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"i am dangerous when i am focused. and i am always focused"

"in her heart there's a hole, there's a black mark on her soul"



‡name meaning‡

-endless, unceasing anger

‡biological gender‡



four years old




south pack

"she got blood cold as ice, and a heart made of stone"

‡short description‡

-a sizable female wolf with very well-defined strong muscles with bi-coloration of black and silver. the silver is predominantly found on her neck, back and tail end with the rest of her pelt being a deep shining ebony color. additionally the female hosts aggressively piercing amber/brown eyes.

‡height and weight‡

-one hundred and forty pounds

-thirty-two inches tall

‡detailed description‡

(see photos)


-alecto smells of scorched earth and cinnamon, a bold and powerful scent, not easily confused especially with its sickly sweet undertone that can't quite be described and is enticing all on its own

‡physical strengths‡

-incredible fighting skill

-physical fitness and physical strength

-she can take hits

‡physical weaknesses‡

-running is not her thing

-she can't swim, she blames it on her muscle mass but she truly is too afraid of water to try

-don't even ask her to help hunt unless you want negative prey

"she's the fire in the sin, and i burn breathing her in"

‡detailed personality‡

-an incredible battle strategist, alecto is highly skilled in the art of war and can easily predict another's moves and actions as if they were her own. and in the heat of battle, she can read situations and act accordingly. these smarts however, don't often translate to anything outside of battle. she is very much the 'brawns' of the operation and not so much the 'brains.' she isn't a bag of rocks, but she certainly is no genius, nor does she pretend to be. the ebony female is more introverted than perhaps she looks, and truly prefers solitude to being in a large group, but does from time to time enjoy the company of a few others. because of her close friend group, the female's love and affection is hard to come by and is only reserved for those in her inner circle, and while her loyalty extends to all of her pack members, for her close friends, she would lay her life down for them, while the others would simply have enough of her loyalty to where she wouldn't leave them behind. the female herself is blunt and has no problem with letting others know exactly where they fall with her in the realm of friendship, and should someone have a problem with it, they are more than welcome to settle it with the eta outside of camp. she is always one to follow through with her words as she tries her best to be as real as possible since that to her is the best way to gain respect. she doesn't pretend to be a wolf she is not, mostly because there is no point to it, and the female sees it as too much effort to keep up an unnecessary act.

-what separates this female from many, especially those with the same considerable strength as she, is that she admits her own faults, she isn't afraid to accept when she is wrong about something, and beyond that she even tries to expand her knowledge so she doesn't make the same mistake again. the eta is always looking to learn new things from battle moves to different words, she just likes to know things. and while she isn't an annoying busybody about it, alecto does get a little too curious and may need to be reminded of personal space. but if the female is less than adequate at a task, she will be the first to admit it, and while she might not give the reasoning why she is unable to perform a task at an acceptable level, she won't lie about it. this aspect causes the female to be good at following orders, she doesn't question them, seeing as she herself doesn't like to be questioned, she simply does. and while many would say that the black wolf is a natural leader, she would agree, but she has no desire to lead when there are many more capable others that are doing a damn good job. she doesn't quarrel with authority and if a task is assigned to her and it is possible for the female to complete, you can bet your ass that she will complete it. going along with her ability to take orders, alecto is a very down-to-earth creature and rarely zones out in daydream. she doesn't live her life wishing for something different nor does her mind often stray from the task at hand. her ability to hyper-focus on what she is doing allows for the canine to gain a deeper understanding of the behavior of others, which is how she became such a good battle strategist, because she knows the minds of wolves and can plan accordingly. many mistake her focus for daze, but that could simply be because she is focused on something other than what others think she is focused on.

-while alecto is known for her short fuse and fact that is always angry about something or another, it is important to know that she doesn't challenge authority because she can, she only truly gets pushy if she is in an angrier mood than usual or if she detects some weakness or hesitance in her orders. then she will begin to doubt the authority, a can of worms that should remain closed. in order to keep the darkened canid under control, there needs to be clear instruction with absolutely no ambiguity, otherwise she will weed right through the cracks and become even more of a menace. additionally, the term aggressive can be used with the female because she simply is. she is intense, forward and isn't one to back down, and has the stamina to keep going all day. but she is often dubbed as aggressive simply because while she isn't loud and super vocal, she is quick to flash her teeth and show off that she isn't to be messed with. the accuracy of an archer and speed of a mamba and ferocity of a polar bear, the female's buttons shouldn't be pressed. but because she is the perfect soldier, she won't ever act out in camp and will never stray too far from her mission which is usually to keep her packmates safe. unfortunately for alecto, she doesn't get along with like-minded wolves. those that have similar mentalities to her are dubbed as threats to her because she feels that soon she would become irrelevant, and also because that likely means that they want to put her in her place, which simply won't do. she gets along best with wolves that operate on a lower level of sensitivity than her, sensitivity meaning that wolves that are in general more laid-back and chill are easier for her to get along with because she doesn't feel like she is in competition with them and their lax nature means they are less likely to blow up in her face about something.

‡preferred gender‡


‡mental strengths‡

-intelligence on the battlefield


-good at following orders

‡mental weaknesses‡

-not a lot of intelligence in any other field

-can be a little pushy with those that aren't comfortable giving orders

-conflicts with others of similar mentality



-the stretch and pull of her muscles

-a good snarl




-being yelled at

-getting distracted


"got her heels stompin' down on my throat"









-tisiphone; a primarily white female wolf with darker highlights; alive; played by BL00DOFTHELAMB

-megaera; a traditional grey female wolf with brown/red highlights; alive; played by crownlies




open for development


always open for development

"she got horns like a devil pointed at me, and there's nowhere to run from the fire she breathes"


-alecto is a heteroromantic asexual

-her favorite color is cobalt blue

-she loves carnations

-her voiceclaim is gwendoline christie as brienne of tarth from game of thrones

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"she got two little horns, and they get me a little bit"


note ; aesthetic made by me!

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