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"i got a song filled with shit for the strong-willed, when the world gives you a raw deal"


"i don't feel anything, apart from being hungry all the time"

♚call name♚



dro - only for his siblings or significant other

dragon - his owners and his trainers call him this because of his forward nature

♚name meaning♚


♚registered name♚

khal drogon the red dragon

♚reason for name♚

-drogon's breeders were big game of thrones fans, and the theme of his litter since there were only three pups, their names became those of the three featured dragons. his owners thought the name fit him well, especially since drogon refused to react to any other name

-his registered name reflects the game of thrones theme because his owners also adored the series

♚name pronunciation♚



two years

♚biological sex♚






♚romantic orientation♚


♚sexual orientation♚



canis lupus familiaris


perro de presa canario


protection dog, but has dabbled with scent, weight-pulling, and some agility work to keep him busy and well-rounded


upper class

"sets you off 'til you scream, 'piss off! screw you!'"

♚fur color♚

fawn brindle

♚fur texture♚

smooth yet soft and almost slick

♚eye color(s)♚

super dark brown

♚eye shape♚

round with slight inside tapering

♚basic anatomy♚

-a large and monstrous canine of ample sturdy muscle and thick bone, he is in fantasitc shape and towers above many of his own breed, athletic and agile for his size and is in very good health

♚detailed anatomy♚


spanky de rey gladiador from rivercitypresa







♚notable features♚

-drogon has shortly cropped ears

-a few of his teeth have been replaced with titanium due to breakage and infection, none of his major teeth though


-drogon has a bonfire-like smell with an edge that smells like old books

♚physical strengths♚

-drogon is obviously a massive dog, and is skilled in many areas of work. his strength and drive prove him to be quite formidable to dogs and humans alike, and he has no problem throwing his weight around

-despite his size, drogon is incredibly quick and agile on his feet, able to scale nearly 5 feet with a running start, but can climb over/up taller walls. agile enough to twist around mid-air, there is no place one could run to or hide whrere drogon wouldn't be able to get them

♚physical weaknesses♚

-of course, being a rather large dog and doing a lot of leaping and climbing, it can be hard on his joints and bones, so he does lots of swimming to keep his legs healthy, but as he ages it will definately become more of a problem for him

-he has a hard time moving through substances like sand, snow and thick mud because his weight pulls him down


-he wears a thick studded collar with a matching vest, the collar has all his tags

-he oftentimes wears a muzzle as well, just in case

"knock knock, let the devil in, manevolent as i've ever been, head is spinnin'"


-drogon is a rather aloof male, opting to keep to himself, even around his people, while he loves them very much, he isn't always looking to get attention, ad functions quite well without praise or pets. this translates into his getting alone with other canines, he doesn't go out and attempt to make friends, he sits back and minds his own business, being only truly friendly around his littmermates. he isn't hostile to others, but he isn't warm and sunny, nor is his attracted to others, specifically humans, with the reward of attention. in fact, drogon hates being touched, but will tolerate it by his owners and littermates. does this make the male more antisocial than not? well, yes, and in high traffic areas, he tends to get a little nervous, and his level of training doesn't necessarily help with that, being trained to see everything as a threat doesn't help with his overall sense of anxiety around people and thus leads him to abhor contact. his owners have tried to socialize the male, they really have, and it worked more with dogs, for he is a bit more tolerant of them, but with people he is not a fan. if he were to be touched without his consent, his assailant would likely recieve a sharp nip or a bite even.

-despite some of his aforementioned anxiety, the male still has a more alpha-like personality, he is dominant figure, and can get confrontational when that status appears to be threatened. it doesn't help though that his brother is the same way since they tend to feed off of each other, and since viserion is more forward than drogon, he would wait until his brother got himself into some sort of situation, and then get involved to back him up. because of this, his moral lens isn't great, drogon is not a hero by any means and just does things we wants to because he wants to and he doesn't care whom it affects. and while he probably wouldn't go out and murder someone, he has more restraint than that, his line of work requires a dog to be very in control and in tune with themselves. this is how he is also able to manage his anxiety around people, appearing to be calm and collected, even while internally screaming. his ability to control himself and focus carries into his drive as a working dog, he is an incredible canine to work because he doesn't get easily distracted and knows his job. the downside of that being when he isn't in work and able to relinquish some anxietal steam, he can get really jumpy, hence why he is involved in so many activities.

-around canines, where he is less jumpy, and especially with his siblings, drogon is more of a jokester, able to come up with jokes on the fly and is a king at coming up with the most hilariously outrageous analogies. he absolutely loves to laugh, sometimes at himself, either from his jokes or the things he comes up with in his head, however, when involved in a conflict of sorts with another dog, like if he is tag-team messing/bullying a dog with his brother, he will sometimes laugh, and it can mean one of three things, he either finds the siutation to be highly amusing, he is very anxious, or the wrong thing was said and he's about to fuck someone up. while his brother is the more confrontational and forward of the two, drogon, when riled up, is one hell of a threat, and if he's laughing at a dog that has seriously fucked up, they have until he is done laughing to run for it, because after a certain point, no amount of anxiety can reel him back in to being composed. of course though, it is exceedingly difficult to get the presa canario to that particular point since he has undergone training to strengthen his tolerance of idiots and button-pushers. being the dog that he is, drogon is about as loyal as they come, and very protective of his family and those he considers friends; a friend to drogon would be someone who doesn't cause him to exist in any state of anxiety.

♚mental strengths♚

-drogon is able to keep his composure and remain collected and under control, even in high-stress situations

-even after a really tough and stress-inducing day, drogon is able to compartmentalize and decompress when he gets home so that the anxiety doesn't follow him to the one place he feels safe

-he is exceedingly loyal, to the point where he would gladly give his life for those he loves, they can always count on drogon to be an ally when they need him, and even if they don't need him, he's still there for them

♚mental weaknesses♚

-drogon is plagued by anxiety, mostly around people, which prevents him from being able to fully relax in public and thus leads him to be rather anti-social

-drogon is most definately a bully at times, and while he would never start conflict on his own, he is right there and adding to it when it happens

-in the rare cases that drogon does lose his temper, it is extremely difficult to get him to calm down and get back to being composed and collected


-swimming; drogon loves the water and almost feels a bit of a connection to it, not only does it help support his weight, but he loves to just feel so weightless as he glides through it, he also love to jump and splash around in the water which makes the male want to try dock-diving

-punk/rock/punk rock music; though he doesn't quite understand it, drogon just enjoys the sound of punk music, rock music, and punk rock music, it is loud and angry and he connects to the expressed feelings in those songs with his own feelings

-cheese; not much to be explained here, drogon loves cheese, his loyalty could potentially be bought with a nice slice of cheddar. his favorites are gouda and sharp cheddar, but he doesn't discriminate.


-strangers; due to his line of work, drogon is trained to think of any human as a could-be threat, which simply aids to his overall anxiety around humans. of course, he does try to keep his anxiety from dictating his life, but in loud, crowded areas, it can get difficult

-snow; the snow means winter, winter means cold and with his short fur, drogon doesn't handle the cold well, and also during the cold, water freezes and he can't go and swim, and even if he did, he'd get so cold that it wouldn't be worth it

-loud noises; drogon already has pretty sensitive ears, plus his anxiety, so add loud noises to the mix and you've got a dog trying to hang on to the lashing whip-tin tail of sanity. and he's alright for a bit, but when the loud noises become increasingly repetitive, then the risk of drogon going off increases dramatically


-tom hardy as eddie brock

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]



"and i know they're gonna hate, but i don't care, i barely can wait, to hit 'em with the snare and the bass, square in the face, this fuckin' world better prepare to get laced"



-drogo; tba


-daenerys; tba


-rhaegal; tba

-viserion; tba

♚love interest♚




♚previous mate(s)♚




"because they're gonna taste my—"

♚fun facts♚

-drogon speaks fluent russian since one of his owners in fact speaks russian

-drogon's commands are issued in dutch, german, russian, portugese and english

-his favorite color is gold

-his favorite flowers are magnolias

-his favorite animals are cats




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