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"you said it yourself you're scared of being alone"

❈serial number❈


❈real name❈



five years and eight months






-mafalda is a snappy dog, but she can be even more so when given attention she doesn't want, she is quick to lash out and sometimes the dog, or human, she is snapping at has no clue what they did wrong. though she will be sure to tell them when she's finished, if she feels like it. other creatures usually bore her and in order to add more 'pizzazz' or 'spice' she will start something to try and goad a reaction out of them.

-she is quite standoffish, which goes hand in hand with the fact that she lashes out upon receiving attention she doesn't want. she likes to keep to herself to an extent and likes to have her own personal space, and though she acts tough and closed off, she doesn't mind the occasional company and could not be a loner by any stretch as she thrives off the energy of those around her and uses it to amplify her own actions and aspects of her personality. however, you won't ever see her 'buddy-buddy' with any other dog, in fact it is rare to see her in a normal, relaxed conversation with another dog because she likes to appear confident, aggressive and unapproachable.

-mafalda is very much a hostile creature and is always the first to tell another off and belittle them, she is a fighter, not a lover. the female is very quick to anger and can go from zero to ten in a matter of milliseconds (aggression speaking) and then hold that ten for a long time. she is not the dog that speaks gently to others and will always be the first to let you know that she is the boss and will lead with an iron fist. it doesn't take much to make this female believe that you are getting too much out of your place and she is quick to put you back down.

-this female is confident, yet not to an arrogant point, she never talks herself up beyond her abilities and she never prances about with her head and tail up, flaunting her muscle and power. though she is one to say that she doesn't make threats, but she does make promises. which she will always carry out. mafalda is not an insecure dog and is very confident in her appearance, beliefs and abilities and one would have to be very incredibly evil to call her pompous or conceited because she isn't that at all.

-mafalda is a no-nonsense type of female, she doesn't take any bullshit from anyone and will always be the first to call another dog out on their shit. though she is a peculiar type canine she is still pretty straightforward with her thoughts and acts in what she views as sensible and not without merit for every action has an equal and opposite reaction. she often takes it upon herself to keep other dogs in line and often butts heads with other dogs with similar personalities as her or those that believe that it is their place to be the boss.

-the female is a natural leader, she is open to all suggestions and actually listens to the dogs around her and doesn't immediately shut them up if in the right mood. though that doesn't always mean she will act upon a new suggestion, she will at least make others feel like their contributions are worth something. she knows how to rally and lead dogs and can often find some way to relate to them, she arouse the masses and divert their attention to a common cause, even the most unwilling or most afraid. she can be encouraging if the situation calls for it, and despite her acting that she doesn't need the other dogs, or that they are dragging her down, she loves each and every one of them and appreciates that she isn't there alone, despite her wishing that she knew them under different circumstances.


-mafalda is a giant female, even for her breed, while on average the largest female stands at about twenty-seven inches tall, she is twenty-eight, pushing twenty-nine at the shoulder. she weighs a hefty one hundred and twenty-three pounds and two ounces of pure, raw muscle. she is absolutely stacked with muscle and a well-placed hit from this female can kill, maim or seriously injure another creature, depending on their size and strength. and though looking at her from a distance you wouldn't think that this female is any larger than the typical dogs of her breed, but when standing next to them there is an obvious difference. nothing about her seems out of proportion or like it doesn't fit, she is well put-together and conformationally correct and it is obvious that she is a pure-bred and that she comes from a long line of show dogs.

-the red dog, despite her name, though she has bits of a dark red/tan is mostly obsidian black in color, quite different than the usual chinese red dog that, as their name suggests, are red in color. her pelt is smooth and shiny with an unexpected soft texture. her pelt is a little on the denser side which just adds that much more protection to her thick hide despite the fur looking thin. the red color coats parts on her flanks, the inside of her forelegs, the underside of her neck and a little bit on her face. her underbelly is a perfect blend of the black and the red that fades to black down her legs and on her paws.

-mafalda has gorgeous amber yellow eyes that stand starkly against her face, a color quite unexpected from the breed but nonetheless match her personality. they are always hosting an intense fire and never betray any of her inner emotions and aid her face in remaining stone-like and void of all involuntary expressions. her right eye, though naturally a slight dull color ever so slightly brighten to a more gold color closer to her pupil while her left is the opposite, the gold color is around the edges while closer to the pupil, the color dulls to a more iced coffee brown.

-the female has scars running down the length of her muzzle and legs from various fights, accidents and all manner of mischief from her youth and beyond. those that aren't readily visible are hidden beneath her pelt, that meaning the majority of scars are under her pelt, while the others, basically one, can be seen outside where the fur never grew back. it was the result of a knife slicing through her left upper foreleg during an outing with her owner, as she was trained for protection work, her owner was attacked and mafalda defended and was attacked instead.

"but there are no mistakes"

❈reason for ending up in facility❈

-mafalda took her training too seriously and instead of going for the arms and legs of her victim, like she was trained, she always went for the kill. oftentimes going for the neck or face, and unfortunately didn't listen when her owner tried to call her off. her owner believed the problem was that she wasn't strong enough to control the dog and thus sold her off to the facility, feeling that they would have better use and more control over her.

❈quirk or habit from the experiments❈

-mafalda chomps her jaws together whenever she hears the kennel room door opening

-starts growling when the doors open and snarls when she sees the humans

-tries to attack the humans every chance she gets

"except what you create"


-thinks 'stop the cries' (riot) is a pushover

-rather likes 'stop the tests' (petunia)

-has the slightest hint of a crush on 'give us a voice' ()

-not the biggest fan of 'give us relief' (tybalt)

-more to be added


-father; triton - a giant male chinese red dog known for being aggressive and possessive, he had no liking for his mate or any of their pups aside from mafalda as she was the one who took after him the most, he was mostly black in color with the same eye color(s) as his daughter - mafalda got along well with her father, but she always seemed to live in his shadow, he was a tough male, not easy for one to love, but she looked up to him and always worked her ass off to make him even the slightest bit proud of her - alive - not in roleplay

-mother; esther - a bigger than average female chinese red dog, almost solid in color, with a fiery temper and steely determination, she didn't like triton but was bred with him solely for his bloodlines, she loved all her pups fiercely and equally - mafalda loved her mother and tried to live a bit like her, as much as triton would allow anyway, she learned to love strongly and to most importantly, be strong even when the world seemed to be against her - alive - not in roleplay

-brother(s); achernar - a giant male chinese red dog that took after his mother in the appearance department, he was almost solid red in color with dark brown eyes, he was a very quiet and stoic creature who's sole purpose was to protect his family - unlike their other brothers, achernar didn't dislike nor envy mafalda for being her father's favorite and rather used their relationship just to learn more about their father - alive - not in roleplay; jovian - a smaller male chinese red dog that was labeled as 'nearly perfect' by their breeders, he was the perfect blend of red and black and had the perfect personality, a guard dog with a little more pizzazz - jovian and mafalda often fought because the pompous male was perfect in everyone's eyes except his father's and he couldn't understand why his sister was loved more than he - alive - not in roleplay; kale - a giant male chinese red dog with a cold demeanor that really didn't appear to want any part in his family's life, he stayed away from the other pups and their mother and wanted to be off on his own, away from the others, he was a blend between black and red and had eyes a lot like his father's - mafalda rarely spoke with kale, as kale never really spoke, they never really formed a relationship but, like jovian, kale wasn't the biggest fan of the pup that their father favored - alive - not in roleplay; saturn - the smallest pup of the litter, he grew quickly to become a substantial canine but was never the largest of the litter, he was solid black, and therefore had no game in the show business or as a stud, he was kept by the breeders to prevent his bloodline from spreading - he was very kind to all of his siblings, but still didn't seem to understand why mafalda was more loved by triton than the other pups - alive - not in roleplay

-sister(s); phoebe - an average sized female chinese red dog and mafalda's ride or die, both sisters were nearly identical, phoebe just had their mother's dark brown eyes - mafalda and phoebe were the closest of any of the pups and phoebe didn't seem to care what others thought of her and was rather sad that triton took her sister away from her so that he could teach her about life and growing up, causing phoebe to have an issue with triton as opposed to her sister - alive - not in roleplay

❈time spent in facility❈

-around two and a half years

"you need to know your place"

❈past mate❈




❈short backstory❈

-born in auburn, new york, mafalda and her siblings grew up and grew strong under the watchful eye of their mother. but mafalda's father took an interest in mafalda, seeing as she was very similar to him, so he would often take that pup and teach her life lessons and prepare her for life and beyond. but due to her father's favor, the other pups, excluding achernar and phoebe, developed a chip on their shoulders because they weren't able to understand why their littermate got special treatment from a father who could care less about the rest of them.

-at the age of two and a half months, mafalda was shipped off to memphis, tennessee to begin her new life as a trained protection and guard dog. the female was such a loyal dog that she quickly trusted and loved her owner, going great lengths to prove it. she would attack her 'threats' with the intent to kill, going for the throat and face. but it didn't take long for her owner to realize that her dog was a real threat, and in an effort to change the tide, she would take mafalda on walks to try and socialize her with life and society. on one such night, mafalda and her owner were attacked, and mafalda, without warning, attacked her owner's aggressor, who had a knife and slashed a thick gash in the dog's shoulder. which didn't deter the canine and in fact only made her angrier, she horribly injured the man who later died of his wounds.

-realizing now that mafalda was more than just an overly loyal dog, but an aggressive creature with an intent to kill, her owner knew that she couldn't control the headstrong canine and sold her off to the facility. thinking that she would be happier there and would be safe from lawsuits and people threatening to put her down. mafalda never forgave her owner for giving her up like that and constantly thinks of all humans as shifty, untrustworthy creatures that are just looking for an excuse to hurt another creature for their own enjoyment.

"'cause i was sent to warn you, the devil's right beside you"


-made by me!

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