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"i know that one day, i'll be that one thing that makes you happy"


"i'm one hundred percent sure that i called shotgun, why are you shoving me in the back? yeah, i realize that i am being arrested but the rules of shotgun are pretty clear man"

☄call name☄



-berg ; this is what she prefers to be called, and what she goes by

☄name meaning☄

-a variant of the word 'burgundy' referring to the dark shade of red, or the wine

☄registered name☄


☄reason for name☄

-after his first police k-9, iceberg, was killed on duty, berg's handler, when he received her, named her in honor of his first dog, but with a slight twist

-though she is a purebred german shepherd, because she is a police k-9, her registration was never completed

☄name pronunciation☄




three years

☄biological sex☄






☄romantic orientation☄


☄sexual orientation☄



canis lupus familiaris


czech working line german shepherd dog


police k-9


middle (working) class

"your sun on a cloudy day"

☄fur color☄


☄fur texture☄

though she has shorter fur for a german shepherd, being from a working line, she still has a double coat with the outer coat being coarser and almost rough textured, while her thicker undercoat is very soft to the touch

☄eye color☄

dark red-brown

☄eye shape☄


☄basic anatomy☄

-a strong and sturdily built female german shepherd dog with a short coat akin to those of the working line standard, her pelt coloring is sable bicolor consisted of a rich fawn and grey-black melding together and giving her pelt a 'patch-like' appearance. her eyes are a beautiful dark mahogany color that gleam magnificently when the light hits them just right. it is clear that this female is a working dog by her musculature and the confident surefootedness with which she moves and acts.

☄detailed anatomy☄


@/xerxesthesablegsd from instagram







☄notable features☄

-the first thing most notice about this female are her brilliantly colored eyes, always bright and alight with excitement


-reminiscent of a gingersnap cookie with a slight earthy undertone

☄physical strengths☄

-berg is in such good shape that her endurance is at the top of the charts, she is strong and powerful, able to bring down a grown man. she can go for long runs without tiring, and is competitive in even the most demanding obstacle courses

-the female hosts one hell of a nose on her, though she is no hound dog, her sense of smell is remarkable, even as standard police dogs go. she is trained with the detection of most scents beyond the standard narcotics smell that most police dogs are trained with, and can even hunt out firearms, explosives, and of course, people

-berg is a confident mover, rarely do obstacles like uneven surfaces or narrow pathways cause her stress because of her great balance and surefootedness. she is a sure and confident mover and rarely puts a foot wrong, and is smart enough to judge distances and gaps between obstacles and adjust her stride as needed in order to not break her speed

☄physical weaknesses☄

-berg is a big girl, that is noted right off the bat by many, and her job is quite demanding, with loads of jumping, sliding, leaping and crawling that is required to keep her skills sharp and her mind sharper. however, it is likely that all that leaping and running will catch up to her in her later life and she may have to retire earlier than she would like. nor is she able to fit in as small places as other dogs that are perhaps smaller than her

-the female is very hyperactive, always having to be doing something lest she get bored. and while she isn't the destructive type, she will get very stressed out and anxious. being a high-energy dog with a demanding job, it is nice that she is so forward, but her hyperactivity prevents her from being able to truly rest during the day because she needs to be doing something

-berg is by no means a sprinter, while she is quick and can accelerate quickly, she excels in the long-game, where her endurance can really shine. and while she can keep with some of the other, quicker dogs in a sprint, she will fly past them in anything that requires more endurance, even that means multiple sprints. and even in pursuit, while she may not be the fastest straight out of the gate, her greater endurance will allow her to catch up to her quarry the moment they begin to tire from their pace


-on duty she has a thick navy blue collar with bright yellow stitching saying 'k-9 unit' with a matching harness, and depending on the location or the training, she sometimes is outfitted with a black muzzle

-off-duty, berg wears primarily bandanas and a light tan leather collar that hosts her tags

"the moon and the midnight sky's, guidin' me to your side"



-eager to please






-sensitive to others and with her own feelings




☄mental disabilities☄

-body/face dysmorphia

☄mental strengths☄

-berg is crazy smart, even for a german shepherd, she is an incredible problem solver and is quick to pick up on new commands. lay out an obstacle course before her and tell her to go through it, and she will without much direction. allow her off-leash for olfactory work, and she will set to work efficiently and quickly without direction. she is a champ at picking up on behavioral patterns exhibited by her handler and those she comes to know and knows exactly what to look for or what to do based on their body language

-the police dog is not easily distracted from her task, whatever it may be, it could be boring scent work, or apprehension work, she's always going to go all in and she will prevent nothing from getting the job done, except of course for her handler. the canine, even when 'in the zone' is still constantly aware of everything going on around her, but is able to compartmentalize and keep all that in the back of her mind so she can focus on the job at hand

-berg has phenomenal self-control, being a police dog, it is expected of her to be able to come back from an apprehension or to change gears completely, as well as being able to do that in high-stress situations where her patience could be wearing thin, people around her could be in a panicky mode, or she may be on a time crunch. whatever the case may be, the female does an excellent job of preventing herself from getting wishy-washy or carried away with the happenings around her. she remains in tune with her own emotions and again is able to concentrate on her job rather than all the other chaos.

☄mental weaknesses☄

-berg, despite being a police dog and being out in the worst 24/7, is not super worldly in civilian life and knows very little of 'pet' life. she doesn't often go to the park, or go hiking, or any of the fun things pets get to do with their owners, and therefore understands little of what life is outside of working as a k-9 unit. this can lead to her having a hard time communicating with other canines, and leads her to be a bit anxious outside of where she is comfortable.

-being a police dog and having a very focused and demanding job, the german shepherd has a hard time switching off work from relaxation. even on the rare cases where she is experiencing pet life, berg will still be in the 'working dog' mindset and will start to break down a little when she isn't able to understand what the task at hand is supposed to be. this also makes it hard for her to have dog friends outside of the force because when in work mode she is incredibly focused and will tend to ignore everything around her except for her handler.

-despite how she holds herself, berg is insecure as hell about herself. while she moves with confidence and has confidence in her skills as a police k-9, she does not have any confidence in herself outside of that. she doesn't view herself to be anything special and has a hard time accepting any sort of attention that isn't a reward for a job well done. she is incredibly hard on herself, which, during a particularly hard day, can transfer over into her work and she can depress herself by putting unreasonable expectations for herself on her shoulders.


-her job; if one didn't already know, berg absolutely loves her job, she loves using her body and mind to make the world a better place, and she continually works to better herself. she is a very driven dog and would go absolutely crazy without a job such as k-9 police work to occupy herself. even on her worst days where she gets herself bummed out, she always wakes up with that optimistic 'new day' attitude and will put yesterday behind her for the most part, and focus on making this new present day a good day.

-swimming; any sort of thing that has water, berg is game for, she absolutely loves to swim; some believe that in a past life she must have been some kind of labrador for she loves to jump into water and swim around, she loves baths, playing with a hose and splashing through puddles. she doesn't know how to describe it, but she just loves water

-people and animals; there truly isn't a mean bone in the female's body, she loves all sorts of people and animals. however, in a work setting it is a little bit different, and she doesn't believe that she is hurting them. and while she has no problem giving a little warning growl here or there, she will not use her strength and/or teeth to get her point across. she has no wish to hurt another creature if it can be avoided.


-getting bored; when the female has nothing to do, berg doesn't get destructive in the manner that other high-energy dogs would, she gets anxious and mentally destructive. she feels like she did something wrong or bad and that's why she isn't allowed to do the thing that she loves the most. her mind needs to have something to work on otherwise she will worry herself sick over not having something to occupy her time with

-confrontation; berg loathes confrontation, she hates getting in arguments and hates yelling. if she has a problem with another being, she will keep it to herself, if one comes after her, she will back down and try to avoid conflict. she doesn't like to be on anyone's bad side and is most definitely a people-pleaser due to her desire to just want everyone to be happy

-herself; berg is her her own biggest enemy, she has no love for herself beyond her work, and even then she is so hard on herself for not being as fast as she wants, or for other seemingly ridiculous things. her self-consciousness doesn't stop there and the female even deems herself unworthy of love and affection for self-inflicted or self-perceived defects or flaws in her appearance


-florence pugh as yelena belova from the marvel cinematic universe



-atychiphobia ; fear of failure

"can we run away, to a place that the children play"



-alodar; tba


-allure; tba


-rune; tba (older)

-fledge; tba (older)

-dorado; tba (older)

-lucien; tba (older)

-eton; tba

-wyeth; tba

-escher; tba

-luxe; tba


-hwin; tba (older)

-ripley; tba

☄love interest☄

likely to be alistair


likely to be alistair

☄previous mate(s)☄




"i know i keep you laughin'"

☄fun facts☄

-her favorite color is emerald green

-her favorite flowers are sunflowers

-her favorite animals are birds of prey, specifically falcons

-her commands are in dutch, german and english

-she's a bit of a pyromaniac



☄current owner☄

~nandru tarus~

-age; depends on rp but usually between 30-45

-occupation; police officer

-nationality; romanian

-fc; sebastian stan

"yeah, i know that one day, one day"

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