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"feel the fire where she walks"



❃name origin❃

old persian

❃name meaning❃


❃name pronunciation❃


❃show name❃

bonum nocte


-major; stadium jumping

-minor; eventing


eight years and six months; female


equus caballus;oldenburg

"shady and a tempered dame"

❃eye coloring❃

dark brown

❃eye shape❃


❃fur coloring❃


❃fur texture❃

sleek and soft

❃fur length❃



fifteen point three hands


one thousand and seventy pounds and three ounces


not many, just a few on her legs from various minor incidents

❃current injuries❃


❃any visible disabilities❃


❃any missing limbs❃


"her performance utterly erotic subversive to all ideas"

❃brave or skittish❃


❃daredevil or safety first❃


❃calm or excitable❃


❃angered or cool❃


❃dominant or submissive❃

depends on the situation

❃herd leader or follower❃

herd leader

❃independent or dependent❃


❃shy or confident❃


❃loner or herd centered❃


"lifting her skirt howling loud like a wolf"

❃positive traits❃

-katana is strong, in more ways than one, she is mentally strong as she is very intelligent and can solve problems rather quickly, she is always two steps ahead at least. her brain never stops working, thinking, trying to figure things out and to think her way out of situations she gets herself into. the mare is also very physically strong, with her being on the smaller side of the spectrum for her breed, she has to work twice as hard for the same results. she had to train twice as hard, run faster, jump higher, just to keep up with other horses that are in the same classes as her.

-the ebony mare is very charismatic, she is able to talk her way in and out of just about any situation that can be thought of. she could convince a bird to stop chirping, a dog to stop scratching at fleas, she use her words to her advantage, and can spin any truth or lie to her advantage and can make anyone believe what she wants them too. she knows she's a pretty girl and knows that she can use that to her advantage as she implements that as well.

-katana is a very hard-working mare, she never does anything half-assed, with her its either all or nothing, never anything in-between. being a smaller horse that competes regularly against horses much taller and bigger than she has its challenges and she works hard and trains hard so that she stays right up there with them. the mare always works her ass off so she doesn't get left behind, sometimes that means jumping the fences to her pasture if she feels she needs more practice, she will even canter circles in her pasture, or she will gallop and pace around her pasture to just blow off some steam.

❃neutral traits❃

-katana is very flirtatious with all horses, especially males, sometimes she will flirt with stallions she specifically knows that other mares have their eyes on. she never fails in winning their attention and keeping it on her, and she always leaves them wanting more. she knows how to play to their egos, to their strengths, she tells them what they want to hear and she knows how to influence their minds to keep their focus on her and no other mare. she sometimes has to dig deep with certain stallions, but she always gets what she wants, always.

-though it was aforementioned that this is mare is flirtatious, she is also seductive, and while they have similar denotations, the connotations are vastly different. for the stallions that she finds attractive and intriguing, and for those that she has to chase and work hard to get, she often offers certain 'services' to these stallions in order to get that extra leverage. katana is no stranger to using her body to get what she wants, and she is certainly not above the action.

-katana is a difficult mare, she is difficult to work with and hard to gain the respect of. she doesn't dish out her respect like a meal on a silver platter, one has to work hard to get it, really hard. she has an alpha mentality and has a hard time submitting to anyone, even riders and trainers that have worked with her and gained her respect. she is definitely high-maintenance and is not too keen on trying to make life any easier for her caretakers.

❃negative traits❃

-katana is sadistic, she likes seeing her enemies in pain and relishes when she is the bringer of that pain. she wouldn't go so far as to say that she feels sexual pleasure from the pain, suffering and humiliation of others, but she certainly gains something from it. but in that department, the mare would call herself a bit of a masochist as she finds pleasure in her own pain just not in her own humiliation.

-the ebony mare is a bit tricky as she never behaves the same around different people or animals, she might be a complete bitch to one horse, then turn around and be a little angel to another. so the mare you see, might not be the mare you get, or vice versa. she doesn't really care about the limelight she is seen in, and has no problem completely changing her personality to get what she wants. and what she wants one minute might become completely uninteresting to her in the next.

-katana is extremely disloyal, especially in the department of having a singular lover. but even to friends or family, the black mare isn't exactly a good horse to confide in, but she is a powerful ally that won't stab you in the back necessarily, but rather sell your secrets to the highest bidder. the only issue is that she is so manipulative and difficult that in order to convince her to be an ally, as she is a mare with quite a bit of power, you might have to spill some beans.

"hell raising and full of sin"

❃out of ten❃

-sense of smell: 9/10

-sense of taste: 5/10

-sense of sound: 10/10

-sense of touch: 10/10

-strength: 9/10

-intelligence: 10/10

-blindness: 0/10

-loss of hearing: 0/10

-mental health: 6/10

-overall health: 7/10

"she will be captivating all the men"


father; nox atra (bardolf) - pinto oldenburg stallion with a temper; alive, not in roleplay; katana never got to meet her father, but hears things that make her proud to be his daughter

mother; bonum mane (brandi) - a solid black oldenburg mare with a small white star; alive, not in roleplay; katana didn't really like her mother, her mother was the bottom of the totem pole, a total doormat and her daughter just wasn't able to deal with have a weak mother and distanced herself from the mare as soon as she could

siblings; n/a

-past mate(s); she's had many, but most were only a one-time thing, she only had three that she actually met with more than once or twice

-elton's rocket(zolar); a sixteen hand bay thoroughbred with a large white star that was being boarded at her facility because his owner was getting hip surgery and katana's owner was going to buy him. but katana kept getting into his pasture and 'spending time' with him, and for fear of putting an early end to the mare's season due to pregnancy, katana's owner didn't go through with the sale. he was used for endurance riding, and really connected with katana due to his fascinating intelligence and the fact that he said that he would never fall for a horse like her because he was too smart to fall for her 'tricks and schemes' and she gladly accepted the challenge; he is eleven years old.

-ryder's bleak promise(crogar) - a sixteen hand buckskin stallion with a slight dappled appearance and white pastern markings on both hind legs plus a faint white star on his forehead. he was a pole-bending horse with quite the southern drawl, which katana admitted was quite attractive. he used to be a lesson horse at her facility, and he was fun-loving and a bit of party animal, he was spirited and lively and naturally drew the attention of other mares, and katana couldn't have that so she got with him to try and discourage other mares, and ended up liking him a bit more than she had intended to. he eventually was sold off when the facility moved to primarily english disciplines; he is nine years old.

-russian consort(rasputin) - a seventeen point two hand draft horse imported from russia, he had a thick russian accent that was just naturally alluring. he was solid black with a thick white blaze and white socks on his front legs and longer stockings on his hind legs. he was big and strong and his eyes held a flaming glow. he was allured to the female because she was strong and was obviously the boss. and she liked him because he was a lot like her, manipulative and strong, all about becoming alpha. she maybe fell a little too hard for him, but she didn't mind. he is often leased out for various reasons, not all of them known, so he is rarely at the facility. but whenever he returns, the mare makes a point of seeing him; he is ten years old.

-offspring; n/a katana is careful not to get pregnant

-owner; blaise howard; a man in his early forties that owns a large equestrian facility where he gives lessons and shows high-end horses; he has a relationship with each and every one of his horses and rather likes katana's spirit and energy, he's probably the only one that does. he doesn't ride competitively much anymore, due to injuries, but it is evident that he and the mare have a close bond.

-herdmates; katana only cares about rasputin and is kept far away from the other horses

"don't look her in the eyes, you might fall and find the love your life heavenly, but she'll catch you in her web, the love of your life"

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