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Allen's POV

- The next morning-

I looked out my window and noticed that it was raining. Tim flew out of the room as soon as I was dressed. I said " Tim " and followed him. Tim lead me straight to masters room. Standing there Kumoi, Dircetor Lvellie, Link and a guard the window was broken and there was blood all over it. Tim was in front of Kumoi, Kumoi was kneeled down in front of Tim. As Kumoi stood up I saw Master's mask with a a hole on the right corner covered in blood. My eyes widened in realization I said " Tim woke me up and led me here". I wanted to ask Master what he meant when we talked that morning.

We all froze when we heard Alice coming down the hall she probaly came to be with master.

Narrator POV

Lvellie said " Walker don't let her get any closer to this room." Allen said " Why". Kumoi said " If General Alice found out about Cross she would go berserk Allen she can not find out." The Alice's foot steps got closer. She suddenly stopped then she began to run she said to Allen as she go closer " Where is Cross". Lvellie said " Damnit she smelled his blood already inspector Link get your feather ready." Allen said " General Alice he is not here right now." Alice came closer to the door. She ran past Allen into the room she stopped as soon as she saw the blood her body trembled Kumoi walked away from her slowly. She grabbed Cross's broken mask she said " no why is this here why is it covered in blood he only takes off his mask when he is alone with me." Thunder crashed in the sky rain pounded through the window's hole.

Alice said " It's his blood but he is not here where is he." Alice  said her hair covering her face " I will not cry I will not lose control I will not lose control I promised you that if you disappeared I wouldn't lose control." Alice thought " Why did you leave Cross why is your blood splattered all over the window why you promised me you would see me soon. I need to stay in control but I can't control my emotions I feel it my power and emotions rising I need to let them out before I explode." Alice said " Leave all of you close that door, don't come within two feet of this room. Allen Walker is the only one who can come close to the door and to come an get me when there is a important mission."

Allen said " Eh why me". Alice said turning around " Because he trusted you the most and he loved you like a son."

Allen said " It didn't seem like love to me." Alice said looking down at Cross's mask " Cross had a special way of showing feelings to others especially you Allen he really didn't know how to act with you that's why he was always distance." Alice hugged Cross's mask tightly her hair covered her face again. She said " Out everyone now." Everyone exited the room quickly.

The next night

Allen listened to a message his master recorded in Tim Cross left only a voice recording no video. "Allen  you need to stop wearing Mana's mask you believe that this path is the one me and the 14th put you on but your path is created as you walk. By the way Allen this next recording is solely for Alice so take Timcampy to her. " Inspector Link came in and said " Walker go get general Alice we have a mission to look into a innocence case."

Allen nodded and walked out the door to Alice's room. Link did not follow Allen as he always did because he knew if he did he would anger Alice. Allen knocked on the door Alice said " come in Allen". Allen entered the room to find the window missing Alice was soaked her silver hair was dripping wet and her eyes glowed a intense blood red, her pale skin glowed in the darkness of the night sky filled with tiny stars and a full moon.  Alice sat on a bed of floating red roses and vines one leg saw curled to her chest the other laid on the roses. She held Cross's mask to her chest the blood that was once on the walls were gone. Cross's mask was no longer broken it was whole again.

Allen thought " She is beautiful even if her eyes are cloud with emotions she looks like an angel." Alice was looking out at the sky the bed of roses was right besides the missing windows hole. Alice turned her head to Allen and said " What is it Allen".

Allen said suttering at first " G-g-general Alice my master left a message for you on Timcampy he only wants you to hear it."  Alice face brightened and she said " Timcampy did he really leave you a message." Timcampy nodded he then bite Allen's head. Allen cried out " Okay Tim I will wait outside by the way General Alice after you hear the message we have to go on a mission along with some other exisorist." Alice nodded and Tim flew over to Alice curled both legs to her chest. Allen left the room Alice said " I suppose you want me to make it so no one will be able to hear us." Tim rested on Alice's knee and nodded. Alice said " Na chi do re uka." A sound prof barrier was formed around Alice's rose bed.

The recording began Cross said " Alice if you are hearing this now then I am no longer in the black order some one from the vatican attempted a assassition atemp on me I have reason to believe it is Apocryphos I believe I told you about him didn't  I it is innocence with it's own will it tried to kill me for the sole reason of protecting who ever the heart is and to keep me from telling the truth of this war and the 14th. Alice his next target will most likely be that stupid pupil of mine do me a favor and protect him for me. I have a feeling you are going to make me  promise you that I will see you again. Don't worry I will keep my promise I won't die and leave you alone. You will probably see me in a year or so. Remember thought do not lose control no matter what they say or do remember that I will see you again. I love you Alice." Just like that the recording ending.

Alice said to herself " I will wait for you Cross as I always have I will protect Allen even if he turns into the 14th the order may have raised me but the only reason I stayed was for you Cross. I don't care if I betray the Vatican or the black order they made the mistake of hurting my only love.  I will not betray my innocence I will still fight akuma." Alice said " Timcampy I need you to erase the message and what I have said can you do that." Tim nodded his head and his body began to glow all traces of Cross's recording to Alice and Alice's words after were erased.

Tim's body slowly stopped glowing Alice said " Tim would you go and tell Allen to bring me so clothes from my room and brush." Alice said " Cancel " and the sound prof barrier around Alice disappeared. Timcampy flew to the door and Alice got up off the bed of roses and went to the bathroom/restroom. Alice snapped her fingers and the rose bed disappeared. She entered and striped she heared Timcampy leave the room. After taking a warm shower she got out of the shower and heard Allen enter the room. She wrapped a towel around her body after drying her hair. She exited the room Allen stood there shocked to see her come out. Allen held her black  order uniform{ her uniform is a red dress that goes up to her mid tightwith long sleeves and a pair of black fingerless gloves she wore long knee high black lace up boots and red knee high socks including her black underwear.}

Alice held out her hands and said " Clothes " Allen blinked and his face turned bright red he hand her the clothes and quickly turned around to leave. Before he could move Alice said " Wait for me outside." Allen nodded quickly and scurried out the room with Tim. Alice gigiled and said " So inncoent if he was any one else they would have tried something on me." Alice got dressed sliding on her gloves and boots. Alice grabbed Cross's mask and said " Allen you can come in now." Allen entered the room his face was no longer red. Alice said " Let's go"

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