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"it used to be me, hidin' insecurities with a cigarette and a bottle of whiskey"



☸name meaning☸


☸name pronunciation☸



five years; her birthday falls on october seventeenth






spotted hyena

☸sexual orientation☸

biromantic heterosexual

"i was the girl at home, in the dark, all alone, sayin', 'why the hell doesn't he miss me?'"


-kambo is a rather motherly figure, she is very protective over the younger members of her group and is more than willing to step up and try to be a good role model for them. she has the innate ability to understand their thoughts and priorities and to see things from their perspectives. she is good at coming up with rules and boundaries that work for all the younger hyenas and she seems to get along with them quite well, especially since she seems to have experience with just about everything life has to offer. she respectful of the young canines, and expects it in return, as she is very much a follower of the 'treat others the way you wish to be treated' rule, and pushes the younger hyenas to follow that rule, even when its difficult. but most of the time, she is loving, understanding, caring and sweet. she understands that it is tough to grow up, their bodies are going through lots of changes and they are constantly trying to understand where they fit in with the group, and she understands that and does her absolute best to guide them adequately. this hyena is patient and forgiving with all the younger hyenas, as she knows that with a steady hand and an open heart, the pups will grow and prosper.

-although for the most part, this female is sweet and caring, she has a bit of a chip on her shoulders. she is envious of dahlia and doesn't always seem to understand why she became the receiver of bruce's love instead of her. and though most shrug off her jealousy as her just being head-over-heels in love with the leading male, kambo tries her best to dispel those rumors because though she rather sweet on bruce, her sole anger is directed towards that fact that she believes that she would make a far better leader than dahlia. seeing as this female gets along with the youth of the group, which she will be the first to remind others that the youth is their future, and due to her more solid relationship with them, added with her intelligence and natural leadership capabilities, the hyena is convinced that she would directly benefit the shamba clan the most as leader. however, when approached about the subject this female can get a little snappy and rude, telling others to mind their own business, and being very terse once goaded into conversation. she can't help but feel like an enemy in her own home because she knows that dahlia is favored by the elder public as their leader, and that if it were to come to who has the larger following, she would lose out and be seen as nothing more than a grumpy malcontent.

-kambo is a natural leader, she always appears to know what she is doing and seems to never be without a foolproof plan. this canid can empower and inspire others in her clan to get the best performance and support out of them when needed, she always seems to know exactly what to say and when to say it to the group and get a good response from it. this spotted hyena has a load of self-confidence and a lack of fear when it comes to addressing the shamba clan as a whole, seeing as she is never afraid to speak her mind and make promises to the group with all intention of keeping them. being bold and assertive without being too much so is a skill that this female has mastered, she knows when to push bounds and when to put others in their places without seeming like an aggressive tyrant. the canid's leadership qualities, coupled with a good head on her shoulders, leads this female to be a strong authority figure, even if she isn't necessarily in charge. being rather smart and having a good mind to best aid her group is definitely something that she takes pride in, she has a good sense of judgement, meaning that she often thinks before acting, and can make split-second decisions under immense amounts of pressure and have them be relatively beneficial ones.

-though this female is typically a good egg and has self-control, meaning that she is one to think before speaking and can keep her temper under control, she happens to be a bit of a malcontent. and though it is no surprise there, due to her quarreling and often challenging the authority of the leading pair. this creature is very dissatisfied with the way that her clan is, and gets rather salty when discussing the matter with another hyena, her dissatisfaction can be directed into stupid and impulsive behaviors that amplifies her more rebellious side. a side that she is careful about using and is rarely seen. but due to the fact that kambo has no desire to make herself appear like an unruly canine with anger issues, she turns away from conversation that has to do with dahlia and bruce and focuses on other subjects. to say that this hyena disagrees with the leading pair, is an understatement. if there isn't a large crowd about, this female is known to be a rather stubborn individual and be a total ass about respecting the leading pair, mostly dahlia though. but, this female is careful not to display those disrespectful and angry behaviors around the young hyenas as she doesn't want to teach them wrong.

-kambo is a realist, 'the glass has water' type of gal, she tends to view things as the way they are with little imagination and fabrication. she is one to accept things as they are and not turn them into another, the hyena looks at the hand life has dealt her and works with it in a practical manner, nothing is made up or glossed over, and everything is as it is. she's a bit of an independent soul, often finding that most times she must rely on the only constant she knows, which is herself. in life, kambo knows that she is the only thing that she can control, and thus she is can be seen as a rather blunt and uncaring individual, though she is blunt, she has no problem sugar-coating news to a young pup. this female is very strong-willed and down-to-earth, she keeps herself grounded and concerns herself with practical problems instead of whimsical and abstract ones. the hyena sees things for what they are and hardly makes up any sort of lie or fib, if things are going bad, she's not going to pretend like it will turn over, she'll just comment that the ending of such situation is ambiguous and then find out a plan to cause situation to end less-badly.

-this hyena is watchful and alert, like any good mother, nothing gets past her and she is very vigilant when it comes to just about everything. this female is always on the lookout for possible dangers to the group or any young canine that she is watching over. she rarely misses anything, some say her eyesight is so good, she can see a vulture, at night, higher in the air than ten full-grown bull elephants stacked on top of one another. being very observant and aware of everything happening in camp and beyond is no easy feat, yet kambo does it on the daily, and makes it look like nothing more than a breeze. her eyes pick up on everything, and if those fail, her ears and nose are bound to pick it up momentarily. this canid is quick to notice anything new or different in any sort of area she has visited before, even if it was only one time, but her brain takes such detailed mental images of every location she has ever visited so she can tell if something isn't quite right. plus she has very good intuition and seems to know when to be mistrustful of a place or animal, maybe it is due to her being a mother, or caring for young pups every single day, but her mother's intuition is always on par.

"we act so tough like it ain't nothin', 'cause we don't want them to see"


-kambo is a rather larger female hyena, weighing in at one hundred and thirty pounds, and standing at thirty-seven inches at the shoulder. she is heavily muscled and well-proportioned with evident musculature with each stride. she has a kind disposition and a gentle face, but don't mistake her for being just that, in a flash, when pups are threatened, this female can become fiercer than a lion if need be. built like the average hyena, big head, thick/strong neck and powerful jaws, she looks like a born hunter. her ears are rounded, more so than other species of hyena, and forelimbs much longer than hindlimbs. this female in particular is hardy and thickly-boned, giving her all the size and strength of a lioness, or at least a small one, either way, this female is a bit of a brute.

-her pelt, like any hyena's is on the shorter side, to protect it from the harshness of the heat in her home, and it is coarse in texture. like all spotted hyena's, this female sports an upright ridge hair that runs from between her ears, to between her shoulder blades and takes on a light gingery-tan color. this female remains a light brown color, but has white/gray patches on her chest, underbelly and the inside of her ears. her muzzle is black in color as are the edges of her paws. this female's spotting only appears on her shoulders, abdomen and slightly on her flank, meaning that the topline of her back, her legs, head and rump remain void of any spotted markings. her neck, after she sheds out, will appear to be lightly dusted with pale orange spots, but as time goes on, the fur becomes sun-bleached to the same clay coloration.

-kambo has beautiful rounded eyes that sit nicely upon her face, and though they are on the larger side, they fit in perfectly with her features. her eyes are such a dark brown color that it almost appears as if her pupil takes up the entirety of the eye. her eyes have black pigmented rims with off-white fur surrounding. it is rare to look into the camp and not have her wide, watchful gaze up and looking about. this female's gaze is not something to be forgotten too easily as it is both subtle and intense, seeming to carefully beat the truth out of any who attempt to get away with a lie.

-in the wild, it is more common than not to have a few scars decorating one's pelt, and this female is no different. a few little nicks cross her face and dot the edges of her ears, but most scratches and slits are found on her legs. though those scars make kambo's legs look like those of an animal that got caught in razor wire, it is just due to the fact that her pelt refuses to grow over any laceration once it heals over. other scars can be found on her haunches and flanks, but those are covered up by the surrounding fur. other than that, this female takes good care of herself and does her best not to appear like a monster, especially when most of her life is dedicated to caring for pups.

"here's to the girls like me"


-kambo is a rather gifted hunter, her senses are sharp and she can predict the movements and tendencies or nearly any prey animal that she has come in contact with before. but since she has retired to mostly spending time with new mothers and their pups, hunting has taken a backseat, and she will only join in on the hunt if she is needed.

-kambo is a skilled fighter, most of her movements being instinctual and the result of practice. though nowadays, this female only fights when her home and the pups she is watching are in danger. she is a ferocious beast but that side is only provoked when of course she is threatened.

-kambo is good with pups, she has always had a soft spot for them and rather loves watching over them and making sure that they remain safe. throughout her many years of watching over and caring for pups, she has learned many techniques and has mastered the best ways in which to handle different personalities and behaviors.


-kambo is part of the shamba clan

☸role in group☸

-kambo used to be a revered huntress and military mind, but since then she has become a little more laid-back, seeing that her large size isn't easy on her joints, she has now taken to watching over pups and caring for the group's youth.


-warboel; a giant male hyena known for his temper and bit of 'wildchild' attitude. it seemed that kambo was the only one able to calm him down. he was dark in color and covered head to toe in black spots. near the size of a larger female, he didn't live long due to his heart not being able to keep up with his heft, and he passed on when he was only five years old; kambo misses warboel, but many suspect that she never was in love with him, but appreciated him as a close friend and was too worried about hurting warboel emotionally by turning him down; deceased


-most of kambo's pups/cubs have grown up and the males have moved on. she had two litters with warboel, her first being entirely composed of two males, and the second had only one daughter named sagte; none in roleplay

☸voice claim☸

-zoe saldana

"it might hurt now but it won't last forever, make those mistakes, that'll make you better"


-made by me!

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