❅мү ∂εмσηs❅

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"they think i'm crazy but they don't know the feeling"


"nothing but a beast"


inigo; meaning 'fiery'

❅biological gender❅



one year and a half; eighteen moons

❅rank and pack❅

north pack brute

"they're all around me, circling like vultures"

❅short description❅

-inigo is a large, heavily muscled male dogo argentino with a striking white pelt with a black nose. his eyes are rather small and are dark brown in color, nearly seeming black, his ears are cropped and his tail is long.

❅detailed description❅

-inigo is a large dog, even for his breed, this canine stands at twenty-seven inches tall at the shoulder, and weighs a mighty one hundred and five pounds. this canine is still young and though he won't grow much taller, he will fill out and gain more muscle. speaking of, this male is covered in muscle, from his shoulders to his haunches, the dog is a beast. he hosts a naturally athletic build with thick, powerful legs and a surprisingly graceful and agile build. and though, he is one of the few exceptions to his breed, he possess more of a stocky, muscular look as opposed to the usual leaner build of some argentinos.

-this male has a short, fine coat of a singular solid color, the color matches that of new snow. soft yet cold. though he has a black nose, eyes rims and lips, common of his breed. he does have a black spot/marking on the outside of his left ear, but other than that, his coat remains solid white. his fur is a tad on the longer side, being that with some dogo argentinos, darkly colored pigmented skin can be seen especially on the chest and belly, but for inigo this isn't the case, his white pelt is a little longer in length than it should be, thus concealing any pigment nuances in the skin.

-inigo has small, dark colored eyes that seem to be hidden beneath thick-lidded eyes. his eyes in question are just a shade light of being jet-black and though their size and color may appear to mask all his emotions, this creature is a very expressive one. and though he doesn't reveal his emotions readily, when he does it takes little effort. the eyes are almond in shape and host black rims, making them stand out even more against his pelt. his eyes are set pretty wide apart, per his breed, and take a sub-frontal position on his face, per being a predatory animal.

-this male has a good number of scars that criss-cross his young physique. and though most are scattered about his lower legs, due to all accounts of mischief he got into as a pup. but several find their place on his face and neck, resulting from the spats he got into with his father. his pelt, as before stated, is longer than the typical dogo argentinos. and thus does a very good job of concealing his scars, though the ones on his face and lower legs are easier to see because the fur is a bit thinner there.


-inigo smells like wet rocks and fog with a slight apple-y hint

❅physical strengths❅

-inigo is a very buff, muscled up canine, he's a strong fighter and can hold his own against a much larger dog. being a natural athlete, this male can speed across ground in record time, all while dodging around natural barriers.

❅physical weaknesses❅

-inigo is not a hunter, he is much too loud and impatient, plus his hearing and sense of smell isn't very good, making it difficult for him to locate prey.

"i cannot stop this sickness taking over, it takes control and drags me into nowhere"

❅detailed personality❅

-inigo is distant both physically and emotionally, he can oftentimes be found far away from him packmates, usually not even in the camp. he doesn't welcome social interaction and turns away those just looking for friendly conversation. he won't let himself grow to love of make friends with any canine due to past experience with a mother that loved him, quite a bit, then stopped out of basically nowhere. the argentino is rather cold and terse when in conversation, usually looking for any way to get out of said conversation, typically so he can go off and be by himself. when alone, inigo is often brooding, having a pity party and just thinking about how angry he is with the world, or what he could have done differently to win and retain the affection of his parents. on duty, this dog is stand-offish and doesn't bother speaking to anyone, often communicating in simple grunts and snorts in order to make a conversation as short as possible.

-this dog is quick to lash out at and snap at any canine unfortunate enough to be around him when he is re-living a past memory, or if they are just too close to him, or if he feels like they are trying to start up a conversation with him. inigo doesn't like anything coming into his personal space, even if their business has nothing to do with him. even on duty this canine doesn't like others moving near him, looking at him or anything that could remotely concern him, these behaviors often make the dog feel like they are trying to force themselves upon him as a friend.

-inigo is a rather gruff and grumpy canine, he keeps to himself and when that alone time is interrupted, the dogo argentino is quick to snap at and put whomever broke into his peace, into their place. he, as before mentioned, doesn't speak as much in words as he does in simple sounds like grunts, snorts, glares and huffs. he is easily irritated and loses his patience with others incredibly swiftly, so he finds it safer to go ahead and distance himself from others. this canid has a very pessimistic outlook on life, he doesn't much see the silver lining in any situation. however, even as set-in-his-ways as this male is, he can be persuaded by the right dog, and with that dog he would happily hold a conversation with them that contains more words than primitive sounds and expressions.

-this dog, because of his quickness to lash out and reprimand others, can make himself appear as an enemy to the public. seeing as the argentino is not a kind or friendly dog by any stretch, it is hard for him to gain anyone on his side to make him appear as less of a psychopath. these altercations, while inigo will never outwardly show, heavily impact him and his mental stability, making him into his own enemy. he sees that he brings nothing but aggression, mistrust and violence to his pack and would find it easier if he were out of the picture altogether. the only thing keeping him in place is the fact that as much as he prefers his solitude, a dog, especially one with as many demons as him, wouldn't last long on his own. and with him being a dog, therefore an animal, his number one instinct will always be survival.

-despite his obvious likeness for his own space and lack of interaction with other dogs, this canine yearns for a relationship, platonic or more with another canine, preferably a female. he wants to love and to be loved without fear that it will vanish, he wants someone to protect and care for, someone that will be there to listen to him rant or someone that won't be afraid to talk to him, even if he isn't in the mood. underneath all the scars and snarls, his harsh prickly exterior gives way to a gentle, loving teddy-bear soul. a wistful, hopeless romantic that is afraid to develop any sort of relationship due to past experience.

-inigo, if it wasn't already obvious, is a rather hot-headed individual that doesn't get along with nearly anyone. being quick to anger and rather snappy when his space isn't respected, this canine would be one of the last canines one would ever expect to fear speaking in front of large groups, or to anyone in general. its the honest truth, this argentino is quite shy, all the time he spends alone by himself has taken a toll on his social skills, or lack thereof. this lack of social and conversational skills have also been a factor with this dog's unhappiness, due to the fact that he doesn't really know how to approach and talk to others. that, coupled with is extreme shyness, produced a creature that oftentimes gets frustrated with himself for struggling with what appears to be rather mundane tasks. another reason behind this creature's lack of confidence and abundance of anger and aggression, is that his head is crawling with ghosts, skeletons and demons from his past, all of which are messing up his emotions and causing him to be a closed-off hermit. but the fact that he has no way to expel these toxins from his head through venting/ranting, causes him to regress emotionally. he needs someone to help him work through his issues, someone besides the open air and his own toxic self and other toxic thoughts, unfortunately his shyness and nonexistent communicational skills prevent his thoughts from exiting his mind, so they just ferment in inigo's brain and steadily turn him into an even more sad, aggressive and closed-off soul.

❅preferred gender❅


❅mental strengths❅

-inigo is a relatively good judge of character, as being a silent background character allows him to see the sides of others that many don't see. he also is better at helping others with their own mental instabilities, but unfortunately not his own. this canine works hard to make sure his emotion doesn't always dictate his actions, making is easy for him to hold up his threat/promises, especially when his enemy is having a moment of weakness.

❅mental weaknesses❅

-inigo snaps at just about everyone, even dogs that mean well, he has no filter and has no problem being a bit over-the-top with his aggression. this male doesn't allow himself to get close to any canine, due to his past. which has led him to be quite the shy and defensive fellow.


-fire; inigo is a bit of a pyromaniac, his fascination with fire was the reasoning behind the name given to him. this canine just appears to be in awe of flames, the way that they are feared, fire consumes all and is all-powerful. but in the presence of fire, it is calmed and tamped down, something like how he would wish for a future relationship for himself to be.

-peace and quiet; if it wasn't obvious, inigo is a fan of his peace and quiet, he likes his alone time and can get very irritated when others disrespect or disrupt it. and though being along with his thoughts, does indeed cause more harm than help, this dog has no other way to deal with himself and his demons.

-rain; inigo tends to work quite hard and tends to work himself into a hot and uncomfortable sweat, its itchy against his skin and his slightly longer hide keeps it plastered to him. rain, any type, against his pelt cools him off and actually calms him down and keeps his thoughts at ease. in fact, the best time to have a conversation with him is during any sort of rain, the monotonous sound, and feeling of the constant drumming on his fur lull the creature into a more passive and agreeable state of mind.

-the night; inigo loves the night, he finds that the night time is the most quiet and peaceful time in a day, not to mention that he doesn't often work during the evening hours, so he doesn't sweat as much. not only that, but back in his puphood, back when his parents hadn't cast him away, they would often go on little family hunts during the night, and it became a bit of a family thing, even after his parents had decided to, for the most part, be done with their larger son. and despite himself, inigo misses that.


-heat; despite inigo's coat being on the short side, and being a light color, this canine tends to get warm very very easily. he gets very irritable and uncomfortable and is prone to lashing out all the more. usually his uncomfortbility is due to him working and being on duty when the sun is out, and because this canine works twice as hard in order to keep his thoughts in the back of his mind, he exhausts himself and gets all the more angry. watch out around him at this time, he has been known to aggressively lunge and snap at any creature that he feels is a little too close to him.

-extreme cold; like any would expect with a  short-furred dog with a light-colored hide, inigo has no protection against any form of cold weather, and though he would gladly take colder temperatures as opposed to warm ones, he still is not a fan. he hates shivering, and though he knows that that movement is involuntary, he still feels like it makes him appear weak, like he can't handle it, and that hopeless feeling really makes him angry.

-birds; inigo is not a fan of birds, he finds them annoying as they never seem to shut up their chatter, no matter how many times he threatens to learn how to climb trees just so he can rip their heads from their shoulders. he hates how stupid and bird-brained that they are and can see nothing in the world that they are useful for. birds of prey take all of the small rodents and creatures that can feed the smaller members of the pack, not to mention if one of those smaller canines aren't careful, a large enough bird could take off with one of them. vultures eat and flock around kills meant to last a few days. songbirds, though they eat bugs, never seem to be able to shut the fuck up, especially when he just wants some peace and quiet.

-pups; inigo is not a fan of pups at all, in fact, he thinks of them a bit like birds. clueless and loud, they get away with everything and are only useful after they grow up, and then, not even. though, most of his dislike towards pups is directed towards his smaller brother, the one that was always fawned over and treated like a king. another theory is that inigo doesn't like pups because he feels that being part of the pack means he helps with the raising of them, but because his father figure was lacking in his puphood, that inigo is worried that he will be of more harm than help to the growth and development of said pups.

"i need your help, i can't fight this forever"



-koa; a giant solid white dogo argentino with patches of black pigmented skin on his chest and belly, koa wasn't one to show affection to any except cathan, he loved cathan, especially because he was smaller and more of a 'fighter' than his larger son. koa wasn't even one to show affection to vivia, except when she was in season, he was a very stoic canine with an attitude, he was very forceful and aggressive, though more social, more of a jock-type; inigo and koa didn't get along at all, basically enemies from the second inigo was born, to the second the sickness ripped koa away from the world. inigo always had a chip on his shoulders, seeing that he was bigger and stronger than cathan, but he was always shoved to the background, beaten-up and pushed away while his sickly and weaker brother soaked up all the love and attention; deceased


-viva; an average sized female dogo argentino with black spotting on her face and ears, but with slightly longer white fur that covered any darker colored skin. vivia was a cheerleader, one that congratulated every blade of grass in a meadow just for being able to break out of its seed and grow. she certainly wasn't the smartest creature, but she was beautiful, hence why she and koa ever got together. he was strong and sly, she was beautiful and naive; inigo got along great with his mother for a time, she was his nurturer, as she was a mother and it was her job, but also because she knew that inigo wanted to be loved. but eventually her praise and complements fell upon deaf ears as inigo knew that  her love for him was born from her pity. so he turned his back on her love, vivia, catching wind of the situation, decided to give her son a piece of his own medicine and turned her back on him, casting him out and treating him like a stray parasite. inigo eventually stopped hanging around his family, as they all were in the north pack, and when she was lost to the sickness, likely given to her by koa, he didn't so much as say his farewells to her; deceased 


-cathan; a smaller male dogo argentino, basically the spitting image of koa, just quite a bit smaller. he was smug and pompous because he knew that he could say or do whatever he wanted to inigo, and inigo couldn't do anything without getting brutally attacked by koa. so he threw his weight around, not that he had much, and often got his larger brother into trouble. though he was always bothered that vivia had taken an interest in his scum of a brother, and sought to take her for himself as well, eventually he succeeded when he told inigo that their mother only loved him because she felt sorry for him; as one can imagine, the relationship between inigo and cathan is one that no longer exists, it was diminished the second they knew of the other's existence. both hated each other, and inigo practically rejoiced when the news of his brother's death due to the sickness reached him; deceased








-a number of them, most aren't even aware that he has such a hatred towards them

-birds, he hates all birds with a burning passion


-inigo is a heteroromantic sapiosexual, meaning that his attracted to a female's intelligence more than body or personality

"save me if i become, my demons"


-both made by me!

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