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"i feel like the sky is falling down"


✹first name✹





-rosetrees, lanshire


-niveli of rosetrees





-the loyalist


-cisgender female


-eighteen years and ten months


 -heteroromantic heterosexual



"ain't nobody here to play around"



-thief, maid, etc; anything she could do to help her family

-but more recently has been helping out her neighbors and others with new and improved farming techniques so that the land doesn't run out of nutrients and remains arable, and the keeping away of predators, making her a formidable hunter


-mother - hillendri - a younger woman in her early thirties, she is about five feet and five inches tall with long hay-blonde hair that is often worn down, she has a sprinkling of freckles across her slightly rounded face. her eyes are a dark blue, and she has a small rounded nose, her figure is slightly hour-glass shaped with slight curves but with evident lean muscle that shows years of hard work. despite the family hardships, she is always optimistic and wears a big bright smile on her face; alive; relationship -> good

-father: degidant - he is closer to forty, about six feet and three inches tall with short, close-cropped dirty blonde hair, his skin has a natural light tan-ness to it that really brings out his pale green eyes. he has an oval-shaped face and a rather large roman nose and a bulky body-builder-esque figure, he is covered head to toe in stacked muscle and scars due to him being a soldier, and a good one at that. he isn't the nicest or easiest man to get along with but he loves his family and is completely dedicated to them; alive; relationship -> it was very strong, but as niveli got older and became a teenager, they began to fight a lot, so niveli perceives their relationship as next to nonexistent, even though she is wrong

-sister(s): phinodre - a young woman, about sixteen and tall, about five feet and nine inches tall with long dirty blonde hair, her skin is naturally tan and is void of any freckles or natural blemishes. her eyes are uncharacteristically dark brown, like her grandfather's on her mother's side, and though she has a small nose, it is roman, but it works well with her more oval-shaped head. her figure is more exaggerated than her mother's but her body is not as lean, she has a little chub around her midsection but she has muscular thighs and a fair amount of muscle everywhere else. she is quite petulant and upset that her life is not as good as she thinks that she deserves, but is more than happy to sit around and do nothing and let her family work for her; alive; relationship -> decent

-brother(s): cezris - he's about fourteen and just about six feet tall, his hair is close cropped and hay blonde, he has his father's pale green eyes and his mother's small, rounded nose, though he does have his father's more oval face. he shares his mother's lean figure, as he is all legs and a small torso, though he does have time to grow into it, he has no body fat, but lots of muscle. he works as a handy-man with his two brothers since most of the men are serving as soldiers. he is a bit of a doormat and will do anything asked of him, regardless of the toll it plays on his body, he is all about family and even when there are evident flaws within its hierarchy, he appears oblivious to them; alive; relationship - good

-vazze - he is close to eleven years of age and is quite short, only at about four feet and eight inches tall, he has longer arms and a small, rounded face with his father's roman nose, but with his mother's dark blue eyes. his is very bulky and muscular for his age and lacks the lean body figure of his mother, he has a very pale complexion and his face is covered with freckles. he has a hay-blonde mullet that is more wavy than straight. he works with his two brothers, though he is a little more of a rebel and only shows up to work when he feels like it, though he has good intentions he can be a touch annoying and he has no work ethic; alive; relationship -> could be better

-cizrint - vazze's twin brother and rival, he is a touch taller than vazze, almost reaching five feet, he has long legs and a larger oval-shaped face with his father's roman nose and his mother's dark blue eyes. but unlike his brother, he is more lean, but he has a pale complexion and a few less freckles than vazze. his hair is straighter and hay-blonde as well, and a bit longer, but cut in the same style as vazze. he works with his two brothers, and is more like their brains, he is incredibly smart, but not in the least bit strong or muscular. he is very dedicated, but can appear to have a rebellious streak and is never without his brother. they have already made plans to get married together and live next to each other, and their kids are going to be best friends, basically siblings. he has more of a work ethic than his brother, and is closer to his family than vazze; alive; relationship -> decent


-the first born of degidant and hillendri, niveli always had a little more expected of her as a role model to her younger siblings and she took her duty to heart. though she often struggles with the level of disrespect her sister, phinodre, carries with her she does her best to ignore it and continue supporting her family while her father is away fighting. she works her fingers to the bone everyday to help out her family, because they don't have much, they have each other and if nobody works to try and keep them alive, then they won't have each other. but as niveli was growing up, she was very much a daddy's girl, she would always eagerly await his return home and he would teach her how to fight, in order to keep the family safe. and in turn, he instructed her to pass down his teachings to her younger siblings, which she did, but when phinodre lost interest, she was glad to have a few younger brothers to teach. but the twins decided that they had better things to do, so that left niveli with cezris, and they grew close, he soon followed her into the workforce, and because he was the only other man in the house with them, the twins, vazze and cizrint, followed suit. but because she is a woman, many places believed she was incapable of doing a man's work and often hired her much younger brothers over her. but she eventually picked up a few odd jobs, including stealing, of which she never tells her family about in fear of disappointing them. as she grew older and more into a woman, she began to show off her teenager side and got into heated arguments with her father, and because the both of them are hotheads, their arguments are mean and things are said that shouldn't be, which leads to conflicts in their relationship, and her belief that her father is disappointed in her existence and just wants her gone, so whenever her comes back, she makes herself scarce in order to allow her family to have some peaceful time with her father. 

-one of the jobs that actually hired her was at a stable, she had been working there for a while when a mare gave birth to twin foals, though she came close to death, she pulled through. the only problem being, she rejected the smaller foal, which niveli was instructed to care for, if it died she would be fired, and if it lived, they weren't sure they'd have any use for it because of how tiny and scrawny it was. but the foal surprised them all, she grew big and strong and still niveli was instructed with its training, eventually the owners noticed that the bond between the horse and niveli was too close and they fired her, however, they didn't fire her in time and as they tried to get the horse to bond with the owners, she grew dejected and stubborn and they ended up giving her up to niveli. the horse was tired and weak, but the second it laid eyes on niveli, the equine perked up and it was obvious that she was happy to see her person, she was given the name pheffonni.

-during her job search, niveli witnessed a robbery, a dog burst out of a 'butcher shop' with a slab of meat between his jaws, as he ran, the manager chased him, when the dog was out of sight, along with his pursuer, another dog crept in through the open door of the shop and soon returned with as much meat as its jaws could carry, then it ran back the way it had come. when the butcher returned, red-faced and sweaty, niveli returned back to her search, unable to get the canines out of her mind. the next couple of days, the dogs were nowhere to be found, but soon they were back, but they were successful in their hunt, though niveli wasn't there to see, she had just overheard the pompous butcher pouting about how he had unsuccessfully fended off the hungry hounds again. so niveli baited a trap, it was not really much of anything, but she figured if she could bring them to the butcher, perhaps a reward would be in order. she managed to catch them, but once she had them in her possession and was able to see the desperation in their eyes, they were starving and struggling just like everyone else, and they shouldn't be punished for being like everyone here, doing their best to survive. so she could not give them up to the butcher, knowing he would just kill them, and it wouldn't be humane. so she kept them much to the disapproval of her entire family, but she worked her tail off even more to make sure that they were well-fed and that her family was too. the dogs even earned themselves names, the female was sillontha and the male was vazzige. and like all unrelated male and female dogs, they had pups, five to be exact, one female and four males. 

-when brylande got niveli, she was stubborn and refused to move, even though she had had previous dreams of this event, and though she believed in it whole-heartedly. it took some pushing and a promise that her siblings and mother would be alright without her for a time, she eventually went along with the magi, taking with her pheffonni and one of the pups, the one that never left her side, droldi. 

✹current residence✹

-when she lived with her family, they lived in a larger house for the living that they had. it was two stories with three bedrooms, one for her parents, one for her and her sister, and the other for her three brothers. there is a hand-built fence and two-stall barn behind the house, built by niveli and her brothers in order to house pheffonni and the dogs. her room is on the smaller side, and a solid pale brown color all around, she and her sister take turns sleeping on the one bed in their room, but due to her sister's petulance, niveli more often than not sleeps on the floor. the home is completely wooden, built by her father's family generations back.

"push it to the edge, i won't back down"





-niveli, like her mother, has a slight hourglass build, though it is even more slight than that of her mother's, but she has a lean, yet muscular build, acquitted to her through her lifestyle of constant work. she can easily lift more than almost three times her body weight, maybe not lift it above her head, but she can lift it. she is about five feet and three inches tall and weighs around one hundred and five pounds.


-she has about shoulder-length wavy golden hair that is either worn down or in a singular braid down her back, it is on the thicker side and doesn't tangle easily.


-her eyes are a mixture between that of her mother's and father's, they are neither dark nor light and are a bit of a mix between blue and green, however their color changes depending on her clothing choice, emotions or time of day. they are very expressive, but she has been working on concealing her emotions.

✹facial features✹

-niveli has a slightly rounded face and a small, rounded nose and a sprinkling of freckles under both her eyes, and across her nose. she has a permanently split left eyebrow from a fist fight that she got in with her sister. her left cheek has a thin light scar from a scrap she got in with a fellow thief and he had a knife on him. she has a split on the left side of her upper lip, giving her a permanent crooked smile, but she doesn't mind it at all. she has a bit of a snaggle-tooth on her left side as well, but she does her best to try and cover/hide it.


-niveli has a couple on her face and several across her back from practicing battle moves with her father, and her other jobs where she suffered from several of their punishments and fights with other people. she has a big one on her lower right abdominal area where she was stabbed by the same thief that gave her the scar on her cheek.


-niveli wears pretty simple clothing, for casual wear she wears a comfortable cloth tunic with a coat made from the pelt of an animal she killed back home, she keeps the type of animal a secret for no reason other than she doesn't want to share. she wears comfortable but close fitting pants that come down to her ankles where the are met by soft leather boots that she wears all the time. her combat armor has a few coverings that have a band that go under the boot and a strap that goes behind her leg to hold it in place. the rest of her combat clothing consists of a red and white cloak that have various pieces of armor that can fit over it. all given to her by her father when she left, made specifically for her by a close family friend.


-she has a tattoo on her right hip directly under the scar that is a symbol for strength

"i give it all, all for the family"


✹defining character traits✹












✹detailed description✹

-niveli feels very pressured by her family and friends, she has a destiny to fulfill, a family to protect and new friends that she needs to be there for. but she doesn't allow that to interfere with her ability to protect those that she loves, old and new, and instead uses it as fuel whenever she begins to feel doubtful or disheartened. she is forever committed to the cause and will do anything in her power to make their destiny come true with the best output possible. she is often engaged in what's going on and always does her best to make sure she is up to date and knows whats going on. she is loyal til the end, and maybe even to a fault, though it isn't easy to earn her loyalty, you can mess her up, but she will not think of you any differently, she will still be loyal and she will still trust you. she is very responsible for herself and others, she makes sure everyone is healthy and safe and often checks up on everyone's emotional state. niveli can take insults and hits and will still remain standing, even when she has given up, she won't fall, she has too much self-respect to allow herself to fall and crumble because of someone else. upon first meeting niveli she will appear hostile and nosy, asking many questions and invading your personal space, but that it because is just making sure that you are trustworthy and are good enough to be traveling as her companion. she is very tough and strong, not just physically, but mentally too, she has grit and always gives one hundred and ten percent, one hundred and ten percent of the time. however, engage in an argument with her, or piss her off and its done, she will go into verbal attack mode, but she will never hurt someone she loves either as a friend, family or something more, but deep underneath all these feelings, niveli is very self-conscious of herself and sometimes doubts why she was even chosen to be one of the destined, though she comes close to losing hope, she toughs it out and forces herself to see the bright side of any situation. she is not a very open person and tries to hide her emotions from those outside of her family and friends in order to prevent them from being able to mentally walk all over her. niveli is uber competitive, if you engage a competition or a race of some sort, she will not lose, even if you match her in competitiveness, she will not lose, no matter what, which means that she can take things to the extreme, even when she tries to tone herself down, and if she did lose for some reason or another, she is a bad loser, and gets easily upset, especially if the winner gloats about it. other than that, on the outside niveli is very bubbly and optimistic and gets along with pretty much everybody and its difficult to wipe her slightly crooked smile off her face.


-niveli doesn't really have many fears, but she does have atychiphobia -> fear of failure


-niveli hopes to return to her family, maybe start one of her own, but she wants to fulfill the prophecy and return everyone home safe

"we stay up, no bail outs"



-none yet


-niveli can use just about any weapon you place in her hands, but she always carries her dagger that can be used as a hunting knife due to her constant cleaning of the blade. and two smaller swords that sit in their sheaths at each side. but in a pinch she is well-versed in hand-to-hand combat and can hold her own even against a much larger opponent, because she can use her speed, size, flexibility and agility to her advantage.


-hand-to-hand combat


-well-developed senses

-education of the world around

-being able to deal with all types of people


-being small

-her willingness to trust others even after they have proven to be untrustworthy

-she can't work alone, she needs to be in a group

"you lose the love and respect, that's where the trust stop"

other information:


-height: fifteen point three hands high

-weight: one thousand three hundred and twenty three pounds or six hundred kilograms

-model breed: spanish mustang


-height: twenty-five and a half inches tall

-weight: one hundred seventy-five pounds or seventy-nine point four kilograms

-model breed: south african boerboel

"i'm playing the game, i do it to win"

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