⍟ι'м ∂σιиg fιиє⍟

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"don't be emotional"





⍟biological sex⍟


↳preferred gender & pronouns

female ; she/her


four years old


biromantic asexual ; significant male lean

↳ideal partner traits

due to her past, jytte would prefer a partner that, while being sweet and sensitive, can turn devilish in a moment's notice in order to protect her. and while she wouldn't admit it, the dog would prefer a partner that knows when and when not to push her bounds and really press her mind to figure out why she is upset on a certain day. in a male partner, jytte would prefer a dog much larger than herself, whether that be in height and/or weight. in a female, jytte would prefer the same. additionally, she needs a partner that will prevent her from staying in her head too much.


hollowfell pack




canis lupus familiaris


-50% alaskan malamute

-12.5% german shepherd

-12.5% siberian husky

⍟allegiance description⍟

-a lightly built female mixed breed primarily a a tan color with a white chest, underbelly and lower legs coupled with black markings on the back of her neck, stretching down her back, across the top of her tail and ending it in a black tip. the female has slightly almond-shaped dark brown eyes that appear to be almost black in coloration.

↳detailed description

(refer to pictures)

[faceclaim is luna from lunaxroscoe on instagram]

"go ahead, drown your sorrows with some, whiskey, that's how its done"

⍟scars / disabilities⍟

-jytte doesn't host many physical scars, but mental ones riddle her inner thoughts and mind

↳ height and weight

-twenty-seven inches tall

-ninety pounds

⍟personality traits⍟




-inherently kind


-easily spooked

↳ detailed personality

-jytte naturally is a very warm-hearted and kind canine who is always up and alive, ready to go. with a seemingly never-ending stream of energy and positive words for any canine to come her way. she is a cheerful mutt who is always inclined to do right by her pack and gets stressed out if she feels that she has left something unfinished or if she feels that she was too terse or snippy with another canine and is known to apologize profusely in those cases. the dog is typically found with her fluffy tail beating the air in such a happy wag, that it can cause many a canine to question how she deals with the remaining haunting figures of her past, but the dog manages, and she always pulls a warm and friendly face when around her peers. the hunter isn't one to trust with secrets as she finds herself just overly talking and before she knows it, she has just spilled out everything that has happened to her in the past few hours, in quite good detail. not only random secrets, but if a canine has an awful secret, they better hope that it doesn't end up in her maw because if she feels that it could threaten the leader or a friend, she will tell them. the female is a goody-two-shoes and will always do what she thinks is right. and while that can lead many others to get annoyed very easily by the talkative dame, she doesn't see a thing wrong with it and always feels that others should be informed when something is being said about them. good or not.

-the female is the type of dog to help a random stranger, even if she physically cannot, she would just simply find a way. however, though it may seem like it, she is not the kind of dog to also place her trust in these strangers, in fact, she doesn't even place trust in many of her packmates, for she had trusted once, and never again will any canine that is not her littermate fall under the umbrella of her trust ever again. outside of that, the female has made it her personal mission to not make any canine feel unloved or abandoned, for no canine should ever feel like that, especially not in a place where canines are supposed to be safe from the tyranny of all. never would this dog spare a harsh word to anyone on purpose, and never would she ever make an aggressive move on a canine, even if they deserved it. for she has seen violence used too many times for her to believe that it would solve any such problem. jytte can however, find herself off on her little lonesome, vibing, doing her own thing, and, for the most part, getting lost in the world around her. whether that be through daydreaming or just staring off into space without a thought in her mind, either way, she can just get a little distant. its not difficult to get the female to connect back with reality, as she only goes into this state when she is bored or just thinking. and while thinking is not an uncommon habit for the mutt, it is uncommon for her to be deep in thought while in the presence of others because she is aware that she often flits in and out.

-due to her past, it is no surprise that jytte is often haunted by ghosts of her past. oftentimes in the she-dog's slumber she is disturbed by violent night terrors that plague her mind and can leave her howling in sorrow and pain, though usually she isn't aware that she is making noise outside of her head. these ghosts don't only come to her while she sleeps, they also come to her during the day, though not nearly as bad. during the day, the female will suddenly fall silent and will host a blank stare with a slight melancholy and far-away look in her eyes. however, in extreme cases, her hackles will rise and she will react as if what she is seeing is happening right in front of her, regardless of where she actually is and who she is actually with. because the female is often living in her head, the simple act of sometimes talking to her can cause the dame to almost literally leap out of her skin. the dog is easily startled and due to how often her mind flits in and out of her inner thoughts, she is always vulnerable to being frightened, not that a second party has to do anything. the thing that sets the dog off the most is being touched, even in conversation, a friendly nuzzle can cause the canine to yelp and retreat back from the touch. her reaction is not from her fearing affection, but any touch that she had been met with in her puphood had been one of violence and force, and from that she has learned to fear even the gentlest of touches.

"i let the waves crash down, and keep it all inside"


-her brother





-the color yellow

↳ dislikes


-birds of prey




-deep snow



~ father ~

-apollyon; a big brute of a canine. colored mostly of grey, silver and dark tans, but he hosted an array of small black and cream markings with dark brown eyes. he was a purebred northern inuit dog who treated his prodigy horribly and is responsible for 50% of their combined mental trauma; deceased.

~ mother ~

-nesrin; a leaner-built female canine colored mostly black, tan and a slightly off-white coloration with caramel brown eyes. she was a tall dog consisting of both german shepherd and siberian husky lineage. she contributed to the other 50% of the combined mental trauma for her pups; alive; not in roleplay (exiled)

~ brother(s) ~

-daenys; a larger male with long legs and an off-white base coloring marked with dark grey and black over-shading. his coat isn't terribly long but is very thick and soft and pairs well with his soft brown eyes; alive; played by 1-666-HELL

⍟extra information⍟

-jytte was abused as a pup, though not nearly as physically as her brother, for her smaller frame and lighter coloration would make it more apparent that she was being beaten. so instead she was mentally abused and was forced to watch her parents abuse daenys, so she is so very attached to him and feels so very guilty about not saying or doing anything.

-she doesn't want to have pups for fearing of turning out like her own parents

-the dame loves nature-y things, like bird feathers, pebbles and flowers

-her voiceclaim is chrissychlapecka from tiktok

"just let the weight on my shoulders, keep on weighing me down, a little bit longer, i'm alright, don't worry 'bout me, i'm doing fine"

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