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"no pain is forever, yup, you know this"


neith; egyptian goddess of the hunt, war and creation


four years; her birthday falls on october twenty-sixth



☪wolf pack or dog pack☪

dog pack



"tougher than a lion, ain't no need in tryin'"


-neith is a beautiful beast, standing at twenty-six inches tall and weighing at one hundred and forty-five pounds. her body is coated with thick rippling muscle, making her appear more stacked and body-builder-esque. one look at this bully breed and it is obvious that she would be a formidable opponent in battle. her large head, dinner-plate sized paws and overall massive build contribute to her ferocious demeanor and overall aura. and though she doesn't look it, this female is quite agile and quick on her paws, able to make sharp turns and leap great heights and distances. she is thickly boned and powerful with strong jaws and hefty muscle tone.

-the female is a gorgeous merle colored bully dog, the prominent colors being a pale brown base color with splotches of jet black. her chest hosts a larger splash of white that stretches up her neck and underneath her head, down to the edge of her chest, and all her toes on all four paws are colored white. her tail, from the base to the tip, is solid black, as are the inside of her cropped ears. each eye has a black ring around it, and her nose takes on that ebony color as well. the black merle patches exist primarily on her head, shoulders, back, flanks, abdomen, haunches and legs, but are not found on her underbelly, tail and inside of her legs.

-neith has beautiful angular shaped eyes the color of light toffee. they match her face and give her a gentle and inquisitive expression, even when she isn't so. the outer edges of her irises are a darker color, almost a rich red/brown color, while the area closest to the pupil is near cream colored. her beautifully hued eyes are very expressive, but years of mental training has helped this canine to hide her emotions in her gaze. her eyes are thick-lidded and placed slightly wider apart on her face, due to her large skull.

-this female is a bred fighter, from the way she carries herself, acts and from her rank in the pack, it is obvious that she has had her paws on the battlefield upon numerous occasions. her mereled coat hosts a variety of scars, from the odd nicks from her days as a reckless young'un, to ugly gashes and wounds that have since healed over. most noticeable are her cropped ears, and while many wouldn't consider them a scar, they are a physical change on her body that is permanent. she has a few scars dotting her muzzle from a couple scraps that she got into, but all pale in comparison to a large scar the runs from her spine, across her left flank, and under her belly just to stop right at the top of her hind leg. this scar was gifted to her in battle when one of the royals' bulls decided that the female was the perfect target for his anger, and since then, neith has become more watchful and wary than most.

"no fear, and while your getting your cry on, i'm getting my fly on"

☪good traits☪

-protective; neith is a very protective, protective of her pack, of her mate, of her territory. she has good intuition and can usually sense when something troublesome is afoot. she isn't overly protective, except of aleron, but knows that he can take care of himself. she would easily put herself between her pack and any possible threat without question or without pushing. she is a guardian, a protector, a knight. and this canine won't stop until she can't physically continue.

-motherly; despite her snappiness, and rather closed-off mindset, neith has a soft spot for younger dogs and takes care of them. she checks up on the youth regularly and makes sure they have had adequate food and rest before she takes those for herself. part of her wants to have pups on her own, but the steadfast and stoic female is afraid to ask aleron's opinion, plus she doesn't want pups to get in the way of her job, nor does she want to get replaced.

-intelligent; neith is a very smart canine, she can solve nearly all problems and can think herself out of nearly any situation. she learns quickly and due to her life experience, she can quickly analyze a target and pick out the best point of action. many take one look at the bully and assume she is all brawn, but in fact her brain rivals her brawn, making her a real threat.

☪bad traits☪

-guarded; to nearly all but aleron, neith is a very guarded canine, she doesn't ever reveal much about her inner thoughts and contradictions, even when asked. she isn't very outspoken and keeps most of her thoughts and concern hidden under wraps. however, this trait can be seen as negative because if one were to keep pushing and prying, she isn't one to be patient about letting that canine know that that isn't acceptable and would easily give them a harsh bite or pin them down with all the ferocity of a polar bear.

-snappy; neith is a very snappy female, she speaks relatively tersely to those beneath her in ranking and never has anything nice to say to them. she is quick to flash her teeth when she feels that another canine is trying to push their bounds with her authority. when spoken to by those of a lower rank, they usually receive a scowl or a slight growl, as this canine is a big believer of 'don't speak until you are spoken to' and she upholds this behavior around those she is beneath in rank.

-near-overly alpha-type; though nieth is known for pushing around her weight a little and taking charge of nearly any situation, she knows how to rein this part of her attitude in when around her superiors. despite this, she is very serious about her rank in the pack and can get more than a little upset and cranky when it appears that other dogs do not.

"i can't just let you run up on me like that, yeah, i see you aiming at my pedestal"


-made by me!

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