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"when all is going wrong and you're scared as hell"


"i say looking on the bright side of life never killed anybody"


olwen; the heroin of a celtic lovestory, it was said that white lilies grew in her footsteps

❆biological gender❆



one year and one moon; thirteen moons

❆rank and pack❆

south pack hunter

"what you gonna do? who you gonna tell?"

❆short description❆

-a wiry chestnut red female basenji with a white chest marking that wraps around her neck, goes up her chin and circles her nose with a think line that goes up her face, coupled with four white paws, and a white-tipped tail that curls over her back. she hosts dark brown almond-shaped eyes a sweet face that never bears a frown.

❆detailed description❆

-olwen is an average sized female basenji, standing at approximately sixteen inches tall at the shoulder and weighing in at around twenty-two pounds and three ounces. though a light-weight, the basenji is a powerful female with lots of strength in her spindly little legs. she is very well-muscled, though thin and her forehead is slightly wrinkled, giving her an adorable 'thinking' appearance. she is very compactly built, and very proportional and in a way appears to be very cat-like especially in the way she holds herself. this graceful canine is magnificent and beautiful and quite an expressive creature, and carries herself effortlessly with dignity.

-this little hound is primarily two different colors, the most prominent being, what her breed calls, a 'chestnut red' though it appears to be an orange/copper color very common in the african hunter. this color covers her back, head and flanks, as well as the upper portions of all four legs. any inch of her pelt that isn't dominated by that chestnut color is a beautiful stark white. this color rides up her paws and lower legs, her chest, belly, tail tip, nose, and neck, giving her the perfect 'basenji-look.' the white also takes its place as a thin stripe that goes up her face, between her eyes.

-olwen has beautiful, expressive almond-shaped eyes that take their color as a beautiful dark brown, nearly black. her eyes can be compared to those of a fawn's, gentle and sweet, big yet not too big but oh so captivating. her gaze is calm and quiet, and though she has the tendency to stare, it never seems obnoxious, but like she is taking the opportunity to learn without being overly prying. being both a sigh and a scenthound, the basenji has fantastic eyesight, and olwen is no different, she can see an object far in the distance, but can pick up each little detail about it, she can see movement even in the dark of the night, and her nose is not one to be misleading.

-the female doesn't have nary a scar on her small body, she has a few nicks on her paw pads, but they have since toughened up, her lower legs have a few scratches here and there, but one tends to get scraped up when traversing unforgiving terrain. unlike some dogs, olwen's body hides any scars that take their place where her fur grows, so even if she did have any scars, her fur would grow over it and her skin would just return to, almost, normal.


-olwen smells of blueberries and damp earth after rain mixed with a slight wildflowery tang

❆physical strengths❆

-olwen is a quick little hound, able to quickly accelerate and hold a swift pace for miles on end and not grow tired. she is very agile, able to dodge around trees and leap over logs in stride, all the while looking effortless and beautiful.

❆physical weaknesses❆

-olwen is not a large dog by any means, and though she is quite strong and hardy, she is not a fighter, though more than happy to cheer from the sidelines. she isn't as strong as some of the other dogs, especially the brutes of her pack, but she always does her best to keep up.

"maybe a hundred bad days made a hundred good stories"

❆detailed personality❆

-olwen is quite the spunky gal, she is so full of energy and is ready to get up and go at a moment's notice. she is very spirited and passionate and always gives her all, even when she is all used up. chirpy could also describe this sweet dame, she is always cheerful and quite frankly doesn't possess a mean bone in her body, she is always smiling and is just happy about life. and though that can lead to her being quite the talkative creature, she is always in a good mood and seems determined to share that with her pack. speaking of determined, olwen is a fighter in the sense that she will never give up, even when the odds are stacked against her. if her pack was to ask of her to fight a family of bears, she would do so until death, she is ready to throw down and protect her pack, and she won't quit, especially when the health and safety of her family and friends are on the line.

-this dame is optimistic, always able to see the bright side to any situation, even the most dire or grim. she sees every rising sun as a new day and new opportunity to make memories, she greets every pack member with a spring in her step and a smile on her snout. she is always able to see the silver lining and has an innate ability to help out her pack members so they can see it too. olwen is always so hopeful that eventually the journey will end and she can live out her days with her friends and all the prey than can eat. she believes that out there is a perfect home without any predators, without any competition where her pack can live in peace and harmony and she is going to get it, by all means necessary.

-olwen is very gentle, she is not one to bounce around and leap onto other dogs because she can't contain all her energy and excitement. this canine is never forceful and is more than willing to be a doormat if that is what is needed. she speaks the truth, sometimes the hard stuff, but she delivers it in a way that is spun so that the cons sound like pros. the basenji is very kind to all living creatures, regardless of their species. she will always give her prey a quick death, and then thank their souls for nourishing her body and the bodies of her pack members. she only hunts when it is needed, and rarely ever seeks to hurt another creature, unless of course they threaten the safety of the pack. this female is very motherly and would willingly take any young dog under her wing and be a shoulder to cry upon, an ear to listen, or just a friendly face so that they don't feel so lonely in the world. and though she is very young, this female has seen many things in her short life, and can give quite good advice if asked the right question.

-this female is lively and full of energy. she loves the thrill of waking up each morning, just to see the sun and smell a new day on the horizon. she likes just being alive and being able to live in the same world as the pack that she is part of. and though she is open and warm to all that she meets, she is really just trying to give other dogs the love that was never shown to her, she is trying to fill a hole inside herself that she doesn't know exists. though you would never know it. olwen is just so happy to be alive and loves just living life one day at a time, that many dogs, especially those younger, have no clue that inside hides a hurting, cowering, shivering female.

-olwen is a bit of a neat freak, and though some of this is due to her breed, which is known for being very meticulous and very clean. but she doesn't like to be anything less than her best, this female will wake up and the first thing she does is sit down and clean her pelt. making sure that each fur lays flat and is clear of any dust or dirt. then she will fix her nest up so that it is all set for her to sleep in. she can't stand being messy or living in a messy space, it makes her feel messy and dirty, and she can't be seen looking like a whole wreck.

-the dame is extremely loyal, especially towards her pack, or any dog that has shown her an ounce of kindness. which of course leads the gentle little female to become quite trusting, and though she is an excellent judge of character and usually is smart enough to know whom to place her trust in, sometimes she can allow a gentle smile, a wag of a tail or a canine that matches her energy to sway her veil of trust. olwen trusts her packmates with her life, body and soul and would do anything for them, they are her family, her life, the only thing that gives her life meaning. this basenji is so fiercely loyal that she will always strive to go above and beyond so that her pack is ever more safe and sound that it had been before.

❆preferred gender❆


❆mental strengths❆

-olwen is very agreeable and is a hard-worker, able to problem solve and to be a gentle soul that is always there for a pack member. she never gets upset with another creature and her optimism is always refreshing.

❆mental weaknesses❆

-olwen can sometimes allow her trustful tendencies to get the best of her, especially when around a dog that matches her energy and warmth and she isn't a mentally forceful dog at all, honestly a bit of a doormat.


-sunshine; olwen loves the warm rays from the sun on her back, warming her entire body. she loves how the rays can reach into every nook and cranny and dissipate all of the shadows. the sun is a beacon of happiness that radiates positivity and good vibes.

-her pack; olwen loves her pack so much that she would be willing to give up the sun for them. since losing her family, they are all she has left and they give her a reason to want to be alive, something she will forever be grateful for.

-flowers; olwen loves flowers because, like dogs, they come in all shapes, sizes, colors and smells. each one is unique and strong, each one works hard to grow from a seed into a beautiful bloom.

-running; olwen loves to run, she feels like she is flying, she feels so free, the pull and stretch of her muscles is a divine feelings that succeeds in making her feel stronger. the air that whips past her and plasters her ears to her head makes her feel powerful and that she is a force to be reckoned with.


-snow; olwen is not a fan of the cold, she has a short pelt that is relatively light in color, and being a smaller dog, if snow piles then she struggles to push through it.

-darkness; olwen, though she has pretty fantastic eyesight, the dame still isn't a fan of the darkness, its just a little too spooky for her.

-bears; olwen has no like for bears, she sees them as unstoppable forces, big giant, fearless creatures with claws and teeth the same size as her. but she would take one on if her pack asked it of her without a second thought.

-being unclean; olwen is very particular about her cleanliness, she likes her pelt to be spotless at all times, she likes her sleeping area to the well-maintained and void of all unwanted debris.

"a hundred good stories make me interesting at parties"



-glos; a fairly large brindle basenji that had very high expectations for his pups, but once fatherhood came around, he steadily became more distant as the pups grew up. he wasn't very kind to the pups, often finding them rather disappointing, no matter how hard the worked to gain his approval; olwen always worked her butt off to make her father proud, or to at least get him to see her as something more than a yippy pup, he passed on, due to him being quite an older male, he just got sick and never recovered; deceased.


-chens; a small chestnut red and white female basenji that didn't bother to get close with her pups, and when glos began to become more and more distant from her and their pups, she blamed them. primarily olwen because she felt that the spunky female was 'too much' for her father to handle; olwen tried to have a good relationship with her mother, but it seemed that the harder that she tried, the harder she failed, eventually chens passed away from the sickness; deceased.


-strar; a small brindle basenji who didn't seem to care that he was a let down to his parents, and instead focused on making sure his own siblings didn't get too down because of the negativity from glos and chens, he was their 'leader' and always made it a priority to put himself between the wrath of their parents and his siblings; strar always believed olwen to be the most delicate of the pups and thus sought to protect her at all costs, they got along well, but an aggressive bear took the dog's life when he was young, hardly a year old, while he was protecting olwen after she had strayed off after a honeybee; deceased; rierm; a larger chestnut red basenji with no white markings on his pelt. he was a little more distant, but nonetheless loyal and kind to his siblings, as they had all learned pretty early on that they could really only depend upon each other; olwen and rierm got along, but they didn't talk much, they mostly sat in silence and spent time together, rierm ended up falling for a female, some sort of mixed breed, but when the sickness took her, rierm lost all will to live and succumbed to the sickness despite olwen trying to help revive his reason to live; deceased; ormas; an average sized black and white basenji that didn't live long after his first month of life. he wasn't born correctly and had always been a weak and sickly pup and the fact that he lived as long as he did was astounding; olwen and ormas were like two peas in a pod, they were always side by side, ormas was born with a weak heart, and it just wasn't able to keep up with his rapidly growing puppy body and it gave out when he reached a little over a moon; deceased;


-nes; a small black and white basenji that lived each day like it would be her last, she was a daredevil, a rebel, a diva, but she was smart and cunning and absolutely loved exploring the world, she is the only one of the pups, aside from olwen, that isn't dead, however, she managed to escape the sickness as she went off on a journey before the disease ran too rampant; nes was closer with enkee than she was with olwen, due to her underestimating the strength of her smaller sister, but as she grew, she set aside that difference and began to spend more time with olwen. she eventually went off on her journey, and now neither are sure if the other is alive; alive; not in roleplay; enkee; a larger tricolor basenji with a bit of an air about her, enkee was different than the other pups and she knew it, she knew that she was pretty and smart and athletic, however she never once allowed that to get between her and her littermates. and her loyalty to them is what prevented her from leaving with nes; after the deaths of their parents and strar and rierm, enkee and olwen left and joined the south pack, but eventually the journey became too much for the female and she died of an infection; deceased;






-bears, but other than that, nope

"we had to work a bit more hard, only just to get a little bit less far"


-made by me!

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