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"stomp, stomp i've arrived"

✺past name(s)✺




✺future name(s)✺



✺meaning for name✺

pebble - her gray coloration

paw - standard apprentice suffix

stamp - she is feisty and commands attention, but she is an adorable lil smol bean that nobody really takes seriously (like stomp, but cuter)

"why ya lookin' at me?"




eight moons [eight months]



"you think i can't get hurt like you, you motherfu*ker"





"i can do it like a brother, do it like a dude"

✺fur color✺

pale gray

✺eye color✺

dull green

"grab my crotch, wear my hat lower like you"


-pebblepaw is a spicy young she-cat with lots of fire, she is a no-holds-bar kind of gal with the complete and total lack of a filter, often getting her bad-mouthed self into trouble. she says aloud what she is thinking and doesn't care how others take it. she is incredibly blunt and will never lie, and sometimes others can't readily take her personality and lack of care for the words that come out of her mouth, but some admire her.

-pebblepaw is very passionate as well, she works hard to be the absolute best at everything and is more than willing to shut you down in order to get that. once she gets to talking about something she feels strongly about, there will be no shutting her up, maybe ever. and though she wants to do all these things, ie being the best, she really lacks the motivation to wake up and make herself uncomfortable. however, like her talking, once she starts, she won't quit until she's done.

-however, despite all this, pebblepaw desperately wants to fit in, she acts all rough and tough just because she can't stand being overlooked, sure she can be a bit, or maybe a lot, of a bully, but she constantly feels the need to act this way in order to be seen as more than a fluffy, tiny apprentice. and though this isn't the right approach, it works for her in some cases which just add fuel to her flame. pebblepaw feels the need to stomp her feet and get attention just so she doesn't become overlooked and forgotten about by her clanmates.


-pebblepaw is incredibly honest, she will never lie about anything ever, however, she is very blunt, though that is not necessarily her goal, she can't help if you get offended by the truth. the only gray area is when she is up to some mischief and when she returns a cat asks where she has gone, that is the only thing she would lie about, she would tell you where she went, but she won't tell any specifics, because as she puts it "its not lying if you stay quiet" but this is completely void if asking about her opinion on something.

-pebblepaw is very passionate about everything she puts her mind too, and sometimes that can be dangerous, but it is quite admirable as well. though sometimes she lacks the motivation to make herself get up and commit, once she does, nothing will bar her from her goal, not even the matter of life or death. thus making her incredibly loyal to herself, her friends and her clan, her passion for protecting them will serve her well and is one of her good and admirable points.


-pebblepaw is very much a spitfire, she has no filter and speaks whatever comes to mind without thinking about it. though this often gets her into trouble, the she-cat could really care less, and will just take shots at whomever she deems deserves it. this has become such an issue that it has been threatened that her apprenticeship will be stretched longer if she doesn't make strides to better improve her behavior. which then forces her to think wisely when she has something to say, and though it has helped to an extent, she still shoots off at the mouth occasionally.

-pebblepaw is not subtle, she will make you her sole focus, perhaps even with force. she likes to command attention and be the center of it, though she is a natural leader, she can abuse that power to an extent. she naturally commands attention with the aura she swaggers around with, and though that is just her personality, she likes having eyes drawn to her and being in the spotlight. she is loud and proud, and enjoys having eyes on her.

"boom, boom, pull me a beer"


-pebblepaw, though she isn't physically strong, she is mentally strong, this she-cat is incredibly smart and mentally sturdy. she is able to take mental hits and overcome them, not to mention being able to fire them back, she is however smart enough to know who to mess with and who to not. though pebblepaw is not one to instigate a fight, it doesn't take much for her to get in one. 

-pebblepaw can run really fast, her speed is unmatched, even at a young age, she is sure-footed and quick, making her a good runner if needed for a battle, she doesn't have just plain speed on her side either, she can run for a long amount of time, she could come from one clan camp to the other and back and barely be winded, many acquit this to the fact that she wasn't noticed by the other cats because she was small and quite weak, so she decided that in order to be noticed, she needed to be loud and she needed to stand out, so she began to work on her running, even as a small kit, she wasn't watched most of the time so she often snuck out of camp to work on her running.


-pebblepaw can't fight to save her life, she is small and doesn't have the right mindset, she can't predict moves and she can't memorize them either, when faced with a fight its like she forgets everything and starts to fight like she is cornered by a badger. however, she makes up for this with her speed and can literally run circles around her enemies and make them chase her until they are too tired so she gets one or two good hits on them and they can't fight back.

-pebblepaw can't climb trees at all, she has a fear of heights, which is a closely guarded secret, and she doesn't naturally have good balance, and due to her small stature, a fall from a great height could severely injure, maim or potentially kill her, and she doesn't really want to die. at least not in her young age.

"no pretty drinks, i'm a guy out here"


-pebblepaw really just likes fitting in with other apprentices, specifically the guys, she just wants to be one of the bros, and doesn't really care too much about anything else really. she gets upset when they leave her out of the loop and makes it known when she feels isolated or hurt.

-pebblepaw likes to hunt because that is the only warrior task that she feels that she is good at. she likes to hunt and bring back food for her clanmates because she likes to feel like she is actually supporting them and not just leeching off of them.


-pebblepaw doesn't like other cats telling her that she shouldn't be hanging around the male apprentices because they only seem to be getting her in trouble and make her think differently and they don't like it.

-pebblepaw also doesn't like feeling useless and like she doesn't have a place in the clan, which is why it is so vital to her that she has her little group, she needs to feel validated, and like she isn't a burden on the clan. 

"my b-i-t-c-h's on my dιck like this"


-pebblepaw is a strong cup of tea that feels like in order to fit in and be noticed, she has to act out and be a cat that she really isn't, the only issue is, she has been this cat for so long she can't really go back to the old her because she doesn't really know who that is anymore.

-pebblepaw doesn't even bother to have an ounce of control over what she says or does, and quite frankly, she likes it that way. she likes seeing the looks on the faces of others when she speaks her mind.

"we can do it like the man'dem"


sandclaw - a sandy brown she-cat with yellow eyes


(it is not stated so i'll just make a random cat since it seems that nobody else has put one)

ferretstripe - a long furred pale gray tabby tomcat with dull green/blue eyes


shellpaw - a small pale gray she-cat with a white belly and paws, she has green eyes and her fluffy pelt makes her appear larger, she has a long and fluffy tail

wavepaw - a blue/gray tomcat with gray eyes

"rollin' money like a pimp"







"do it low like you"

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