(Reqeust) Giant!Yandere!AntiSepticEye x Reader

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We all know that in the world in which we live now giants walk, rarely demons appear.

For some strange reason people started to hide in shelters, caves and abandoned ports where there are no giants.

People had to manage somehow, they only went out to get food and weapons. They called them gatherers. I was in that group, (Y/N). Apparently I was one of the best pickers.

This time the colony ran out of food, so the rest of the colony chose me to go get the food.

I took everything I needed: Bandar, water, weapons and some food for the journey. It usually takes a couple of days to get to the mast.
I left the bunker where the rest of my colony was and headed east to the nearest abandoned town. In a world where giants live, you have to keep your eyes on the ball, you always have to be vigilant.

It's been a few hours since I left the building. Fortunately there were no giants in my path.

Suddenly I felt an earthquake, I knew the giant was somewhere close so I hid behind the trees so he wouldn't notice me. I prayed it wasn't a demon. Demons have heightened senses.

I looked out over the stone where I could hear the trees falling.

Oh no.... Demon!

I ducked back and clipped the gun to myself.

Please go away. I don't want you to find me. Please go away - I begged myself that he'd come past me and that was it, but unfortunately that didn't happen.

In one moment the giant attacked the tree behind which I was hiding and with one hand grabbed it from the roots, revealing me staring in horror.

The demon looked terrible. He had a cut on his neck with quite a bit of blood pouring out of it, slightly greenish skin and individual glyphs.

We̡l̷l̴,̵ I̡ nev͡e͘r ̡t̷houg̨ht ̴I͠'̴d ̕find ͏a̷ m̧an ͝he͜r͝e, ͝a҉n̶d ͝a wo͠man̡ at th̀a̛t.͠ - He grabbed my backpack and lifted it up with me, I tried to shoot him with my gun but he grabbed it with two fingers and smashed it into little pieces.

Do͡n̨'͟t mo͘v̨e,̛ ͡w̶o̴man̛. ̵I ͡j̧u͠st͠ wa̕nt̴ t҉o̕ ̨l͟oo̴k͟ ̨at ̷yo͞u͜.͏ - The demon scowled at me as if steaming whether I was fit to be his pet.

I will not be your pet demon!!! Over my dead body! - I screamed trying to get out of his grasp, but when I realized I was really high up, I stopped.

C͝om̧e o̷n̢,̵ ̶you̢'͜re͏ ͝gon͠na̷ b̡e̢ ơne ány͏wa͜y͏. Don͞'̸t ̸w̶orrý, I͝'͟l͏l ҉t̷ák͘e car̵e of i̛t. - The demon lifted me above his head and opened his mouth, showing sharp fangs with a long tongue. - F͜irs͡t ru҉l̢e͡... ́Y͡òu ͝can҉'t̀ r͢un̸ ͜a̕w͢ay͘. Ot͞h͝er͜ẃi͘s̛e͡, ͏I͡'̨ll ̸l̡ea̵ve̸ y̸ơu̸ he͘re̷ a̧nd ̧pla̕y̕ wi͘t́h you ͢i͡n m͢y͟ ͝m̀outh͟. - He licked his teeth with his tongue, it scared me.

Se͠co̢nd͞ ͜ru̵le,̕ ͝Ỳou͢'̴r͞ȩ súpposęd ̶to͞ ̵c̨a̴ll̶ ̧me ͟by my͡ ͠fi̡rst ͢n̵amé an҉d yo̷u͡'d͢ rath͢er͡ ͠be ͟in͝ ͘my b҉e͢ll͝y fo҉r͢ ͘a l͞on̸g ti̕me͏.̕ - The head tried. - What's your name? - i looked into his eyes.

My ̡n̡am̡e̵ i͟s ͢An͘t̢iS̵ep͏t͟įc̛E͏y̸e ̸an͞d͢ ̡f͏ròm n̛ow ̧o̢n̡ ̨you a̸r̀e called̕ ̷Bir̡di͘e ̀a͘nd̶ yo͘u are̸ o͟n̵ly min̶e͜, do ̕ýou un̨d̕èr̴sta̡n͜d́ Biŗdie?͞ ͡- He looked at me carefully.

Yes Anti, I'm already yours...

600 Words.

I hope you like it!!!

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