!Request! Dragon!Tiny!Reader x AntiSepticEye (Vore)

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I'm running from one of the demons that shrunk me and in addition broke one of my wings.

Normally I could easily beat him but he had to use his powers and shrink me. We dragons have powers too, but not as strong as demons.
I tried to defend myself, but the demon kept trying to get to me. As far as I knew, the demon was called AntiSepticEye.

I hid behind one of the cabinets and prayed he wouldn't find it, but alas, it happened. He pulled me by the tail lifting me up.

I tried to bite him or even burn him a little, but he quickly grabbed me by the neck and made it possible.

Do̷n'̕t ͠f̷id͡g̛e͜t,̀ y̛ou ͢s͠t̸u͏pid ̴d͜r͜a̶g̷o͟n. I'll maké įt ͡q́uick ͟an̶d̵ yo͟u ̀won̛'t̕ evȩn k̀no͘w ̵it.́

Anti opened his mouth wide showing his sharp teeth and long used saliva covered tongue. He slowly put me in his mouth, saliva was all over my face, I felt Anti sucking me all over. I tried to break free, but my head slid down his throat. Finally Anti shut his mouth leaving me in the dark. The walls of my throat pressed against my body until he swallowed me whole. I slid slowly down his throat and straight into his stomach. It was dark and wet. I was all wet from saliva and stomach acid.

D͡ón̷'t͞ ̢w̢orr̕y̷, Dragon.͜.̸. ̨e͟veŗy̷th̨ing w̨ill͘ calm̸ d͟own ͏soon͡.̨.- I felt Anti rub his stomach. Leaving me here to die.

263 Words
Sorry it's been so long, I've had too much on my mind.
But I hope you like it!!

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