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"'he didn't just say what I think he did, did he?' and dr. dre said, nothing, you idiots! dr. dre's dead, he's locked in my basement"



❍name meaning❍


❍name pronunciation❍


❍biological gender❍


〤preferred gender







eighty-two years





"'look at him, walkin' around, grabbin' his you-know-what, flippin' the you-know-who' 'yeah, but he's so cute though'"

❍allegiance description❍

-a rather tall and heavy-set male wolfdog-based cyborg with a thick and spiky-appearing darkened pelt with a white chest and eyes that aren't visible behind a ghostly white screen made out of the same material as the hard glass-like structure that coats his underbelly. behind the screen he has two round eyes colored a pale teal with a golden pupil.

(faceclaim is lucien from ironwoodwolves on instagram)

❍breed based on❍


❍unique robot parts❍

-being on an older model, cadoc is built quite heavily, and while he has more furred parts than others of his age, he is mostly comprised of a thick steel and iron alloy over his shoulders, back, bottom jaw and haunches, the inside of his legs, coming off the glass-like plate run a solid silver and solid gold streak simply for style, but the gold streaks do add a bit to his weight. the streaks run side by side down to the paw pads which are then made from an aluminum-titanium combo that is hard enough to withstand constant pounding from running and leaping and to prevent rust and erosion. the rest of any sort of metal on his body (shoulders, back, haunches, bottom jaw, inside of legs) contains trace amounts of copper just to keep it all running smooth (conducting wires and such) and preventing rust. his teeth are all sharp titanium filed to a point, with his back teeth being slightly serrated. his tongue is a real, canine tongue and has just been knit to the false bottom jaw.

-like many of the cyborg dogs, cadoc has retractable claws, but only on his forepaws, mainly because the claws there are much longer and thinner than his hind claws and could risk wear and tear that would eventually dull them. his hind claws are made of pure lead, designed to be a bit of a dense grounding structure so that he would have a strong center of gravity if his front was off the ground. additionally, his teeth are retractable since his creator made his teeth a little too large to fit comfortably when his mouth is completely shut. however, when they are out, he feels like a puppy that is teething and thus gives him the innate desire to just bite down on something. due to his older model, the wolfdog-based cyborg has two and a half inch long (slightly longer than his actual fur length) needle-sharp spines on his back that he can raise like a porcupine, while this is a cool feature, it has no purpose unless a taller dog was to jump on or bite down on his back, but they act as his hackles and blend in with his pelt. the spines are incredibly difficult to clean and he often can't do it without help and sometimes dirt can get trapped beneath them and he gets very itchy.

-one of the 'cooler' things about cadoc, is that he can turn his head 360 degrees in each direction with ease, he could probably go farther if he tried, but he doesn't. he is able to do this as a result of his atlas and axis bones being replaced with bionic parts that enable him to do so. the muscles were then altered to be able to stretch enough to also make that possible.

❍eye color❍

-as stated before cadoc has a silvery white covering over his eyes that acts like a tinted window, nobody can see in, but he sees out perfectly clear. it acts as a third eyelid and the male asked his creator for it specifically because he thought his original eye color looked too feminine. the male's actual eye color is a pale teal with a golden pupil.


thirty-four inches tall


two hundred and ten pounds


-he has a thick earthy musk to him with a bit of a diesel undertone, mixed with old truck but yet like there is moss on the old truck. so a bit of that damp, fresh-smelling earth with undertones of old diesel truck


-tom cruise as stacee jaxx from 'rock of ages'

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

❍physical strengths❍

-of course cadoc is a rather large and heavy beast, with a strong center of gravity, making it easy for him to pivot quick and strike hard

-being made out of stronger metals also contributes to the male's ability to take hits

-cadoc has great stamina since he is kind of a cyborg, so he doesn't really get tired or out of breath

〤physical weaknesses

-cadoc, as an obvious weakness, is a very slow creature and can be outpaced by even the other cyborgs with shorter legs than him

-because his joints are capped with metal, it restricts the movement of them slightly, despite making it harder for trauma to cause fractures in his bones, his joints don't have the full range that a normal dog or even another cyborg might have

-the male, as previously stated, has issues with the spines on his back and the fact that debris can be trapped beneath the spines since they are so hard to clean and can make him itchy as a mofo

-he doesn't have metal on his chest so that his ribcage could have movement that wouldn't restrict his breathing, nor is there metal in the bones so that they retain their natural little bit of flexibility so it is one of his few weak points


-nothing major since it is all under the skin and the main areas that would have scarring are actually mostly metal, though the tip of his left ear is gone and the middle of his right upper lip is split

"yeah, i probably got a couple of screws up in my head loose, but no worse than what's goin' on in your parents' bedrooms"



-easily bored





❍personality description❍

-cadoc is not a very overtly friendly canine, he has his close chaps, 1-2 other cyborgs that he can sometimes joke with and are able to withstand his incessant sarcasm and teasing. other than that, the male isn't very social and prefers to keep to himself, opting to watch silently instead of wind through the crowd. cadoc is not shy by any means, nor do large groups make him uncomfortable, he simply has zero desire to be friendly. many blame it on the age gap and the fact that he is much older than the other cyborgs, and they wouldn't necessarily be wrong, but mostly he doesn't like other dogs, or humans for that matter, his creator is alright, but other than that the wolfdog-based cyborg couldn't give two shaggy shits about anyone else. the male typically lives out his days uninterested in the happenings of the e5 pack and with those inside it, making it clear he has no use for their unity and is only there because he has no other choice. cadoc is the type of canid that has an immediate dislike towards any other creature unless they can give him a reason to like him, similarly is his respect towards another, he has no respect for any other creature until they earn it, and unfortunately for the respect aspect, there is a singular window of opportunity for one to earn his respect, and if they fail, then there is zero hope of them ever gaining it. however, his likeness towards another doesn't have a singular window, but it is difficult to even get this canine to like anything other than his close friends and sometimes himself. being a 'lone wolf' for the most part, especially with a canine with a mind as hyperactive as his is, it is difficult for him to just sit around and do nothing. cadoc will often mess with his packmates or go off and kill stuff for fun just because he needs to move around and do something, this can also lead to him acting much younger than he is around his friends, almost pup-like in a sense. he will playfully grab onto their scruffs and wrestle with them, or find random objects to play tug with. usually though, this playful behavior is exhibited when he isn't around the majority of the e5 pack. most of the time however, the male spends his restlessness by messing with others of the pack, just to get a reaction, any reaction. though many would think that a dog as energetic as him often gets distracted since his mind wavers quite a bit, they would be surprised to know that cadoc often has the opposite problem, he tends to hyper-focus on tasks or jobs, when he decides to do them, and can never seem to ignore them even if they don't require his assistance any longer.

-the male, if it couldn't already be guessed with his insatiable desire to mess with the members of his pack, is by nature very witty and sarcastic, often making quick quips and remarks towards orders given (due to his lack of respect or even recognition of authority), opponents in battle, or even just random members of the pack that he decides needs to be knocked down a few pegs, even if they are at rock bottom's basement. to be stated, cadoc is not friendly, nor does he try to be. but due to his focusing issue, the male has learned to capsize on that small nuance and turn it into something that can be worked with, and as a result he is a quite logically thinking and analytical canid, able to simply glance at a problem and come up with a solution within seconds. though usually, he needs persuasion to even voice his solution, or he may take a while longer to come up with something more creative or 'fun,' or at least, fun for him. though sometimes he can regard himself as one of the best thinkers of the e5 pack, he can sometimes be hypocritical and when another comes up with a point of view or though process, he has more of a 'why?' or 'prove it' mindset, where, if those were asked of him, they would only get a sharp retort in reply. while cadoc has a more analytical mindset, that doesn't mean that he lacks intuition, if his eighty+ years of life have granted him anything, its a greater understanding of the world he lives in and what is required to succeed in such a realm. in the intuitive mindset, the wolfdog-based cyborg tends to be very observant and is quick to pick up on patterns and cues, as well as reading others. additionally, the male is very good about making the correct decision in a timely fashion even if he doesn't have all the information, though he would rarely act with little to know information. similarly to analytical thinkers, cadoc doesn't react as much based on emotion, and rarely does he get upset with additional steps to his solutions. needless to say, for an energetic male, he is quite patient and tends to operate a more carefree attitude. due to this patience, it allows him to be more sarcastic, as well as be able to take it from others because he simply does not care what others think of him or what they have to say of him. besides, he is so good at reading others, he knows exactly what to say that will hit the right nerves.

-cadoc, if it weren't already obvious, can tend to have a narcissistic air about him, more of the omnipotent 'i am untouchable' mindset as opposed to the 'i am better than everyone around me' mindset, and while they are quite similar, the distinct difference is that the latter is full acceptance and adoration of every part of one's whole being, and cadoc is not really like that at all. sometimes mentally he can struggle with accepting himself due to the fact that he often takes a step back and only sees an abomination. his ability to not care about what others think and say about him stems from the mindset that nobody can hate him as much as he does himself. and while, his physique and power is something he does get a bit egotistical about, as well as his overall smarts and problem-solving skills. he does have a bit of an issue with his overall life, though he can't exactly pin down what it is about himself that he doesn't like. and that is what bothers him the most. being able to mentally operate at a high level makes it insanely easy for cadoc to be frustrated when he can't even understand an aspect of himself. and what makes him most annoyed is that he has to live with the constant little voice in his head, always being such a bother and a dampener to his overall mood. the canine himself is difficult to read due to his overall stormy persona, the dark and brooding canid often wants to be a little more open and friendly, but all the same, he doesn't think that a quick change like that would be beneficial in any means, especially when he's built up such a reputation for himself. one of his more displayed traits is his stubbornness and unwillingness to do what someone asks of him, simply because they asked him. and though he can also be stubborn by means of not wanting to change his opinion or mindset on a topic and holding fast to his overall beliefs. but the overarching theme of his stubbornness is more of a rebelliousness and instinctual disagreement with any sort of authority that is not his own. he is definitely more of an alpha-type, but doesn't wish to domainer over others, he just doesn't respect authority.

❍mental strengths❍

-cadoc has incredibly good instincts and a good mind when it comes to reading others, and thus is able to exploit both mental and physical weaknesses

-the male additionally is a good thinker in all aspects of the mind and is able to figure out solutions to complex problems quickly and with great ease, because of this he is also quite patient

-the wolfdog-based cyborg has the innate ability to be completely unbothered by anything outside of him

〤mental weaknesses

-cadoc doesn't accept any sort of authority that isn't on his terms and thus doesn't often operate well with the creators or the general

-the male is naturally unfriendly, making it difficult for him to form bonds with those that aren't of his close friend group

-the wolfdog-based cyborg has an ingrained hatred of himself, a hatred he doesn't even fully understand and it bothers him


-peace and quiet

-having something to do that he wasn't instructed to do

-messing with others just to get a reaction

-his close friends


-authority/being told what to do

-most other creatures

-dirt beneath his spines

-having to ask others for help


-acrophobia; fear of heights

-cleithrophobia; fear of being trapped/crushed underneath an object

-claustrophobia; fear of confined spaces

❍obedience percentage❍


❍programmed knowledge❍

-battle strategy

-all forms of battle (defensive, offensive, etc)

-understanding and speaking several different languages

-world geography (down to individual house numbers)

-knowledge of all types of flora and fauna

"i'm slim shady, yes, i'm the real shady, all you other slim shadys are just imitating, so won't the real slim shady please stand up, please stand up, please stand up?"


-battling ; ★★★★★

-defense ; ★★★★★

-offense ; ★★★★★

-strength ; ★★★★★


-speed ; ★★☆☆☆

-stamina ; ★★★☆☆

-flexibility ; ★★☆☆☆

-stalking ; ★★☆☆☆

-sound ; ★★★☆☆


-mechanics ; ★★★★☆

-memory ; ★★★☆☆

-intelligence ; ★★★★☆

-wisdom ; ★★★★☆

-self-control ; ★★★★★

-patience ; ★★★★☆


-faith ; ★☆☆☆☆

-loyalty ; ★☆☆☆☆

-honesty ; ★★★★★

-trust ; ★☆☆☆☆

-empathy ; ☆☆☆☆☆

-confidence ; ★★★★★

-mercy ; ★☆☆☆☆

-respect for humans ; ☆☆☆☆☆


-charisma ; ★★★★☆

-leadership ; ★★★☆☆

-persuasiveness ; ★★★☆☆

-manipulation ; ★★★☆☆

-humor ; ★★★★☆

-communication with humans ; ★★☆☆☆

"and there's a million of us just like me, who cuss like me, who just don't give a fuck like me, who dress like me, walk, talk and act like me, and just might be the next best thing, but not quite me"


-broderick caddel; a younger man, around thirty, at the time of his creation, was fascinated with wolfdogs since he was a child, and leaped at the opportunity to own one. illegally at the time. when cadoc was only a year old, broderick, due to his prowess in the science and engineering field, was brought into the robotic dog scheme and thus used his own canine due to the desire to preserve the dog's life. of course he wanted to also preserve cadoc's mind and spirit. cadoc actually didn't hate broderick, though of course he never listened to hardly a thing the man said, the wolfdog made it known that he didn't hate him.


-treb; based off of the rottweiler, treb was a good friend of cadoc's, they both had the same creator due to their former owner's being childhood friends. treb's owner leaped at the opportunity broderick offered to prolong the dog's life and to keep him safe from the elimination policy that was pinned on regular dogs. treb was a minimalist cyborg meaning he was slightly more dog that robot, not that it made much difference in the grand scheme of things. treb was always a lighthearted fellow, though a beast when it came down to work, he was very driven and incredibly loyal to the humans. he still works in an elimination pack, just rather far off and remote.

-frankie; based off of the field spaniel, frankie was one of the smaller cyborgs, her creator was an older woman that wanted to see more leanly built canines as cyborgs. frankie still would remain as one of the smallest cyborgs since later models were typically larger. frankie was a rather independent mind, but her sole focus was always the cause. she was more or less the 'leader' due to the fact that she helped steer them in the right direction, though she would state that they didn't have a leader. frankie was about half and half in the dog to robot ratio department but she was incredibly light on her feet for an older model. frankie currently works as a head sentry for a cyborg laboratory based in canada.

-frodo; based off of the akbash, frodo was, as his name suggests, more of a meek and wimpy kind of canine, only inducted as a cyborg prospect because his creator wanted to see if he could make frodo just a little more forward, which kind of succeeded. frodo was a confident dog when it came to strategizing and putting plans together, where he failed was the ability to carry that confidence into the execution of that plan, which wasn't a big deal considering the juggernauts he had in his birthpack and later packs. frodo was a big and hefty oaf, but he was genuinely a good soul and never made it far as an elimination model and ended up working in search and rescue.

-isadora; based off of the dogo argentino, isadora was by far the most relaxed dog in the birthpack, though she was also the most unhinged if she was in the wrong mood. not an easily predictable canid, isadora's creator just liked bully breeds and thus isadora was the first of many bully breeds that came from him. isadora never bonded much with the rest of the dogs, and went on to work as a protector of a private billionaire's property who happens to help fund the labs.

-jack; based off of the black russian terrier, jack was just an all around good dog, very obedient and driven, though a selective mute. an intelligent canine, the male tried his paw in the elimination units as a medic, and that is still how he works, remaining with treb. jack was beloved by his entire birthpack because he was silent and peaceful, without the desire to harm another unless he was ordered to do so, or if he felt like they were a threat. he truly was the perfect packmate and cadoc actually kind of misses him almost as much as he misses treb.

-babe; based off of the anatolian shepherd, babe ended up a failure after a circuit breakdown thirty some odd years into her life, not even her creator is sure what exactly went wrong, but one of the wires that went to her 'brain' went haywire and either she is out in the wilderness somewhere, unable to be found by the humans or cyborgs, or, the more likely of the two possibilities, the circuit breakdown caused a malfunction of her entire system causing her system to basically fry.

❍mate/love interest❍






"the only difference is i got the balls to say it in front of y'all, and i don't gotta be false or sugarcoat it at all"


-not anything too outrageous. he was made, has additional surgeries here and there just to make sure he was in good working condition. even if it was terrible, its not like he'd care anyway, the past is called the past for a reason.

❍fun facts❍

-cadoc's favorite color is electric blue

-he has all his senses, broderick wanted him to be as real a dog as possible

-the male has never seen another wolfdog before

-cadoc, due to him being the first of his birthpack, thought himself to be the only cyborg and after finding out others existed, he thinks he was the original and that others were modelled off of him

"so will the real shady please stand up, and put one of those fingers on each hand up? and be proud to be outta your mind and outta control"

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