!Reqeust! Jackieboy x Tiny!Reader (Vore)

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I've lived in a lab for as long as I can remember, practically my entire hopeless life has been spent there.

People have always done various experiments with me, probably no one from the outside knew what was really going on here.

I opened my eyes, I was in my cell, on the wall I had written all the days I spend here, soon I will run out of the wall. I didn't have a bed, I just slept on the floor in my hospital clothes.

I was roused from my sleep by the loud opening of the bars from my cell. People led me out of the cell by my arm, we walked down some corridor where there were more people like me.

Don't worry, Number 3, it's just another test.

I knew they were lying, they've always lied. They put me in a white room where a bright light shone. On the walls were she by who were other scientists.

I've got the door shut behind me, I don't know what to do. Finally, something shot from the ceiling straight into my neck. I grabbed the spot screaming in pain. I pulled out a small syringe with some purple liquid left in it. I was confused. I didn't know what it was. After some time I started to feel strange, my whole body started to shake and itch.

I started scratching and the weird feeling wouldn't go away. I saw darkness in front of my eyes, I couldn't hold on to my legs, finally I fell down and lost consciousness.

Time Skip.

I opened my eyes I was all sore. I tried to get up but I felt something holding my arms as well as my legs. I tried to break free, but I was pinned to the table above me.

Oh, nuemr 3 is awake... So the experiment was a success. Number 3 has been shrunk to 3 inches.

What ! I'm cramped !!! It's that fluid they injected into me. One of the scientists looked at me, he was huge compared to me.

Okay, now we start the next test...?!

Suddenly I heard someone open the gate and enter the room and knock the scientists down. I tried to cover my ears. That person was awfully loud.

I saw men dressed in black suits with guns and with them stood a man dressed in a red suit with a blue mask.

The man in the black outfit looked at me in disbelief. He freed me easily, I tried to escape but he quickly caught me and I screamed.

No, shh. I'm not gonna hurt you. I wanna get you out of here. My name is JackieBoy. I'm here with the cops. we'll take you and the others.

One of the policemen turned to Jackieboy. - Did you find something JackieBoy?

Jackie will cover me with her body. - No, there's nothing here.

The policeman nodded and went the other way. I was surprised why he lied.

Jackieboy turned to me. - I'm gonna get you out of here... You got a name, baby?

...they call me number 3 here.

Okay, look, I need to get you out of here so no one can see you. so I'll keep you..- I had no idea what he meant, but I was about to find out.

Jackie grabbed me by my hospital clothes and lifted me up to his face. He opened his thistle wide. I was terrified. I tried to fight but he pushed me into his mouth. I fell on his wet tongue. I prayed he wouldn't swallow me.

He closed his mouth leaving me in the dark, he didn't swallow me which made me happy but I still didn't trust him. I felt Jackieboy move.

His tongue was warm, it was quite nice. I snuggled up to him and tried to sleep.

Time Skip.

Jackieboy opened his mouth pulling me sleepy.

I'm sorry. I had no other idea how to get you out of there.. - He started wiping me of saliva.

That's okay... thank you Jackieboy.

I looked at my surroundings it looked like an apartment. I looked at JackieBoy. - Is this your house?

Yeah... now it's your apartment, too.
Tell me how you want me to talk to you..?

Hmmm maybe (Y/N).

Well, (Y/N), welcome to your new home.

722 Words

I didn't think there'd be so many words. How do you like it?

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