((VoreTober)) day 2. Mint.

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It was the day after we finally had Halloween. I love this holiday together with Robbie, we always try to make the best costume every year to eymyslesc.

This year we bet on the dark. Robbie and I dressed up as figures from Resident Evil. This is our favorite game series, so we decided that everyone dress up as a certain monster from this series.

We both tried very hard to maintain our costumes, except Robbie, because he was a zombie anyway.

When we were done, we could go outside and collect candy. Outside there were many children and adults running. They went from house to house collecting candy.

We spent most of the night scaring and collecting sweets from different houses. Our bags were flooded with sweets.

I had enough for one night, but Robbie insisted we enter another house.

The house looked weird because we didn't take care of the outside, there were some Halloween decorations on the windows, and there was a bowl of candy in the room. It was practically silent and inside there were sweets reminiscent of squeezing.

Each of us took a handful of candy and we went home.

I looked at the candy from that strange house and saw the name of the candy.

"Mint sweet"

I shrugged and as soon as we got home, each of us started counting how much we had collected.

I have 236 sweets... and you how much you have ( Y/N) ?

I have 211 candy... You won, Robbie.

After collecting all the candy everyone went to their room to stop off the costume. I wore loose pants with a long black T-shirt.

I looked at the candy and decided to take one. I met Mietus from this strange house.

I unpacked it and it looked normal like candy. I put it in my mouth and it tasted really good. I swallowed it and suddenly I felt strange. As if this candy would fill me to the brim... This made me a little sleepy, but at the same time it confused me a little. I whipped a strange feeling in all my warmth, as if someone was beginning to touch and tickle me. I've been looking at my surroundings and... O MY GOD BECOME MY PEACE GREATER! I've shrunk.

NO, NO, no... That's not happening..!?! I'm probably dreaming...!- I tried to get to my bed as soon as possible and climb it. I grabbed the blanket of my bed at the last moment, if I hadn't, I wouldn't have had a place to hide.

I've shrunk to five centimeters. My clothes were too big for me and my room was huge... - What am I supposed to do? No one can see me like this, or I'll get in trouble...- Suddenly, I heard a loud noise behind my room. I covered my ears with that sound.

I noticed someone coming into my room, hid them behind my pillow and watched who came into my room.

It was Robbie that he wanted to ask because he's the only one who can't knock in this house...- (Y/N), do you know where... (Y/N), where are you...?- I know I can't talk without him seeing me, but it's just Robbie. What could he do to me?

I'm here... just don't be surprised.. - I came out from behind the pillow where Robbie could see me.

What is !?.. no... That's you, (Y/N)..? But how could it be...?- Robbie followed me, and his head leaned against the frame of the bed. Even though he was sitting on the floor anyway, he was really huge.

The candy did this to me. I don't know what it was, but it did something to me...- I pointed it to the packaging on the floor. Robbie scratched him up and beat me up... - Strange smells normal..

I'm begging you to help me get back to normal. We need to get into that house and... Robbie, what are you doing..?!- Robbie grabbed me and gently lifted me up. He held me very gently on his palaces, but without me crashing.

You're so cute... You smell like that candy... (Y/N).. - Robbie licked his mouth and started cutting me to his mouth...

Robbie, stop. What are you gonna do to me... I want you to put me up..!-- But I can't resist. You smell delicious... -- pulled me very close to his mouth and started to lick my little body with his tongue.

Suddenly he opened his mouth wide and pushed me in, putting me on his tongue. I tried to get up, but his tongue kept moving and kept me from going out. His tongue pressed me against his palate. He was really strong.

Robbie, please, stop... - I knew he wasn't listening to me, but in that moment I felt him tilt his head backwards. and slide into his esophagus.
My body was sucked into his esophagus. His neck poles pressed against my body as I felt Robbie touch a small knot in his throat. I felt his touch pushing me deeper into his stomach.
I ended up with a splash in his stomach...

857 Words.

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