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Alice's POV

" I can't believe they finally let me out on my own" I thought to myself as I road the boat to the new European branch island. I usally have 10 regular exorist on my tail every time I go outside. Since I am the youngest and most powerful general class exorcist plus I tend to get really lost. As the boat got close to the island yet  still didn't dock  I saw Cross waiting at the dock. He waved at me when he saw me. I smiled and signeled him to get ready his eyes went wide when he reailzed what I was going do. I ran straight and jumped over the boats saftey rails to the air. I command " Grow as I  walk my roses". As I got closer to touching the ground roses and vines grew from below my feet where I stepped in the sky. I ran down the steps that I created in the air.

I  then jumped into Cross's arms he caught me bridal style. I threw my arms around his neck and pecked his cheek I said " Hello Cross". Cross said " Hello Alice." I said " I missed you why didn't you come visit me." Cross said " Ugh Alice I didn't even wanna come to this place what in the world makes you think I wanted to go to the central of the black order." I jumped out of his arms and said " I don't know I would think you would like to see me." Cross sighed and said " That's not what I meant Alice."

I stepped foward and said " I know but I  lonely". Cross said " Yes I know them having you locked up in that dark room only allowed to come when told. It is painful isn't it." I said " Yes it is painful it is even more so when there is nobody around that actullay cares about me."Cross said " Now Alice you now that I have always cared for you." I smiled and said " Of course I  know that Cross." I touched his cheek and went on my tip toes I kissed the other side of his cheek where he wore his mask. I let my lips linger and pulled away slowly when I felt stares.

 I looked at Cross to see he was blushing a bright red. I gigled and took a step back I looked down Cross had a tent in his pants seems he was very turned on by my actions. I said with a chuckle " Some one needs a cold shower . Or a dip in the ocean". I said " grow " and flick my wrist toward Cross and vines pushed him into the ocean.

I chuckled as he resurfaced and shouted " Damnit Alice you are going to be screaming my name when I get out of here." I screamed back " Good luck trying to catch me." I grabbed Lenalee's hand and said " Lenalee let go eat something. " Lenalee said with a unsure face " Sure General Alice "

I smiled and said " Don't worry about Cross he will have a hard time trying to catch me."

A few Hours Later

Allen's POV

I watched in shock as master chased General Alice in dining hall. Anyone could tell she was thoroughly drunken. She kept swaying her hips in the air and some people strated whistling. Lavi was one of those people master screamed " Shut the hell up " at everyone. A finder then shouted " Strip ". Master said to General Alice  " Alice don't you dare!"General Alice then started to strip. Master said " Maria activate Carte Garde ". Maria popped out of her coffin and began to sing her mind control song. General Alice screamed she screamed in pain she stopped all movement she was now only in her underwear.General Alice shouted through gritted teeth " Don't make me hurt you!" Master said " Alice your drunk, sleep."General Alice stopped screaming and passed out.

Master caught her in his arms and sighed in relief. He said " Thank you for not fighting me." I have never in my life seen this part of master. Master took of his black order coat and placed it over her.General Alice mumbled " You win this time." Master said " Yeah, I will take you to your room." Master picked her up bridal style and she slung her arms around his neck.

 Before leaving Master gave everyone death glare they all froze in fear. I looked at Lavi his face looked like this 😍and he said " Strike". I asked " Lavi I think it is better if you stay away unless you want my master to kill you." Bookman panda attacked Lavi and said " Baka General Alice is 3 years younger than you she is 16." Everyone screamed " What!!" Lenalee said " She is a year younger than me." Bookman nodded his head. I asked " Then what is she doing with master?"

Kumoi said behind them " They are lovers." Lenalee asked " Big brother but how she is only 16  and how old is General Cross?" Kumoi answered " Lenalee I believe he is 38." { Guys I just took a wild guess cause I don't know his real age but if you do please comment thank you}

Kanda said " I can see why he loves her she is stunning." Everyone turned to Kanda shocked Kanda had never taken interest in any girl before. I said " Who is General Alice master hasn't spoken of her to me."

Kumoi said " Allen, General Alice grew up in the black order nobody knows who her birth parents are she 4 was able to reach a hundred percent synchronization when she  turned for when she turned 10 she reached a critical breaking point. She then went into a coma for 2 years because of the over whelming stress on her body. when she awoke her innocence had crystallized she was first crystallization type in existence. Her innocence before crystallization was a parasite type called aria. A special song she sang caused akumas to turn into rose then dust. It goes for any akuma even noah. Her ablitly transformed into a much stronger power since then she is the youngest most powerful general in history." Everyone said " Oh"

Lenalee asked " Big brother how do you know so much about General Alice?" Kumoi said " The vatican gave me her file they said to keep her under control." Lavi asked " Why does she need to be kept under control." Bookman said and panda attacked Lavi again " Baka with such great amount of power she is bond to lose control at times." I asked " How will we be able to keep her under control. If we can't even keep her form getting drunk and almost stripping all the way. I mean master was able to do it but he had to use his innocence and had a hard time." Kumoi said " Good question we will figure it out when it happens." Link asked something that I really wanted to know " How do General Alice and General Cross even know each other?"

Narrator POV

Then suddenly loud moans and bang sounds erupted they were heard through out the island. Then they heard Alice's voice scream over and over " CROSS" along with loud moans. Everyone turned bright red. Everyone heard Cross shout " Tell me the name of the person you love!" Alice screamed/moaned " CROSS AHHH MARIAN". Everyone said " Goodnight " and sccuried off to there rooms. Through out half the night the moans continued. Around a little after midnight the noise stopped and everyone was able to fall asleep.

-In Alice's room-

Cross got dressed and kissed Alice's head. Alice said " Cross don't leave please." Cross said with a sigh " I have to report back to my room Vatican's orders I will see you again I promise." Alice got out of the bed naked her eyes glowed in the darkness her white hair covered her body. She said out stretching her arms out to him. Alice said " Come ". Cross stepped into her arms she embraced him in a hug petting his long red hair. She said " I love you Cross Marian". Alice kissed Cross on the lips. Cross said pulled away slowly and said " I love you Alice."

Cross picked Alice up in his arms and tucked her in bed. Alice instally fell asleep cross returned to his room where to guards stood by his door. Cross entered the room closed the door and took of his coat poured him self a glass of wine and sat on the windowsill drinking his wine. He heard a thud behind the door and got out his gun judgement. The door opened slowly and a slient bang was heard.

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