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"there's only two types of people in the world: the ones that entertain, and the ones that observe"


"i would hardly call myself an expert on this subject, and by subject, i mean genuine human emotion"

⑄call name⑄



-colm ; this is his preferred name

-ceecee ; only his owner may call him this

⑄name meaning⑄

-dove of the church

⑄registered name⑄


⑄reason for name⑄

-none in particular, colm's owner just liked the way it sounded. then through trial and error found that colmcilla preferred 'colm'

-being a mutt, colm does not have a registered name

⑄name pronunciation⑄




4 years

⑄biological sex⑄






⑄romantic orientation⑄


⑄sexual orientation⑄



canis lupus familiaris


46.1% siberian husky

14.9% american pit bull terrier

14.1% labrador retriever

7.8% golden retriever

5.3% collie

3.9% samoyed


rich pet; but has dabbled in modeling and has even been cast in some movies/tv shows due to his owner's celebrity status


upper class

"don't like the back seat, gotta be first"

⑄fur color⑄

black with some white

⑄fur texture⑄

soft and fluffy

⑄eye color⑄

his left eye is blue while his right is a russet-y brown

⑄eye shape⑄

round almond

⑄basic anatomy⑄

-athletically built with long legs and a wiry frame, colm is definitely a pet as displayed by his rather average musculature, while he is naturally quite the athlete, his life has no need for ample muscle. he does however stay fit by going on the occasional run or hike with his owner, he also enjoys swimming in his owner's pool. his thick black pelt hosts a contrasting white chest mark and three of four white paws. his underbelly has some white highlighting and his muzzle is also white, while it would look like the early signs of aging to one who doesn't know him well, he's had that look since puphood. he has heterochromic eyes, the left being a pale icy blue while the right is a gorgeous red-brown.

⑄detailed anatomy⑄


-ivy from @/ivy.and.sierra on instagram







⑄notable features⑄

-his heterochromia

-he is always wearing something incredibly expensive


-he smells like expensive cologne - the perfect blend of warm cinnamon, blood mandarin, grapefruit and mint citrus with cured leather and indian patchouli

⑄physical strengths⑄

-there was a time where this fancy mongrel wandered the streets, and from that he has retained his overall scrappiness when it comes to certain situations. colm is quick on his feet and incredibly agile, even when out of practice. he can turn on a dime and turn and bend his body to avoid an aggressor's assaults.

-of course with agility must also come some bit of speed, and colm is quick, a good middle/long-distancer due to his mixed breeding. his long legs help him cover ground, while his average musculature, decently good stamina and overall health enable him to not tire out too quickly.

-there is the age-old argument that mixed breed dogs are overall healthier than purebred dogs, and colm is a perfect example of that, his health hardly falters even in the worst conditions. his body is in tip-top shape without having to be on any specific special diet or have any specific needs. the male is simply a healthy dog, his joints are supple and his structure strong even in the first two years of his life in which he lived on the streets.

⑄physical weaknesses⑄

-colm is not the biggest, fastest or strongest dog out there by any stretch so if he was to be targeted by a larger, faster, bigger and/or stronger dog, he'd more than likely end up on the losing side of that scuffle.

-colm hosts a thick double coat colored a jet black meaning summers out in the sun are rather tough on him, even if he was to be swimming outdoors. so he tends to gain weight and lose a bit of muscle over the summer since he doesn't run or hike as much during that time.

-because colm isn't in constant work, he doesn't always maintain a sleek and even-muscled figure, thiugh he does tend to remain on the thinner side, due to his gut never fully recovering from the food scarcity of street life, but he isn't necessarily fit.


-colm wears an array of collars, harnesses and bandanas, any all all that his owner believes he deserves

-his favorite combination is a red plaid bandana with a black leather collar, the tags on that black collar are a bright silver and have his name, home address, owner's phone number, vet contact information, and proof of rabies

"i'm like the ring leader, i call the shots"






-natural humorist




-street smart

⑄mental strengths⑄

-one of this male's mental strengths is that he has the ability to never take things personally, even when they are meant to be taken that way. colm just does not give a fuck in the slightest. he brushes stuff off easy and doesn't take aggressing words to heart. he isn't overtly sensitive, but instead almost finds humor in those that try to hurt or embarass him with their words.

-colm is actually quite sociable and funny without realizing it or trying, he tends to make small jokes or comments under his breath that could be regarded as funny to those that hear them, and when confronted with conversation, the canine just takes it all in stride and can engage in conversation easily.

-anxiety is something that the male has never come across in his years of life, colm lives to be the center of attention, he likes to be looked at and seen. he is not a two-sided coin, he keeps it real 100% of the time. because of this, he has no shame with himself and has literally no insecurities. he is confident in his winning personality and his general acceptance of others to prevent him from having too many enemies.

⑄mental weaknesses⑄

-colm can sometimes find it hard to realize that he is no longer the quick and agile street dog that he once was, and he tends to live in those 'glory' days where he was scrappy and wily. tough to catch and a master at tricking any and all pursuers. so, when in a pinch, he won't always recongize it until the last second because he relies to heavily on what he used to be.

-the mutt can sometimes take his jeers and taunts a little too far, though they tend to start out playful with or without a little sting, depending on the reaction of whom he is speaking with and the audience around him, it is easy for the male to get a little big for his britches and take things a bit too far.

-colm is quite the neat-freak, some could even call it ocd; things have to reside in a certain place where they belong. everything must be in order either color coded or alphabetically. he can get extremely agitated when things are even the slightest bit out of place or are incorrect. additionally, he has no tolerance for dirty things, which can include objects, dogs, humans, animals, etc


-teddy bears; when he ended up in the shelter, the first toy he was given was the average looking teddy bear, and he adored it, to the point where the only toys he owns are teddy bears. of course, his original is still his favorite, it is affectionately called poncho wigglesburth and he would 100% die for his bear. but since his anxious shelter days, colm has always had a love for the snuggly bears that brought him solace.

-shiny objects; colm is like a magpie or a raccoon, if he sees something shiny and sparkly, he immedately has his eyes on it. he collects these shiny objects for no reason other than his own personal ones. if there is no way he could barter or buy an object he likes from another, than he will steal it. a skill of his that hasn't left him from his street days.

-winter; the winter is his owner's favorite season with all the holidays and whatnot going on, so colm has adopted the winter as his favorite because of how happy it makes her. even the itchy sweaters she makes for him, or all the stupid pictures she wants to take with him, he doesn't always mind and puts up with it for her.


-dog parks; colm is not a super extrovert, and certainly does not like to meet other dogs in a place as lawless as a dog park. he is not a fan of other dogs running off-leash around him, thinking they are entitled to his friendliness because of the relaxed atmosphere. the male has a company he prefers and it is of those that live similar lives to himself, not the common folf and their dirty servants.

-children; the male has no tolerance for the human pups. they yank on his fur, on his ears and tail, they poke his face and get all up in his personal space and he cannot handle it. he is trained to be passive and tolerant, but it is very difficult for him. also, kids are messy and gross and like to pet his soft fur with their sticky hands which just grosses colm out beyond imagination.

-rain; this one is simple, the rain reminds him of long cold nights where he was soaked to the bone and more than likely covered in grime and mud. additionally, rain is wet and when mixed with dirt, one gets mud, and mud is gross and it is not fun to clean out of long fur.


-laith ashley as himself



-his owner having kids

"i'm like a firecracker i make it hot"



-alf; tba


-milla; tba


-campbell; tba

-hutchin; tba


-florie; tba

-anthea; tba

-maud; tba

⑄love interest⑄




⑄previous mate(s)⑄




"i'm like a performer, the dance floor is my stage, better be ready, hope that you feel the same"

⑄fun facts⑄

-his favorite color is cardinal red

-his favorite flowers are white roses

-his favorite animals are grizzly bears

-he is fluent in russian

-colm is very kinky


-shortened; colm was born a stray, after being taken by animal control and ending up in the shelter he was adopted by a celebrity. first the adoption was meant to enhance her fame, but she actually fell in love with colm and advocates in favor of adopting pets from shelters and rescues.

⑄current owner⑄

~valya vadimovna sukhanova~

-age; depends on rp but usually between 30-40

-occupation; actress, director, fashion designer, model

-nationality; russian

-fc; irina shayk

"all eyes on me in the center of the ring just like a circus, when i crack that whip everybody gon' trip just like a circus"

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