((VoreTober)) day 9. Glitch (Soft NSFW)

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I've been bought by a man in the store for some time now. I was a borrower. My price is $3. Not much for other borrowers.

It's been a week, and ever since I've been shopping from this man, I thought he'd be so angry that he'd let me die, but no, he's fed me, he's given me a lot of food in the cage.

There was a lot of it, why I didn't eat as much as I had, because I couldn't eat everything. But I was forced to eat what he gave me, and he threatened to do something he wouldn't regret.

Eventually, I gained a little weight, but not much.

Most of the day I spent in my cage sleeping or watching what my owner did, sometimes he let me out, but only when he watched. Over time, I realized that I didn't behave and looked like a human being. I don't know exactly what my owner was. I was afraid of him, and I didn't want to deal with him and follow his orders.

Today it was different, he let me out of my cage and lay down with me on his bed. He held my hand so I wouldn't run away or fall off his bed.

Suddenly he put in front of me a big chicken quawalku on a big plate, which is strange, today I got his portion of food for today. He looked at me with his eyes and I saw them turning light green. I was scared because I knew he wasn't human, so who or what he was.

Suddenly the air became heavy and strange sounds of unknown origin were heard. After the time there were eidsc light glitches that hovered over my supervisor.

I saw his throat turn blue. Suddenly he stretched, so it looked like a cut on his throat, from which a lot of blood was flowing, falling on the sheets and making them dirty.

I looked at him, he was scary. I tried to run, but he held me tight enough to keep me from free.

N̴o̢w͡ f̡uck͜i̶ng ̴lìst͟e̵n̷ to͞ ̡me̸,̕ ̶you śo͠n̛ ̷of̷ a b͟i̡t̢ch̛... Ýo͏u ̷e͢at͝ ̕the͘ ͝w͏h̵o̷l̴e͘ ch͟ic̷k̛en, ̷the̸re̴'͜s ͜n͜òthing l̴eft o͜n͜ t̷h̀e̛ ͏p͏l̛at͞e,̧ o͜r ̨you̴'́ll͞ ͏be͢ ͘her͝e.̵...- He pointed to his belly where you could hear his stomach growling.

I swallowed my throat and looked at the big chicken lying on the plate. I wasn't hungry, but I had to do it so he wouldn't eat me.

He let me go, where I fell on his mattress. The demon blocked every Miwsca I was supposed to escape from, so I went to the plate and grabbed the food and started eating. It was really good.

After 5 minutes I was really full and I wasn't even half full. From time to time, I heard a loud growl from my caregiver's belly, and I could feel his look on me.

I looked at my belly, which had grown under my shirt, and it was much bigger than before. I chopped more chicken meat and looked at him. I've had enough, but I can't stop because the demon is eating me.

H͢a̢ve͜ ͠y͜ou̵ ęat̨e̛n ͘y̷et̨, kįd?̀ - I looked at the demon that started licking me.

I shoved my head and stuffed more chicken in my mouth. My face, my hands and my shirt were full of chicken fat. Eventually, I felt someone touch me on my belly.

It was the demon that touched my belly, that made me red with shame.

Y҉o͏ùr ͝stom̛a͞c̡h̕ i̵s̴ re̵áll̸y͟ ̛ha̕rd̕. ̀Kid...͢ H̵ave y͞ou͡ ha͞d en͞oug͞h?͡ - He looked at me the whole time rubbing my swollen stomach.

I shook my head as a sign that I wouldn't let go... though I really had enough.

Let ̛m҉e͘ ̛h҉elp y̕o̕u o̧ut҉ ̴a ̛l͏it͠t̵l̨e̛ b͜it...- I didn't know what he was talking about when I didn't feel him hugging me and starting to feed me.

He pushed more and more food into my mouth and I couldn't swallow, and then more crumbs came on my fat belly, where I started to hear the T-shirt I was wearing bursting in the cupboards.

I touched my round stomach, which jumped up and every time she stuffed food into my mouth.

Eventually, I felt I was going to cause a big burp.

When I suddenly...


I covered my hand with shame. At least the demon stopped feeding me .

O͜h͡, w͟ell͘,we͢ĺl I ̢thin̡k ͜soḿe͏one fina̛lly ̛ha̛s͢ e͢n͘ou͠g͏h͟...- I was just looking at him. I didn't have the strength for anything. My stomach was huge and hung on his hand. I knew I was dead.

De͜s͝pįte ͜e͠v̷er̸y̸thin͟g҉, I'm ́proud o͜f̡ you,͟ yòu ̨son͢ ͢of̸ ̷a ́b̧i͏tc̀h̢.͜ ̡You arè ̷the fi͘rs͘t͘ ͜bo̢rr̶owe̷r ̢t҉o t̢a̢k͞e ̶u̴p͡ t̡hi͡s ̀ch̵a̡llen͞g̛e.̀ ͞But yo͢u k̴no͢ẁ ͢very͠ ͢we̸l̷ĺ..̷. Y͏ou ͘d̷i͝dn't ęa̛t̵ t̛hè ͝w҉h̵ole t͠hin͠g..- The demon started rubbing my stomach with his hand, which was nice and less painful.

Now ̴t̸h̨e be͝st ̕p͢a͝rt.͘.̡.͢.

He pulled me closer to his face and stretched out his long tongue and started licking me all over my body so I was completely in his spit. I can't even see him putting me half in his mouth. My stomach was so big that I didn't see him put the rest of my body in his mouth and lock me up and leave me in the dark. I felt the sticky saliva fall on my body and wet my clothes.
His tongue began to move in different directions, which put me in his esophagus. I felt my hands fall into his esophagus, then my head, my stomach and my legs. I literally felt the walls of his throat press against my body. And then I got into his stomach. Oddly enough, there wasn't any acid in it.

As soon as I fell, more burps came out of my mouth. My stomach started to vibrate, and I burp... I touched him, he was really hard.

You're̷ ̢lu͢c̸k̨y,̶ kid͞, ̛Í ̢wo̧n'͜t kill̸ y͏o̸u.͞ ̵I advisę ̡ỳo̷u̡ t͡o ̨r̢elax t̛her͢e wh͏e͢n yóu ̢l͢ȩa̷ve,́ ͡t̴he͠re̕'͞ll̕ ̀b̡e̡ ą re̕pe͞a͏t̛.̡....

1077. Words.

A small ad!
If someone writes me a request about writing, then let me know that I see it all, but I don't respond because I have to take care of the others, so those who recently wrote me to run with request had to wait until I finish the others.

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