Marvin x AntiSepticEye x Tiny! Reader

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A typical day at the SepticEgos' house. There was no sign that this day would get any worse.

Oh, how wrong I was.

Marvin used a spell on me that made me tiny. I knew something would go wrong with that spell, but I don't blame him.

Again, I apologize to (Y/N) for this... Next time I won't ask you to help me with this...- Marvin slowly moved me to his nightstand to see if I was okay.

Marvin, please don't look at me like that. It's a little creepy. - i said.

Forgive me if I need to make sure you're okay and you don't have any more side effects..- He slowly turned me around with his magic to get a closer look. It was a little embarrassing.

Okey nothing else I see, I can make a growth potion but it will take some time. I'm gonna leave you for a while. I have to go get some stuff.- Marvin said, snapped his fingers and disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

I sighed.

I sat down on one of the books that was on the dresser and waited for Marvin to come back. At some point, the air in Marvin's room started to get heavy. I began to see individual mushrooms hovering in the air. It meant Anti was coming.

I quickly hid behind the book and waited for him to go.

Unfortunately that wasn't the case Anti came into Marvin's room aggressively looking for something. He knocked over all the books in the bookcase. I covered my mouth with my hand so he wouldn't hear me.

Wh͝ere͘ ͡t̀h̶e̸ ͘f͞uck̕ ̶įs̸ ̢s͜he? Yo͡u͡ ͏h҉ow҉led̶,͞ ̷(͞Y/͠N). ͜I ́k̡n͞o͜w Ma҉rvin put a shr͞in̛ki̷ng s͜pe̕ll o̢n ̛y͘o̴u͏.̧ ͟I c̕a̴n ͡h͏elp̀...- He was lying, everyone knew it. How would he help me?

C̶o͟m͘e ̴on,̧ ͟ba͟by...͘ ̡y͘ou ̴ķno͠w ҉you̸ ͡càn ̷t̨ru̸st m̷e̴.̛..- Anti slowly walked around the room looking for me.

You know very well Anti that I don't trust you..- I momentarily covered my mouth with my hand. I have no idea why I said that out loud.

I f̶o̧un͏d ͢you͟...- Anti quickly caught me in his fists lifted me up smiling from ear to ear. - A͝n̴d̶ ̴yet hę ͟s̸hru͟nk͞ yóu... w҉h̀a̛t ̧an̢ id͏iot ̶he҉ is.. Y̴o̕u'r̛e͠ on̕lý ̷m̸i͡ne ҉ńo҉w̡... heh̨e͝..- Anti lightly licked his lips and tossed me up and down for fun.

Anti stop! It's not funny or entertaining!- I tried to grab anything on the fly, but I couldn't reach anything.

You̴'͝re p͠ath̶etic,̧ ̧(Y/͝Ń).̷.̧. Y̶ou ķņòw͞ ҉t͟h̴is ͝m̶oron ̧al̢ways̕ ͜fa͞ils,͟ ͡b́ut yo҉u st͞i͞l̛l̡ ͝t̴h҉ink ̴h͜e'̢ll ͠ma͞ke̛ ̛i̕t͜. ͟y͜ou͠'̧re͢ ́r͡e̵àl͜l̕y̡ pa͘the͟t͡i̛c..- He grabbed my leg and lifted me up to his face. I tried to get out but without success Anti held my leg tightly.

Stop talking about him like that Anti!!! Compared to you, he's a hundred times better than you..- i started yelling at him. - He will always protect his friends even if I am that size! He will always be better than you Anti!!!

Pf͟f̧f̕ ҉h̵a̡haH̴a͢HAH́ĄA͏HAH!!.. Y͡o̴u k͡n͝o̶w҉, (͡Y̛/N̡)̢.́.͏.̛ y̵oú'͜ŗe r͝i̶dicu͡l̴ou͜s ̢tò ̵bȩlie͏v̕e̸ ̷i͠n h̛i̕m..͜.̸Bưt h҉e'͡s ̴n͜o͡t ͢h̡er̛e̕ af͡ţer̕ al͢l.͟.. ̷.- he opened his mouth, putting out his long tongue, he slowly began to push me into his mouth from which leaked his saliva.

Anti what are you doing?! Stop it, it's not funny at all..- I tried to cut off his tongue but the more I struggled the more he put me in his mouth. His saliva began to soak my clothes as well as my body. Anti let go of my leg and I fell on his slime-wet tongue. I was slipping away from him.

Anti what are you doing... that's too much...! - The saliva dripped on my face making me unable to see anything. I felt Anti licking me with his tongue which made me blush.

I wiped my face of his saliva, just seeing Anti licking me all the way down my body.

S-stop... please stop... do anything but that... - I tried to pull his tongue away from my mouth but it didn't work.

Suddenly I heard someone enter the room, Anti realized it too and quickly closed his mouth leaving me in the dark .

Anti... What are you doing here and what have you done with (Y/N)?!- Marvin used his Magic to immobilize Anti.-What have you done!!! - He was angry and you could hear it .

Anti just smiled, at that moment Marvin understood in a flash he snapped his fingers and get me out of his mouth and I appeared in his hand all drenched in saliva and shaking from what Anti was doing to me.

You pervert... How could you do this to her?!!- Marvin was incredibly angry I had never seen him like this before.

You deserve to be punished, pervert.- Marvin smiled and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly in a cloud of smoke Anti disappeared. I looked down where Anti was, but... it wasn't the real Anti we knew. Marvin turned him into a little turtle.

W͟ha̴t have͜ ̧y͢oų ͏ḑone͏ to ̢me?!͠ I w͏a͢nt͞ ̕y͢ou͜ t͞o ̧c͠h͝ang͞e ͘m͡e̕ ͝b҉ack̵..!!- the little turtle wobbled on its shell to catch its balance. Marvin along with me i crouched down to look at Turtle Anti.

Get used to Anti... because you're gonna stay like this for a whole month.


Marvin snapped his fingers and we found ourselves in the bathroom near Marvin's room. He laid me down slowly on the sink and started to set the water in the tap.

You take a bath and I'll get you back to normal, (Y/N). - Marvin helped me take off my clothes which were soaked with saliva Anti .

Marvin let me wash up quietly and turned around so I wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

Thank you, Marvin, for getting me out of there... and thank you for everything.- I looked at him wiping myself with the handkerchief he gave me.

You're welcome. i'm sorry he did this to you anyway...- He wanted to say something else but before he could I kissed him on the nose.

Marvin blushed, which made me laugh. - Don't apologize to me, Marvin. There's no need.

1095 Words

Yeah... Turtle Anti.

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