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"to the haters, the takers, the liars, all the vultures and the bottom-feeding scum"


hart; means 'stag'


four years; his birthday falls on april fourth


cisgender male


shiloh shepherd

"you talk and talk, you preach and bitch but your words don't mean a thing"

❋detailed appearance❋

-hart is a very strong and muscular dog, standing at a giant thirty-one inches tall, taller than the average male, and weighing at one hundred and sixty-five pounds, five pounds over the average for his breed. there is not an ounce of fat on his powerful body, though he is big-boned, it is just his natural skeletal structure. every part of this dog is hard and strong, from his ebony paw pads to his feathery ear-tips. he walks with power in his stride with his head held high and his eyes dark and cold. he is broad-shouldered, tall and covered with muscle, every inch of his being is tough and hardy and the fibrous muscle can be felt with even the slightest of touches.

-he has a beautiful two-toned pelt, the bottom base layer is a gorgeous dark obsidian black color that is thick and works to keep his body warm in the cold winter months. the secondary layer consists of the same black but with golden fawn markings around his eyes, the edge of his cheeks up to the bottom of his ears, the sides of his neck, back of all four legs, his flanks and underbelly. his pelt is a double-coat that sheds out in the warmer months, however he can still be in danger of overheating, especially if he is working hard.

-hart's eyes are a gorgeous amber with tints of a coffee brown around the edges. they hold such an intense luster that would make even the toughest dog avert their gaze. his eyes are rimmed with black fur for only a centimeter or so until a broken ring of golden fawn circles the eye. his eyes hold all the intensity of a wolf's and the bright amber color causes them to stick out against his colored pelt. hart chooses whether or not he wants his emotions to be seen through the translucent guard of his irises, as he had gone through extensive self-training to hide his thoughts and emotions behind a cold mask of his face.

-the shepherd has a good number of scars on his body, though most are concealed or covered by his thick, dense pelt. his scars come from an array of different circumstances, the largest cuts horizontally across his left shoulder, causing a slight rift in his pelt. another large(r) scar on the male takes its mark on the soft, underpart of his neck, the result of a dog bite wound.

❋shortened appearance❋

-a large and muscular male shiloh shepherd with a thick black base coat that has golden fawn patches and dark amber eyes


-hart has a horizontal scar across his left shoulder, the result of him crawling beneath a metal fence and getting caught on the sharp wires

-he also has a dog-bite would on the underside of his neck

❋missing limbs❋



"i may lose many things in my life, but if i lose my dignity, or my honor, then all is lost"

"i choose death before dishonor"

❋detailed personality❋

-hart is a very cold dog, he is stand-offish and often comes across as distant and rude. he is very quiet and only speaks when he deems it absolutely necessary, often giving the impression that he doesn't like any of those around him. which isn't always true, the male has just come to understand that, in the case of the storm, lives have changed, dogs die, people die, everything will die, and if you get too close to someone and they die, then it will just hurt more. and though life has taught him this cruel lesson, he isn't necessarily afraid to get close to another, he's afraid of them getting close to him, especially because he is a bit of a reckless daredevil, he doesn't want anyone to be too terribly hurt when he inevitably passes.

-the male is very tough and hardy, able to survive in the harsh conditions that the storm has set for them. he's got a good head on his shoulders and lots of muscle to go with it, he can navigate even in the middle of a blizzard and he knows how to survive when the conditions are less than adequate. the male, living his whole life without much human contact, learned to live on his own and how to survive, and the fact that the humans are gone has just given him that much more freedom and he doesn't have to worry about them shooting him or stealing him off the streets to put him in the pound.

-hart has an alpha-type mentality, he likes to be the boss and will always challenge those that he thinks are trying to have an air of authority over him. the male has a difficult time taking orders, seeing that he had been his own boss for essentially his entire life and taking orders from another being, a fellow canine nonetheless, would seem strange. not only does he like to be in charge, but he believes that he has the most cause to be the alpha, he knows how to survive, he is big and strong, he's a natural leader and a good teacher. he won't leave another canine behind and will always be there to lend a silent but helping paw.

-the shepherd is a very proud canine, sure he has a bit of an ego, but he never thinks too highly of himself. he knows that he is big and strong and imposing, and he knows that he can use his strength and intelligence to his advantage to basically get whatever he wants. he knows that he would be the best leader for any other lost canines out there, and he knows that he is basically unrivaled by the rag-tag group of pets that have been abandoned by their owners. he knows how to survive and he knows that these other dogs don't always have a clue, and he knows that they need him, otherwise they're essentially screwed.

-hart is very protective over what is his, whether it be food, a packmate, a friend, a mate or a pup, though this can lead him to be possessive over them, and constantly watchful and aware of what they are doing and when. but he convinces himself that by not hovering over them and just keeping his gaze upon them, that he is giving them enough space. and though his over-protectiveness can seem to be a bit much, don't ever mention that to him, because he thinks that if he takes his gaze off them for a moment then they will fall into trouble and that's his way of taking care of and guiding his fellow dogs. he does get jealous very easily and is prone to snapping at and threatening other dogs, especially if he thinks that they are making moves on a dog that he may have a crush on.

-and finally, the male is very determined and hard-working, he always gives his all and works hard to make sure the other canines have food and are well-protected. if he could, he would hunt for them, and protect them so they could relax and not have to worry about being frozen alive, starved or killed by some predator. he will always be the first to volunteer for a night watch, he won't stop until the sun rises, and then he will go out and hunt. he rarely sleeps and feels that in order to be seen as a good leader, he wants the dogs to know that he is still one of them, he is their protector and though he is distant and cold, he loves them and always will.


-the snow; there is always something about it that allures hart and captivates him, he loves it, he likes that it keeps him comfortable, temperature-wise, and that though it appears to be silent and harmless, it can be deadly and it is not something to be overlooked. much like how he would like to be viewed.

-the other dogs; and though hart may be gruff and distant from the other dogs, he still loves and cares about each and every one of them. he just wants to protect them and he values each little individual thing that they bring to the table.

-being in charge; hart likes to give orders, not take them, as he feels that he is most qualified to be in charge of the dogs, and because he's been his own boss for so long, he couldn't imagine having and alpha that would tell him what to do.


-the sun; due to his thick pelt, hart and the sun don't really get along, the sun warms and heats all, it gets rid of the snow that the shepherd loves, and it heats his pelt and makes him uncomfortable. and he is prone to suffering from heat-stroke, so naturally he and the sun have a bit of a rivalry.

-scavengers; he finds these creatures to be good-for-nothings that just follow other animals and feed off of their hard work. they have no honor and sometimes, they have the audacity to attack whatever has been feeding them, and he just finds these creatures to be disgusting and worthless.

-humans; these creatures destroy all and seem to have no love for anything other than themselves, they have never done anything good for hart and in turn he has no like for them and is rather glad that the storm has gotten rid of them, and he hopes that they are gone for good.

❋three adjectives❋





-death; hart doesn't fully understand death, but he knows that it waits for each individual creature, and that no one quite knows when it will claim them, and he constantly fears that his own death will arrive sooner as opposed to later.

"i'd rather die than live down on my knees"


-eridani; a female shiloh shepherd bred for her skills as a working dog and as a show dog, her bloodlines were highly sought after and she was quite the beautiful creature, she was silver in color with a white chest, black mask and a darker gray saddle pattern; hart and his mother had a pretty good relationship, she loved all her pups, as it wasn't her first litter, and she cared for them, but always prepared them for their eventual departure so that their separation wouldn't be too bad; alive; not in roleplay


-volans; a male shiloh shepherd, black in color with tan markings on his legs and face, essentially making him look like a giant german shepherd, and with bloodlines even more famous than eridani's, he was a big and strong dog, a creature that hart takes after in both size and strength; hart never got to meet his father, and his mother never really got to know him either as they only met to breed and then he left; alive; not in roleplay


-brother(s); murdoch; a male shiloh shepherd, the spitting image of the father, but quite a bit smaller, with wide shoulders, shorter legs and a shorter back, he is still very much sought after as a stud, as he is a very good working and show dog, much like his parents; hart and murdoch got along alright, as hart did with all his siblings, but he never really developed any strong connections that he misses; alive; not in roleplay; clipper; a male shiloh shepherd that is cream in color with large dark brown eyes, a very good show dog that has produced several winners; hart's relationship with clipper was very similar to that of murdoch's, he liked this brother and got along with him well, but he doesn't really miss him; alive; not in roleplay; mist; a male shiloh shepherd that was silver in color with black markings, he was tall and well-muscled, but not nearly as big as hart, he is used as a working dog after a nasty bought with the neighbor's dog left him un-showable, yet he still fathers award-winning pups; hart and mist got along alright, but like with murdoch and clipper, hart doesn't really miss him; alive; not in roleplay; optix; a male shiloh shepherd, a solid silver color highly prized by the breeders, the unusual coloration, instead of making him a freak like hart, made him all the more rare and sought after, the breeder kept him to make more money off of him as a stud; hart always had a bit of a chip on his shoulders with this pup, seeing as hart had a unique pelt color for the breed, and yet he was viewed as 'undesirable' whereas optix was fawned over; alive; not in roleplay; elvin; a beautiful male shiloh shepherd with a coat that was black and silver, like their mother's, he was big and strong like their father, though still not as large as hart, he was very successful in the show ring, as a working dog and as a stud, but unfortunately was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer at a young age and eventually lost that battle; hart and elvin got along well, as hart did with all his siblings, though the two were a little closer, but hart has no clue that elvin is dead; deceased; not in roleplay; fen; a smaller male shiloh shepherd, golden in color and heavily prized due to it, though not quite to the level as optix, he had a black muzzle and some black markings on his back, and did very well in the show ring until he retired early due to the fact that the intelligent dog became bored with it and started to act out, now he is a stud and a working dog; hart and fen got along well, neither really misses the other; alive; not in roleplay; necro; a solid black male shiloh shepherd, he grew up to be heavily prized in the working field, as his conformation wasn't perfect enough for him to win 'best in show' but he is a good stud and has fathered many winners; hart and necro got along decently enough, but necro's ego was a bit too much for hart; alive; not in roleplay; deam; an average sized male shiloh shepherd, red in color with the temperament of a bull, he was large and in charge, he didn't take orders from anyone and often fought with hart, he lashed out often and bit several people, he never got very far as a stud due to his temper; hart and deam often fought with each other as both had alpha-mentalities and didn't like the other being in charge, deam often lost those little spats and the two often had to be separated; alive; not in roleplay; athules; a larger male shiloh shepherd, the closest in size to hart, but still smaller, he was dark brown in color with some black markings, a bit of a gentle giant and the peacekeeper of the pups, he loved all of his siblings and actually misses them, he is a  very successful canine in all fields, except as a stud, as it seems that he has no interest in females; hart and athules got along well, as hart did with the majority of his siblings, he liked this brother quite a bit as he didn't argue with him and was essentially a bit of a doormat; alive; not in roleplay; horace; an average sized male shiloh shepherd, black and tan like their father, but with the same poise and propriety as their mother, horace dominated in the show ring though his prodigy were never as successful; hart and horace never really spoke as each were pretty distant dogs and never really bonded; alive; not in roleplay

-sister(s); elite; the runt of the litter, a small silver and black female shiloh shepherd, the literal spitting image of her mother, she was much quieter though and heavily beloved by all that met her, she unfortunately didn't make it in the show ring, but instead became a therapy dog; hart rather liked his only sister and found her to be quite the wonderful creature, her outlook on life was always so positive and she, like elvin and athules, were the hardest for hart to leave; alive; not in roleplay


-a combination of both






"whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you"

"bury me like a soldier, with my dignity!"

❋life before the storm❋

-hart was born in statesville, north carolina in the home of a shiloh shepherd breeder, he doesn't remember much from that home except that it housed his mother and his eleven siblings, and then at two months of age he was whisked away to alaska. back in his first home though, he was practically given away due to his undesirable coat, the colors were fine, but not so much the pattern, and because his first owner had a friend up in alaska that had quite a bit of land and a bit of a farm that needed a dog to work the land and protect the animals there, he sent the little pup there as a gift. once there, hart grew up on the farm as an outside dog, he never knew the comfort of a home with a heater, the only food he got to eat was what he hunted, as his new owner wanted the dog to be completely independent so that he remained true to his work. which the male did, he learned his craft and learned it well, he was a protector, a hunter and a survivor. he never came in contact with the human, as he always made himself scarce when he was around because the man was loud and often smelled of alcohol.

❋life after the storm❋

-when his human left, hart didn't feel like he needed to remain at the farm, seeing that in the storm the animals had either died or escaped for the most part, so he left the farm and started out on his own. his lifestyle didn't change much, he was still his own boss, the only food he had was what he caught, he found or created his own shelter, he fought off predators and scavengers and he learned how to adapt to life without his animals. that change was the hardest for the male, without animals to herd and protect, hart became lonely and struggles with finding stuff to put his mind to and for something to fill the void inside him.

"you're self-righteous, self pretentious"

❋special information❋

- his voiceclaim is richard armitage as thorin oakenshield

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"you're deluded, so confused, your world i dominate"


-made by me!

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