper than the make up,
And I wanna show you what I see tonight,

"Cywren, you just saved my life, I think I'm allowed to pay you back for that..." He said while she shook her head.

"No... I'll take you outside and you need to heal up... Okay?" She asked while he hesitantly nodded his head.

When I wrap you up,
When I kiss your lips,
I wanna make you feel wanted,

  She was right. He was in no shape to go fight off Super Mutants, but he didn't want her to get hurt.

"Okay, so do you wanna go outside?" She asked while he nodded.

And I wanna call you mine
Wanna hold your hand forever,
Never let you forget it,
Yeah I wanna make you feel wanted,

  Cywren assisted Timebomb outside, making sure he was in good hands before she ran off.

  Out into the unknown...

As good as you make me feel,
I wanna make you feel better,

  It had easily been a few days and Timebomb was growing worried. Not just for the missing civilians of Big Town.

  But for Cywren as well.

   He looked out in the distance, seeing three shadows. Two humans and one dog.

Better than your fairy tales,
Better than your vast dreams,
You're more than everything I need,

  Cywren had approached the main bridge, allowing in the only survivor.

  The other had died in a tragic accident involving the nasty creatures living in the Wastes.

You're all I ever wanted,
All I ever wanted,

"Cywren?" Timebomb asked as soon as he saw the faintly recognizable red-head.

"He Timebomb! How you feeling?" She asked as he shrugged.

"Just about as good as you can when you survived five bullet wounds," He said with a shrug.

And I just wanna wrap you up,
Wanna kiss your lips,
I wanna make you feel wanted,

"And I assume you still wanna come on adventures with me?" She asked while he looked up at her and smiled.

"Yeah..." He answered.

And I wanna call you mine
Wanna hold your hand forever,
And never let you forget it,
I wanna make you wanted,

"One exception..." She howled while he looked at her with confusion.

"And that would be..."

"If things get too intense, please fall back and let me handle it..." She whispered while he thought for a second.

Baby I wanna make you feel,

"Deal?" She asked while he smiled.

"Deal," He answered as they began to head down the dusty and broken roads of the Wasteland.

  Ready to become inseparable...

You'll alway,
Be wanted,

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