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"it's a fight i guess i'll never know"

❇serial number❇


❇real name❇



five years and three months






-nile is not much of a talker, he keeps to himself and is quite a stern and gruff fellow. he rarely speaks or comments on certain matters unless they directly concern him, when he does speak, it is very slow and well-spoken with a commanding aura. he speaks tersely and honestly, unafraid to put another dog in their place or to reprimand them for irrational and over-the-top behaviors. he does have an 'alpha' mentality and often thinks of himself as the boss.

-this male can be very snappy as he doesn't like to be bothered and will often lash out due to his nerves and other emotions that he doesn't speak aloud. he doesn't like to be talked to, and doing so can result in a string of insults intended to hurt and force his caller to shut up and leave nile be. though he isn't that old, for his breed, he would be considered a bit of a senior and because of this, he wishes to have his final years in as much peace and quiet as possible.

-nile likes his space and can tend to become quick to anger and even physically aggressive when one encroaches upon his space without permission. he is a bit claustrophobic and feels that when one comes into his space that they are attempting to attack him or do something to him that would cause either pain or discomfort, and he rather likes his alone time and can't stand it when others can't seem to get it through their thick skulls that he prefers to have his space.

-the male is very quiet, which is strange for a hound, though he can be loud when he wants/needs to, but he only results to that volume when his warnings are being ignored or when he actually wants to be heard. he is a very somber creature that likes be with his own thoughts, away from other creatures. nile doesn't believe in raising his voice just to hear it, or to create unnecessary noise in an environment that is already far too loud.

-nile is pensive, he enjoys his 'me time' and though he has a depressing and mopey demeanor, the dog is quite happy and relaxed when he is alone. he is very serious and appears to have little to no sense of humor. but without other dogs around him, annoying him and getting in his space, nile finds it easier to reflect on one's past and search for an internal peace which helps combat the nervous energy that seems to follow him like a shadow.

-the bloodhound is very nervous, and though this is an emotion that he rarely allows the dogs around him to see, but his often ragged and scarred tail is proof enough that being in this facility is enough to change the typically calm and serious canine into a scared and nervous creatures that gnaws on his tail to try and release his nervous energy. he is afraid of the humans and what they can and will do to the dogs and the mere mention of them sends shivers down his spine and causes him to reach for his tail to chew on.


-nile is a large dog, even for his breed, he stands at twenty-seven inches tall and weighs one hundred and ten pounds and thirteen ounces, putting him at the top of the bloodhound size chart. everything about the male is just massive, from his gargantuan paws to his powerful, gleaming teeth, this dog is big. his size does come with some faults, he can't run all that fast, nor is he very agile, but he is solid, if one were to get tackled by this male, they wouldn't be able to get up. even in his elder age, the bloodhound is strong and heavily-muscled, some due to the fact that, being a male, he has large amounts of testosterone which enhances muscle and its appearance, and that the dogs in his family tree were very solidly built, strong dogs.

-the bloodhound has the typical red-fawn body coloration with a vibrant black saddle pattern across his back with bits of that black color showing up on his shoulders and ears. both paws on his right side have white toes, while the other paws are both solid colored. his muzzle is black in color with a slight bit of it over his eyes giving him that 'eyeliner' appearance. his underbelly and the insides of his legs are a shade or so lighter than the fur on his back, but because he is often found lying down, it is not easily noticeable.

-nile has beautiful dark brown eyes that lighten towards the pupil which succeeds in making it stand out more, his eyes are very expressive and he doesn't bother to hide any emotions through them. the edges of his irises are so dark that it is almost impossible to see where the black fur around them ends and the eye itself begins, despite his eyes being fairly large.

-the older male has an abundance of scars crisscrossing his pelt, but most are faded in color and/or have had the fur grown up on or around them, sheltering them from outside view. his does have scars up and down the length of his tail due to his constant chewing, but those that came before that are heavily concentrated on his forelegs, face and neck, where in his youth he often fought around with other dogs and got into all sorts of mischief.

"for a moment i can wait"

❇reason for ending up in the facility❇

-after the death of his mate, nile was lost, when he wasn't terrorizing and trying to kill other dogs, he would often lay in the middle of busy roads and hope a car would hit him and kill him. but cars usually went around him, or stopped and moved him off the road. but one time a car stopped and moved him into the car, he fell asleep in the car and awoke in the facility.

❇quirk or habit from the experiments❇

-he constantly tries to chew his own tail off

-he has become more skittish around humans

"i'm holding on to hope"


-often yells at and becomes annoyed with 'give us wings' (freckles) for being what he would call 'unnecessarily' skittish

-more to be added


-father; alnair - a fairly large male bloodhound with a big heart and puppy-like personality, he was very intelligent and loved nile's mother whole-heartedly - he an nile got along quite well, both were quiet and respected each other's space - alive - not in roleplay

-mother; isonoe - a large female bloodhound with a short temper and a compelling inner fire, she loved her mate and her pups and passed down her determination and fire to her pups - nile often found her a bit too pushy and ignorant of the fact that he liked to be alone and often grew annoyed with her - alive - not in roleplay

-brother(s); phoenix - a large male bloodhound with a short temper known for being loud and often challenging authority - nile was constantly at war with phoenix over 'leadership' and the fact that he didn't respect nile's space - alive - not in roleplay; rossi - a smaller male bloodhound, though not the runt, who was very meek and quiet, a bit of a doormat - nile didn't mind rossi, as this pup never caused him trouble or messed with him, but they didn't really have a relationship - alive - not in roleplay; dawn - a beautiful male bloodhound with a glossy coat and well-defined muscles, a favorite among their owners, his pelt had a bit of an ombre effect which inspired his name - nile loved dawn, they were very close as siblings and watched out for each other, they rarely fought and were sold as a pair to their new homes - alive - not in roleplay; cassio - an average sized male bloodhound who was born blind, he grew up strong despite this and was heavily beloved by his parents and siblings - nile and cassio got along well, not as close as nile was with dawn, but a close second, but then again, cassio got along well with everyone - alive - not in roleplay; capella - a large male bloodhound colored mostly black with deep-set dark brown eyes, a bit of an oddball, some of the family didn't really accept him but last nile heard, capella was fixing the relationship - nile and capella always got along, nile was the first member of the family capella came out as gay too, and of course, though it was a bit strange, nile accepted him, they were still family and nothing would change that - alive - not in roleplay; lupi - the runt of the litter with elara, he never got very big and was always small and thin, not very strong, but he had a bold personality and is a very social dog - nile and lupi never really fought, but lupi only really stayed with elara, until she kinda told him that he needed to stop living in his shell and he needed to grow up, and of course he did - alive - not in roleplay

-sister(s); elara - the only female of the pups and the runt along with lupi, but unlike him she grew to be a sizable female with a bit of reputation - she and nile got along well, but they did often but heads as they were naturally both 'alpha minded' creatures - alive - not in roleplay

❇time spent in facility❇

-around eight months

"and i know you're stoned, i can see it"

❇past mate❇

-aurora; a redbone coonhound that lived next door to his former owner, she was a year or so younger than him, but she was very smart and had a mental age much closer to his own, she was a beautiful dark red color with bits of black on her face that accented her features - they had pups together, but she didn't live long afterwards because the birth was so difficult she never really regained her strength - deceased


-aurora and nile had seven pups together, all were boys and only one was kept by aurora's owner; halcyon, the largest of the litter, but a very sweet and submissive male. and one was kept by his owner; aten, nothing was very special about this pup, and he was the last one left so they took him, he doesn't speak much and really keeps to himself.

❇short backstory❇

-nile was born in addison, illinois on a small farm that bred hunting dogs, nile didn't stay there long, as many people wanted to get their hands on the pups, but his puphood was as normal as any, romping around with his siblings, usually dawn and capella, and sleeping next to his mother and other siblings, learning about the world and figuring out his place in it.

-his new home took him to harleysville, pennsylvania to a home that didn't want him for hunting, but rather as a show dog, not that he minded of course, he liked the luxurious lifestyle, but seeing as he was the only dog in the home, he grew lonely and from his boredom he began to wander around his home. usually he terrorized street dogs, scuffled with them, got animal control called on him a few times. but on one of these jaunts, he met with the lovely aurora, she came from a puppy mill, and her owners, unaware of how bad puppy mills were, just purchased her from a pet store for their two kids. it didn't take long for them to fall deeply in love, especially since their owners were neighbors and were close with each other. one thing led to another and aurora was pregnant with his pups.

-after her pups were born, it was obvious that the female was not going to recover well, she began to get very sick and would go through spells where she wouldn't eat or drink, and eventually she passed away when the pups were a month or so old. luckily, aurora's owners had been helping out the mother with feeding her puppies, so they were able to finish weaning them. the pups all found homes except for aten, who went to live with nile, giving him a constant reminder of what he had lost.

-nile blamed himself, if he had just kept to himself like he usually did and preferred, then he never would have met aurora and she would never had died and he would never have lost a dog so dear to him. so the male, finding nothing left in life, started trying to find a way out, he would go for long periods of time without eating, he would lay in the middle of the road and hope to get hit by a car. he began to leave his home for days on end and not return. he went back to messing with dogs, but his anger and frustration would often release itself on those dogs and he would maim or even kill some of the dogs.

-one such day he was laying in the road and a car stopped, they came out, and got the large male in the car, and nile, suspecting these people were going to take him home like some others did, just went along with it. but instead, he was moved to the facility where he has been ever since.

"the struggle's getting old"


-made by me!

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