✛ρσ¢кєт fυℓℓ σf gσℓ∂✛

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"i am not here to be a sponge or an enabler. i am here to be a helper, a guide and a supporter"

"all i need is a head full of hope"



✛name meaning✛

-kvasir is the dubbed a poet and the wisest of all the norse gods, his domain being inspiration and creativity

✛biological gender✛



three and a half years old




north pack

"so throw your sticks and throw your stones, 'cause you ain't gonna break my bones"

✛short description✛

-while from afar appearing to be rather thin and lanky, the male wolf is actually quite stocky and strong with a deep chest and wide shoulders covered with a layered coat. the male appears like the average grey wolf with the off-white base coat with the grey markings across his back, up the back his neck, his head and down towards his tail. the grey stretches down his sides as well and can be found on the outside of his legs and slightly in the thicker fur of his chest. the male himself isn't in the greatest shape and could likely benefit from losing a few pounds, he still hosts a defined musculature in his shoulders and haunches. he does have touches of a light beige on his ears and muzzle, but it is so light that it tends to look like dried blood or dirt. his eyes are a dark brown but in the light they take on a more hazel-y color with some lighter brown and almost yellow influence.

✛height and weight✛

-thirty-one inches tall at the shoulder

-one hundred and forty pounds

✛detailed description✛

(see pictures)


-very different from the more natural-smelling northern wolves, kvasir carries an incredibly subtle, almost artificial smell of mostly fruits. but to many that wouldn't be familiar with the word 'artificial' he can be described as very tropical smelling with strong notes of pineapple and mango with some /fake/ strawberry and cherry influence. though, one would have to sniff that out beneath years of more natural-scents like mud and wet stone that the male has acquired by simply being around the northern wolves.

✛physical strengths✛

-he's definitely not a small wolf and with it comes the natural strength of being an eta, meaning he's pretty strong

-wolves around his size or larger are the easiest targets for him

-he has a lot of stamina

✛physical weaknesses✛

-he's not in the best shape of his life and has a mild undiagnosed case of hypothyroidism (his case only affects his metabolism)

-he was trained specifically to subdue larger targets, so the little ones can easily outmaneuver him

-not the fastest guy out there, but he tries his best

"if i'm a sinner then i don't feel ashamed, life goes on and if i'm wrong i guess i'll burn in flames"

✛detailed personality✛

-kvasir, unlike many wolves, especially those from the north, is not afraid to demonstrate or show his feelings, but he won't exactly be all up in other's faces and force them to acknowledge his feelings. if he's sad, he'll go off for a moment to be alone, but if approached, he will be open and let others in on what is going through his head. if he's mad, it will definitely show on his face, if he sees a wolf that is particularly attractive, mans got heart eyes. he simply has no shame about allowing his emotions to be seen or read as he doesn't really understand why one must hide how they are truly feeling. while the male may lack in the overall intelligence department, especially when compared to other wolves, his ability to reach others on an emotional scale and be able to understand what they are thinking and feeling without them having to spill their life story is unmatched. the canid is an empath for sure, as he can often mentally place himself in another's shoes to the point where he can feel their pain or emotions. though this is where his true strength comes in as he is able to feel what others feel but remain a strong constant for them. he achieves this not by hiding the shared emotions, but by embracing them and being an understanding figure. the wolf is a softie, to all wolves, from the mean ones to the nice, to the old and the young, to the weak and the strong, all have a special place in the male's heart, though of course his own pack comes first, as he is deeply loyal to the north and everyone in it. a huge difference in kvasir that other wolves would scoff at, is that the eta doesn't believe that having a big heart and being soft is a weakness, after all, one catches more flies with honey than with vinegar. this kindness does extend to the battlefield as he is not one to fight to kill or maim, but to simply make the other yield with the least amount of bloodshed as possible, so most of his offensive attacks don't include the use of his teeth and claws, but of mostly his own weight against another's, hence why he refuses to fight those smaller than him.

-just because the canine is soft, doesn't mean he lacks a backbone, in fact, the male is quite stubborn and set in his beliefs and opinions and wouldn't change them unless heavily convinced otherwise. that being said, it is incredibly difficult to shake him from his behaviors, but it can be done if a differing viewpoint is offered to him via logic, respect and reason. the male doesn't want to be one to live under a rock, so any chance he gets to expand his understanding of different topics, no matter how random, he takes it and will treat it like how modern high schoolers would treat nap time, treasured. in a sense, kvasir could be labelled as religious since he is always one to ask the sky wolves for advice or guidance and relies heavily upon his belief in them to solidify that everything is going to be alright. he isn't one to force his same level of devotion on to others, but is always there if one wants to discuss the sky wolves with them and he will still love and respect those that have no or very loose belief in the sky wolves. one of his behaviors that would difficult for the male to change would be his undying loyalty to the north and all those in the pack, especially his alpha and former mentor, harpocrates. being the former trainee of such a brute would lead many to wonder how kvasir turned out the way he did and the answer would lie in the version of harpocrates that the younger male was exposed to, the only thing that harpocrates passed on to kvasir is his talent in battle, though some would say that the younger is more talented due to his refusal to use his teeth and claws in a fight, but still come out with a win. the male just refuses to cause unnecessary bloodshed. but with his loyalty to harpocrates, the male has a hard time seeing anything wrong with the larger wolf's behaviors and tendencies and sees him as near-equal to the sky wolves. he will always put himself between danger and his alpha, and would resort to using his teeth should the danger be great enough to warrant it. his alpha is his number one priority, but like kvasir's other beliefs and opinions, it can be altered.

-kvasir has rather strong morals, as one could deduce from the above, he wants to do right by the world and be the kind of wolf that is an ally to all. he doesn't want to be evil or wicked, he simply wants to do what is right, even if it isn't easy. he does have a good sense of what is right and wrong, hence his empath tendencies and his overall nature, however he does struggle with the discerning if another wolf should have his undying loyalty. above all the canid wants to be good, he has a hard time even thinking about hurting and/or disappointing others and when he does, it weighs heavily upon his shoulders and mood. he doesn't want to be the bad guy, he doesn't even really want to be the hero, he just wants to be someone that others can count on to do the right thing. due to this, the male is honest, sometimes not even thinking before he speaks, though usually what he says isn't bad or negative, however most of his words contain curses and such since he doesn't think about his words before they leave him. but usually his honesty takes the form of him being incapable of lying, he is a terrible liar and he has a hard time even lying in general since he feels like such a villain for doing so. he won't lie to any wolf, including those in other packs because he sees no reason behind being shady and expressionless, he doesn't want there to be any mystery around him and simply wants others to know that he is one of the good ones. though this can also lead to him trying too hard to be open where he will uncover an embarrassing story about himself, though he has no shame so its not that bad. kvasir is not a control freak by any means and tends to go with the flow and let things happen, it isn't difficult to get the male to relax since he is by nature a happy-go-lucky individual. he prefers to allow nature and the sky-wolves do their own thing before he follows in their footsteps and help clean up any damage that they left in their wake.

✛preferred gender✛


✛mental strengths✛

-ceo of facial expressions and the fact that he doesn't care about whether or not his emotions are visible

-his ability to go with the flow and take things as they come without getting super upset about them

-his morals and the fact that he can relate to any wolf on an emotional level

✛mental weaknesses✛

-he is far too trusting of the wrong wolves

-he isn't the smartest guy out there, despite him being worldly

-he can be really stubborn and set in his ways


-fluffy clouds

-making others smile and feel validated and less alone

-being helpful




-not being able to help others

-hurting others


"all i need is a hand i can hold and a crowd at the show and a rhyme and a flow"



-hugo; a larger male wolf with broad shoulders and a deep chest paired with long legs, h was colored a bright golden color with a white underbelly and legs, his eyes were a pale hazel color and he was almost completely blind by the time he reached five years. he was a lambda do his long legs and fitness level, and the fact that he could run for days on end and still have the energy to keep going; the male was not the smartest wolf out there, he was very happy-go-lucky, but he lacked the ability to commit and tended to go where he wanted and was rarely in the pack and involved in its functions. he was a kind male, but he lived by his own rules and did whatever he wanted to without fear of authority. he never really had a relationship with his pups as he was always off flirting or having more pups, wherever the wind took him so whatever his pups learned of him, they learned from afar as their mother didn't bother telling them about their sire. hugo actually had a mate named maeve that just mentally devoted to hugo to the point where she knew of all his other flings and the pups that came from those, and still remained with him; deceased


-nightleigh; not a tall wolf, but a a sturdily-built female wolf with a dense bone structure and dense pelt. her pelt was dark when she was born, hence her name, but as she got older, it lightened up until she was a solid steel-grey color with white markings for the rest of her life. she was an eta, covered in dense muscle and build more for fighting as opposed to running and leaping. her eyes were a dark brown color that began to stand out more as she aged; nightleigh, especially in her prime, was a beautiful wolf, she was bold and strong and the overall definition of a badass. when hugo came along, she gave in to his charming smile and allowed the two of them to get close, despite her romantic lean towards other females. she allowed their friendship to blossom into a sort of experiment for herself, and it was with hugo that she was one hundred percent sure she was not into males in the slightest. but that one time got her pregnant with hugo's pups. she didn't really care too much, no wolf thought any less of her, if anything they thought less of hugo. when the female retired from her eta duties to be a gamma, she met another female named selene and the two fell in love with one another. this happy ending was one of the main driving factors behind kvasir's trust in the sky-wolves; deceased

-selene; not the largest wolf, but nicely built and slender with lean muscle and thick fur paired with bright yellow eyes. her pelt was colored a stark white, that did lose its snowy-ness as she aged and became a more grey off-white color. formerly a lambda, the female was elegant in every way shape and form, though she was very very shy and often kept to herself, hence why she never bloomed much until her later years when she would meet the love of her life; selene loved nightleigh's pups like they were her own, despite her meeting them when they were for the most part grown. the pups took to her after seeing how happy she made their mother, since they knew that life hadn't been kind to their mother; deceased


-dagr; a tall and slender male with broad shoulders, making him the perfect build for a lamda-eta combo, he had the long legs and leg muscle to keep up with large prey, as well as the musculature and mind to take down canid enemies. dagr found his peace with being a lambda as, like his brother kvasir, he had no desire to harm another wolf. his coloration heavily copied his father's with the same gold and white patterning though he had his mother's eyes; kvasir and dagr had a very good relationship, they were very close to one another and even since dagr's untimely death due to a hunting incident, kvasir claims that he can feel dagr's spirit watching over and guiding him. he was the quieter brother, often doing his own thing and getting up to no good, but kvasir was always there to pull him out of trouble at the last second. kvasir heavily misses his brother and has a hard time talking to wolves that resemble him; deceased

-valí; short and stocky, this male wasn't really build for back life, too slow to be a lambda, but he lacked the desire to fight like an eta so he became an iota assistant, not that he had much choice in the matter. he was a solid black wolf with hazel colored eyes, but unlike his mother, his pelt didn't lighten up with age, however his sight went, earlier than it had for his father and he was retired at a young age; kvasir and valí got along alright, but they were never super close. valí was never a very social canine and spent most of his youth with his mother by her side. he was the runt of the litter, but nightleigh didn't give him any special treatment because she wanted him to learn how to grow strong on his own, and he didn't resent her for that. easily the smartest of the pups, valí looks heavily upon the logic side of things and doesn't really care if he offends others with his bluntness which doesn't sit well with the kind and respectful side of kvasir; alive; open if someone wants him


-ruelle; the spitting image of her mother, stockiness, personality and all, ruelle grew up to be a formidable eta alongside kvasir. she loved her job, perhaps a bit too much and was very hot-headed which led to a border skirmish with the south, causing her to be permanently maimed and unable to resume her duties. that alone caused the high-energy canid to slip into a depression and ultimately made her give up on life and she passed away in her sleep only a few months after; kvasir loved all of his siblings, ruelle was no different, if anything they grew close since they trained side by side as etas. but sometimes she could be a bit much for her happy-go-lucky brother so he didn't really have a huge impact in her life outside of being a support system. he still blames himself for the fact that he couldn't pull her from her depression; deceased






open, but i doubt he will have many

"unless the moon explodes and the sun goes cold, life will always and always goes on"


-he is gay

-his favorite color is cyan

-his voiceclaim is eric stonestreet as cameron tucker from modern family

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"through the highs and lows, where the best all go, life will always and always goes on"

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