Why I am Not Like You

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February 2, 2015

The RAW after Rumble couldn't be held due to Harsh Whether but it allows interviews with different Superstars about their matches. Even have a face to face between Brock Lesnar and Daniel Bryan.

Tonight, Daniel address his win at the Royal Rumble Match and that he's going to prepare for him Main Event match against Lesnar at WrestleMania. Soon, Triple H and Stephanie arrived to rain on his parade.

They spoke of how their son, Michael, in the words of the WWE Universe, "Saved" the Pay-Per-View, but that they're not happy Daniel Bryan won after trying so hard to make sure he's not Champion after he vacated the title from Injury.

They even point out that Brock would most like cause Daniel to retire because that's how much of a Beast Lesnar is. He has no respect for anyone, sees them as an obstacle and destroys them. Daniel acknowledge that, but he's been through worse, mainly from them.

He even talks about how Michael is truly a McMahon everyone can trust. Because he sees what they can't see. Success and the love from the fans. Triple H denies that as he promises Daniel that Michael is much like his family than he and the fans could believe.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as everyone turns to see Michael coming out to the stage. Soon, they cheered even more as to what he's dressed as.

Michael: Still Bad, just a Smooth Criminal. AEOW!

Michael spins and poses before making his way to the ring as Triple H and Stephanie regret saying anything about Michael being like them. Daniel is seen laughing as Michael enters the ring and poses to the crowd.

He was given a mic as his theme fades but the crowd continues to cheer. Michael looks around as the crowd chanted "Thank you, Michael!", thanking him for helping Daniel win the Rumble. Hunter snd Steph scoffed as Michael smiles.

Michael: So...everyone wants to see me, right? *gets a cheer* I mean, I heard my name being said, so I figured people wanted to see me? Not like these two, since you know...you're jerks.

The crowd oohs as Triple H and Stephanie glared at Michael.

Michael: And I guess I ruffled the Authority's feathers last week on Sunday, and I know most are not happy about it. Also, this outfit is not to piss you off, mom and dad, I just look good on it.

The crowd cheers as Triple H sighs.

Triple H: You just have to make any word I say irrelevant when it comes to you, right?

Michael: Not really. Any word you say is irrelevant nowadays. Especially when you don't have a good image when it comes who should be successful.

The crowd cheers in agreement.

Triple H: What do you see in Daniel, Michael? He doesn't seem like someone who would main event WrestleMania twice against Brock Lesnar. He's not in Brock's level. And you know that.

Michael: Because he showed he can kick your ass and kick the Authority's ass and win Last year on the same night.

The crowd cheers as Daniel nods in agreement.

Michael: You tried so damn hard to get the title off him. To the point you made Kane be a Demon again. And even then, you failed to push Daniel Bryan down, time after time after time. It gets boring how you tried so damn hard yet you fail each moment.

Triple H: You talk a big game, Michael. But let me remind you, even if you're now grown, you still are a kid so don't think you can understand what me and your mother tried to do for the WWE.

Michael: Oh, I don't understand because of my age? Dad, I've been understanding since I learned how to walk on my two feet. You think because I'm not fully an adult yet, makes my opinions meaningless? Man, you got to get your head check. No wonder why I am so much not like you.

The crowd cheers.

Michael: I respect the Superstars. I care for the fans. I care about what they are going to see. I listen to everyone. And lastly, I make sure they can put their trust in me when they feel bothered by something. Do you have any idea how many stupid things you wanted to do with the guys at the back that I personally burned and destroyed? Here's a hint: Too many to count.

The crowd oohs as Michael gets on Triple H's face.

Michael: So when I'm here, no one does what they're uncomfortable to do. And that is why I am the most like person in Wrestling, both by the Wrestlers and the Fans themselves. Because I am the one that gives a damn about them!

The crowd cheers as Triple H scowls at Michael.

Michael: You know how much that B+ Player comment you made affect those you worked with? RVD, Chris Jericho, Edge, Uncle Shawn. Guys who don't fit what the Company see as a A+ Player. Well guess what, dad? you were not a A+ Player in the beginning. You weren't like Austin, Rock, Taker, until you got the opportunity to show what you can do. If that doesn't eat your words out, I don't know what.

The crowd oohs as Triple H grabs Michael by the shirt as Michael grabs his arm. The crowd was going crazy as Hunter's glare was overshadowed by Michael's.

Even Hunter was taken aback by Michael's stare and frown. It's as if whatever being inside Michael came out and switched places as this is not his son. Soon, Stephanie, feeling this is getting out of hand, places her hands on their shoulders.

Stephanie: Please. We can't do this right now. Calm down.

Fans were surprised as they never seen Stephanie this worried before. Soon, the two calmed down as Hunter's lets go of Michael but they continued to stared at each other.

Michael: No matter what you do, Daniel Bryan will main event Mania against Brock Lesnar. And there's nothing you can do about it. Don't test me, dad. I have connections, unlike you, who has only a few that want to work with you.

The crowd cheers as Triple H glares at him.

Michael: But...if you have doubts...how about you put your "Future of WWE" Seth Rollins against Daniel at the main event, tonight?

The crowd cheers as Triple H seems to like the idea.

Triple H: Deal. Let's see if your "Champion" could go against the Architect tonight.

The crowd cheers as Michael nods. But then he smirks.

Michael: There's a catch. It's No Holds Barred.

The crowd pops as Triple H and Stephanie looks at him in shock. He just swerved them in an instant.

Michael: And the Authority and myself are banned from ringside.

The crowd cheers as Triple H couldn't believe Michael set a trap for them.

Michael: Pleasure doing business with ya. *winks*

The crowd cheers as Michael drops the mic, tips his hat, and walks out. Daniel was quite bewildered as Michael was joyful, to serious and scary, to then quick witted and sneaky. He's definitely changed.


We see Michael walking dow the halls as he greets superstars and Divas. Soon, he continues his way before the Bella Twins went up to him. The crowd boos as Michael looks at them.

Michael: Can I help you?

Nikki: You were quite disrespectful to your parents earlier. Do you have any shame for doing that to them? You're a grown adult now, you should be more respectful.

Michael: ...What's this? *brings his fist up*

Nikki: A fist?

Michael: Right. *bonks her head*

Nikki: Ow!

The crowd laughs as Nikki held her head.

Michael: That answers your question.

Brie: Hey! What's wrong with you?! You're old enough to respect Women-

Michael: Key word: Women. You're not Women. You're Divas. Which, in the eyes of Gramps and Kevin Dunn, are less than Women. Not like Lita, nor Trish Stratus, even Victoria.

The crowd oohs as Nikki and Brie stare at him in shock.

Michael: Tell me...why were you not involved with the Authority after SummerSlam last year? You turned on Brie, seemingly joining them, and feuding with her, telling Brie she's dead to you...then you made her join you again and won the Divas title...yet the Authority were not around with you too.

Nikki: There were busy. They couldn't have time to focus on us.

Michael: Sounds like a waste of time and energy. That's how my mother manipulated you two. She feeds stuff in your heads, turned on both of you to hurt each other and now that you're back together, she's focused on other stuff. Like tearing down your Brother in Law while I be the support your sister, his wife, should be.

Both Twins stare at him as they process what they said. Soon, Michael grabs Nikki by her face, scaring the fans as she looks at him in fear.

Michael: That "Died in the womb" bit...really hurt me as I love my little sisters. Especially as it also hurt Women I know who's children died in the womb. Don't make comments like that again, or I will make sure, even if this is PG or now, you'll be seeing your face running red. Got that?

Nikki nods frantically before Michael lets her go. He then turns to Brie as she backs away.

Michael: You're weak.

The crowd oohs as Michael walks off as the Bellas look on, making a mental note on not messing with Michael.

Brie: He's really like them. He has his mother's eyes.


The match between Seth and Daniel went on as both men went back and forth, brutalizing each other. With the Authority banned, Seth is all alone without any help, whatsoever. However, he did show he can handle DB on his own without any assistance.

Daniel, however, not pulled away by the roles of the match, was fierce and cunning. This made fans remember his days in the Indies as Bryan Danielson, the American Dragon. Soon, Seth went for the Curb Stomp, but Daniel caught him, wraps a chain around him and applies the Yes Lock.

Seth taps out as Daniel gets the win. Daniel poses to the crowds cheer as they feel he's sending a message to Brock Lesnar. Suddenly, the other members of the Authority arrive as get ready to beat down a weakened Daniel.

They surround the ring as Daniel wasn't gonna backdown. Suddenly...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as the lights went out. Soon, they came back on as Sting appears in the ring next next to Daniel Bryan, getting a huge reaction. Everyone was shocked to see Sting on Monday Night RAW as he looks ready for a fight.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops again as Michael comes out through the crowd as he pulls out his Iconic Chain weapon. The Authority backs away as Michael swings the Chain around, walking towards them.

Sting pulls out his Bat as Michael enters the ring, joining Sting in having Bryan's back after a brutal match.

The Authority glared at Sting for his involvement in removing them from Power as the Icon of WCW stares back at them. Michael is seen yelling at them.

Michael: I told you I have connections!

Soon, the Authority began to leave but vowed that this isn't over. The crowd cheers as Sting and Michael showed respect for Daniel as the show ends with the shot of all three men staring at each other.

How's the chapter?

Next up...WrestleMania 31 and Michael's own introduction for the show. With a different match card.

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