Slow Friendship; Becoming Champ

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WrestleMania 31 became a huge hit, with so many wins and twists that many could not comprehend. Zack Ryder winning the Intercontinental Championship, Brie Bella winning the Divas Championship, the Usos winning the Tag Titles, Cody and Dustin Rhodes had a excellent match, Damien Sandow winning the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royale, and Seth Rollins cashing in at the main event of WrestleMania and winning the World Heavyweight Championship.

However, there were some unexpected returns such as the Undertaker for his match against Sting, Lita appearing and going to have a rematch with Michael until Triple H and Stephanie ruined things, and Chyna returning to compete for the Battle Royale.

The last one was a shock as many know the history between Chyna, Triple H, and Stephanie, and Chyna left WWE in late 2001. So what made her return after so long and having a brief stint in TNA where she teamed with Kurt Angle against Jeff and Karen Jarrett?

The answer...


September, 2014

We see Chyna, aka, Joan Laurer, is seen at a restaurant as she waits for someone. She looks at the time on her phone as she sighs. Soon, someone arrives as they standing in front of her. She looks and gave a small surprise face, seeing the man in front of her.

Michael: Hi. Been a while.

It was Michael McMahon. Three years ago, Michael got the chance to meet Joan, as she was his favorite wrestler, in TNA, where she wrestled after so long. Joan was uncomfortable seeing the son of Triple H, but calmed down after Kurt and other former WWE Wrestlers calmed her and she let Michael take a picture with her along with an autograph.

Three years later, they meet again. This time, Joan wanted to see him, after hearing about how Michael was this great person, and learning about him from others. She left when Michael was a toddler, so she didn't see what antics he did backstage, until he debuted in 2005.

Now, Joan was surprised to see how Michael grew in those three years. He's taller, mature, and...she has to admit it...quite handsome.

Joan: Hello.

Michael can feel the awkwardness of this reunion as he sat down.

Michael: are you?

Joan: I'm fine. You?

Michael: Doing better. School's fine and exciting when you have friends who put up with your antics.

Joan: True. I must say, you really grew a lot since we last meet.

Michael: Yeah. I hit a growth spout the next year. And just continued to grow.

Joan: I see.

Michael: So what about you? You didn't seem to return to Wrestling after appearing in TNA.

Joan: I...really had enough. I just wanted to be at peace with my's hard.

Michael: From what I read and heard about well, had it rough.

Joan: Has your parents talked about me to you?

Michael: No. Not a word. Not even when I was liking you as a wrestler. But they did tell me last year about what happened between you three.

Joan: How did you react?

Michael: Wasn't pleased to say the least, but it was the past so I can't do much other than say that I wasn't thrilled. After that, I realized I made you uncomfortable so I decided to not interact with you, as I didn't want you feeling that way again.

Joan was surprised. She was wondering why he hasn't been looking into her, but now understood. He wanted to keep her privacy and mental health. Which she can't help but feel gratitude that he respects her personal space.

Joan: I see. Does your parents know that we're meeting here?

Michael: No. Well, yes, but it's for another reason.

Joan: And that is?

Michael: I rather not say it public, as I don't want people to know. You feel me?

Joan: Gotcha.

Michael: I was going to do it here, but I learned you were residing here after you contacted me, so it's a coincidence that you live where I was traveling too.

Joan: I see.

Michael: So why do you want to meet me, Joan?

Joan: ...What are you, Michael?

Michael: What?

Joan: From what I heard about you from others, you're this Angel like figure that is amazing, gentle, sweet, and friendly. Then, you turn into a being that people is scared off, after they did something wrong, like bullying, harassment, and even assault at times. And you showed no fear, no hesitation, you just worry for those in need.

Michael: Well...that's just me being me, Joan. Not doing anything that benefits me. Just doing what benefits others. It's not that it will make me feel good about myself, but instead it will make others feel good with the help I do for them. That's why I'm doing this Connor's Cure after pitching it with my family.

Joan: You like Donating, don't you?

Michael: Of course. Plus, I get to do it while being involved in the charities I do. I help build homes, jobs, and even better schools for kids. Plus, I've been trying to make reforms for WWE, such as lowering travels, give more Women chances, and especially give out breaks like Winter, Spring, and a few weeks of Summer Break, so that the Wrestlers can have time with their families.

Joan: Wow...that's real sweet of you.

Michael: Thanks...sorry, it's just that...hearing one of my favorites as a kid saying is something.

Joan: I understand.

Michael: need help on something?

Joan: ...*sighs* Yeah. I tried to get my life in order,'s hard.

Michael: I understand. So...let's start little by little.

Joan: How will we do that?

Michael looks around and makes sure no could hear him. After confirming it, he leans over to Joan.

Michael: I have some knowledge and experience dealing with someone who was an going through that same like you. So, I'm gonna use that experience and try my best to help you.

Joan: Did this someone recover?

Michael: Yep. I kinda became that older brother figure and that help him get motivated to do what he likes the most.

Joan: Interesting. Okay. I'll be in your care, Michael. Just don't do anything funny, got it?

Michael: *tilts his head* Like what?

Joan sees the confused look on his face and realized she was getting the wrong idea about his intentions as they're indeed genuine.

Joan: I...nevermind.

Michael: Okay.

Soon, Michael places his hand onto Joan's as she looks at the determination in his eyes.

Michael: I'll help the best I can, Joan. It's up to you, though, if you want help, as I know there are times when you get the best help, yet you go back. But, you know damn well I'll never give up on something that means for someone I care about.

Joan felt her heart skip a beat as she felt...loved. She never felt someone wanted the best for her in a while and this kid, who's the Son of her Ex, wants nothing more but help her heal. Soon, she felt some tears in her eyes as she tries to stay calm.

Joan: Thank you, Michael. You're really what others said you are.

Michael: *smiles* And that is?

Joan: An Angel in Disguise.

*time skip*

Joan starts to rebuild her life with the help of Michael. She got to learn a lot about him as he learns about her too. Soon, Joan felt like a new woman after so long with substance and alcohol abuse, as she was motivated to make Michael proud.

Soon, inevitably, Joan started to make amends to those she was distant towards, and especially Paul and Stephanie. However, and after a terrifying Michael made sure nothing happened, the three adults admit their wrongs in the past and have since became acquaintances.

This led Joan back in WWE after so long, and to her shock, the fans are happy to see her back. She has since got more involved in Wrestling, not just in WWE, and Michael made sure she's allowed to do so as she needs some exposure in the indy circuit.

Joan can never thank Michael enough for his help and even planned to make a speech for her potential Hall of Fame induction where she would detail how much Michael meant to her and have wished she got to know him long before.

*much later*

Michael has been an onscreen figure in WWE show as he helps with the booking backstage. He has since made several segments, storylines, and matches work wonders, but was still limited by his lack of power backstage.

However, he was given free reign with the Divas, Tag Teams, and Midcarders, as he took advantage of those. He pushed the likes of Zack Ryder, Cesaro, Dolph Ziggler, Dustin and Cody Rhodes, the New Day, Brie Bella, Paige, Naomi, and has since reunion the Wyatt Family.

This caused a lot of people to love Michael more as they never thought he would have the skills and knowledge to book these superstars and shows. Soon, a push for Michael getting a shot at Seth's WWE World Heavyweight Title began on July.

The hashtag #MakeMikeChamp was created as fans and wrestlers who know Michael wanted the company to give him a chance in winning the Championship. They wanted to see the Prince of WWE winning a Championship as his family, from his parents, Uncle, and Grandfather, have worn a Belt before so why not him?

It got to the point that as Michael's 18th Birthday was approaching, fans and wrestlers got the movement more intense. So, WWE had to address this.

August 10

RAW began with Seth Rollins mocking John Cena after he (recklessly) broke his nose weeks before and even put a picture of John and spoke as him to demean Cena while praising himself. However, fans we're not interested as chants of "Make Mike Champ!" was heard.

Seth was getting frustrated as this has been going on since July.

Seth: No! I will not give Michael a Title Shot! This whole movement is stupid and ridiculous! Just because he will turn 18 on the 25th shouldn't matter! He will not get a shot at my-

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as Michael comes out as he looks around and the fans cheer for him. Seth was seething in anger as Michael dances and makes his way to the ring.

He gives high fives and makes selfies with the crowd before entering the ring and posing for them. Seth looks on as Michael asks for a mic and turns to Seth. His theme fades, but the crowd was still cheering.

The chanted for Michael as he looks on with a smile while Seth ignores them. Soon, they started chanting "Get the Title!" as Michael laughs at that. Soon, they chanted "Make Mike Champ!" and Seth was having none of it.

Seth: Shut-


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Seth was spooked as everyone was startled as well. They forgot how loud Michael can yell without even using the microphone. Soon, Michael takes a deep breath and looks at the fans.

Michael: I didn't say stop, guys. Only for Cruella here to shut his piehole.

The crowd laughed as cheered as Seth glares at Michael.

Seth: This is your fault, you know?

The crowd boos as Michael shrugs.

Michael: Aaaaaaaaaaaand? So what? You got triggered by chants? Damn. Sensitive much? Back in my days as a younger lad-had to add that as I am still young just not as young back in 2006-

The crowd laughs at that.

Michael: Guys like Kurt, Edge, Randy, and others don't get triggered by this. They chanted to praise me, not to insult you. If they were, then it's understandable.

Seth: It doesn't matter. You could've told everyone to be quiet about "MakeMikeChamp" BS and things would be fine, but no. You let it happen.

Michael: You think I can control what other people think and say?

Seth: Well, you've been popular since even before your 10, so I figured you might have these people on the palm of your hand.

Michael: Who am I? Bray Wyatt? Bull. I don't control what they want. I don't control what they say. Hell, I don't control what they want to see. It's on them, they made the push, they made the hashtag, and I'll be damned if I will let a No good backstabbing piece of shit like you.

The crowd oohs and cheers as Seth gets in his face.

Seth: You are not going to face me for MY World Heavyweight Championship, Michael. Not now, nor next week, not even SummerSlam. Hell, not even on your damn Birthday. And that is final.

The crowd boos as Michael stares at him calmly.

Michael: Alright. How about this? Since you're not eager to give me a shot at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, how about...tonight you defend your chance at facing John Cena for the United States Championship at SummerSlam?

The crowd pops as Seth looks at him in shock. Michael wants him to defend his shot at the US Championship.

Michael: know Cena is open for a challenge. So...if you don't accept, I'll face Cena next week and maybe just maybe I would beat him for the Title and then face you at SummerSlam for the Championship. The choice is yours, Seth.

The crowd oohs as Michael gave Seth a dilemma. Either saying yes to his challenge later tonight or not and both Michael and Cena face each other next week. And that would lead Michael to most likely win and then faces Seth at SummerSlam.

Soon, Seth thought of the advantages of both choices and made a decision.

Seth: You know what? I've decided. I will...face you tonight, Michael, for my shot at the United States Championship at SummerSlam.

The crowd pops as Michael jumps in excitement, as they are finally getting a match for him after so long.

Seth: Under one condition.

The crowd oohs as Michael turns to Seth.

Seth: If you lose tonight, you will never get a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship. Ever.

The crowd boos as Michael looks at Seth and just...smiles.

Michael: Deal.

The crowd gave a cheer as Michael's theme plays and the two stare at each other.

How's the chapter?

Next chapter will be Michael vs Seth. For the first time.

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