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"i never know if i'm in control" 




goes by 'sekum'


three years and eight months

(forty four moons)


cisgender female




lycalopex fulvipes

darwin's fox


tribe of the rising sun



"but i just want to be consumed, and start afresh with this knowledge i've acquired"

⭒allegiance appearance⭒

-a sturdy and well built female darwin's fox colored an ashy grey with small black and tan markings on her flanks, face and lower legs. her underbelly is white as are a couple of markings on her chest and muzzle. her ears are a russet color that isn't found on any other part of her body. she has a black dorsal stripe down the length of her back that starts between her shoulder blades and ends at the tip of her tail, coloring the ending third of her tail solid black. her eyes are brown in color and the dark or lightness of them fluctuate with the lighting of the area she is in.



⭒height and weight⭒

-fourteen inches tall (i was unable to find a source with the height of the actual species so i went off a close relative [the south american grey fox] which are similar in size, with the grey fox being a little larger, so i made the height a little shorter to try and best accurately match the darwin's fox)

-five pounds and eight ounces


a good variety, nothing major that would inhibit her from doing anything normal, but her sense of smell is altered from a run-in with an aggressive non-venomous snake that bit her in the nose and she suffered some nerve damage that prevents her from being able to track accurately or sense prey unless they are right in front of her. other than that she has a few nick and scrapes here and there from little scuffles. 

"i'd tell my parents not to stick it out for us"

⭒personality traits⭒

-reserved ; sekhmet keeps to herself, that is no surprise, but ever since her youth due to some familial issues, she is very quiet and doesn't venture far from her comfort zone. more introverted than not, the fox in general has a hard time just getting close and opening up to others, since her kithood, the vixen had to be independent and thus grew to be separate from others and was forced to only look out for herself. she is a guarded fellow, often shutting down when a word or phrase strikes close to home for her. and while it bothers the female that she is without a close confidant or friend, she could never make herself go back on the walls she took so long to build up.

-independent ; the vixen, as stated earlier, likes to be able to take care of herself, though her run-in with the snake has quelled some of her more independent traits since she can't hunt for herself, but she still retains her inner independence that she has had her entire life. sekhmet finds weakness in accepting help from others and mentally beats herself up if she even thinks about asking for help. the fox doesn't ever allow herself to feel sadness for anything, and despite her best efforts to do the same with regret, that has unfortunately slipped through the cracks and she finds herself often wishing that she was a more approachable creature. she likes to accomplish things her way and can only count on them being done correctly if she is the one that does them. one thinks that due to her early life being so chaotic and subject to any sort of minor change, sekhmet feels the innate desire to forever be in control of her own life and decisions.

-mistrustful ; sekhmet is much better about this than she used to be, the vixen, when she was simply a novice, wouldn't even talk or engage in any sort of conversation with anyone, even if a fox was directly speaking to her. the vixen used to isolate herself and shut herself off from her tribe and from her own family, but when she received her power, mwali warned her that she would need her tribe and she needed to bond with them. at the time, the vixen didn't think much of his words, but the snake incident scared her and she steadily began to be a little more extroverted. currently, she does struggle with allowing others to know the basic details of her life, but she is steadily getting better. she tends to work better with males as opposed to females because male foxes tend to be a little more mellow and easy-going as opposed to other vixens.

-bold ; the vixen, while she may not seem like the type, is a rather courageous creature. she will put herself before others in a matter of seconds. this was why she was chosen to train as a warrior instead of a hunter, also because she was just shit at hunting, but her dedication to the art of battle could not be ignored and she flourished. as a result, the female can be a little full-of-herself when talking about her prowess as a warrior and, because of her power, also knows that going into battle, she has a better chance of surviving than a fox with a more...common power. she knows her worth, seeing as she doesn't lack self-confidence, she simply lacks the ability to create a close bond with another fox, not because she thinks she isn't worth it, but because she is afraid that they will leave her when the going gets tough. despite that aspect, sekhmet is a forward individual that doesn't shy away from anything except the prospect of any sort of relationship, if there is work to be done, she will volunteer to do it, if enemies come across the border, she will lead the charge against them. she isn't afraid to get beaten or smacked around and treats every experience as an opportunity to listen to her loa and grow as an individual. 

-driven ; sekhmet likes to be active and enjoys doing something, she has a high work-drive and likes to take challenges head-on. nothing can turn her mind off of an idea or task once she has decided that she will do it. she is always motivated to work and isn't much of a procrastinator, if something is to be done, then that something will be done in a timely manner. despite the vixen's small stature, she is a workhorse and she enjoys having something to put her mind too, that way she doesn't have to worry too much about so many other things. she likes to have everything under control, but when she has so many other things to focus on, sekhmet feels that control steadily wane and it can stress her out. one can guess that she cannot multitask and can only take on one project at a time. because of her love for control, the vixen would love to be advisor of war, or at least in a position where she can decide who she would work on projects with, or better yet, assign them to her alone seeing as others may not do things her way thus meaning there is more room for error. and when making errors, the vixen can get over herself making an error, but, another fox, she is prone to getting very short-tempered with them.


-having something to work on and do

-being in control


-improving her combat skills

-the smell of the earth after a heavy rain

-fire, or anything that has to do with fire

-her loa for she feels that he has contributed to her positive growth




-working with others that don't do things her way

-not being in control



-being forced to do something

"i hate to say it but the damage is done, i learnt to live without dependency"



-hanniel; a slightly larger-than-average male darwin's fox with a pelage slightly darker than sekhmet's. he was a warrior with a good mind for battle and even greater morals. he was sweet and kind, and everything a vixen could dream of and more. he made sure his family came first and always had the most fun romping around with his mate and pup. they even dubbed themselves as 'the three musketeers' until something changed, and hanniel and his mate began to fight. at first it was a sharp comment there, a disdainful look here, then the two would explode into anger over the simplest of things. for example, hanniel and his mate would be almost at each other's throats if a breeze blew the wrong way or if one made a wrong weather prediction. they eventually separated, leaving their pup to have to pick one parent over the other, which she was unable to do. because of this, both parents took it as sekhmet no longer loved them, and hanniel was the first to go, he made a careless mistake and was killed in a skirmish; deceased


-sioned; a slightly smaller-than-average female darwin's fox with a pelage almost exactly that of sekhmet's. she was a hunter, and a fine one at that with a bold spirit and large heart. paired with her desire to do good, it was no secret that she and hanniel were meant to be. within moons of the two earning their ranks, they became mates and had a kit between them. the other was stillborn, many think that sioned was too young to have kits so her body was only able to prioritize nurturing one over the other. but that didn't daunt the joy the new parents felt with their living kit. however, like most young relationships, as they went along, the two began to fight, it would swell in power until they could no longer keep their dissent under wraps when they were around their kit and they broke the news to sekhmet that they were no longer going to remain a pair and forced her into choosing one over the other. sioned left around the same time hanniel did, for she blamed herself for his death and she disappeared without a trace; deceased


open for development





(she passed on her first try)


-voiceclaim is demi lovato

"and all it did was leave me fucking lonely, and function solely for the purpose of one"

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