Architect Vs Bad Prince

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Michael is seen doing some push ups as he listens to some music. Soon, two pair of feet are seen walking besides him as he stops and looks at them. It was his parents, Triple H and Stephanie. The crowd boos as Michael gets up and stares at them.

Michael: What's up?

Stephanie: You're match with Seth tonight. Are you sure you want to finally get into the Title Picture?

Michael: Well...yeah. I didn't do that years ago as I was a kid, but now that I'm older and going to be do it.

Triple H: That's fine and dandy, son...but you're going up against Seth Rollins and if you win, you get to face John Cena at SummerSlam for the United States Championship.

Michael: Yeah, and? Let me guess...*Triple H impression* Ugh, it's not best for business-ah. You should know your place-ah. You're too young to be Champion-ah.

The crowd laughs at that impression as Stephanie and Triple H were not in the laughing mood.

Stephanie: This is serious, Michael. You haven't wrestled in years, you mainly focused on School and now that you're going to University, you want to start out becoming an adult with a match?

Michael: Oh come on. Just because I didn't focus on WWE doesn't mean I didn't have wrestling in mind. I mean, look at me.

Michael pulls his shirt off and reveals his body and the crowd pops at how fit he is.

He was well built as a kid, but is now more muscular as he's older.

Michael: See? Does this look like a body of someone stopping Wrestling in their life? No? Good.

Triple H: Just because you continued working out doesn't mean you're still active.

Michael: I hit you with a Belly to Belly, Butterfly Neckbreaker, and a Moonsault at WrestleMania.

The crowd cheers as Hunter looks away.

Stephanie: Alright, Michael. We'll let you have this match. But...remember the risk that you won't go after the World Heavyweight Championship ever.

Michael: Oh I know. That's why...*pats a nearby door* I took care of any threats that would prevent me.

The crowd oohs as Triple H and Steph started to feel worried.

Triple H: Son...what did you do?

Michael smiles as he opens a nearby door and shows a room full of Heels, Superstars and Divas, being knocked down, stuffed in trash cans and boxes, as well as tied up, tapped and hanging upside down.

The crowd was cheering in shock as he brought back the thing that made him famous: Kidnapping and holding Wrestlers hostage.

Hunter and Steph look in horror as some of the awoke superstars yelled in muffled screams for help before Michael closes the door and locks the door. He then turns to his parents and grins.

Michael: See?

Triple H and Stephanie look at him fear as they slowly backed away.

Stephanie: Okay, honey. You made your point.

Triple H: We'll leave you to your business.

Michael: Thanks. Anyway, I better go check on my attire for tonight. Can't go out there looking like this right?

Triple H: Right.

Stephanie: True.

Michael: Good. *hears some screaming behind the door*

Michael opens the door.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The screams went out as Michael closes the door and sighs. He waves at his parents and walks away, as they and everyone else were left speechless.

Triple H: We really need to stop underestimating our son, Steph.

Stephanie: I agree...he would look nice with the US Title on.

The crowd laughed and cheered as Triple H looks at her in confusion.

Stephanie: What? It's true right?

Triple H: ...*sighs* Yeah. Honestly, he's a good kid. And with the US Title on him, it's a good way to transition into adulthood.

The crowd cheered as they finally accept that.


We see Michael tying his gloves on as the camera zooms back to show his wrestling gear.

In the background, we see a Championship Belt behind him. Before they could think of that this is a custom WHC belt, they saw a certain word.

They immediately cheered as it's clear it a new version of Michael's World Baddest Championship belt. Many remembered that it was given to him by his father on his 9th Birthday, but it seems he gave it a make over.

Michael was ready as he looks at the belt and smiles.

Michael: Well, ol' buddy. It's time we hit the ring once again.

He gives his belt a pat as he places it on his shoulder and begins to walk off. Suddenly, he was stopped by three women.

It was Sasha Banks, Naomi, and Tamina Snuka. Other wise known as Team BAD. Many made some connections between them and Michael, as he was the one that brought BAD onto WWE as a kid.

Sasha, Naomi, and Tamina look at him as he stares at them a raised brow.

Michael: May I help you, ladies?

Sasha: No. We're just getting a front row seat to seeing the Baddest Prince in WWE make his return in the ring.

Naomi: Yep. While we may have a different way of BAD, you're is clearly an inspiration, down to the attire.

Tamina: And we want to make sure we won't let you down.

Michael: I see. like to kick Team Bella and Team PCB down, so I like that. But if you wanna learn more about being BAD...

Michael: Give me a call. I'll give ya a point or two.

The crowd oohs and cheered as the three were left a bit speechless. Michael smiles, nods at them, and he walks off, leaving a stunned team BAD.

Tamina: I don't remember him being this flirty.

Naomi: He's grown, and going to be an adult soon. Of course he's gonna act that way.

Sasha: At least he's still a gentleman when doing so...I like that about him.

Naomi: Tell that to Charlotte, and she's bound to have your head with her overprotective ass.

Sasha: You do realized that it was him that brought me, her and Becky to the main roster?

Naomi: ...Oh.

Tamina: Guess you three like him a lot.

Sasha: And Bayley as well. We met him way before either of us joined


We see Seth Rollins in the ring as he waits for his opponent to come out.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as Michael comes out and starts dancing to his son while spinning around left then right, showing his championship belt, before walk jumping his way to the ring.

Lillian: His opponent, from Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing at 210lbs, he is the World Baddest Champion, Michael McMahon!

MC: It's been a while since we hear him being announce like that.

Jerry: Indeed. And this time, Michael's having his first match since 9 years. Crazy.

JBL: He looks fit and skilled. But also smart that could even outsmart Seth Rollins.

MC: Indeed. And there has been people saying that after Seth joined the Authority, they believe he's what Triple H and Stephanie wanted Michael to be, instead of the Rebel Bad Prince that he is now.

Jerry: I can never picture Michael like that. Knowing who he is in person, I don't think anyone would believe he would be someone like Seth.

JBL: Indeed. And Triple H and Stephanie are shown to very underestimate his intentions and ideas. That's why he took out those Superstars and Divas earlier. To send a message to them and Seth what he's off.

MC: I agree. I'm surprised he didn't pull that on his parents yet.

Jerry: Guess not doing it still shows that he still loves them in a way. They're are his parents.

Michael arrives at ringside as he climbs up the steps and enters the ring. He looks around and smiles before unhooking his belt and climbs up the turnbuckle. He raises his title up as the crowd cheers while Seth looks on with distain.

Michael hops off the turnbuckle as he turns to Seth. His theme fades as both men stare at one another. Soon, Seth smirks as he raises his World Heavyweight Championship up in a show of superiority.

This gave fans a mixed reaction as Michael raised a brow. He then smirks as brings his title up and gets a huge cheer from the fans, obviously showing who are they behind with. Seth frowns as he can't believe a worthless Title like Michael's gets a bigger reaction than his Prestigious Championship.

Soon, they passed their titles to the ref who gives them to the timekeeper. Michael removes his jacket and shirt, revealing his young, but muscular body as he stares at Seth.

The bell rings as the crowd cheers as they're going to witness Michael wrestling again after so long. Michael warms up as Seth glares at him. Soon, they went into a collar elbow tie up, and Seth shoves Michael away.

The crowd boos as Michael glares at Seth who mocks him.

Seth: You could barely win against Lita, what makes you think you can have a chance against me?!

Michael gave a smirk before straightening himself out. They circle the ring once more before going a tie up again. Soon, Seth applies a headlock, only for Michael to counter into an armlock before hitting an Irish Whip. Seth went for a clothesline but Michael ducks under.

Michael bounces off the ropes and hits a Back Elbow to Seth.

Seth gets back up before Michael hits a Forearm Smash and sends him to the corner. He runs and went for a strike but Seth steps out of the way, only for Michael to jump onto the turnbuckle, flip, and catch Seth into a Sunset Flip.

The crowd cheers loudly as Seth kicks out and leaves the ring and Michael stands up.

MC: Wow!

Jerry: He's really making use of the fact he's older now! That was incredible!

JBL: He improved!

Seth look on in shock and anger as he couldn't believe Michael managed to take him down with ease. Soon, he enters the ring as they resume, this time, Seth kicks Michael in the kick before giving him a shot to the back, making go down to a knee.

He continues attacking the back before going for the Irish Whip but Michael counters and sends him to the ropes. Seth, however, grabs his head and slams him down.

He then kicks him down as he would apply a choke hold on Michael to try and wear him down. He would so some strikes to make sure Michael doesn't fight back as the young man struggles to break free.

However, Michael began to get up as he starts to fight back. He starts elbowing Seth in the gut as he slowly gets to his feet. Seth responds with a headbutt before sending him to the ropes.

Michael then leaps and rolls on Seth's back, shocking the crowd.

MC: My God!

Jerry: Did you see that?! Michael just flipped over Rollins!

JBL: Even Seth is shocked!

Seth turns to him in disbelief as Michael stares at him. He then charges but Michael pulls the top rope down, sending Seth out of the ring.

Michael gets up as he measures Seth before running to the ropes and dives through, hitting a Suicide Dive to Seth Rollins.

The crowd was yelling in shock as Michael stands up and poses for the crowd while Seth lays there, hurt by the Dive. Michael then brings Seth back up, only for Rollins to send him back first against the apron.

Michael held his back as Seth grabs him and slams him headfirst against the apron. He went for an Irish Whip but Michael counters, wraps his arm around Seth and hits a Uranage onto the Apron.

The crowd oohs as Michael pushes Seth back inside the ring and reenters the ring. Michael goes for the cover and Seth kicks out. Michael then applies a choke hold, trying to wear Seth down.

Seth tries to break free but could as Michael held a tight grip. The ref checks on the Architect as he struggles to breath. Soon, he slowly gets up and hits a roll up on Michael who kicks out.

Both men got up as they then traded punches, with the crowd booing Seth while cheering for Michael!







Suddenly, Seth ends it by hitting a knee strike onto Michael. The crowd immediately got worried as Seth did break John Cena's nose with the same move.

Seth then backs away and goes for a strike, but Michael caught him and hits a Harsh Dragon Suplex.

The crowd oofs as Seth lays there as Michael gets up and glares at Seth. He then kicks him in the ribs before yelling at Rollins.

Michael: Watch your knees, you fuck!

Michael then goes to the cover and Seth kicks out.

*five minutes later*

We see Seth climbing onto the top rope as he measures Michael. He went for the Frog Splash, but Michael caught him with with a Stunner in mid air.

The crowd pops as Michael gets up as he yells out.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(on 0:53)

The crowd cheers on as Michael goes to the corner and starts tuning up the band. The crowd was loving it as he's going to win the chance to face John Cena for the United States Championship.

Seth slowly gets up as Michael measures him. He turns and Mike went for Sweet Chin Music, but Seth pops him up. He runs and hits a Buckle Bomb onto Michael before running to the ropes and hits a Curb Stomp onto Michael.

The crowd yells in shock as Seth goes for the cover. Would Michael lose to the move made famous as a kid?!

Ref: 1, 2, thr-

Michael kicks out as everyone was shocked. Seth couldn't believe it as he looks at the ref who told him it was two. Seth then starts arguing with the ref but was told the same answer.

Seth was seething in anger as glares at Michael as he was slowly getting to his knees. Soon, Seth decides to hit another to end the match. He went for the Stomp, but Michael counters it a kick to the gut. Seth backs away and bounces off the ropes and-

JBL: Oh My God!

MC: You gotta be kidding me!

Jerry: Look at that!

The crowd pops as Michael has Seth up in the military press. Despite going through a near ten minute match, he still has the strength to lift Seth over his head.

Soon, Michael had enough and slams Seth back down. The crowd cheers as they never thought they see Michael hitting a Military Press.

Michael goes to end the match until he stops and sees Big Show heading to the ring. The crowd boos as they remembered Show was still part of the Authority as Brock Lesnar already took out Kane and J&J.

Big Show yells at Michael as the referee tells him to leave while the Giant climbs onto the apron. Michael gets angry but then an idea flew into his mind.

Michael grabs Seth and Body Slams him before grabbing something from his pocket and putting it his mouth.

MC: What the-What is Michael doing?

JBL: He just put something in his mouth!

Michael turns to Big Show who was still arguing with the ref before-

All three: OMG!

The crowd yelled in shock as Michael sprayed Red Mist onto the Big Show. Show goes down as he yells in pain from stinging effects of the spray. Michael then climbs up to the top rope and measures Show. He then leaps and hits a Moonsault to the outside, knocking Show down.

The crowd was yelling in shock and excitement as they chanted "This is Awesome!" Michael gets up as he reenters the ring. Seth was waiting as he kicks Michael and goes for the Pedigree, but Michael counters and hits kick.

Michael went for a Rock Bottom, bur Seth counters again. Seth went for a School Boy followed by a DDT, but Michael ducks away. Michael then went for the Famouser, but Seth caught him. Seth went for the Powerbomb, but Michael counters with a Hurricarana pin.

Seth kicks out as both men got up. The crowd feels the intensity as Seth kicks Michael in the gut and went for a Curb Stomp. Michael then caught him in Mid air and-

MC: Oh My! That's Dynasty! Michael calls that Dynasty! Come on Mike! Come on, Mike!

Michael goes for the cover.

Ref: 1, 2, 3!

The crowd pops as Michael's theme plays as the bell rings.

Michaels He did it! He did it! Michael has beaten Seth Rollins!

Jerry: This is amazing!

JBL: What a comeback!

Lillian: Here is your winner, the World Baddest Champion, Michael McMahon!

Michael gets up as he looks around and realizes he won. He won the chance to face John Cena for the United States Championship. He then smiles as he lays down, happy to have won.

He then gets up as the ref raises his arm up while giving his WBC Belt and he raises it up.

Michael: What an incredible match! We were gonna see it back at Mania Michael and Lita, but Triple H and Stephanie made sure that didn't happen, but now, they couldn't do a thing!

JBL: I'm amazed at Michael's strength and skills! He lifted Seth over his head and held him for nearly 10 seconds before dropping him down! Seth is 225lbs and Michael took him up with ease!

Jerry: Not only that but flipped over Seth then hit a Suicide Dive while also hitting a Moonsault onto the Big Show! Out expectations were known that he's great, but now, he broke through once again!

Michael poses at the turnbuckle as Seth and Big Show look on in anger and embarrassment. Seth severely underestimated Michael as he was far beyond anything he thought he was. Now, he lost his chance at the United States Championship against Cena.

The show ends with Michael celebrating his win as the crowd was singing "Hail to the King!" for him. He winks at the camera, sending a message to John that he's coming for the United States Championship.

How's the chapter?

How's the match?

What did you think the interaction between Michael and his parents?

And his interaction with Sasha, Naomi, and Tamina?

What moment surprised you during the match?

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