Part 2 (Collab) Anti x Shruken! Jackieboy

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the first part at Zoey_Bow
(Soft vore)

I opened my eyes slowly, it was dark. I felt like I was tied to a chair. I tried to get out, but the knot was tied tight.

Fucking Anti. what are you up to this time? If this is some kind of game, it's not funny at all !!- I look around, but I couldn't see anyone.

Anti POV

I saw the Hero try to break free, but nothing. I've tied the knot tight enough. He looked around but he didn't see me. And good.

I used my power and hit the hero with it.

Jackie POV

I saw a strange black-green mist surround my body that resembled a little Marvin's Magic.
I looked at my hands and saw how trichomes are shrinking !!?!

I panicked. I didn't know what was happening to me. I felt light valves of the head . The knot loosened so much that I could easily get out, but what about the fact that I was shrinking all the time. I looked at the chair I was sitting on. It was huge !! The rope that was holding me limp was lying next to me which was also huge !!

Luckily the clothes I wore shrank with me. I started shaking. Anti could literally do anything he wanted to me. I didn't like it.

Anti what you did to me !! You have to bring me back to normal and that's it !!- I screamed, not knowing where he was hiding.

Anti POV

I smiled broadly. I didn't think the spell would work that good!

He̵hehe ҉co̧m̶e̸ o͞ǹ ͘.̵. oúr͟ little͜ hero ̕i͞s̀ ̢s̸c͡a͡re͜d ͝..͠.-  I came out of the shadows. When Jackie saw me, he was even more scared. I saw him trying to find a solution to all of this but he was unable to since there were about 5 growth centers.

A-Anti ... change me b-back to normal....- Jackie stepped back a bit but fell from the rope that was lying on the chair by himself.

Wh̷at ..? ̴Sh͠òu̧l̛d ͟I͠ c͜h̴a͠ņg͏e͠ you t̢o ͏n͝o̷rm̡al͏ ̛heig͏ht͜? P͞f͘f̶ ̸Ha͘h͝a͏h̡a͏h̡a̵ y̡ou ̛m͜u̡s͠t ̸b̛e̶ ͜k͝idd͏i͟n͟g !! I'̵m j̶ust ͘s̨t͜ar͢tin̨g̴ ͟out͘,͡ ͟h̷ero!- I reached for a little hero who tried to escape but wasn't fast enough. I got it hard enough but not too hard to kill it or hurt it. I held it in my fist. He tried to pull away but didn't have enough strength.

Anti what are you doing .. put me down !!! - The tiny hero tried to break free, but it didn't help him. Instead, he watched what Anti wanted to do with him.

Y͝óu ҉wil͘l ̕s͠ooń f̢in̡d̨ o͞ut͠,́ h͢e͏r̶o̕ ͜..̷.̕ ̀but don'́t́ ̡wo̴ŕry͘,̀ ̢d͘o͟ǹ'͟t͢ h̴ur͝t̀ y̢o̸u͜ .͝.̡. ͠I'l҉l ̨j͠u͟st ̢pl͘ay̕ with̀ ͝y͞ou .̛..̀- I started tossing the little hero in my hand. He was screaming in the heavens but I didn't mind, I was just having a good time. However, a quite crazy but well-groomed thought came to my mind.

I lowered him onto my arm and grabbed his leg and lifted him up above my head. He tried to pull away, but I held his leg tight.

Anti .. please leave me alone ... I have had enough of this day .- Jackie said looking at me with a tired sentence .

Hm̕m͏m y͜o͜u͢ kno͏w͟ ̵wh̵a͡t̀ ..̕.̵ ̧I ̸d̛ơn'͠t cąr͜e...- I stuck my tongue out over you and Jackie got scared even more. My tongue touched his head making it slimy all over it. He tried to push my tongue away but all he did was leave more saliva on him.


Ph̴ḩ come ̢o͞n͞ ͏Jackie̡ h̡asn't ͘h͠ap̴p̴eńed̵ yet.͜- I licked my sharp teeth.

What do you mean..?! Jackie tried to wipe the saliva from his face but to no avail.

I opened my mouth wide showing my sharp teeth. I stuck out my tongue to make it easier for me to stick the little hero in my mouth. Wrapped my tongue around the little hero's waist and let it go. I felt it fall on my tongue.

Jackie POV

Is this moron normal?!? Anti threw me into his mouth right on his tongue. I tried to get up but it was wet and slippery knows every moment I fell on Anti's wet and warm tongue.

STOP ANTI !! YOU HAVE TO LEAVE ME HERE IMMEDIATELY !! I yelled at him but he just laughed which was quite loud.

Y͟ou̢'r̕e really͝ ́t͜ast͟y̷ ͞J͘a̡c̛ki͜ę ͜.̕.͏.̶  ~ - Anti said, sending his head slightly backward through you as I slid back where Anti's esophagus was.

What do you mean .. it tastes good ... oh no NO NO NO !! YOU MUST NOT SWALLOW ME !! CAN YOU HEAR ME!! DO NOT DO THIS! - I tried to get out but Anti's saliva made it difficult for me.

C̷ome͠ o͜n͡ ̶J͢ac҉kie͘b͠o͏y҉ ͡i͢s̴ ̛j͢u̡s͞t ͡f͡u͠n͞- Anti wiggled his tongue, bringing me closer to his esophagus.

Not for me!! I DON'T WANT TO GET SWALLOWED !! ANTI, PLEASE !!! - I felt tears gathering in my eyes. - PLEASE, I DO NOT WANT TO DIE THIS ...- I started to cry .. I didn't even have the strength to fight anymore and he didn't listen to me anymore.

Suddenly everything stopped ... Anti suddenly spat me on his hand. I looked at him but I didn't want to talk to him, I just looked at him and cried.

Anti POV

I spat it on my hand because I knew something was wrong. Jackieboy cried. Rarely could make him cry but I did and to be honest I don't like seeing him cry in my arms.

He҉y͢ ͡he͏y, Jac͡kie̴bóý ..̵. ҉pl͏eas̷e͟ ͡d̨o̵n't c̸r̡y bud͟d̕y.̀.- I tried to cheer it up somehow, but it was no use, he just looked at me and cried.

I ̶a̛dmit̸ ͡I got c̨a̢rr͟i͞ed͏ ͝a͢wa͢y̢ ..̢. ̛b͏ut͘ p̡lea̸s͟e͡ J͠ac͡ki͞e҉b͢oy̶ ̕... ̛don't͟ ͘c̵r͟y͘ ̡a͡n̨ymor͝e̶.̶  - I put him to my chest and tried to calm him down as much as I could, as time did not hear him cry.

Don't do it anymore, Anti... please...- I felt her lean against me.

Okęy̸ Í ҉pr̛o͞mis̶e͜. N͡o̷w͡ ͠I̛'̨m͘ ģonn̡a̧ ͠g͡e̡t҉ ̛y͢oų ̵r̀ight b̀e̛c̨a͢us̛e ̛y͡ou'͞r͝e͏ ͜we͜a̴rin̕g m̛y saliva ͘all͟ the ͞ti̸me.͞ -I teleported to the bathroom near our rooms. I put hot water in the sink and gave Jackieboy time to use.

I teleported to his room and took some clothes and went back to the bathroom.

Will you finally cut me to normal height?- Jackieboy asked watching me walk into the bathroom with his clothes on.

Y͞e͏ah͏ ͢..͜ I w͞as ̨gonna̵ d͏o ͢i҉t͢ i̛n tìme͠ a̵ņyw̵a͘y..- I put his clothes next to the sink and left the bathroom. I leaned against the door and snapped my fingers. I heard Jackieboy go back to his normal size.

I waited for him to put on the clothes I had prepared for him and walked away from the door.

Jackieboy of normal height emerged from the bathroom. He looked at me briefly and went to his room.  After a while I heard snoring.

En͟joy ̴Ja͏ck͡i̵eb͘o̢y ̵n̛o̧rḿa҉l ̸h͏e̶igh҉t͏ ͟as͏ mu̕c͏h ̕a͜s you can ͠.̨..̴ for̛ ͟no͡w̷ ̨..

1242 Words.

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