Fairy!Tiny!AntiSepticEye x Marvin

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Anti POV

All my life I have teased others with ego. One day that changed.

A few hours earlier.

I was sitting in my room thinking about some things, playing with knives and throwing them at the wall. Until I got hungry in a blanket. I got a few rumbles in my stomach and headed for the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen where I saw some cookies on the kitchen counter, even though I love sweets I decided to take a whole plate and some drink.

I have no idea what those cookies were, but they were really good. After a few minutes, the whole plate was gone, and strangely, I got sleepy.

S҉t͜ra͢nge...̀ ͡w̵h̡a͏t̕ was͝ ͢in ̶th͞ose̴ c̵ak̶es҉- I wobbled slightly on my feet and leaned against the frame of one of the ego doors.

I slowly moved to my room locking the door behind me. Then I saw that strange things were happening to my body.

I looked at my hands and saw that they were surrounded by a strange white mist with light sparks, I tried to chase it away but to no avail. The fog went all over my body.

W̨h̶a̴t͢ ̶the..́.?! - I felt myself getting sick and my back started to hurt as well as my head. I grabbed my head, I felt something growing out of my head. I ran to the mirror I had in my room, The sight scared me.

There were 2 tiny butterfly-like feelers growing out of my head!

Wh̵at ͢ís̶ ͜hap̴pen̕ing̕ t͠o ̡m̵e?̨!̀ - I felt a pain on my back, I leaned away from the mirror and started to scratch my back to make the pain stop but it didn't help. I tore my black T-shirt and it fell to the floor in shreds.

I touched the spot that sat like hell. I felt on the small on the cuts from which something comes out?!? Something that looked like little fairy wings that grew every second?!!!

N̨o, ̡nǫ, no͏ ͜it̷'s͘ n̨ot̷ ̧h͘appen͠ing̴, i̶t̨'́s ̕ju̶st ̢a̵ dr͟eam..!!!! - Suddenly I felt a little dizzy, I grabbed the bed frame. there were little sparks flying in front of my eyes. I felt my hands slide from the bed frame. I just saw the room I'm in start to grow?!!!

I ̵s͢tar̴t͞e͝d͜ s̷h̴ri͡ǹk҉i͞ng?! No͜ b͘e̶g͏g͜in͟g,͜ m̶a͡ke̵ ̷it͢ ̷s̕t̀op̨ !̸!͞!̕ - Eventually I shrank to over 3 inches tall. I landed like a little fairy with green big shirtless wings. with two little feelers on his head.

My whole room was huge, T-shirt clothes lay all over the floor. I looked at my new wings. They looked nice but they were committed in blood.

I heard someone come into my room closing the door behind them, I weakened I ran behind the bed frame and hid behind it.

Anti... Come out. I know you're here. - i heard Marvin's voice walking around my room. I prayed he didn't find me, it would be reassuring to see me like this.

Marvin POV

I knew it. I knew Anti would be tempted by the cakes. Everyone knows he likes candy. although I didn't think he'd eat them all.

As I entered his room I saw him hiding behind the frame of his bed.

Anti, come out, I won't hurt you..~ - I moved my finger and used my power to pull Anti out from under the bed. He tried to grab onto something, but my magic pulled him out anyway.

Anti POV

Marvin pulled me out from under the bed using his magic.

When I saw it was huge it made me uncomfortable and I felt humiliated to see Marvin smiling at me.

And like Anti, you enjoyed the cookies I made especially for you.~ - Marvin laughed looking at me. -I see you've even grown feelers.

You look really cute Anti like not you..- Marvin turned me around using his magic and saw large green wings that were stained with blood.

?! Blood...

But why are you oozing blood... That spell wasn't supposed to turn you completely into a fairy. - Marvin lightly touched my fingers making me twitch slightly in pain.

T͘h̴at ͜wa̧s Ma҉r͠v͞in.̀.̧.͡ ͞i̕t͘ ̛h͏u̸rts͠ ͏l̛ik͘e ̡he҉l͢l.͠.͟.

Marvin planted me on his hand, checking to make sure I had no blood or other signs of transformation anywhere else.

How you felt Anti, how you felt when you transformed... ?- Marvin looked at me using his magic helping to wipe the blood off my back.

It͡ ̧wa̢s͜..͢.͢ h͞o͜r̛r̕ibl͡e͠.͞ ̶I͏t's ͠l̕ike some̵o͘ne in͏ ͞y͡ou̶r̨ ̷he͠ad ҉a͝nd ͞y͠o̧u̵r ͞b̷ack̛ p̶oured̴ ̡h͝ot ̡wat́er on̢ ҉y͞ou ̧aǹd br̨ew̸ed ̷i͟t s̕e͜v͡e̵r͞a̧l̡ ͏ti̢mes̸ .

Forgive Anti, I didn't think it would be such a painful experience. But I hope this teaches you not to do signatures and other crap on us. 
That spell was only meant to humiliate you and nothing more. You're lucky it only lasts a week.

A w̢e̷ek ̴of̨ ͢bei̸ng̢ ͢a̷ ̕fairy̡...͏ ͢F̴ine̡.

Don't worry Anti won't be so bad. - Marvin portal my head through which the feelers moved. - But you still look cute.

888 Words

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