Giant!Anti x Demon! Reader (Part 2)

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I was the first to wake up in the cave and I could hear the water dripping from outside as well as Anti's snoring.

I got up from him and rubbed my eyes, I saw that he was still asleep, so not wanting to wake him up I transported myself to the entrance of the cave.

The view of the forest after the terrible storm looked like an octopus, several trees were fallen as well as broken, there were sticks and all sorts of trees everywhere.

I stretched myself and moved ahead looking for a river.
At one point I stopped and saw that something was lying under the branch and I picked it up. My eyes widened and after a moment I felt my heart break in half. Under a branch lay the dead body of a small fox. It was probably fleeing the storm.

I didn't want to leave him like that, but what could I do... nothing. I covered him back up and moved on.

Anti POV

I woke up alone in my cave and (Y/N) wasn't there, so I got up and left the cave.

I went out in the cave, the forest looked awful. I was sleeping in front of the cave and I saw (Y/N) sitting on one of the trees.  I rushed to her but she didn't even flinch as I sat down on the grass near the tree she was sitting on.

W͢hat͡ ̡a͟ŕe͝ ͢you ̢doin͡g̛ he̛ré?

I'm sitting, can't you see?

...I s͢e̢e̶ ̶y͏o͟u͝'re̸ ͡n̨o̶t ̢hun͘g͡ry, ̶are y͢ou?

... Why life is so hopeless... why everything beautiful ends..

Anti sighed.

L͢i̵f̵e ̢i҉sn'͞t fair͝,͢ ̶b̧u̴t ̀eve͏n̶ ̸w͜e dem͘on͝s ̢re͞ali͠z̕é ͘t̶h́a͝t͏. - I was just bumping it with my hand and watching it with my thumb - No̕w, ͘ar͏e͞ y̧ou h͡u͜ngry̶ ͜o͝r̀ ͟n̛o͢t͜?

A little.

Wel̢l,͞ ͝co̡m̀e̸ ͝on.͠.̛.̡ ̧I ͞k̷no̡w̧ ̢somȩ place̢s where̕ w͘e can̕ have brea͝kf͘ást.̕

Okay... but - I teleported to his head - There's no way I'm following you - I lay down on top of him.

D͝on̡'t̛ ̴g͏et us̕ed t͜o̴ ͏i̷t.

368 Words

Sorry I missed this rehearsal, but I finally did it.

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