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"standing in the rain, with his head hung low"


"believe in yourself because, dammit, nobody else will"


casimir; meaning 'destroyer of peace'

⋆biological gender⋆



one year and three months; fifteen moons

⋆rank and pack⋆

south pack hunter

"he saw stars in his eyes, and the very next day"

⋆short description⋆

-a lithe, yet well-muscled male boxer that is a light fawn in color with a black mask and a small white marking on his chest. his tail and ears are long and his eyes are extremely dark in color and though large, seem to fade into his pelt. his tail tip is colored white, and his hide is darker between his shoulder blades and lightens down his back and legs. both his hind paws host white toes.

⋆detailed description⋆

-casimir is an average size to large male boxer, only in the height department, he stands at twenty-five and a half inches tall at the shoulder, but only weighs around seventy pounds, making him a lightweight for his height. and though he doesn't look like he is built light at all, he is young, which can be seen in his slightly too-large paws and head, and though he will gain some weight as he grows into his height. he is heavily muscled, being a creature of the wild for nearly his entire life, and being a well and able hunter for a good portion of that time as well. his coat is form-fitting and reveals his musculature with each movement, he is a nice sight, being handsome and athletic plus an adorable pushed-in face.

-his pelt is a standard fawn color, though it is more red in his back, between his shoulder blades and becomes more 'mousey' as it stretches down the length of his back and down his legs to his paws. his face is black in color with that color also found on his ears, his chest hosts a slim white marking that extends up his neck and underneath his large head, and doesn't extend very far downwards. his hind paws have a flash of white on the middle two toes of each foot and his tail has a small snippet of white at the tip. he has a proud carriage with relaxed ground-covering gaits, he carries his head high and his eyes alert with his ears forward, common of his breed, his blunt muzzle gives the canine a bit of an underbite but his bite isn't one to be question. boxers were bred to be guard dogs and traditionally large game hunters, giving this dog and breeds similar, the ability to lock their jaws around whatever quarry finds itself between his pearly whites.

-casimir has large eyes the color of licorice which seem to fade against the fur on his face, seeing as they are nearly the same color and are undoubtedly highly expressive. maybe as the canine grows older he will learn to hide his emotions so that they aren't shown off for all to gauge his reaction, but in his youth he doesn't appear to much care for what is and isn't seen in his dark gaze. his eyes are frontally placed, they aren't very deep-set nor are they too protruding, but right within that middle-ground of perfection.

-this male has his fair share of scars dotting his thinner hide, most mark up his scruff and legs, with the occasional one on his tail, shoulders and flanks. most are from constant warning nips and corrections that he has faced due to his reckless and rebellious personality. and a good number are from little spats he gets into with dogs, primarily males, his age, and some are just from being a rough and tumble kind of pup. but other than that he isn't too heavily marked up.


-smoky with a slight alcohol smell, residual of his first home that he shared with a drunk but due to his time as a wild animal, he has a bit of a grassy smell with an undertone equal to that of moss and fungi.

⋆physical strengths⋆

-casimir is a very quick and effortless mover, he is strong and powerful an can run miles at a fast pace without stopping, he hunts very well due to the face that when he bites down on his prey, it won't be able to get away. that, coupled with his musculature, produces a dog efficient as a fighter and as a hunter, being a bred guard dog has gifted him a wonderful sense of sight, smell and hearing, which he uses to his advantage.

⋆physical weaknesses⋆

-casimir, being a boxer, naturally doesn't get along well with extreme heat, seeing as his snub-nose makes it difficult for him to get an efficient amount of oxygen to his lungs without all kinds of snot and foam covering his nose. with his tail kept long, he runs the risk of hitting his tail and breaking it or his back due to his extreme excitement levels and the fact that he has a hard time containing all of his energy.

"so he started rockin', ain't never gonna stop"

⋆detailed personality⋆

-casimir is rather reckless, he always jumps into situations head-first, often without thinking of the long-term effects. he has no regard for his actions or what consequences will follow, he lives in the moment and tries to make the most out of every opportunity. this canine truly has no fear and rarely appears to think before he acts or speaks. he is quite loud, not one to be quiet, especially when speaking about something he is very passionate about, like himself. he is not a creature that would cower and hide behind others, he will face challenges head-on with a truck-load of swearing and a snappy bark to match. the boxer is rather bold when it comes to just about anything, he is always up for any challenge placed before him and never shies away from a conflict. he is a very outspoken individual with a lot of gusto and he is quite difficult to tamp down and persuade to take it down a notch. this dog is a bit of a spitfire and is known to shoot off at the mouth and say whatever is on his mind, regardless of who listens to him and who disagrees or agrees with his mindset.

-this canine is quite rebellious, often doing exactly what he is told not to do just for the thrill and just to push his bounds. he has no regard for punishment, seeing as his start was in a household that allowed the rambunctious pup to do as he pleased without punishment. that isn't to say that he lacks respect for his alpha, he has lots of respect but he often thinks of himself as his own dog and tries to prove that he isn't some 'puppet' by acting out and doing whatever he wants. he often challenges authority without being directly mean and disrespectful, but mostly just to test the waters and see if his alpha really means what they said. casimir is passive aggressive, often going out of his way to get a message across to another canine. if they want him to move out of their way, he'll go to the opposite side, if he is asked to slow down a little, he'll stop. he can be quite stubborn as well, and if he is being pushed to do something, then he will push back. [the best way around this behavior of his is to ignore it and not try to forcibly correct it, otherwise he is prone to lashing out or behaving even more so. in the instance that he would move to the other side, continue on your way like that is what you wanted, if you ask him to slow down a little and he stops, you continue on and leave him behind to play catch-up.]

-casimir has visions of grandeur, often believing that he was meant for something greater than he is. some would say that he is rather delusional, but the boxer is determined to be something or someone other than who he is. and though he has a bit of an ego and he likes to boast about himself, this canine learned a long time ago that he needed to believe in himself, because nobody else would. he would only be seen as a pup that used to be a longpaw pet, one that ran off and, because of his idiocy, got lost and never found his way back home. because of this, casimir is devoted to turning his life around and making something respectable out of himself. as before stated, this canine is deeply determined, he works hard and rarely does anything half-assed, and though he can get in his little 'passive-aggressive' states, outside of those he is a very hard-working creature with a constant drive to do better and to be better. he can get a bit jealous over little things, for instance, if he isn't chosen to lead a small patrol of dogs, or something similar, he can get angry and rather rude to whomever was chosen over him.

-being a rather high-energy dog, the boxer is easily excitable, he can go from zero to ten in almost no time, and can become really enthusiastic about the most boring things. he requires a lot of mental stimulation to go with his never ending amounts of energy and his excitability, and can go for hours with more than enough energy left over. he doesn't sleep much, and rarely is seen standing in one place for a long period of time. mentally, this dog is very much still a pup, as he isn't very mature in his thoughts and actions and has the tendencies to behave like a much younger dog. and though he has grown up quite a bit, he still can revert back to behaving much too young. casimir is an eager beaver with an endless supply of energy that never seems to run out no matter how hard he works or how fast and far he runs.

-casimir is a very proud dog, with very high expectations for himself. he doesn't take criticism well due to the fact that he refuses to accept the flaws that he deep down knows exist. he doesn't like to accept when he is wrong, and often thinks that he is more indispensable than many of the other dogs, inside and outside of his own pack. and though these thoughts are lesser shown or thought by this canine, they exist and contribute to the dog he is today. being one to not back down from a challenge, this dog can also be described as a daredevil. when a task is placed in front of him, no matter how daunting it may seem, he is always going to attempt and he won't quit until he can achieve it. a word to the wise would be to not challenge casimir because he won't back down. he is a risk-taker because he enjoys the thrill, and he likes to be able to feel like he has no limits in what he can do. however, this can lead him to be a bit of a hot-head, especially if there is something he can't do the first time, he can work himself up into an insatiable anger at himself and those around him that he snaps at just about everything. the boxer doesn't enjoy being talked down to or made to feel like there is a task that he can't do, because then he can get all 'macho' about it to try and prove whomever said that wrong.

-despite what he shows off and convinces others to believe based upon his actions, casimir is actually very intelligent. he can understand issues and find solutions to them, he can read the emotions of others and figure out how to best behave, though he rarely does that. he has a great skill when speaking to other dogs and often knows exactly what to say to get under their fur. though he is quite good at playing dumb and surprising others with his intellect. this canine is also very resilient and flexible when dealing with other canines. this dog is able to switch up his personality and way of thinking depending upon what situation he is in, and because very few know of his actual cognitive abilities, he can usually get away with being an idiot because of how well he can cover it up. every little challenge he takes on isn't only for the thrill, though that is a large portion of it, but it also contributes to his knowledge about himself as a canine and what he is capable of.

⋆preferred gender⋆


⋆mental strengths⋆

-casimir is a very smart individual that is quite tactful, he has high expectations for himself and being a very determined creature, hardly allows himself to fall short of that. he has tons and tons of energy that never seems to be used up and though a dog such as him can become quite bored, he can always find a new challenge to occupy his mind simultaneously.

⋆mental weaknesses⋆

-casimir is a bit of a jealous hot-head, known for having an arrogant streak. his passive-aggressive nature can lead others to instantly despise him and think of him as nothing more than a dog that likes to push their weight around and be a nuisance. being a rebel, this canine is often looked down upon by those in a higher power, especially because he likes to challenge their authority and get under their skin.


-running; casimir enjoys running, so much so that he can be known to take off at any moment, just to expel some energy and just to feel the stretch and pull of his muscles as he races across the ground. during conversation, this dog is known to lope around whom he is conversing with and though it can be quite annoying to those he is speaking to, the boxer, if not allowed to be able to run around for a bit, can get destructive and snappy due to all of the energy.

-hunting; casimir loves to hunt, its what kept him alive at a young age and he finds solace in the chase, the capture and the kill. he likes to feel powerful and that he isn't a useless sack of bones, he likes contributing and he likes feeling that deep connection to his past.

-swimming; casimir likes to swim, he loves splashing in the water, he likes feeling weightless and he loves to dive underwater and snort bubbles out of his nose. this dog loves to jump off rocks into water and he likes to playfully snap at fish as the swim and go about their day.

-the forest; casimir finds the forest to calm, cool and collected at all times which is rather good for his mind and all the excited energy that runs rampant. he loves the smell of the earth and the feeling of slightly damp ground under his paws. he loves the patterns made by the sun filtering through the trees and the canine finds peace in the birdsong and the croaking of frogs. its peaceful and comfortable, something that he missed in his youth.


-darkness; being a hunter, casimir relies quite heavily on his sight, and when that sense is tamped down or completely removed, he feels a little more vulnerable. he can't sleep without the pelt of a packmate against him, and their smell around him. he used to be plagued by night terrors, and when he awoke he'd by surrounded by darkness, and he would often not know where he was, which contributed to his panic.

-longpaws; casimir, growing up, didn't have a good time with his own longpaws, they would often move and the male longpaw was mean to both him and the female longpaw, he would drink foul-smelling liquid and blow smoke out of a strange stick. the dog grew to be deeply afraid of the human and what would set him off next. seeing as his home had few rules and those were hardly ever enforced, casimir was often stuck wondering what he had done wrong for the male human to strike him or to yell at him. eventually when the pup was let out of the house and went off to explore, he got lost and couldn't find his way back home, none of the other longpaws were kind to him, they would kick at him and yell at him to scram. and being a small pup, like casimir was, those large longpaws with their loud voices and large feet scared him, and fearing for his life, casimir found his way out of their city, learned how to hunt by watching his fellow wild creatures and eventually joined the south pack when a terrible winter left him quite hungry.

-sharpclaws; when casimir was living by himself and learning how to hunt, he was often in competition with the surrounding animals. and though by copying the sharpclaws and learning how they hunted ultimately saved casimir's life, he isn't a fan of them. he'd been swatted at and clawed too many times for him to be grateful to their entire species for helping him learn how to survive.

-smoke; casimir is not a fan of smoke, for one smoke often means fire, and fire is an uncontrollable killing machine. it consumes all and still wants more, fire can destroy whole landscapes and homes. plus recovery after a fire is slow and long-going. not only that, but smoke reminds the boxer of his former home with the mean longpaw male, the one that would often inhale and exhale smoke out of a small stick-looking thing.

"gotta keep on rockin', someday gonna make it to the top"



-reeve; a giant european boxer that was a rich red fawn in color with a vibrant black mask and beautiful white markings on his face, chest, neck and paws. he was a rather kind dog, sweet, playful, likable. and though casimir's mother was artificially inseminated and never got to meet reeve, she had heard her own owners talking about the canine and thus told her pups about him; reeve and casimir have never met, in fact, reeve has no knowledge of casimir or any of his littermates; alive; not in roleplay


-mawdelyn; a smaller brindle colored half euro half american boxer void of all white markings. she was gentle and kind, but because she had had pups before, knew that this litter would eventually leave her, so she wasn't as close with the pups as she could have been. she was a good mother that had birthed quite a few lovely litters of boxers, and because her owners were close friends with the former owners of casimir, they gave him to them because he was the last one left; casimir and mawdelyn got along fine, they weren't super close but they weren't indifferent to each other. casimir could admit that he had a very good mother that loved and cared for him, and mawdelyn could admit that casimir was a good pup, but she would say that about all her pups; alive; not in roleplay


-baron; a larger brindle boxer with only white front toes, his eyes were a little lighter than casimir's, but not by much. baron was a very sweet dog with lots of potential, he was one of the larger pups, taking more after their father. he was the first to find a home, and he actually went to the owner of reeve, though baron and reeve didn't know that they were related, seeing that mawdelyn didn't know their father's name. baron is a competitor in the show ring, even at his younger age; casimir and baron got along alright, they didn't spend much time together, but all the pups got along well with each other; alive; not in roleplay; viscount; a smaller flashy fawn male boxer with a slight bit more attitude than the rest of the pups. being absolutely stunning in coloration, viscount tended to get a little big for his britches, but ultimately was the driving force behind much of casimir's personality. due to the abundance of white on this canine, viscount wouldn't make it as a show dog, but rather as a stud or as an agility dog, seeing that he was very swift and agile; casimir and viscount were nearly partners in crime, joined at the hip, some might say. they both pushed each other and were leading roles in how the other behave; alive; not in roleplay


-emblin; a gorgeous brindle boxer with white markings on her face, chest and all four paws. emblin was a bit of a momma's girl, remaining by her mother's side and forming a bond so close that mawdelyn's owners were forced to keep emblin as well. emblin is a sweet as can be, very gentle and loving to all that meet her, but due to her small stature, her owners are probably not going to breed her because they don't wish for any harm to come to the female; casimir and emblin didn't really talk much, seeing as she was always with their mother and casimir was living his best life wish viscount, getting  up to no good, but when in conversation the two got along fine; alive; not in roleplay; peridot; a larger fawn boxer with a black mask and the perfect show-boxer white markings. this female has a wonderful conformation and personality, making her the all-around perfect boxer, she was kind to all of her siblings and was truly one in a million. she went to a good home with which she has made very far in the show-ring and they are looking to breed her when she is at a good and perfect age to rear pups; casimir and peridot got along well, despite them rarely ever conversing, but it was clear that the female would have a bright future the moment that she opened her eyes; alive; not in roleplay; valorie; an average sized reverse brindle female boxer void of all white markings. she was a very sweet and athletic dog with a drive to please. though she wasn't the smartest pup, she was lovely to be around. unfortunately she was a sufferer of cardiomyopathy and though her case was extremely mild, she was one of the few that suffered a blood clot in her spine that eventually shut down half of her body and she had to be put down; casimir and valorie got along, seeing that casimir felt that he had to protect his smaller sister at all costs, because she was sensitive and trusting. he doesn't know that she has passed on since their puphood, but he doesn't really find that his thoughts wander to his siblings anyway; deceased






-none that he knows of


-he is a closeted bisexual with a strong masculine lean, but he isn't able to really accept that part of himself quite yet

"and be a juke box hero, got stars in his eyes"


-all made by me!

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