♞ємρєяσя'ѕ иєω ¢ℓσтнєѕ♞

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"mount everest ain't got shit on me cause i'm on top of the world"

"i am so much more than royal, snatch your chain and mace your eyes"



♞name meaning♞

-the god of secrecy in greek and roman mythology

♞biological sex♞



four and a half years old




north pack

"if it feels good, tastes good, it must be mine"

♞allegiance description♞

-a stocky, very well-muscled male dire wolf with a prominently beige coloration with bits of white scattered in small sections in the center of his chest, bottom half of his face, lower legs and his back, additionally he is marked dorsally with a combination of both dark gray and black, the darker colors don't go down past his eyes (on his face) and on his back, it follows the length of his spine and the top of his tail, causing the tail to end with a black tail tip. he is heavily scarred, the lost prominent being two fang-marks on the right side of his muzzle, just below his dull yellow eyes.

♞detailed description♞

(refer to pictures)


-harpocrates smells like a bonfire with a metallic 'aftersmell' of blood. a pretty dangerous smell that isn't easily confused with the smell of other wolves.

♞physical strengths♞

-his size

-fighting skill

-his thick pelt

♞physical weaknesses♞


-leaping and bounding onto hard surfaces takes quite the toll on his joints

-his thick pelt, summers are awful

"heroes always get remembered, but you know legends never die"


-harpocrates is covered in scars, though many aren't visible where his pelt is thicker, but they lace the length of his body, from his head to his toes. the most visible of the bunch, are the scar upon the right his face, a matching one (just a little smaller) on his left foreleg and one that jaggedly wraps around his right hind paw courtesy of an abandoned bear trap that had actually broken some of his metatarsal bones and he still walks with a slight limp

♞height and weight♞

-forty inches tall

-one hundred and seventy-five pounds

♞personality traits♞

-appearing good-natured and humorous

-gruff, has a 'tough-love' mindset

-pompous and rather full-of-himself

-sadistic and ruthless



♞detailed personality♞

-harpocrates is a...different canine, to say the least, sure he walks about with a gentle smile and kind eyes, and sure he openly treats every canine in the pack fairly. additionally, he appears to enjoy cracking a joke or two with anyone, romping around and playing with the younger canines, and casually flirting with the female dires of his pack. however, despite his open front and gentle demeanor, the real harpocrates is vastly different. the real harpocrates remains behind a mask of feigned kindness and is really a dark twisted creature with a deep lust, for two things, one is blood, and the other, well, i'll let you figure that one out. if you guessed power, that could technically be a third lust, for while he is a greedy and ambitious creature, he likes his rank, and it does suit him nicely, for the wolf is perhaps too smart for his own good, and the pack knows this of course, but outsiders tend to dub him as a meathead before they properly know him, or even hear him speak, for he speaks with such diction and prose that it is hard not to listen to his deep voice slip over the words he speaks. because of his smarts and his station, this male can be rather cocky, but many just acquit that too his 'goofy and lovable' disposition, but the male is cocky for a different reason. harpocrates knows that he is big and strong, one of, if not, the largest wolf in the kingdom of highfrost, and he can bend anyone to his will, with enough force, that is. should the need ever arise, the male loves his role as executioner, he loves watching the fear, or defiance, in the eyes of the convicted, and, based upon their expression, will determine how long it takes for him to kill them, for he so enjoys watching the light leave their eyes as they crumple to the ground in a pool of their own blood. the male is a poor hunter for this reason, he doesn't know when to quit, so after he kills an animal, he continues to rip and tear at the pelt and stream blood everywhere, sometimes he plays with the live prey, harshly nipping the creature and letting it run a little ways before pouncing back on it and repeating the process.

-since we know that this male isn't what he seems, there is no need to rabble on and on about who he is not, and instead focus on who this fiend and spawn of the devil is. the wolf is rather gruff, to kindly put, he is actually quite unapproachable and despite what he says, he is always thinking about all the different ways he could harm the very wolf he is talking too, pup to elder, it does not matter. if one has a quick enough eye, they may be able to see some of his muscle twitches deep under his pelt where he itches to lunge forward and crush the bones of his companion in his mighty jaws. but he does his best to keep his true intentions under wraps, for his dull yellow eyes only display kindness, unless he chooses for them to otherwise not. harpocrates likes to have control, he a very dominant presence and rather enjoys having others fear him, and sometimes when he is talking with those that he feels get a little too close for comfort, he will let slip something dark and allow his eyes to gleam with vicious intent to scare them a little, but then of course he goes back to his 'old self' as if pretending that never happened. being in control is a form of safety for the male, he likes being able to bend others to his will, and if in private, he has no problem getting a bit aggressive with another. because of this, the male can be dubbed 'the interrogator' as well, of course, no living canine knows of his methods of receiving the information he wants or requires, but he works so well at this that many don't feel the need to ask. the beast would feel happy if every canine inside the camp held a little bit of fear for him, not necessarily respect, but fear because fear can take one farther than respect, when one fears you, you can learn so much more about them than if they respected you, because one is always looking out for themselves, no matter who they are, and when they are threatened, they will do anything to get out of harm's way. and knowing this, enables harpocrates to deal with even the most loyal prisoners.

-if one couldn't already guess, harpocrates is a sadist, he loves watching other squirm and writhe in pain, especially if it his pain he inflicted upon them. he is ruthless, showing no mercy to those, even those that are his kin. the male has three pups, the eldest being from a different mother. many assume the male has bad luck with mates, for his first, mazu, was killed during childbirth and the second....well, she was killed in a skirmish by 'rouges,' the same rouges that gave harpocrates the scar on his muzzle and caused him so much grief that he broke down in the center of camp upon telling the story. so easily does this male where a mask, any mask, and many wolves are none the wiser, and those that do find out, may find themselves in the land of the dead, or banished for treason. he can manipulate his most devoted followers into believing anything he tells them, and can even manipulate a canine's memories, through his own interrogation methods of course, by forcing them to believe and accept a truth that may not be a truth. and while it was aforementioned that the male was ruthless, even towards his own kin, may sound absolutely awful, which it is, but he has enabled himself to push away his own flesh and blood, claiming he is teaching them a lesson in 'tough love' and while he is still sociable around them, and prefers the company of his pups to many others, he desires for them to look up to him, and sparingly uses the phrase 'i am proud of you' in order to sway his pups to thinking of him as essentially a 'god.' so easy is it for harpocrates to manipulate others, so much so that if he straight up told the pack he had been manipulating them for years, they wouldn't believe him, that's how good he is.

♞preferred gender♞


♞mental strengths♞

-being able to manipulate literally any living creature


-he always follows through on his word

♞mental weaknesses♞

-he can be a bit too proud

-two-faced bastard

-he has a hard time connecting with others that aren't blood-related and has a hard time understanding the relationships that exist between friends

"i'm taking back the crown"



-his pups (believe it or not)

-pups in general

-manipulating others

-dark shades of blue





-being given attitude

-not being listened too

-blue jays

-mocking birds

-domesticated dogs


-thin ice




-zuko; a giant (larger than harpocrates) male wolf colored black with vibrant yellow-brown eyes, he was pretty well-muscled and worked as the former alpha of the pack, some would argue that he was one of the best alphas to ever rule the north pack, but that was before he fell through thin ice and died of a combination of pneumonia and hypothermia; he was a jolly soul, very playful and kind, and not two-faced like his own son, he was a genuinely kind soul that loved his pack dearly. he didn't like to fight, but would do so to protect his kin. he wasn't overprotective and was truly just a teddy bear, he loved his family deeply and was nearing his elder years when he fell through the ice. despite himself, harpocrates loved his father, perhaps more than anything, and in his youth, the finest words he ever heard from his father was, 'nice job son, i'm proud of you.' when news of his father's death spread through camp, he cried, for days, for he had lost a sibling to an eagle and his other to a venomous snake and his mother had died after he had been weaned due to an infection that she had contracted after childbirth, leaving him truly alone, he didn't take up the alpha position for months after his father's death, but that was plenty of time for the beast to grow into the creature he is now; deceased


-persephone; a larger female wolf, colored the traditional grey and white that many picture of 'traditional wolves' she had dull dark brown eyes that hint at perhaps a mixed heritage, but it couldn't be known for sure because she had no idea of her own heritage for her ancestors were tight-lipped about anything that dealt with the past. she was a lambda herself, quick on her feet and sharp-eyed, with long legs and delicate paws; she was a little more stand-offish than zuko, but then again, most creatures are more stand-offish than zuko was, for he had no idea of the concept of personal space. she was quiet, but sweet all the same, very very smart and had a passion for large descriptive words which she passed down to her pups. harpocrates didn't get to know her much, but was still saddened when she passed on, but she had been sick and they had known that she was going to pass on; deceased


-heracles; a larger male wolf colored a rich umber color with black marks up and down the length of his back, his eyes were a bright yellow and he was amply muscled and was a lambda as well, following well into his mother's footsteps. he had a personality similar to his mother's, but he had a greater love for laughter, a trait his father had; heracles was very close with harpocrates and it was on a walk that a viper came out and struck both dogs, harpocrates being the larger of the two, survived with simply a scar on his left foreleg, but heracles didn't. it took a while for harpocrates to get over his death, but he did, and continued on per usual; deceased


-lysandra; a larger female wolf that was the spitting image of her mother, with the same dark colored eyes, though slightly more on the yellow side in direct sunlight. she never really got to develop her own personality for when she had first started walking, she ventured a little too far and was snapped up by a hungry eagle right in the center of camp, the entire pack was too stunned to react until it was much too late; harpocrates doesn't even remember her, but at the time, he didn't know how quite to react; deceased

~past mate(s)~

-mazu; a smaller female wolf, colored a rich dark brown with pale yellow/green eyes, she was a huntress and didn't really know how to think for herself, something harpocrates loved and exploited. she feared him, and he used that to his strength; she was only able to bear one pup, for she died trying to deliver the others, and that first pup was nursed by another that was in the nursery; deceased

-naomh; an average-sized female wolf, with a dark grey complexion and large amber eyes. after learning his lesson with his smaller former mate, harpocrates' second mate was a little larger, though a little more strong-willed. a trait that he was quick to change and discard; she too bore his pups, two of them, a male and a female, before she amassed a little bit of her fire, after her pups were weaned, she and harpocrates went off together into the woods, but only the male would return, a new scar on his face, tears in his eyes as he told the tale of the 'rouges' that had snuffed her flame; deceased


(they are adoptable)

-wylan; the eldest, the son of harpocrates and mazu, he is not going to be a huge dire wolf, but his long legs are definitely going to give him some height. he is leanly built and is training to be a hunter; alive

-elide; harpocrates' only daughter, her mother was naomh; a thin and petite scarred female dire wolf with only three legs [her right foreleg is missing] her pelt is sleek ebony mixed with silver and white phasing that is starting to come through with age. her eyes are a bold shade of honey-gold; alive; played by -mithrandir (more info on her page in cryostasis)

-nero; the son of naomh and harpocrates, full brother to elide, he is going to be a large wolf, though not larger than his father; alive; played by --ghoulish

♞extra information♞

-harpocrates doesn't quite remember how he got to be the way he is, but he actually doesn't mind it and likes being a cold-blooded killer

-he loves pups dearly, despite his personality, and would like to have more

-voiceclaim is benedict cumberbatch as smaug from 'the hobbit'

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"i see what's mine and take it"

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