☂ιт'ѕ αℓяιgнт☂

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"i think i was supposed to be gay. i think, like, the sky wolves they built, like, three quarters of a gay wolf and then they forgot to flip the final switch, and they just sent me out and it was like. 'you marked that one gay right?' and it was like, 'oh no! was i supposed to?' and they were like, 'oh man, well this'll be a very interesting wolf'"

-modified quote from john mulaney

"you're not a monster, just a human, that you made of your mistakes, it's alright"



☂name meaning☂

-an ancient greek word meaning 'the right, critical or opportune moment'

-proper or opportune time for action

☂biological gender☂



three and a half years old


eta; but will literally do anything asked of him


north pack

"you're not a grouse, i'm just a human, that you made of your mistakes, it's alright"

☂short description☂

-a decently average sized male wolf colored predominantly a thick striking snow-white with bits of silvery black appearing primarily between his shoulder blades and along his back. the darker color indeed ventures father down the male's back, just not nearly as solid, but it appears in patches down the length of his tail. the darker ebony color also creeps up his neck and top of his head a ways, lightly touching upon his face and muzzle. despite the male's pelt being snowy-white, the ends of his pelt darken to a slight off-white grey color that is easily seen when he is against a white background. he is built with solid muscle that is a good mixture between bulky and lean, not too much of one and not too little of the other.

☂height and weight☂

-one hundred and thirty pounds

-twenty-nine inches tall

☂detailed description☂

(see photos)


-a bold musky scent similar to that of a bear but quite a bit lighter infused with that of wet moss and blueberries. it isn't a super light and easy to miss scent, but has the tendency to blend in with other nature-like smells and can easily be covered by something a little stronger scented.

☂physical strengths☂

-kairos has very keen senses

-he's a quick mover

-he hits hard

☂physical weaknesses☂

-he naturally walks very loudly

-he can't take hits very well

-he is neutered so he has a hard time developing a well-defined musculature

"you're not a demon, there's a reason, you're behaving that way, it's alright"

☂detailed personality☂

-kairos is a genuinely good soul, he loves to help out wherever he can, no matter if its with patrols, hunting or even going out to search for herbs with iotas, just ask and he will do. due to this he has a wide array of skills that match well with his keen senses, he has basic herbal knowledge, mostly over what is poisonous and what is not and how to treat the most basic of wounds, he can memorize the migration patterns of large prey animals and, taking after his living father, he is a well-rounded eta, able to read body language and figure out the weak spots of an opposing wolf as well as how to hit them, and hard. despite his extensive knowledge of perhaps the more aggressive parts of his duties, the canine has no problem getting along with others, even if they are simply just distasteful, he will find a way to enjoy their company, though he may not be buddy-buddy with them, he will not openly object to spending time with them. however, if he was to find a wolf he didn't find some way to like, the male will for sure let them know, as he thinks lying is simply preposterous. he is a rather calm canid, but definitely not a quiet one, he enjoys speaking his mind and responding to jabs at him with a snarky or sarcastic comment. whatever he is thinking, others will be bound to know since he is essentially an open book, though his words are always delivered with utmost respect and sesquipedalian words. more extroverted than not, kairos usually doesn't struggle with social interaction, though he doesn't go crazy without it, he simply is happy to be in the company of others should they desire to be near him. from the moment that the male wakes, to the moment he falls back asleep, he is a rather easy-going, friendly canine with a big heart.

-with a big heart however, comes the issue of being taken advantage of and giving others one too many chances. though the eta has looked ahead into this aspect of himself, maybe a little too much, and thus developed trust issues, he has a hard time letting others completely into his life and would rather allow everyone to simply get the same wolf. because of this feature of himself, most canines know him to be respectful, loud, but respectful of all wolves, even if they don't necessarily deserve it, he is also known about being open, when in fact, he shares information of himself that isn't truly relevant or he shares just enough to allow others to think that he isn't holding anything back from them. though this may seem like an extremely false and negative quality, kairos simply needs to know that he won't be completely and utterly betrayed by those close to him. many believe this trait to stem from his youth where he had been owned by humans, once finding out there were laws against owning wolves in their district, they disposed of the pup in the wilderness and left him. of course he was found by a northern pack eta patrol, but the sting of being abandoned by his first family still remains, even if he isn't necessarily aware of it himself. but because the male is able to take a step back from reality and look at problems from many different perspectives, he has a strong moral compass. the wolf has a desire to do right by the world and if he is ordered to do something that isn't right then he will openly refuse said task. he tries his best to be a good wolf, and to be someone that others can look at with a nod and say 'i wish i was like him'. now this can often lead to him trying to be the 'hero' and taking his morals a little too far, and those that try to hinder him are often met with an uncharacteristic snap or even growl, depending on the situation at hand.

-amongst these more, adult, traits, kairos can often behave rather immature, the wolf enjoys making dirty jokes and suggestive comments to get a laugh-worthy reaction. though usually they are followed up with feigned innocence. in truth, the male just loves to make others laugh, he loves watching eyes light up and the musical sound of laughter leave the throat of any canine. regardless of their relation to him. the male figures, if he can make others laugh, relax and enjoy life for at least a second than he has done something good. for happiness is often hard to come by, especially in the north where the majority of the pack are rather prickly and stoic. he's a bit of a hype man and has the confidence to last him a lifetime and beyond, though not too much to be considered cocky, he just knows his worth and can see the worth of others. again, he was taught respect from a young age, so regardless of his personal standing with another wolf, he will always speak to them and treat them with respect, unless of course they start off treating him like shit, then their self-esteem is fair fucking game. but because kairos genuinely loves helping others and making them feel good, either by boosting their confidence or their spirits with a dumb/inappropriate joke, this has led him to be good at comforting others, even if it requires him to relax and be a calm, quiet figure of nothing but gentle, kind words or actions. he is always one to be close by when a packmate is going through something rough, again he demonstrates this behavior with every wolf he meets, regardless of his personal standing with them, after all, every day is a new day and unless he is given cause to dislike another wolf, he will never treat another unfairly. however, due to his investment in the lives of his friends, the snowy male sometimes forgets to focus on himself and he can become physically and mentally drained, but he won't notice that until he passes out or the mental equivalent. its not that he has a hard time saying 'no' he just knows that most of the time there is no good reason to say 'no'.

☂preferred gender☂


☂mental strengths☂

-he has pretty high self-esteem, he knows what he is worth

-he treats everyone with respect

-he is always open to be a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen

☂mental weaknesses☂

-he doesn't often take self-care days and can be left mentally and physically drained

-can be provoked into destroying another's self-esteem should they give him cause

-he has a hard time trusting others




-other wolves

-making others laugh


-being disrespected

-being wrong

-trying to help another wolf but all they do is wallow in self-pity

-stepping on flowers

"and i believe, yes i believe, that you'll see a better day"



styrbjorn; a lofty and towering male of thiry-two inches at the withers. his skeletal structure is thick, sturdy as to hold his layered pounds of seasoned muscle along his shoulders all the way to his hindquarters. his body does appear to be battle worn, with a multitude of tiny scars littered all throughout his pelt and a set of claw marks across the top of his muzzle; kairos and styrbjorn have a very deep bond and connection, especially after the passing of jeremiah. styrbjorn loves his son deeply and is still rather fiercely protective over kairos to this day, despite the latter being able to fend for himself; alive; played by -mithrandir


jeremiah; a fairly average built wolf, though he lingered more on the lean and nimble side of the spectrum. he was a beautiful brown phase wolf with a pelt of predominantly dark umber coloring mixed and blended into various shades of lighter browns and black along his legs, ears, and some of his tail. his eyes were a warm honey-golden that always held a kind, welcoming twinkle to them; deceased










open for development



"i'm not a monster, i'm a human, and i made a few mistakes, i'm alright"


-he still questions his sexuality, but currently defines himself as hetero-flexible

-his favorite color is vermillion

-he likes honey

-when he lived with humans he was neutered and thus can't be a biological father and has a hard time developing and maintaining a defined musculature

-his voiceclaim is sebastian stan as himself

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"it's alright"

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