JackieBoy x Tiny!Reader

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Jackieboy roamed the streets during the day. He had the day off, so he could afford to do anything.

From time to time, even superheroes need a break.

Looking at his phone, he walked quietly through the middle of the city. After a moment, he heard something below him. Something that sounded like a man screaming.

He looked down where he spotted a tiny person waving at him. He almost forgot that in the city where he lives as a man and as a super hero there are also people of small size, almost 10 centimeters people.

Oh, sorry I didn't see you...- crouched down to be about his size.

Be careful... next time, by the way, what are you doing here? This is no place for people...- he put his hands on his hips, pointing at his surroundings.

Actually, I wasn't in my part of town. Telegon can pull you in.

Oh shit, sorry I didn't mean to... - I laughed a little while rubbing my neck.

You have nothing to apologize for. Most people forget we're even here.. - she smiled slightly- Anyway, I'm (Y/N) and what's your name?

I couldn't give her my real name, so I just made it up.

Jack nice to meet you (Y/N) - I gave her my hand which she accepted.

Time Skip.

It was night. I was getting ready in my apartment for a night patrol, the TV was playing the news.

Attention Attention, in the city of little people in a building on the main street is burning - I looked at the TV - The biddy probably missed a couple of people!

I quickly jumped out of my apartment window and rushed to the scene of the fire.

In a few moments I arrived to the place where I saw that my new friend who I met this morning (Y/N) was stuck in the building.

I didn't look back for a moment and reached for it making sure nothing happened. She was unconscious, probably passed out from the smoke from the buildings.

No, no, (Y/N) wake up..- I massaged her back to make her touch herself. Finally, she slowly opened her eyes.


I opened my eyes which slimed from the smoke.
I noticed someone holding me and rubbing my back. My eyes widened when I saw who was holding me.

It was Jackieboy the hero I admired. I've always dreamed of meeting him.

Are you all right...? Are you okay?

I'm fine, thank you... Wait, you called me by my first name... how did you know I was called that?

Umm, I've got to go, dear...- He put me in an ambulance.

I've seen as soon as it evaporates into a town of people.

Wait, wasn't that Jack?

461 Words

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